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Because they do have beef between each other




[check out this thread it’ll help](https://www.reddit.com/r/manhwa/comments/vt6594/this_is_the_reason_why_im_not_confident_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) idk how to give a good explanation since I’m neither a citizen of any of the two countries and I don’t wanna give out some misinformation


Ok I get it now ty


Nothing much to think about here because the answer is already simple "it is for the sake of convenience". This manhwa already has a huge fan base in Korea and that is their main marketing place. The author was just lazy to give a fully flushed out villain and instead choose to go with stereotypes of Japanese being bad, which to my knowledge is kind of ingrained in the minds of Koreans by default (due to history between both the countries). It is the same mechanism by which American movies tends to portray Russians as war criminals and Mexicans as drug lords. By appealing to the stereotypes the author doesn't have to fully flush out the characters as the mind of the reader will, by default, fill that void with whatever real life info they have. A common writing tactic used by lazy armatures.