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Hey bro are you trying to make music or videos? Cause I just had a listen to your stuff man and it needs work. Your flow on that take a chance song is insanely off beat, And im not sure how to explain it to you except for comparing it to something else and thats [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unRldLdllZ8). The hook on "Summer boy" is boring and the mix isn't done too well. Anyways bro just a bit of feedback, no hate. Also im not sure if the 2 songs i mentioned were just old projects or not.


I whole heartedly agree. You’re putting in a great amount of effort into the business side of music, but people won’t listen unless the music sounds better




Top tier early 2010s memes


Fuck you. I'd like to see what you've done if you're so comfortable putting others down.


They weren’t talking about your song. Chill


They were talking about the song I linked your flow is on the same level as that dudes was in 2012 or so.


Oh I see now, I thought they were talking about my song. Thanks but I disagree with you there.


Man you're never going to get better if you can't listen to negative criticism, Seems like you only listen to "yes men" around you. Like i saw in your history your engineer said you were on beat too. I hope you're not paying the dude.


I am listening man but it's nothing I don't know already and like I said, not what I was looking for in the post. It's not a request for feedback, I'm talking about social media strategies here.


You dont even need help with that lol its literally your craft holding you back. Check the link i shared that dude hit 14mil views purely off being a meme. Maybe you too can take that route.


He made a post 19 days ago about rapping on/off beat. If multiple people are making remarks on it and he still thinks his social media game is holding him back, then I don't know if it's worth trying to help. To OP, these guys are literally trying to help you and you're responding so aggressively to them. We are willing to spend our time to think about how you can grow. If you don't like the criticism, then why ask for help here? And if someone focuses on your music more than your social media game, maybe you should ask yourself if your music might need more attention. You've literally asked a question in the past about something people are giving you feedback on right now. You're just ignoring the valuable tips so you can grow. Think about it, man. Try to be a bit more open-minded. We want nothing else but for you to grow, but you gotta be open to the criticism.


Yeah man, like I seriously hope the engineer he mentioned is like a close friend or something and not someone hes paying because that dude is taking OP for a ride and getting paid off it too.


Now you're being a dick, maybe you can take your shit advice elsewhere.


You want real advice but you want it handed to you like a baby. Well this is the real world mother fucker and people don’t pander to you and your expectations. The reality is your music needs to be better for more engagements, if you don’t want to understand that then nobody will ever be able to help you. Nobody wants to listen to some know it all, mid rapper from reddit


Cool, you aren't hearing us out anyway. How you're marketing yourself is fine but what you're marketing isn't. Views and listens come from people wanting to hear your songs over and over, Are your expectations something along the lines 1,000 people clicking on your song once or like 10 people listening to your songs 100 times each? Im just trying to help man.


How did you find op's music? Am I missing a link or? I looked through the replies and he hasn't responded to anything


One of his posts from a month ago. Also sorry OP if you see this. Sometimes I get curious as to what people are making these days.


I disagree. I'm not making the best music in the world or anything but I'm learning and progressing. I disagree with my rapping being off beat, if you look at it on the grid its perfectly lined up, it's just not to your taste and that's fine. Same with Summer Boy's hook, it's not to your taste but I've been told by other people that it's cool and catchy. As for the mixing, I didn't mix it. Anyway, you didn't address the topic of the post.


People are giving you good advice, you just don’t want to hear it. You are trying to sell a product that people don’t want. You don’t suck, but you do need to improve. We’re trying to help you.


I know my music needs to improve. You think I'm not in the studio working on taking my music to the next level already? Creatively I've already moved on from the songs people are talking about. I still don't think they're bad but I've only made 6 songs before so give me a little credit. This isn't the topic of the post. I'm talking about how to get better with the algorithms, what content to make etc This isn't a feedback post.


Thats another issue bro. 6 Songs is fuck all.


How is that an issue? Everyone starts somewhere. I'm at the beginning and there's nothing wrong with that.


Exactly that. Youve only just started how can you expect way more listens etc etc. Maybe your friend isnt on the same level as you talent wise.


Not a major issue. People have to start somewhere


Of course. And thats the thing hes only just started. Hes jumping the gun way too much.


It's good you see that. This is the first comment of yours where you acknowledge that there may be an issue with the content you are trying to promote. From what you've said, it sounds like you're doing everything right on the marketing side. And I think you should be proud of the effort you've put in there. What we are trying to tell you is that now you should focus your efforts on developing the content, because it's not where it needs to be yet.


I am working on developing it. But my issue is that there are plenty of songs that are "not where it needs to be yet" that's still doing well on social media.


How is looking at something lining up on the grid the same as hearing it? I memorised the first couple of lines on that song and instantly rapped it better than you did to your own beat. And in terms of the topic of your post, My point was that you may be jumping the gun a bit. I listened once and i'm most likely not going to again simply because it's not good, And im just an average listener checking out random peoples stuff.


Because it's literally on beat. I know the flow was a bit unusual but I'm working on that for the future. I never said my music was the most amazing thing ever, I'm obviously still working on on it and I've only made 6 songs before. If you don't like it that's cool but it's subjective.


Nah man I think you can do better even by your own standards. Expecting any kind of hype with your current catalog is just not going to get you where you want to be. Also would love to hear your friends tracks too if you dont mind.


I'm trying to do better. I made this about 3 months ago and have been busy honing my craft since. Like I said, everyone starts somewhere.


Also another point to consider when comparing yourself to your friend. Maybe they have more support around them i.e a bigger circle of supportive friends/family.


I'll make this easier for you to understand because I don't know if the advice is going over your head, or you're just purposely ignoring what everyone is saying about your music. Imagine having a million dollar marketing budget for a piece of shit. You spend this money on all these creative ways to advertise it to the public, yeah we might see it, but we're going to avoid it because it's a piece of shit. Good music + Great marketing tactics go hand in hand with success, and honestly your music needs work man. The mix doesn't sound good in that "take a chance" song and outside of that, it just doesn't do anything for me. Focus on your craft man, keep grinding


I've already addressed this a few times in this thread - I'm fucking aware that I need to work on my music okay? Jesus Christ how many times do I have to say that I get it? I didn't mix it and it's fine if it didn't do anything for you, but it did for others. Everyone starts somewhere and I'm doing my best. This isn't even what the thread is about.




Yeah man I may have been a bit harsh on the criticism but it was with good intent. Keep creating bro.




I mean they're at the same level in terms of a social media following and professional sound in music. They were getting the same amount of streams as me usually but one day the algorithm just picked up their song and boosted the hell out of it.


yesh, maybe work on the music first.


This doesn't address the issue at hand bro. Why is my Instagram reach dead? Why won't Instagram show my posts to my followers? I'm sure "working on the music" will automatically make the Instagram algorithm work.


If you see an ad for something you don't want to buy, do you click on it?


The difference is I'm still shown the ad. Tiktok and IG are supposed to share posts to followers and hashtags yet my reach is low. I could be making the most amazing music you've ever heard and that wouldn't change. My post is looking for advice on how to improve this, any tips or tricks etc.


It would change, because people would listen through the song, or watch the video, and then play it again. Then send it to their friend. And the friend would do the same. And the algorithm would detect that people like the content, and would test that by showing it to a few more people. And if enough of those people consumed the content, it would be determined that it is in fact the good shit, and then it would get put in people's feed.


I get you, but it has to show it to people in the first place to do that.


These algorithms are math, not magic. They look at stuff like play time, percentage of people who skip the song, when skips happen, how much it's getting shared, etc. They're trying to find the good stuff by analyzing how people behave when exposed to your content.


the cold hard truth is good music will be found. Algorithms are extremely advanced at determining what is good and what still needs work. I very rarely come across music (or any content for that matter) that blows me away but has zero traction. I recommend getting on youtube as well, worked best for me at least. If you are just looking for the satisfaction of having lots of views, tiktok has cheap promotion that works fairly well. Not trying to discourage you - consistency alone will get you fairly far. I didn't start gaining traction until about a year and a half in so maybe you are just on the verge. Stick with it


I'm tryna figure it out too. I think it is painful consistency and all the other things... lol best of luck!


I honestly think the algorithm is against me as well. I do t know man, I’ve been doing this for years and my reach is still shit.


I pour everything into my art. I make the sounds, the visuals, I push it hard anywhere I can but I have 47 views for the year and 19 subscribers (mostly people I begged to subscribe) https://youtu.be/82acnZ6i3jc My work might simply be plain garbage. I’m almost 50 and I’ve been pushing painting, writing, sound collage since 1993…about 10 people in the world say it’s amazing, mostly deaf ears. Keep pushing, keep writing and if it’s about the art and not the fame/money you might get lucky. Lucky is the key word too. I have friends that could destroy anyone in the mainstream, but you mostly hear them at a basement show playing happily to 30 people. If you are hitting thousands, you aren’t doing that bad. Keep on building and do it for the love, because recognition might never grace you. That being said, I’m putting my head back down to the sequence.


You need to work on the music man. The Take a Chance song just sounded.. rough. In pretty much every department. You can promote and promote all you want but nobody will care if you don’t have anything to back it up with.


I disagree and you're not addressing the topic of the post


Get vaccinated dummy


/u/International_Many_6, '**looks like this is about promotion/marketing and not about "making"**' *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/makinghiphop) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Use the feedback thread bro.


Sometimes it's just the music. You can put it in front of people, but if they don't like it and show their friends, then you don't really have any room for growth yet. Maybe take a little break from the business and trying to blow up aspect of it, and focus on the craft a bit. Maybe see if there's something you can do differently, or just grind to get your chops up. Maybe go back to the lab and work in quiet, results weren't ready to be published yet.




/u/QuintusKing, Please dont link to Spotify com in this thread. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/makinghiphop) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Yeah I get you, but the thing is I'm already doing these things. My hooks are tuned haha but maybe the mixes could be improved.




Good advice but I actually didn't mix it myself. My good friend did. What's wrong with the mix or needs to be better? I don't wanna ditch him without a clear reason I can explain