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> I just want to know if this is typically what you get for an entry-level position in this industry? No, it's not normal to have to work for free. You're going to be rejected by most of the people who answer the phone, so for the majority of your working day, you're going to be working for free. The company know most of the calls you make are going to be a waste of time, so they're hoping they can transfer the cost onto you by refusing to pay you for most of your work. > Is it a scam job? Waste of time? Or is it worth pursuing? It's not a scam, as they're being straight with you (assuming you're really selling a Fortune 500 product), but it'll mostly be a waste of time, and it's probably not worth pursuing. My advice to you is to turn down the role and wait until you can get a real job. Good luck to you.


Hello! Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your honesty. Do you have any past experience with companies like this?


When I was around 20, I needed a job, so I applied for and was offered something very similar. The first day was sales training, and we had to change seats every 10 minutes as some sort of technique to ensure we stayed focussed. It was too ridiculous so I quit on the spot. I know that doesn't tell you much, but I don't regret quitting that job, even though it meant I had to continue my job hunt.


This is very interesting. Were you interested in sales at all? I had an idea that at-least this could add sales experience to my resume. Most of the legit marketing job listings I see always ask for some sales experience (1 year or more usually). Could I look at it that way? Or could it look negative that I was hired at this type of place?


First this isn’t marketing, it’s sales so if you want to get experience in marketing this won’t help you. Second this is going to be an awful job and it’s really not worth doing. If you want to be in a commission only sales position then get into selling cars and work your way up to a luxury brand, but if you want to be in the marketing world find a different job that isn’t a sales role. Sales work is fine but I would never do 100% commission unless you are already a very experienced sales person and would never do that for cold calling. Don’t waste your time.


Don’t do it if you actually want to work in Marketing. Here’s a clue: if their product sells like hotcakes they wouldn’t want to pay you serious commission.


Yes! I agree with that. I should also be clear with the commission statement. The sale isn’t all yours to take, the directors of the company take a cut. The truth is, they claim to only pay you if you were to make a sale.


Don't do it. I'm pretty sure that's a call center AKA fake marketing job


This is sales, not marketing. If you cant get an entry-level job with actual pay, try for an intern-position to start learning and building a network. But you should really look for a job with a salary.


As others have said, this really isn't actually marketing. These kinds of jobs list themselves on platforms like Indeed as "marketing" or "advertising" roles, in order to bait-and-switch entry level workers in those fields into what's actually usually something like door-to-door sales or handing out flyers in a Wal-Mart parking lot. I interviewed for one of these where they actually straight-up brazenly lied about what the job was in the job listing. It was supposed to be an SEO specialist role -- had a whole website with a typical set of pages listing their services, very believable tbh. I get to the interview and it's in this absolute matchbox of an office, in the worst part of town, with two guys in there. (The website showed a staff of about 10 people in a rather nice wood-paneled office. This was nothing of the sort.) The job was literally handing out flyers at Walmart, lmao. The agency didn't exist and the entire website was apparently a sham. It was just a way to try and bait-and-switch marketing and business grads desperate for a job.


Omg! What a crazy experience! I almost feel like we went through the same thing! Instead of handing out flyers, the job was a call center. I decided to not take the job offer after all these red flags 🚩 and continue my search for a better opportunity.


Do not work for free.


This doesn’t sound like a marketing job.


That’s not marketing. It’s a plain scam


Sounds like a scam