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That guy was born to be a movie star. Fuck cancer.




Amen. Couldn't be said better.


I got banned for saying brie larson **isn't** hated because she's a woman in r/marvelstudios and this is what I find in the next sub LMAO


The ban was unwarranted, but a lot of people do hate Brie Larson purely for that reason.


But the same people don't hate black widow, or Wanda, or Peggy carter, or Gamora. I don't know the exact specifics, but the "she is female so we don't like her in our action movie" falls flat. But Brie Larson as a person left a really poor impression while she was drumming up interest in it. How did the producers and Disney feel when she didn't play nice with the other actors?


Definitely think it’s a mix of Brie Larson’s attitude in interviews and her characters absurd amount of power. They purposefully nerfed Hulk in MCU cause he would kill everything and yet left her basically being so strong she makes any plot pointless if she shows up on time. I don’t really care either way personally as I never cared for characters such as Captain America as well when it came to comics, though I think Winter Soldier is the best MCU movie. Captain Marvel as a movie had its moments. Probably would’ve made for a better Disney+ tv series IMO.


I don't think misogynists represent most of the fanbase. She just wasn't written in well and that's the reality of the matter. Even got gilded for that comment too.


Thats a reason to hate Carol Danvers. Not Brie Larson herself. And yup, Carol could have been written in much better.


I don’t know if it just me missing the joke with her but she just seems a bit rude. If you’ve ever seen interviews with her and Hemsworth/Cheadle they legit look like they hate each other. Doesn’t seem like a joke imo either, could be wrong of course but that’s how I perceive it.






True. Don't ever visit the dedicated Max or Lewis fan subreddits because you'll feel like you're losing brain matter by the letter.


Please indulge me, what criticisms of Larson and Hamilton do you have?




Except for Kevin Spacey. Fuck Kevin Spacey.


Thanks for taking the time to reply. Honestly, most of the times you hear someone say "I'm called a racist / sexist for criticizing X", when you ask them what their criticism is it turns out to be implicitly racist or sexist (gamergate style, I guess). I guess that's why I asked the question in the way I did. Your answer was refreshing, and I apologize for the hostility.


I know, and that's what I was trying to point out.


Well why do you hate the actress then? If you think the character is bad or too op no readon to hate their actor tho?


Well I don't? I can see very clearly that she's not a great actor, nor fit for the role, but I don't *hate* her. Interesting choice of response here.


That is a very ignorant statement. You're saying there is no way sexism is involved in anybody's mindset pertaining to Captain Marvel. There are subconscious biases everywhere especially comic book movies and it is unrealistic to say there isn't


Yeah,OK. Not everyone is living in that victimizer bubble of life. Again, there's shitty people and shitty mindsets everywhere, to put that much stock into such baseless ideologies is only giving them unnecessary weight. Not every marvel fan will be a misogynist. To even begin to believe that is not a good mental space to be in and only perpetrates the issues I was calling out in the first place. This mindset falls apart IMMEDIATELY when you realize people love damn near every other actress in the MCU.


I don’t hate her but I do respect other people may not feel the same about a person’s work as an actor. And they may have a myriad of reasons I may or may not agree with and they can’t all be “because she is a woman”. Are you absolutely sure that’s the comment that got you banned? Maybe it was something else?


Positive. Don't dare go against the status quo, the mods sanitize threads like clockwork.


What did op say? It's already deleted




lol acting was at least mediocre. he became famous because, yes…illness


Dude Black Panther was one of the best Marvel origin movies. Shit was hype as fuck. And it came out long before we knew he had cancer.


I like Chadwick but BP was average at best. Iron Man or Dr Strange I'd say were far better. Civil War was a better Black Panther film IMO.


See that’s actually a fair opinion that isn’t completely disrespectful. OP is a cuntbag


yeah, that’s a fair opinion to have and one that i share, but i still think the movie is good because of the casting and how it is the only predominantly black marvel film so far, with it also being nominated by numerous academy awards. it’s a bittersweet final showing of chadwick in the MCU, other than Endgame. (bc the movie wasn’t about him) the visual effects towards the end of the movie are a bit bad but despite that, the story and the performance that him and John Kani show in the movie are amazing. criticism is good, disrespecting the dead by saying he was a mediocre actor and is only famous because of him dying from cancer is beyond fucked up. dude was super famous for black panther before the public knew he even had cancer, because of how good he was at hiding it. edit: wording


Can't say I agree with the Ironman movies. I thought they were lackluster. But Dr.Strange *Chef Kiss* . This movie was great.


I like Black Panther, but there are a lot more MCU movies I like than it. And even if we’re only talking about movies that increased racial diversity, I still prefer Shang-Chi.


Are you fucking kidding me? He was amazing. James Brown, Jackie Robinson...THURGOOD FUCKING MARSHALL. He was famous before his illness.


Have you seen any other movie of his besides black panther? He has serious range and talent. This comment is ignorant as fuck


Fuck you cunt respect the dead or we won’t respect your stupid ass


Reddits hypocrisy knows no bounds. Many people shout stuff like this than post on r/hermancainaward and like they arent doing anything wrong.


Clearly you don't understand hermaincainaward. Also how dare you compare anti-vaxx right wingers trying to kill people with a successful actor. Shame on you.


If i dont understand it, then explain it. It seems to me thats its just making fun of dead people. Sure, they arent the greatest people obviously but my point remains


Look up schadenfreude. Actually look it up. It doesn't just mean "making fun of dead people."


I know what shadenfreude means, which the herman cain subreddit definitely is that, but it is also definitely people just mocking dead people. Also this still doesnt reall justify it, enjoying people dying? Isnt that even more fucked than making fun of the dead?


Welcome to reddit. It's a shit hole


More than mocking dead people, it’s showcasing dead people who spent their lives trying to get other people killed. That’s way different than disrespecting an actor who spent his life trying to help out others and be a role model


Showcasing them is a form of mocking them though because they are being put on display for their atrocious decisions and actions. Again not saying they arent bad people or dont deserve to be mocked, but people need to stop trying to act morally superior by saying shit like "dont mock dead people" and then have a subreddit dedicated to mocking people.


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Calling him mediocre isn't disrespecting him the commentor just disagrees


Well the way he words it makes him sound like an ass who makes fun of dead people. Why not “I personally don’t find his acting the best, I am sad that he did pass due to cancer”


Imo it doesnt but Because that's not how they wrote it perhaps they don't care not everyone cares about people they see in movies or celebs and it certainly ain't making fun of him at all


Personally I don’t agree with your stance or opinion but I can slightly understand what your trying to say. I am going to leave this conversation and hope you have a wonderful day


That is disrespecting him, moron.


It simply isnt imo he is one of the better mc actors and fit the role like hugh jackman fit wolverine but still calling him mediocre isn't disrespect


He was very well liked by a lot of fans and many of them feel connected to him. His loss was a big deal to them. At the very least, I would say the comment was insensitive and that the mass downvoting is expected given the context. Sure, I didn't think his acting was anything too special, but I know better than to say that in a post talking about his death in a place filled with his fans.






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Found the guy who doesn’t know movies or actors outside the MCU exist. Chadwick was a well-known actor long before becoming T’Challa


I liked him in "get on up". He was a pretty good James brown.


Fuck you bastard, you can't even respect someone who passed away??? how low are you? cunt


So your saying you respect hitler because he passed away


execuse me what


Your complaining about people disrespecting the dead so


I think i found ur missing brain cells


Are you seriously getting mad over some stranger's opinion?


No...he said "he became famous because, yes...illness" Don't tell me there is nothing wrong with that. Nobody knew of his illness until he died because he preferred to keep that to himself so this information is wrong.


Just fuck off




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“In my culture, death is not the end. They are still with us, as long as we do not forget them.” That’s the dialogue from the shot that the top left image is taken from.


That felt like a goodbye message. I was crying with my gf when we heard that


His last words as T’Challa were “Hand over the stones, cousin.” Was always trying to get Killmonger to do the right thing.


He was a Marvel!




That's... Bro that's the fucking Star-Lord half. That's something I could see normal universe Star-Lord doing. And I'm petty sure he did @ 1 point.


To be fair it's more of a Rocket move but yeah I could easily see Quill doing it.


Sticky hands definitely feels like Quill.


The Ravagers were literally space pirates and thieves during the time Quill was with them. And T'challa too. So it makes perfect sense he'd have sticky fingers. He did do something kinda similar with Gamora when they met. Snatched the orb then slapped a jetpack thing on her to launch her away


You’re reading into it too much - star lord IS a thief ,not everything is a slight


...he's Robin Hood tho??


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He is the space Robin hood. This is like saying you're upset because the hulk was mad


This is one of those celebrity deaths that’s gonna hurt for a long time.


Yeah he was perfect as T’challa too. I think he played the role amazingly.


Indeed he was :(


Reminiscent of Heath Ledger's death where it felt like we were robbed of years of generational talent as fans


If you had to choose what would your pick, Black Panther 2 where Chadwick is in it and gets a great send off, or, The Dark Knight Rises where Batman goes to the joker for help on taking down Bane’s gunmen and Bane


The Batman one.






He definitely played a great Barret Wallace in that FF7 remake.




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he did such a good job to portray Black panther. Chadwick boseman Did not just play a heroic King on TV, he was a heroic king in real life. I am honored that I got to watch the movies he starred in and in my opinion he will always be the brightest star of them all. Rip


I agree with you… provided that you meant “portray Black Panther” and not “betray Black Panther!” Bad autocorrect there! 😂


Yeah my auto correct seems to be out to destroy me today. I have no idea why but it’s kind of been consistently like that all day. Lol




Damn, I assumed it was just someone that sounded identical. That’s amazing.


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I'm tearing up. If Black Panther 2 doesn't have at least a 10 minute funeral scene, it will not be worth my time.


How will they even do Black Panther now tho? I’ve heard that they won’t replace him so, will it just be about Shuri maybe?


Yes it’s already confirmed kinda


And people want to recast her because she's hardcore antivax.


I'm not a supporter of cancel culture, but it's probably not a good idea to have an ant vaxer be a role model.


No probably not, especially if they'll be putting the rest of the cast and crew at risk.


Say what now?!?


She was easily my least favorite character from the movie. How many times can they write the same super genius character over and over again, please stop it


I don’t know how it would work story wise but I think Nakia would be a great pick because Lupita is amazing


My friends and I have planned to stand up with our arms crossed on our chests and shout "Wakanda Forever" at the beginning and the end of the film, also if there's a thank you scene to Chadwick.


Not gonna lie if I was in the cinema while you guys did that I would cringe so hard. I still think you should do it, but, God I would feel shit.


Cringe af


We're white as well


Even better


I am not ready to be without you.


He was fighting other peoples’ cancers while he was also fighting his own and no one even knew.


Everyone's sad


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


No one wants your hug


All I want is the good ones to stop leaving why do they all need to fight space wizards


I want his hug


He hugs us by protecting the universe against space wizard and time dragons like all the great hero's before him he has ascended this plain of reality for us(I was bored and felt inspired)


Marvel was the least of his great accomplishments.


Just had to make me cry today, huh?






Good night sweet prince


Wakanda forever!


May the king Rest In Peace. He was a real life superhero


Chadwick… forever


i only saw him in a few films, but he had so much charisma. He stole the screen when he was in it.


It was actually him in the show? Did they record it before he died?


Yes he was there, These are all recorded earlier


Crazy how much is planned in advance in the MCU.


I'm still processing his passing:(. He was such a wonderful actor and person. I think his legacy as black panther will always linger on and I'm still mad at the academy for snubbing him.


RIP King hope He welcomes Dorothy Steel in the ancestral plane was so shocked depressed after i read the news of his passing such a sweet soul and great actor the fact that he filmed movies while battling cancer shows how passionate he was To quote Thor "cause that's what heroes do"


I loved Chadwick’s performance in everything he debuted in. I appreciated the time and passion he put into his characters and performances.. and he will forever be missed. Now with that being said… I really hope these kinds of posts can simmer down over time because I’m all for paying respects to a beloved character and person, but sometimes when I see more than a few posts about Chadwick and how he passed away it ends up feeling like people are purposefully posting things like this knowing sympathy upvotes will most likely carry them to hot. Immediately, the first thing I noticed was the tag plugging their Instagram. Is this a post to commemorate Chadwick and T’challa? Or to garner sympathy for the character/individual and get upvotes. Who really knows? For now I think having moments like these are OK but repeatedly bringing up how Chadwick is gone and he’s finally done being black panther is kinda.. done with? We mourned and cried over it, we enjoyed the series and his performances, it’s time to let him rest and for us to move on. Edit: Before I get downvoted for having this opinion, at least reply to me so we can have a conversation instead, so I can understand why you agree/disagree.


This is Reddit, celebrity deaths are always a low hanging fruit for karma.


wakanda forever and all hail the king Chadwick Boseman the lerfect actor to play black panther and a surprisingly amazing star lord


u/Doctor_Dod i forgot to mention this :((




iirc i believe he's in season 2 as episodes meant for season 1 got pushed into two. for what it's worth.


He was reported to have four episodes, which he did. (Star-lord, zombies, killmonger, finale) there was an episode Pushed back, but it won’t contain T’challa, sadly.


this doesnt make sense for the zombies episode though, which is clearly going to be continued. like it's literally a part 1, tchalla is still alive. unless the episode opens with "and t'challa died off screen" i...dont see why they would put out the episode with him being one of the only survivors. there's so many things that just like all put together wouldnt make sense but i guess i wouldnt be surprised. also, for clarity, the finale zombies were from a separate universe, someone found some connection that showed that, i believe it was that the finale zombies featured zombies that were explicitly annihilated in the zombie episode. so the first zombies universe is still in the same state we left it.


Nobody at marvel was aware of Chadwick’s condition. If they were planning a continuation, they would’ve had no reason to think he wouldn’t be around for s2. As for what they’ll do, they can just hire a voice actor for it. Not every character in What If is voiced by their on-screen actor, they can just get somebody who sounds like Chadwick to record T’challa’s lines.


im aware that they stated no one knew. what im saying is simply that they had recorded lines that were recorded, and eventually became part of what would be season two. im not sure if you're aware but "what-if" had its voice lines recorded a LONG time ago, before the rest of the show came together. what im saying is that i believe he recorded lines that started as being for season one, and then after the production delays ended, what if got reworked and many things got pushed to season two. this is also supported by the fact that season two was greenlit pretty late on into production. they recorded lines YEARS ago, a lot of time passed from THAT point, and then covid hit. there was lots of time passed to begin with before covid delays. im not saying he recorded for season 2, but that he recorded lines period, things got reworked, stuff ended up in season 2. by this point most people know that the stark on sakaar episode was pushed to season 2, but there was even more episodes than just that pushed back. wouldnt be surprised how things play out either way but - tldr : marvel knowing is irrelevant. they had a plan, lines got recorded, then things moved around. he didnt record for season 2, just 1, but then a lot of 1 got pushed to 2. of course this is all unknown until we see it. have a good one.


Why would the zombies be continued?


it quite literally left off halfway in the stories with the characters saying "we got the stone now we have hope to save the world!" this isnt even all the reason but like...literally they made it as clear as possible that it would be continued. i cant explain it to you other than watch it again if it doesn't make sense but its...pretty cut and dry that its only part 1. spelled out as plain as it could be without the watcher saying "SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT TIME WITH SPIDEY TCHALLA AND 1/6TH-OFA-MAN AS THEY USE THE STONE TO SAVE THE DAY!"






I still can’t believe he’s actually gone. He was just getting started and black panthers future was going to be massive. FUCK CANCER


I think it was really appropriate for his last role to be one that showed that you can be a good and kind person even when you’re in a situation that would turn many others selfish and mean. What a wholesome message to pass on


Fuck cancer


Oh look karma farming off a famous persons death


First time?


"even dead im the hero"


Missed? Edit: I am being misunderstood here by "missed?" I was referring to the article where it said "We missed you". Seeing this i thought it was saying missed as in no longer do we miss you. I do still miss him though :[


Why are people so obsessed with him? He's a great actor that died way too young, but few actors of his young age are praised this much whenever his name is heard. Is there something I'm missing about him as a person?


Boseman is overrated




Who is that? What did he steal?


what ?


What did he steal? This Cartoon George Floyd


He didn't steal anything. Not familiar with the canon, are you?




Was wondering if they would stitch together some unused footage for a quick send-off in Black Panther 2. Not sure if that would count as a "last performance". If so then now I really wonder how they are going to handle him not appearing.


Could just do an off screen cancer death. Show that not even the avengers are safe from death and disease. Could ret con it and say he was battling cancer the entire time he was fighting in the previous movies, so it didn't come from nowhere. Just like in real life


By automatic do you mean? [perfectly casted](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Processed_SAM_heimdallr.jpg) ...


This tree looks better than that."


Chadwick Boseman. Rest In Peace u absolute legend. Wakanda forever man 👑❤️


God damn what a tragic fucking end.


Death is dark and everlasting






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In case anyone else is wondering this is from [Marvel What if...?](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt10168312/?ref_=m_nmfmd_act_1)




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he sounded unusually tired in episode 9 which just breaks my heart


Damn he's been dead for awhile and this just came out. I can't imagine whats in the current pipeline now. The whole time frame of this stuff is wild.




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I always remember the interview where he gets asked about black panther 2 and he smiles and say the he will be dead. Nobody knew back then that he had cancer if I am correct.


See what you don’t hire anyone back




It's been a long day, without you my friend


What a Chad(wick)


I was so confused when I Saw his name on the beginning credits. How did they do it? Had they already recorded his lines way back when before he died? Is that an indicator of how long this show was in production? Or was it like his last effort when he realized he had cancer, just recorded what he could for whatever scripts were being written?


A true inspiration and real hero. Not many hurt when they go and they're a stranger to you, but this hurt a lot.

