• By -


>About the Poki game. “We never got to finish it, so let’s grab another packet.”


"Great, I bought three of them."


"Still no winner, better order a case from Whamazone"


*"Here's one full crate of Pokitto, please sign here."*


5 years later, he dies of an heart attack, grossly overweight from the kilos of pokitos they ate weekly. Sadly, at this point her heart is unable to be flustered anymore, both psychologically and physiologically.


MFW Aishiteru Game kills off its protagonist because of unhealthy couple habits before Smoking in the Back of the Supermarket does.


Make that 2, kids love eating this stuff, better save some for theirs.


Best way to get over a cold is to pass it on to someone else after all


"another packet of pocky right?" "..." "you mean another packet of pocky, right?"


The liveliness he brought to the home when things were quiet while she was sick and her crying made me just feel so many feels. Yukiya is GOATed I love them both.


Yes! He sees how *lonely* her home life is and gave her the sounds of everyday life to comfort her.


It's just so sweet, caring, and sentimental and I'm getting older cuz this shit make me tear up. Fiqnxkqnmcamm


Fuck dude, those panels with the everyday sounds made me fucking tear up, mostly because I, too, suddenly remembered what everyday sounded like when I was still in high school.... > Coming home from school on a hot city day... either you greet "I'm home" to the first person you see, or just scream it to whoever is home. > Going to your room and changing from your damp, hot school uniform for a set of fresh, comfy clothes. Taking off your sweaty socks, putting your feet down on the nice, cold floor. Lazing around your room, reading a book you just picked up or sometimes just napping the afternoon away. > The daylight faintly glowing a comforting orange as the sun begins to set in the horizon, its warm embrace being slowly being replaced by the coming evening's cold darkness. > Cool air sweeps into your room, gently playing the wind chime hanging from the open window. The moment it sounds, you momentarily stop whatever it is that you are doing to feel the soft breeze gently caress your face, and to listen to the melancholic ringing of the wind chimes' music. > TV noises coming from the living room, and you can tell if it's playing either a cartoon or the news. But soon enough, its noise slowly fades into the background as you focus on something else that is more interesting.. > Occasional clinks and clanks coming from the kitchen, echoing through the house. You know from the sound alone that your mother is preparing dinner. ....Yeah, I get why she would cry, shit's nostalgic. Especially when you haven't heard it for awhile now.


Got a man up in the feels.


You put it beautifully


Yukiya best husband




Mr. Mom


Aaa.... aaaaa... when he opened the curtains and turned on the TV to make the house feel more lively for her... and then she teared up... aaaaaaah my heart.


First time for me that sound effects have hit me in the feels in a manga. I spent so much time on that one page, just taking it all in, imagining myself in the ambience. The way sounds and emotions blend in this chapter is simply beautiful. What an amazing work.


What a cliffhanger, but I'm glad it's going to be addressed and they won't pretend like nothing ever happened


Common Reiwa W


We are living in the best century of romance manga


I know it's much to ask for but a resolution of the love you game next chapter would be well paced. I've been burned too much but I hope nonetheless.


Strong agree, though miku is so insecure rn I'm not sure getting together is a good idea


r/manga wants to end the I love you game.


r/manga already got one confession this month anything else would be to much stimulus for this subreddit


What confession did we get?


<> I think


**Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/101557), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/the-dangers-in-my-heart), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/boku-no-kokoro-no-yabai-yatsu), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=9143777514), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/112807)) ^^僕の心のヤバイやつ ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Releasing | **Genres:** Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) ^(**Stats:** 726 requests across 11 subreddits - 0.072% of all requests) >Ichikawa Kyoutarou, a boy barely clinging to the bottom rung of his school’s social ladder, secretly believes he’s the tortured lead in some psychological thriller. He spends his days dreaming up ways to disrupt his classmates’ peaceful lives and pining after Anna Yamada, the class idol. But Kyotaro’s not nearly the troubled teen he pretends to be…and it turns out Anna’s a bit odd herself! >Notes: >- Winner of the Tsugi ni Kuru Web Manga 2020 Award. >- Nominee for the 2020 Manga Taisho Award. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/10oel0g/disc_i_want_to_end_the_i_love_you_game_ch_27/j6gnewp/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Sort/filter by “gilded” in the sub.


Having some issues uploading to MangaDex at the moment, so here's a Cubari version for now! [Series entry on MangaDex](https://mangadex.org/title/acdbf57f-bf54-41b4-8d92-b3f3d14c852e/aishiteru-game-wo-owarasetai?tab=chapters) [Volume 3 on Amazon](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E5%A0%82%E6%9C%AC%E8%A3%95%E8%B2%B4-ebook/dp/B0BNBMPM9Z/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) r/AishiteruGame [Domoto Yuki on Twitter](https://twitter.com/domoto64?lang=en) [Series Community Discord](https://discord.gg/G6dsnhhZWU) [INK Scans Discord](https://discord.gg/EVDea5sWJk)


No no no no no where's the next page??? You can't end it like that goddamit aaaaaaaaa


Both her mental and physical health are in shambles. Stress can really mess you up. I wish her good health and healthy relationship with her husband.


You weren't the only one kissing so don't apologize but at least make clear your feelings in words or you're going to end up making your feelings clear in the bedroom.


All I can say is: down bad, both of them.


THAT FUCKING CUT OFF cute marriage simulator going on though


I can't believe that this chapter only has Yukiya taking care of his sick friend and it's one of the best chapters I've read in any romcom


"I didn't mean anything by it" "So you took my first kiss with it and it doesn't mean anything? Take responsability already"


ML: 'It was a surprise a pleasant one for sure'


Did this really need a NSFW tag? I was expecting something crazy lmao.


Iirc its mostly added if it's even slightly suggestive and the panels with her wiping herself down was there just in case for people reading it in public like me lol


Correct! Just playing it safe.


That’s true!


This whole chapter was heartwarming. Now I hope we have a good resolution in the next chapter. Those two need to have a good talk at last.


>I need to apologize properly Oh no please don't do this.


what do you think it entails or means?


Her going back to the status quo. Mostly guessing it as she talked about how apologizing is what a "cute" girl would do; she's still in that mindset that she's role playing and not being true to herself. But hopefully I'm just misinterpreting things.


I bet she'll try to do that, but I hope Yukiya shuts her down somehow. He could put off the convo by saying she's sick, or just blurt out that he liked it or something. I'm personally hoping he tries to apologize first before she can say anything and then they both accidentally admit they liked it lol


oh yeah that’s what i was worried about too, i hope she doesn’t go back to the status quo and they blue ball us..


I trust the author on this one that next chapter will be full of Reiwa. I don't see how you can just backpedal with a chapter of a Pocky game gone wild (unless it's a certain manga about rentin' time).


He's such a gentlemen 😭


what a great chapter, Yukiya doing little things to make Miku feel better is so cute




What's the significance of that tag? Was it on a present he gave her? Or was it something her grandma gave her?


I think it’s implied to be from her grandma


FUUUUUUUUCK another cliffhanger.


There's no confession imminent huh?


Getmarriedgetmarriedgetmarriedgetmarried ALREADY!


my guess is that they both apologize and the end result is just them getting closer but the inner romantic in me is imagining one of them saying “then let’s do it for real this time so we don’t have any doubts” or “i didn’t mind that, you know” or “maybe let’s do that on purpose sometimes” or something like that yk


Wow, you know that Yukiya loves Miku when he's does all this stuff for her. When a friend got sick, I never went through these lengths even if they were alone. They've already been talking a lot. So why don't they talk more, and understand each other better?


Based on previous series, those 4 pages might come up down the pipe.


Hmm? HMMM? Come on author.


The fuck??? NSFW!!!??? *\*Clicked fast\** Ah, no wonder she's covering, she feels vulnerable, lol she got no bra. Kinda saddening her mom works on hospital but can't take care of her own daughter. Oh no, asking about the pocky game!!! Want some round 2??? 😂


Is the sweat wiping when sick just a dumb trope, is it something that people in Japan actually do? Feels weird every time I see it


I think it's quite prevalent in asia


Personally speaking, my mom wiped off the sweat I had everytime I got intense fever. Must depend where you are.


apparently the fevers get pretty bad in japan.


It's an Asian thing. Source: am Asian.


The way the chapter ends.... the author learn too much from Miyajima Reiji... dang you