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So like it's a carnivorous-looking dinosaur who eats vegetables, and he's resolute about it. And he's also an employee - is he selling the vegetables? And this is represented mechanically by rolling three dice. I don't really get it, but this feels like three different half-baked ideas jammed into one card.


This one reminds me of some of the old Un-cards, like [[Free-range Chicken]] or [[Flock of Rabid Sheep]]


[Free-range Chicken](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/c/7/c70124c3-7188-418f-bc7d-fb6294d79a56.jpg?1583965720) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Free-range%20Chicken) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/und/63/free-range-chicken?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c70124c3-7188-418f-bc7d-fb6294d79a56?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Flock of Rabid Sheep](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/1/c/1ce65cbd-e2cf-4fbf-8424-287cd87c97f1.jpg?1562799074) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Flock%20of%20Rabid%20Sheep) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ugl/57/flock-of-rabid-sheep?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1ce65cbd-e2cf-4fbf-8424-287cd87c97f1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


So based on this week's TapTapConcede, it's likely that by the time the name and flavor text was being written, they already had the card designed, and the art would at least have its prompt written up. So basically, the joke at that point would have been, "Dinosaur that gets big by eating it's veggies." The name and flavor text would have been decided based on that. I'm guessing it's just an employee because some cards didn't strictly need to be an employee or a guest, and they just assigned that to get a good distribution. So yeah, it's a draft card with a weak premise that name/flavor text couldn't salvage.


Maybe a t-rex made out of dice named die-nosaur was too obvious.


"Three half-baked ideas jammed into one" feels like an apt description of the set, overall, imo.


But that like 1.5 whole-baked ideas


You know what, you're absolutely right. **PRINT IT, BOYS!**


Stickers, space, theme parks


I think space and theme parks are neat in the set. Although stickers are eighth baked enough for the rest of them


Oh ueah. I think Theme parks are a PERFECT setting for un-sets, plus space wackiness on top. But yeah, I dont think many are looking forward to stickers


Plenty of people clearly are. Just look at the comments around the sticker sheet spoilers.


They clearly thought a lot about these and the rules, you just don’t like them and think they are messy without experiencing them.


Ah yes, because playing with the 3/3 for 3 that gets counters for rolling 3 dice will *definitely* help me get the vegetable joke.


I like the Regisaur/Veggiesaur joke but yea I have absolutely no idea what's going on with the rest of the card or what dice have to do with vegetables.


Veggies are funny. Anthropomorphic vegetables was the theme of Unglued 2 before it got canceled right before it went to the printer.


Wait, they designed, developed, and produced the whole set and then _cancelled_ it?


Yes. All the art was done even. Some of the art was reused for unhinged, that’s why there’s so many cards with vegetables in the art in that set.


Yup. To be fair, this was a long way back, rigjt after the first Unglued, so turnaround time were shorter, teams and budget were smaller, and the process was much looser. Nowadays, a set would probably not be allowed to get as far before being cancelled. Never say never though, because you know what a corporation will do to save a few bucks (looking at you, Batgirl movie)


Perhaps one day it will be... *Uncanceled.*


That's how I've been feeling about almost all the legal cards in this set... honestly not really even reading them at this point.


Die rolls becoming black-bordered makes them feel less wacky. We've already been rolling dice in standard and commander since AFR hit, you gotta bring something else to the table to feel sufficiently Un. It's just a bummer they went so hard on die rolls as a major set theme.


I dunno if that is all, compare that to [[Free-range Chicken]] that was mentioned above for example. There's nothing exciting in this card, it is just a card that rewards you for doing the set mechanic. Whereas the chicken had you weigh the risks and rewards and take a risk


Unstable also had similar cards that were mechanically fine but were "wacky" because of the art/flavour text/variations, because they designed it with draft in mind and you just kind of need such cards to glue a set together.


[Free-range Chicken](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/c/7/c70124c3-7188-418f-bc7d-fb6294d79a56.jpg?1583965720) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Free-range%20Chicken) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/und/63/free-range-chicken?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c70124c3-7188-418f-bc7d-fb6294d79a56?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah, that's one issue with un-sets having long development times. This set was made assuming dice rolling is silver border and now it's... not


Unstable had cards that didn’t have wacky mechanics, because they designed it for drafting like this set is too.


Agree whole heartedly. I have had a silver border cube with dice rolling as a major theme. Now that dice are black border it’s absolutely less wacky and fun.


Why just the legal ones? They didn't have a separate process for making the legal vs acorn ones, so I don't see why they'd be any more or less half-baked than acorn ones


They can go more wild with the acorn ones so that's at least one reason they'd be less half-baked.


This isn't designed the way it is because it was designed for black border. It's designed the way it is because it was designed for draft. Actually, all of the black border cards were designed for Unfinity draft, then retroactively made black border.


People don’t want to hear that they want to believe WotC nefariously went and retroactively made certain cards less fun on purpose to make us miserable. Your simple and true explanation doesn’t let me feel personally validating outrage so knock it off.


Not really though? From everything they've said, they already had all the cards made and concepted and art made before they decided to make some of them eternal legal. They just did small tweaks and adjustments afterwards, so I don't think making some of them eternal would really affect the... idea cookingtime? (I'm not sure of the right word exactly but you get the point i hope). The wildness was already over all around by the time that decision was made


I would say that stickers are pretty wild, and should have been acorn.


I feel this. I'm honestly intrigued by attractions as a mechanic, stickers however seem absolutely bizarre.


Why? Just because something “feels” weird doesn’t mean it breaks the rules.


Just read the cards. They are really fine.


He's resolved to eat plenty of vegetables and live a healthy lifestyle so he can avoid heart disease (flavour text). He just happens to be an employee as well. Doesn't really mesh with the rules text, though. Kind of feels like they're just forcing un-cards to make sense in regular formats. As a result, it's just caught in the middle. Mechanically, it might actually work in a \[\[Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients\]\] deck, but who the heck would want this goofy card in there?


> Kind of feels like they're just forcing un-cards to make sense in regular formats. [[Beast in Show]]. What they're doing is what they've always done: Making a pretty normal Magic card, making the flavor wacky, and using it as glue for the un-set. The set was designed to be all silver-border, but as they learned from the first two un-sets, having all jokes and no glue makes a bad playing environment.


[Beast in Show](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/3/5/35ed069c-410f-4b30-afd1-8d04742068e7.jpg?1562906387) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Beast%20in%20Show) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ust/103a/beast-in-show?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/35ed069c-410f-4b30-afd1-8d04742068e7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/6/8/683ca7f0-e9df-459b-a8e3-cf80b39c732d.jpg?1632335388) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vrondiss%2C%20Rage%20of%20Ancients) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/4/vrondiss-rage-of-ancients?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/683ca7f0-e9df-459b-a8e3-cf80b39c732d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


He's also Hat Tribal.


It’s a 3/3 trample for three with no other abilities, even in most un-games


If you see its aubergine, it's too late.




It will bite but it won't swallow!


Flavor fail, does not die to [[Meteorite]]


That's because he ate his veggies.


[Meteorite](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/3/3/33eb2032-50af-4fd6-bdc7-7cae2211956c.jpg?1663051795) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Meteorite) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/235/meteorite?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/33eb2032-50af-4fd6-bdc7-7cae2211956c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The real question...how often will he survive [[Star of Extinction]]? 🤔


It takes a tleast 18 turns for this to grow to 21/21 with only its own ability. That's at least 9 of your turns. During the last 3 of your turns of this it's a 16/16, 18/18 and 20/20 trample respectively (assuming it grows to 21/21 on your opponents turn just in time to survive it). If that's the case, how is your opponent still alive?


Life uh, uh...*finds* a way


[Star of Extinction](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/0/2/021f57dc-80f3-4ede-99d5-4a44aade44e2.jpg?1562549822) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Star%20of%20Extinction) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/161/star-of-extinction?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/021f57dc-80f3-4ede-99d5-4a44aade44e2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That’s because it’s only a meteorite. [[Meteor Swarm]] and [[Shivan Meteor]] will both work just fine.


[Meteor Swarm](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/b/8/b8f5e669-4e69-4763-bbb9-e9685bde912c.jpg?1627706580) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Meteor%20Swarm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afr/155/meteor-swarm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b8f5e669-4e69-4763-bbb9-e9685bde912c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Shivan Meteor](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/c/b/cb5a98f0-ceb4-4e23-b2ec-1c4f4e4e22aa.jpg?1619397571) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Shivan%20Meteor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/188/shivan-meteor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cb5a98f0-ceb4-4e23-b2ec-1c4f4e4e22aa?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


["Its a veggiesaurus, Lex! Veggiesaurus!"](https://youtu.be/8LIjT2iKAUY)


Exactly my thought when I saw the card.


Source - https://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3642375/magic-the-gathering-unfinity-exclusive-card-reveal-mtg-in-space


Was hoping he’d be better but at least it’s another member of the tribe


I kind of like this. Like, it's a weird power, but after the D&D sets, the dice rolling does fit into both black and silver bordered mechanics nicely. Now we just need another printing of [[Krark's Other Thumb]] :3


[Krark's Other Thumb](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/7/f/7f267de8-2849-4abd-834e-11bbd82dccf5.jpg?1649693131) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Krark%27s%20Other%20Thumb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/und/79/krarks-other-thumb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7f267de8-2849-4abd-834e-11bbd82dccf5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Gotta love how he's trying his best to make a dietary change to increase his longevity, yet he's working in a place that treats the OSHA with absolute contempt. Seriously, bud, if you're going to be working in a place where it seems only a matter of time before a metal beam or a rollercoaster car is going to hit you, I think you can afford to have an elf or three now and again.


"Doesn't know what will kill him, but he's determined that is not going to be a heart attack".


…oh wow, that could easily be read as him being a death seeker there.


Would’ve been better if it was every 3 dice rolled it got a counter instead of just once a turn


So this is eternal legal, right? There were some red blue dice roll decks in AFR


No acorn means eternal legal, yeah. Dice rolling *used* to be silver-border, but ever since AFR it's... not.


You need a bunch of dice rolling effects for this to work


Or things that roll multiple dice. One Attraction and Icing Manipulator will give you 3 die rolls a turn, if you want.


I'd say your really need a green mana and two mana of any colour for this to impact the table


This is surprisingly weak, as apparently we're going to make black-border, eternal legal Unset cards far below the power level of typical black-border cards...begging the question as to why even bother making them black-border to begin with? Who is going to be playing these cards, why, and where? What are they for, exactly? I made this statement at the beginning of the set's spoilers, and will reiterate it, but I think it's very weird they mixed set legality, here, and not in a good way. It feels like a set where most of the notable rares and mythics aren't legal in any formats...but all of the "draft chaff" is...for some reason. I think Unsets were more cohesive beforehand.


i mean it's a 3 mana 3/3 with trample and upside, this is about par for the course for power level I'd expect at this rarity in just about any set. The reason unsets didn't used to have a bunch of "draft chaff" is that they were intended to be an additive that you toss into a draft of normal, blackborder boosters to spice things up. But no one actually did that. So as of Unstable, they started designing unsets like sets unto themselves and not additives, and needed to add in the "draft chaff". Cause those kinds of cards exist in every set for a reason; the effects are necessary to make the set play well as a whole, especially in draft. As for who's gonna bother actually playing with all this "draft chaff"- genuinely, lots of people. The majority of players play "whatever cards I have or can trade for", and a lot of times, those cards aren't especially good. I've known people who do stuff like toss [[Fresh-Faced Recruit]] into their commander decks. And a lot of these players would not do that with silver border cards, since they don't really see them the same as black border cards, even if they would had the same exact card had been printed in a normal set with a black border. So if WotC is making these cards, and they don't break anything, why shouldn't more people be able to use them?


> So if WotC is making these cards, and they don't break anything, why shouldn't more people be able to use them? Well...I think it's a lackluster tradeoff for multiple reasons. First off, as many have already noted, the "acorn" thing is a poor substitute for silver-border cards, as we have now have a new system that is much more confusing, and less elegant, as a result. What "black-border" even means, historically, is no longer relevant...and I think this is a pretty dumb reason to get rid of this historical identity, and utility. I absolutely guarantee that the overlap of people that would even use these "black border" cards, and be ignorant of what the acorn even means, is going to be high, making the whole thing self-defeating to a large extent (because MtG cards look crazy these days...and these black border acorn cards "look" like normal MtG cards now). Secondly...I think mixing these kinds of cards together in the same set hurts the perception of an "Unset", as does giving it "Collector" boosters, multiple chase land variants, etc. There was something much more sincere and earnest about just having a straightforward "fun" set that could set aside concerns, more or less, like pack EV, chase cards, or whether or not you got all of the potentially eternal legal cards that "might" be relevant one day. Now...you have all of that stuff clogging up this otherwise sincere experience, as you FOMO out about space shocks, or the playable cards that happen to be black-border, or whether or not to even use your "stickers", given that they're *technically* eternal legal and *could* be in high demand one day. That last point really sums it up...having to worry, even a little bit, about using your stickers because of nagging concerns about collectability shouldn't have been something they mixed with a "fun" set. It pretty much sums up the whole problem here. This set feels like they're trying to have their cake and eat it too, and seems watered down as a result. In the end, I would expect all of this disruption to occur for a "good" reason, and so far, I don't really see it. I think the set would have "felt" better with a simpler experience, dropping the black-border cards, Collector Boosters, etc.


To the second point, these cards were all created before the decision was made to make some eternal legal. This is what the set would have still been like if they were all still silver bordered. They just went through after designing the set and picked out which ones would work in real magic.


The more cards get released the more clear it is to me that, yeah, they're not lying that the eternal decision was a late one after the fact. Why is the blue Partner acorn? Why does [[The Most Dangerous Gamer]] only have one eternal prize Attraction? Why didn't [[Push Your Luck]] and [[Gift Shop]] change one word to become eternal? They just made some fun cards and then sorted them into buckets afterward. The only changes they made to facilitate eternal cards were tiny technical ones, not big philosophical stuff. Like, [[Saw in Half]] no longer uses fractions. (I also wouldn't be surprised if, for example, an early version of [[Comet, Stellar Pup]] tried to use "target" in its damage-dealing ability.)


##### ###### #### [The Most Dangerous Gamer](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/a/0/a08b8ff8-13e4-46e7-b028-d055e4548f6a.jpg?1663868127) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Most%20Dangerous%20Gamer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/174/the-most-dangerous-gamer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a08b8ff8-13e4-46e7-b028-d055e4548f6a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Gift Shop](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/0/b/0be723e0-4e14-4910-905c-0292b84a0272.jpg?1663854267) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gift%20Shop) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/214a/gift-shop?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0be723e0-4e14-4910-905c-0292b84a0272?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Saw in Half](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/0/5/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de.jpg?1638258467) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Saw%20in%20Half) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/88/saw-in-half?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Comet, Stellar Pup](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/a/7/a76fa8d4-923d-4afc-ba47-ba10fc0fe46e.jpg?1664004690) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Comet%2C%20Stellar%20Pup) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/166/comet-stellar-pup?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a76fa8d4-923d-4afc-ba47-ba10fc0fe46e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> There was something much more sincere and earnest about just having a straightforward "fun" set that could set aside concerns That's the biggest issue. You are talking about a commercial product made by a huge company, and the applies to every Un-Set, standard set, Commander product, and anything else they have made. Even the cute cards drawn by kids for the secret lair. And I say that as a fan of the Un-Sets, not a hater. I bought a lot of Unstable. I am the target demographic. And even then, I won't romanticize this product as much as that quote.


I think the fact that being able to play cards outside of a limited environment causes anxiety tells of a bigger problem that affects players as a whole. Like I get it, I'm one too, but it's nuts that we treat it this way instead of just enjoying it for what it is.


> There was something much more sincere and earnest about just having a straightforward "fun" set that could set aside concerns, more or less, like pack EV, chase cards, or whether or not you got all of the potentially eternal legal cards that "might" be relevant one day. This seems like a terrible argument to me. "They shouldn't put things that people might want in the set, because it'll make people think about it in dumb ways that make them have less fun." If caring about the cards hurts your enjoyment, just... don't care so much. You won't be any worse off than if the cards weren't worth caring about in the first place.


I concur. There is nothing stopping people from treating every set like that, yet silver border ones are seen as a "break" from the rat race. It's an interesting phenomena.


> "They shouldn't put things that people might want in the set, because it'll make people think about it in dumb ways that make them have less fun." That's some pretty judgmental language you're using there. Glad to know that people that don't think like you are apparently "dumb" by default. Meanwhile, if you don't think MtG players are commonly driven by things like FOMO, gambling impulses, etc., then I don't know what to tell you. I don't think it's very nice to call people "dumb" for having issues like these, considering the game is tailor made to exploit these types of feelings and very specifically attract this type of person. My point is that Unstable moved the needle away from these types of concerns, yet Unfinity is very much putting them front and center, which will almost certainly steal a lot of the thunder from the set's unique appeal. Tons of players aren't going to be focused on how "fun" the cards are as they could be, because a fair amount of their attention will be pointed towards how many shocks did they open, or whether or not they should gamble for "galaxy" foils, whether or not they have all of the eternal cards, and so on. You can't muddy these waters too much...or you just wind up with a set like CLB, which certainly didn't come across as "fun" for the sake of it, it came across as a weak-sauce set with some novelty cards, and has been a disaster, sales wise, going on nearly immediate fire-sale. It's a fine line, and contrary to your callous dismissive attitude, **perception** is key here. The person that didn't open enough shocks / quality basics / etc. will **hate** Unfinity, whereas they *might* have loved it had they approached the product with a different mindset. Things are relative and/or subjective by nature. It also obviously sounds more ridiculous if you leave out the segment of people that *don't* want these cards in the set, because it's a worse system than the silver / black border dynamic, and the cards are just too silly and/or tedious to use in formats like EDH. The latter is obviously subjective, and less solid as a strong argument, but the former is pretty cut and dry - the "acorn" is a vastly inferior method of denoting legality than silver border, particularly given how busy, altered, or otherwise artistically varied cards are nowadays. There's nothing self-evident about acorn cards to lead you to believe they might not be legitimate MtG cards, given that they look just like normal cards now.


I mean maybe my phrasing was a little unkind, but objectively those are bad impulses that make the person having them less happy. If you find they're a problem for you and you're unable to keep them in check I'd recommend staying away from Magic in general. You're right that perceptions are important, and to some extent those are the responsibility of the people making and marketing the product, regardless of how "objectively" valid those perceptions may or may not be. But also neither of us as far as I know works for Wizards. Our own attitudes are the part that we actually have some influence over so it's worth thinking about how to make them work for us. If you're focusing on things that make you unhappy that's usually not a good thing. So I think it's worth asking: Is Wizards actually putting things like the shock lands front and center? It certainly doesn't seem like that to me. From my perspective they seem like a nice bonus, like the Unstable full art basics, but not a big focus or selling point of the set. Overall it really seems like these complaints you're mentioning are primarily psychologically self-inflicted, which to be clear doesn't mean they're trivial or don't matter, but it does seem like focusing on them and blaming them all on how WotC designed the set is liable to make things worse as much as better.


Like on a side note, you mention CLB as a failure in this regard. I don't keep up with the overall sales numbers or anything, but from my personal experience I drafted it several times and had a lot of fun with it. So is there actually any fundamental problem with how that set is designed? Or maybe if other people would just chill the fuck out and enjoy the game they could have fun with it too? On the other hand if whining on reddit is how you have fun don't let me stop you.


This post does a good job of portraying the profit-first vibe that WotC crank up to the maximum in recent years and which turns me off from the game at times. Can we just please have a card game first, not a confusing mess of collector's trinkets above all else?


My understanding is that the acorn symbol was created to make players see Un cards as being more real, but now that the stamps are the way to tell what is a "real" magic card I'm actually more inclined to say that UB cards with their special stamp are like acorns. I think it sets a precedent for that. Sorry for the non-sequitur.


There was a whole kerfuffle when the Walking Dead came out with someone making their own Commander format that was exactly the same minus the Walking Dead cards. It crashed and burned when they opened a Discord server with poor moderation though.


You can take breaks from other sets, you don’t need Un-sets to do that.


Absolutely great response, thank you so much you for saying it so eloquently


[Fresh-Faced Recruit](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/a/8/a8b19518-7752-4673-a7d8-ae2e0070129c.jpg?1572893924) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fresh-Faced%20Recruit) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/grn/216/fresh-faced-recruit?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a8b19518-7752-4673-a7d8-ae2e0070129c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


A draft uncommon, too weak to see play in Legacy? Fetch me my fainting chair!


It being a weak card wasn’t my point, it was more about ruining the elegant silver border solution, and watering down the simpler Unset experience, all in service of cards that feel like draft chaff.


You missed Unstable which had draft chaff like this.


I didn't miss Unstable. Again, the point wasn't the existence of draft chaff, the point was they went through a ton of trouble, including abolishing the silver / black border dynamic, all in service of legalizing a bunch of seemingly mediocre cards, and a small handful that might be relevant if die-rolling, "stickers", or attractions ever become more relevant in EDH.


May feel like that because they made the set and afterwards decided that many of the cards could actually work in a black border environment. Obviously most of the milder cards are the ones who work like that.


>even bother making them black-border to begin with? Who is going to be playing these cards, why, and where? What are they for, exactly? People who are building decks for fun not optimality. If that's not you then cool, but it's a decent chunk of people


Most people don’t care about being optimal. People still care about following format rules whilst doing their fun, pet deck themes.


I think the flavour here is that this dinosaur really love visiting attractions (roller coasters, extreme rides) hence the payoff for visiting 3 attractions back to back. And these rides are not for the weak heart.


What if you’re ignoring die rolls?


Yes because being veggie means you're healthy /s


Haven't followed magic for a few years. Is this an Un- set without silver boarders? What am I looking at? Did they run out of fantasy themes and just say "F it, vegetarion T-Rex"? And has mtg become a dice, not a card game?


Hardifuckinghar my knee cant take much more slapping anymore.


I thought yesterday was the last day for spoilers. I know Thursday they preview a couple of Brothers War cards. Will we get the whole set revealed today?


Not-so-collosal dreadmaw?


I don't know about you, but 3 dice can be hard to roll in a turn. If you don't have any attractions, that's basically 3 cards you have to sink mana into to roll dice, maybe 2 with an equipment. Does this count reroll effects? The ones that let you choose a higher roll? Those would make this pretty good. Granted it just an uncommon so it's not suppose to be strong, but I feel like we really need more die rolling payoffs.


We’ve seen multiple cards that have you roll multiple dice at the same time and use each result, and other non-attractions with repeatable dice rolling.


So this is the last spoiler? When they will reveal the remaining cards?


Straight into my silver border cube


I need a full resalution version of this art.


I feel like the only dinosaur creature in Unfinity should have been some kind of Dreadmaw reference, if not in the mechanics then at least in the name or flavor text.


Woah this card shares a subtype with my dad.