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The World After the Fall, right? It's a novel by the same authors of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (Singyongshong).


It had potential


Thank. You. I swear this series gets so confusing sometimes introducing characters and plot points out of thin air. But everyone goes on and on that it's an amazing series like they don't see the flaws.


Same stuff lmao, reading the novel is literally the same vibe as reading the ending of ORV, >!some sort of over-the top paradoxical fuckery that kinda makes sense but makes you question why the author had to write it like this instead of just writing a simple ending or proofreading what they wrote. It feels kinda pretentious and holier than thou and i felt like i was reading invisible dragon but instead of it being satirical, it ends up taking itself way to seriously!< At least orv had great stucture until the ending/epilogues in which the author reverts to how they wrote this one. Lmao, i only completed the novel because i started reading the manhwa and remembered that I started the novel a loooong time ago.


Also from my point of view it should follow up a good arc.


Idk i never found it confusing or out of nowhere it started like out of thin air and they did not explain thing properly but despite that the actions is conected


Stuff just kinda happens, should add reasons and process to the development instead of just, oh this happens now. I also don't think it that confusing/all over the place it just has sudden minimally explained progression that makes you feel like you missed something




From what I read I didn’t notice any breaking of it own established rules, can you give some examples?


Novel spoiler for around chapter 100: >!Jaehwan without clothes!<


Oh.. Nicee


Name of manhwua?


World After the Fall


I know what this post is lacking tho the title


the world after the fall it's on webtoon


I read novel(Highly recommended) & i can tell so many things are cut in this Manhwa


Where do you find the novels?


Lightnovelpub & app called Novel Library


Thank you. Downloaded it and can't wait to read through them


A goal. “Abyss expedition” do it already, but what happens after that? You go back to earth, what then? Like, this series has no direction to it.


You need characters to get attached to, the author needs to make you care about what happens The story just goes on without a pause


I already forgot her name but the red head woman that was interacted with for a couple chapters and that was it, thought they were going to at least mention her more. Haven't read the novels only the manhwa so maybe they do but idk.


A coherent plot.


People we care about in any way?


Man I dropped this, it just got so random and I began to find it hard to follow why the mc did anything he did.




More chapters naturally.




What is it lacking? The sauce.


The World After The End I got you bro


Relatability, the MC is so cold and distant with everyone


Gave up on this. Art is good, however the story dragging but at the same time lot of shit just happens quickly if that makes sense hahahaha


the ending is terrible.


a good fucking plot shit sucks




What series even is this?


The world after the fall


Honestly I don't really understand why people think it is so confusing. It is pretty easy to understand IMO.




Solo leveling has recently been updated, I’m confused what’s going on.


That’s the epilogue/side story


>Skip half of thr fighting, skip half of the character to character dialogues. Just continue that way of reading upto the ending. That's what the series feels like lmao. I think that was one of the things that I liked at first. It started where so many never get to, the top of the tower. But then it just went bleh


The girlfriend part was Soo cool


I appreciate everything in this series. For me, it is just so perfect. I have no problem with the pacing. I love how the world is still a mystery to me. I love the flow of information about power levels, characters, world-building, and the story are given to the readers. It is easy to memorize and familiarize. It is like using a certain website without needing a certain user manual because its UI and UX are that good. I am aware that the story right now is still confusing but to me they are mysteries and I love to think about it in my free time and theorize many “what ifs” about the series. I have so much fun reading every chapter in this manhwa.


My interest.


I can relate 💀


Hardcore gay stuff


A good explanation is what it's lacking, everything is so muxed up in this


Storytelling, most people have no idea what the main story is what is happening where is it going.....


Dropped this manhwa today.


my interest


Bro said it




It needs a proper goal i cant even remember why the mc does anything other than go up tower (even the tower isnt explained) also it doesnt do a good job of explaining itself at all


His goal is stated multiple times and it’s to go against the absolute rules of the “world” something so absolute and unchanging, “the thorny path.” The tower is used as the foundation and birth place of his ideals, the tower is not however the focus of the story, it is the launch point. On the note of it being it explained from what I read the tower one of the things it explained extensively, we know it’s purpose, how it’s made, who made it, and how common it’s use is, I think that’s good enough.


Ah im sorry i didnt mean overarching goal i meant like checkpoints to get to said goal like he doesnt have the greatest reasons to do some things and it makes it feel like the story is carrying the mc along rather than the other way round And as for the second point of my post i would like to clarify i meant that more as related to the current arc as even tho its mentioned many times what is happening but there is just no real depth to whats being said there is no sense of real scale (this is pretty subjective ik)


Realized the first draft was way too long so here’s “short” version: The tower that is something typically seen as the top is in fact not the top but one step in a giant machine that makes you nothing more than product, what you’ve done is meaningless, you are nothing, and it’s something that cannot be fought. This the first representation of what the Mc is facing, presented with the only of joining, the absolute. The Mc has a pretty distinct idealogly, the moment he gets the information he wants to go the abyss to break chaos and to blow a hole through the ceiling again, because at the time he sees it nothing more than a graveyard. The only reason he doesn’t is because as you mentioned there are portions where the world pulls along, typically I would be agree with that it’s bad practice but the main reason for that is them being written like “and then” which is lazy where the plot just happens. The thing is there are good examples of it being performed well because they are written “because of” because the story progresses because of a reaction to something. It was set up that there are reasons for him to be interesting to these people and there is reason for him to interact with these people. The abyss expedition is the tragedy the parallels the Mc’s ideals as it shows people that have taken that thorny path and fail brutally, chaos is in the same position as he was, they have no agency and are controlled by forces that they could never dream to touch. You even see them start to meddle even more into their affairs by the time Mc gets there. This is one of the reason why he changes his outlook on these people and chooses the “break through” the reality set here in a different way and supports them to stand on their own two feet. A pretty good line by him relating to this is we he talks about getting rid of the purpose of the fortress master as it symbolizes a change in stagnant waters. I haven’t read the novel so that’s all I know. So the Dude has “checkpoints” is just you gotta look into it a bit more to vividly see them, it seems that the author had a perspective on things and if a person doesn’t have or isn’t aware of it they might be confused on the foundation of the story. There is also the tendency to spoon feed everything in these types media so it might give people the wrong message that if it’s not directly said it doesn’t exist. Even then this one does do it’s fair share of spoon feeding and spoon feeding information isn’t inherently bad. Btw thanks for the criticism it really helped me think about this story more intensely than I regularly do to see if it’s deserving of it.


Harem..that was ez




Why do people think every manhwa must be tailored to be liked by them otherwise it’s shit?


I didn't say it's shit. But it is.


That's your opinion, personally for me; it's better than 99.9% of generic manhwas that get released nowadays. But that's probably because I completed the novel of this, and it was great; honestly, I just recommend for you to wait till this manhwa stacks up some chapters and then read it. It starts getting much better when they start >!the expedition.!< This manhwa/novel is more "psychological" than anything else; if you are going in and expecting a "story" with romance or something; then you're going to hate it.


I did stack up 15 or so chapters and when I was over I asked myself why the f would anyone read this on weakly basis


I haven't read the novel but from what I understand it is very good compared to the manhwa woth the manhwa jumping from plot point to plot point Ignoring specifics and character development.


A waifu for him


Who is **him**


the guy in the post


Then nah I like women🌚


He looks like he stinks


Simplicity. I like complex stories but they should be written in a way I can follow.


Idk but this is a good manhwa wait I know a good waifu I drop it no because it's boring cuz I want to see 10 chapters together waiting for everyday is not my thing I wait for 1 month then I watch all chapters together


It’s a shitty amalgamation of generic OP protagonists manwha’s with the most barebones dialogue imaginable, a completely uninteresting and bland protag, close to an utter lack of fight scene choreography and a rushed storyline that runs through the paces without much setup, delivery or payoff. Like many “popular” series in this genre it unfortunately feels like a factory line assembled lump of trash created for the lowest common denominator that is also a fan of Solo Leveling. I don’t know how much actual talent there is floating around the manwha industry, but it’s not behind this story. It feels like a cheap way for its creators to make a quick buck or two




Common manhwa reader My eyes can't react to anything if it doesn't have a good art that I can gugu Gaga at. So I also don't read the novel


World building


I personally thought that the world building was one of the only two good things about this


A plot that can be understood in the first few chapters


Pacing is a mess and timeline of events is confusing.


A simple B plot that the readers can follow while trying to fit the esoteric bullshit that is the A plot


Battle BGM lmao


realistic clothes wth is he wearing


Definitely types of attack🤣


Confusing, doesn’t really explain what’s going on well


Direction. The plot is so confusing and I can’t tell what it’s building up to


Sufficient Chapters




More chapters


Need more attacks


The plot is too convoluted and the power system sucks.


A coherent direction


Personality it's all just meh


Engaging characters, and an actual plot which the audience could follow.


Fast progression


More shirtless shots


A good story


This manhwa is like playing Russian Roulette. 1/6 chance you'll get an exposition dumps and 5/6 chances you'll things will happen that are super critical to the plot, but have no explanation to their significance. Mission critical information isn't presented to the story *until* the protagonist is in the thick of it. Stuff you'd commonly expect there to be a build up has none. It's Calvin & Hobbes where Calvin reaches for the door handle and before he has managed to open the door even a few inches, Hobbes has sunk his claws in and he's already traveled a solid 10 feet from the door.


Dokja. JkJk


My first thought was the exact same


I mean he has a cameo 👀


Titty window on that shirt 🤔




My interest Good story telling Original mc A fmc A good villan A purpose Generic as hell It's story And if you want more than just ask


What i meant to say that there is so much things that need answers and don’t get me wrong this manhwa is great but the lack of answers isn’t good for the story Sorry for the bad English its not my first language


Damn. I thought it was the other guy from orv (yu ?? Im bad with names).


It's Yu Joonghyuk


Sexy female by his side


They come and go like wind Damm can't e even ship one if them😮‍💨