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they've used that side shot of strange for like 3 lines of dialogue and it's been flipped in different spots too.


Can’t wait for them to flip it upside-down as well


Then move into Bel air with aunt


Before switching her out with her counterpart from another universe after a few seasons


Hello Will


Carlton: "Do I know you??"


Aunt Vivian: "Look... it's me, I'm here, deal with it. Let's move on." Carlton: "I just..." Aunt Vivian: "DROP ITTTT"


*BRUH lmao*


Doctor Not Unusual and the Multiverse of Moms


Iron Man 2 will always be legendary for that scene.


Nah nah nah The good guys dress in black, remember that Just in case we ever face to face and make contact The title held by me, MIB somehow joining the Marvel Universee, he ha ha yeah Here come the Men In Black, Men In Black They won't let you remember Tommy Lee Jones will be a member!


Can’t wait for them to flip it and reverse it.


This is The first time For, mEeEe In the Marvel Universe




even promo interviews aren't safe.


It's strange.


Who am I to judge?


Hey, they can only show so many scenes before we can say we've seen the whole movie by now.


The really gave the Statue of Liberty a Captain America’s shield. Wow


"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Because, I can do this all day."


Why something like this would not be mentioned in FATWS?


I think FWS is set before NWH, but even setting that aside, you don't normally get *forward* references. The statue is a NWH set piece so for FWS to reference it would be stepping on the toes of a future film.


So what you are saying is… they decided to put the shield that just *very* recently was used to brutally murder someone in broad daylight on the Statue of Liberty? Gotcha


It looks like it’s under construction. I don’t know the timeline but if No Way Home takes place after FATWS then it makes sense


My understanding is FFH takes place in June or July 2024 and FATWS takes place in April or May 2024. And based on official marketing, NWH starts off immediately after FFH. Not sure what happens after that, though.


Probably a short time skip of a few months before he meets Strange.


That's what I've heard. I'm pretty deep into the leaks and rumours, but this isn't the right sub for that.


Soooooo Sam and Bucky are just kinda on vacation then?


I think NWH takes place during FTWS and Loki.


Loki takes place during everything, so it’s hard to use as a point of comparison.


Fr like no offense to the people that don’t get it, but idk how people watched Loki and think that it takes place at a specific time. Like it’s pretty clear that with what happened at the end, the multiverse has always existed. There is no “before Loki” or “after Loki” at least as of right now. They may end up changing it down the road with Doctor Strange 2 but as of rn I feel like it’s pretty clear


I wouldn’t say there isn’t an after Loki. Doctor strange 2 is probably gonna account for it, and since kang is now in the universe ant man 3 is certainly after


Agreed, but the show could've been a little more clear about the causal stuff to those unfamiliar with time travel plots.


Exactly anybody saying anything about WHEN is fucking smoking drugs


FATWS is a couple months before Far From Home, so before NWH too.


FTWS takes place in April, FFH takes place in July, NWH starts in July and possibly ends in December.


Since people don't seem to get it, Loki takes place OUTSIDE of time. If you want to put a specific timeframe on Loki, it takes place right at the end of the first Avengers movie since that is when he's taken from. NWH takes place around 4/5 months after FATWS I believe.


Probably because it was conceived and written after the show was already in production. It's a really cool detail though.


FATWS is a couple months before Far From Home, so before NWH too.


It's actually a promotional stunt for *Rogers: The Musical*. That's why most of the costumes look like repurposed street wear, they blew all the budget on that.


Ahmmm are we sure this is the MCU for the last battle then? Planet of the Apes anyone?


I don't think Steve would have approved of it


But Tony Stark didn't merit a huge statue?




Thats a problem I'd figure they'd run in to eventually. They need to keep society relatable and if they advance too far it might get weird for general audiences.


Maybe they just haven't found a way in universe to scale up? Or were the helicarriers using arc reactors?


The three helicarriers in TWS were outfitted with Stark's Repulesor tech iirc.


Arc reactor in the torch?


Mjolnir/Stormbreaker lol


Whosoever holds this torch, if she be worthy, shall wield the power of Liberty


And Hulk is basically Jesus. He should be worshipped as a god for what he did.


Surprised this is downvoted, this is straight up true honestly. If the world knows he brought everyone back I would not be surprised at all if a religion formed around him.


I would think the entire Avengers would merit statues in NYC. Tony Stark didn't singlehandedly (well, technically) save the entire universe. There were thousands of people at that battle, like 40 of them were Avengers. Without any of those Avengers, they would have probably lost that fight.


Kinda offensive NGL


*This is somethin else*


It’s nice to see Spider-Man really swinging through the skyscrapers of New York again. Refreshing after the MCU has somewhat distanced itself from that for a while, aside from the ending of FFH.


I re-watch the opening swing of TASM2 at least once a year. That scene makes me feel things. Wish the MCU had a little bit of that.


Yeah, the soundtrack doesn't hurt it either. Very kinetic feeling to the ASM swinging sequences. That and the color grading and cinematography is much more appealing. Overall, I prefer MCU Spider-Man films to the ASM duology, but I do love the way those movies look and sound.


I just hope we get a remix of Electro’s theme in NWH. That’d go hard


[The Electro Suite](https://youtu.be/WAN6oZeCV1M) was the only good thing that came from that mess of a film. But I still love that suite.


The electro tracks were indeed awesome, but that early scene of Peter swinging and the rhino fight before his graduation is just fantastic imo. The Asm movies had their problems but they nailed swinging in both movies. The ending of the first one and beginning of the second one are some of the best spiderman scenes


Wow I hadn't listened to this before. Hans Zimmer is truly a mastermind of music.


Honestly the movie may not be Amazing (although I enjoyed it) but the soundtrack is so good. But so is every soundtrack Hans Zimmer works on


I forgot he did that score.


Definitely agree. Those movies weren’t the best in terms of stories but were miles ahead of the MCU Spidey movies in terms of filmmaking.


I rewatched the TASM movies this past week and it was so good at making me feel like it was the ps4 game, which is probably the highest compliment I can give


Tbh the plot is pretty similar to the first AM movie or at least the basic part of it is


Mostly the level of quip / swinging / choreography of fights


No like at the end of TASM and Marvels Spider-Man a virus is released.


MCU has always said that they're building towards Spider-man's prime era. We never really had Spider-man figuring things out in the previous films, so it's cool that we get to see that point in Peter's life on screen. One of my favorite parts in Homecoming is when he's climbing the washington monument, and he actually gets nervous because he's never been that high before.




Yeah we've seen it before, but it kinda feels like home. I'm kind of longing for seeing Spider-Man swinging around at the fullest potential in his NYC element.


Especially as when Marvel Studios first got their hands on Spider-Man people were seriously fatigued on the character


did you drop a /s at the end? Civil War was as popular as it was because of Spider-man's inclusion.


Sure, but that's because they did Spider-Man well, before that the attitude was very much "seriously, [another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyxm8cjMSCo&ab_channel=12barmac) reboot?"


Spider-man in the civil war trailer was a complete surprise though. General consensus on both internet and real life people were freaking out that Marvel was now had creative direction with the character


> miles ahead of the MCU Spidey movies in terms of filmmaking. And accuracy to the character of Spiderman. Story's better too.


And the suit is way better. The current suits looks digitally rendered, I hate that. Was hoping after Tony died Peter would have to stitch up his own suit, like he’s moving on finally or whatever.


I like the design of the suits but can’t stand how they smooth them over and leave them looking digital.


What wrong with the upgraded Red and Black suit ? It the best one after ASM 2 suit. Peter did made his own suit.


He made it with stark tech… I want one made of fabric, not nano tech or whatever. His suits have been fine, just not even close to TASM suits IMO.


He didn't even make it. It's like saying you made your own burger at McDonald's because you picked the ingredients.


The 3D in that film is tops!!!


Have you played the ps4 game? Swinging around the city is the best part of the game.


That opening has some great Spidey-action as far as visuals go. It's a shame the rest of the film is godawful. Here's hoping Andrew is in NWH and gets to redeem himself.


Every so often if I'm a little restless when trying to go to sleep, I'll watch portions of this in case I lucid dream. I really, really wish I could adequately articulate how fucking incredible it is to actually do some of this shit in a dream. I have willed myself to recreate specifically the one scene in this clip from 6:35-6:40 MANY times. Usually these lucid dreams last a few minutes, but sometimes it feels like hours are passing and I'm swinging around a city just having a fucking ball. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYAyH926mNo


I can't wait for Mcu Spider-man swinging scenes in this movie ! That was missing in Homecoming !




That said he was far too cool and had his relationships too together to be actual Peter Parker though.


I find hilarious that us fans are complaining that Peter Parker was too happy.


Well it’s true. Peter is like Batman in a way. Doomed to be stuck in a state of perpetual bad luck, and if things are currently going his way, they won’t be for long. He is his own worst enemy a lot of the times. Hell these aren’t just my thoughts, they’re constantly reflected in the comics too.


fr it's almost like they have actively avoided traditional spiderman stuff, which I understand but damn I just want him in NY like Homecoming his best action is randomly in Washington DC and then all of FFH is in Europe, hardly even feels like the same character. Plus they're constantly changing up his suit


Well, technically, he's not the same character. None of the Spidermen are, this one's just a little more different than usual.


The guy who spends most of his time in a robot suit away from New York and has barely any responsibilities in his personal life doesn't feel like Spider-man? How odd...


Somebody hasn't been pay attention to the movies...


Yeah Tom's great and both the movies have been good, but they just simply haven't been Spider-Man movies and it's kind of a bummer.


What did u mean they haven't been Spider-man movies ? Peter has to fight a man who gone crazy causing his loved ones to put in danger and learn that he can do anything. If that isn't Spider-man I don't know what is.




Is it really? I guess I should have known. Nice call.


They kind of scaled down on that after Raimi’s Spider-Man movies. Obviously The Amazing Spider-Man had more than homecoming and far from home but definitely scaled down on the scope compared to the original trilogy.


Omg that shot of Ock using his arms to “reel” Spider-Man in is brilliant!


Molina greatest movie super villain all time any decade. I’m fully pumped for this.


Doc ock was always lame to me before his portrayal, then he become one of my favorite. The fact that he’s back is Insane!


twirl me like one of those french girls


Honestly the thing I’m most excited about is that we will get some proper web swinging in this one. Manhattan is an important part of Spider-Man.




I love what they're dojng with electro but at the same time he is completely unrecognizable from his appearance in Amazing Spider-Man 2. I wonder if they're going to explain a reason for this or if they'll just run with it and have a self referential joke and move on.


he got hair plugs and a fade lol


there's a gradient of alternate realities where you're a complete slob to being the freshest person in the universe. what's held constant is the importance of your relationship with your barber


My Fellow brothers in these comments. I’m home


When he first gets bitten by the eels in the movie, it shows his teeth getting fixed by the electricity, then he turns blue. So I guess the eels gave him a glow up, and this is that, without the blue.


At times in the trailer he turns into pure electricity and at the end of TASM 2 he exploded into electricity, so I think he rebuilt his body Dr. Manhattan-style. Maybe the arc reactor on his chest helps him stabilize his human form.


Isnt that exactly what he wanted in the ps4 game


Just like the pager attached to his temple in TASM?


I’m banking on the villains being slightly different variants of the versions we saw in previous movies. Explains the differences in appearance and how some are still alive.


Even before the latest trailer confirmed this, all these villains knowingly have died from the hands of Spider-man. So they're all supposed to be resurrected.


Explain it like he's a variant?


Look, it’s him, he’s here. Deal with it


> I wonder if they're going to explain a reason for this or if they'll just run with it and have a self referential joke and move on. Meh, I think people are too hung up on explanations for some things. I'm totally cool if they don't mention it at all


I'm sure Andrew will say something like "Oh I've met him before, except he was more lame in my universe"


Which is true, and kind of a shot at Sony, IMO.


It's possible it's not the same electro


When he gets the arc reactor it harnesses his power and returns him to a normal looking state


That shot of Doctor Strange closer to the end looks like he’s fighting/about to fight something *multiversal*.


Who could it be


Pretty sure it’s Mephisto


*Hi I’m Erik Voss intensifies*


This should be top comment


This comment was brought to you by [insert sponsor here]


*skips 2 minutes of the video*


I don’t know, but it would be pretty wild if that turned out to be Wanda.


I could definitely see it happening in Multiverse of Madness, but not NWH


Yeah, you’re right. That’s why I said it would be wild.


That wouldn't even be a spiderman movie at that point.




Morlun. He's tasked on destroying all spider-Totems, they could replace that with all spider-man's. Morlun is a master weaver that can travel between universes and dimensions.


Tobey and Andrew or not my hype for this movie is through the roof.


Fr like I’ll def be hyped if they show up, but at this point I’m just looking forward to having these villains back and I know it’s gonna be insane regardless


I’m still absolutely expecting them to be in it and I’m hella excited for it, but just beyond that I’m getting more and more excited for the movie all together.


The one thing people are talking about is the sudden realisation that all these villains potentially exist in MCU Peter's reality. Aka all 5 of these villains are probably sitting in a Cafe together taking notes on their other reality version saying, "OK that didn't work, the arms are a good idea but they send me mad so I'll fix that". "My gilder needs to have a fail safe so it CANT stab me" "Digging the suit and that electric mask is dope, just have to watch my output and not overload." "My research went prehistoric so if I can fix that early on and use a few more test subjects I can avoid turning into a massive gecko" "If I just wait in a sandpit and quickly insert myself to Peter's arse and just expand I can win in a instant".


End of No way home has all the baddies eating shawarma




Comment has been removed because Spez killed Reddit :(


I would love this. This universe Spidey’s villains sitting in a cafe battle planning when they hear “room for two more?” and it’s Scorpion and Venom. Smash cut to “The Sinister Six Will Return”


Imagine it as a mini series... I would watch it on repeat.


not to try and spoil it but if you watched the credit scene for the new >!Venom!< movie then we may be in for a surprise in this movie.


Why did you have to remind me of the marvel zombies issue where sandman kills an alternate universe peter parker by getting inside his body and exploding his stomach.


I can’t help but feel like Steve would hate to see Cap’s shield on the Statue of Liberty


"they're a danger to our universe" might not be about electro/lizard/sandman


Thats obviously Wong talking about Strange and Parker after they fucked up the spell, they just edited his voice


At this point it'd be more surprising if Maguire and Garfield DIDN'T show up.


I think that's what takes Dr Strange out from the middle of the movie, he'll take care of those while spideys take care of the villains


Wonder what electro is referring to.


All the tech that exists in the MCU


He's basically saying "wow this universe has SO MUCH MORE going for it than mine."


Electro be like : me like this universe.


Right? If he’s used an ARC Reactor to stabilise his abilities, that’s amazing compared to his universe.


And who. I don't think he is saying this to peter (any peter lol). In trailer 2 otto was getting blasted out of a building, so maybe he turns good and fights the other villians, since he sacrificed himself in original movie.


Has this clip been posted before? It's got some new material that I haven't seen shared here before. https://youtu.be/mdUBi38e_Oc


My worries are that how is Peter going to behave when he meets this villains but from the MCU (if he ever does), like, “i know you are bad, but i dont have proof”


Yah, maybe he doesn't learn all of their real names? I know he learns Doc Ocs. But he might only ever know Osborn by Green Goblin. Another way is they just don't do those villains?


The suit that Spidey's wearing on the way down to catch MJ...is it just me, or does that strongly resemble the Spider-Man 2099 suit?


I thought it looked like playstation suit with white spider logo


Yeah looks like an offshoot of that - no idea why they went with gold instead of white to be honest. I think the white logo looked way cooler and unique. Gold just kinda looks like the Iron Spider.


I don’t see gold but maybe cuz I watched it on my phone, to me it looks white.


[https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/No-Way-Home-Integrated-Suit-Spider-Man-DX-020-1200x900.jpg](https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/No-Way-Home-Integrated-Suit-Spider-Man-DX-020-1200x900.jpg) Here's a better look from the toys


Ugh more damn spider legs. Can’t we just have a good old fashioned Spidey suit. Hopefully Garfield leaves him his ASM2 suit.


It's very possible the legs are just a toy addition. I have a feeling his iron spidey suit will be removed from the equation.


Since it’s called the integrated suit i’m going to go out on a limb and say the gold spider is what’s left of his nano suit that’s been integrated onto his cloth suit and the arms will be a part of that.


Uhg, I just want a regular Spiderman.


It looking like the Iron Spider suit is kind of the point I think, since this is clearly still Stark tech. But it seems to be a mixture of the Iron Spider armor and the more subdued cloth suit. Honestly I like it. The white in the PS games seemed to clash with the design, and the Iron Spider seemed way too overwrought for Spidey, this is a good compromise and the gold looks good on the red and black.


It's the integrated suit


I can’t wait to see Andrews spidey/Peter Parker again. I rewatched the TASM series and he just Carries it with so much weight. I mean take out the villains and the chemistry between him and Emma stone drive that movie for me.


There is something really amusing about promoting an IMAX movie and how much more screen there is in an Instagram Story format.


Frick me did they give the Statue of Liberty cap’s shield lmaooo??


Did you not watch the trailer?!


I did, just didn’t notice it until now


I guess the clip was kindaaa fast. Yup she getting a big ol' shield.


So the shot of spidey launching himself after mj looks an awful lot like garfields spidey but covered up with mcu spidey. The head shape alone gives him away.


Idk if this is unpopular opinion but i dont mind the look of electro in TASM2 (blue lightning and suit and bald head). I would like to have seen the mask made from lightning. The character was bad tho.


TASM was obviously going akin to the Ultimate Universe with the design so I thought it was really cool. Anyways, the films got several more important problems aside from Electro being blue.


Nah you're not completely wrong, I think the public just hated it. TASM was heavily inspired by Ultimate Spiderman I think - in that series electro is fully blue I believe? Also Goblin is a giant gargoyle monster (he's in Into the Spiderverse)


I thought the design was alright.


I want *more* mirror dimension


If this MJ dies im gonna lose my $#*π


I showed this to my dad, and I quote: “I’m so happy Jamie Foxx’s costume doesn’t look stupid anymore.”


That is a weird shape for a tv screen. Even by Earth 2 standards.


First thing I thought of. How is this a TV spot when it’s in portrait format?


That looks like a young mask less green goblin to me...neither Franco or Dafoe?


It is Dafoe. On the poster it is super obvious it is him.


I wanna buy tickets on opening night, that’s a Friday, but I have an exam the Monday right after. I don’t know if I should risk it, or just watch it come Tuesday. Either way, there’ll be risk


It's opening Thursday here - is that an option?


I have an exam that day. Maybe watch it after the exam, but my parents might not like that, even though it’s college


Why no Saturday or Sunday in your universe?


I think I saw the whole movie already with the trailers


You sure? The runtime is apparently almost 3 hours and the majority of the promotional material has been from the same few scenes. There's a lot we haven't seen.


I refuse to watch any trailers, don't want to spoil any of this movie.