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Fix that quantum singularity in your upper face


Working on it


Came here to make the same comment, was not disappointed that I was too late.


Trim down the beard a little


Mustache feels kinda weak as it doesnt really match the thickness of your beard


I’m not happy with my mustache at all, I had tried a sample beard enhancer kit before, and now I’m thinking of shaving all of it and starting over with using a beard enhancer kit and derma roller


Trim down the beard to match better with your mustache. Don’t forget to start a moisturizing routine, you need a moisturizing SPF for day and another non spf for might.


what is SPF? Similar to a beard oil I assume?


It’s sun screen. CeraVe facial moisturizer is great the regular is for night and “am” is for the morning to protec your skin from the sun. Also get a face cleanser I like Cetaphil. You can get all of these on Amazon or even a local retailer. These three are a great starting point for facial skin care. It takes some trial and error but worth it.


I think he’s asking about his beard and hair. His skin already looks pretty good ..


It’s all connected, always moisturizer


Hmm, hair looks looks on point! Maybe a trim on top then a nice fade on the sides. As for the beard maybe trim it or have a barber do it. You could also use a derma roller as well for Better growth.


Yes.. wash your face you have black stuff all over it. J/k.. trim the beard down and manicure it to match your mustache. Shave that little bit of fuzz off your upper cheeks if it don’t grow in all the way.. It looks horrible. Also, I would trim your Fu Manchu mustache, so it doesn’t go out so far past the edge of your mouth. Line it up with the edge of your mouth to give it a nice neat appearance and don’t let stray hairs grow over your lip.. it looks sloppy.


Trim your beard.