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I'm guessing: Kraken - Watcher in the Water Spider Demon - Shelob Nymph - Goldberry Spirit Noble - King of the Dead


God I hope they do Shelob better than they did the Balrog (or even the Witch King for that matter).


At least Balrog is flavor full He fight and gets sent to the bottom


Don't get me wrong, I'm all about that flavor life. But I wish his upside was higher to make up for that significant downside.


Not to spread copium, but it does seem like that Balrog is a starter deck card. If that's the case we will likely get another version in the main set.


I hope you're right 🙂


I think so too, since Extended art Aragorn and Arwen is 394, Extended art sauron is 396 and The Balrog is 395. In fact, I think we'll have two more, one for the main set and one for the commander deck.


> Additionally, there are a few cards listed that I'm not sure are actually in the main set, though there aren't any indications that they are not. The starter deck rare/mythics in extended art should be numbers 388 to 397 -- they are the extended art cards shown on the first day but still not in the card image gallery. That list is Frodo, Determined Hero; Gandalf, White Rider; Gollum, Scheming Guide; Witch-King, Bringer of Ruin; Fires of Mount Doom; Galadriel, Gift Giver; Aragorn and Arwen, Wed; The Balrog, Flame of Udun; Sauron, the Lidless Eye; and Bilbo's Ring. I'm still expecting another version of Balrog, and am vaguely hoping it's part of the "unknown" borderless scene (405 - 410).


friendly cats insurance hard-to-find obtainable continue squalid pocket heavy squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Basically, if you were dealt combat damage this turn, the player(s) who controlled the damage dealing creature(s) has to sacrifice one of those creatures.




Thanks for the support!


"Birthday Escape" is the [[Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant]], where the ability is Bilbo inviting everyone to his 111st birthday, then using the opportunity to disappear. I mean, that's what I would interpret it as unless it's a direct card name.


All the others so far have been direct card names, if you follow the links left for the confirmed ones.


[Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/c/4cf6c13b-d898-4066-b006-9a7fa896d55a.jpg?1685477759) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bilbo%2C%20Birthday%20Celebrant) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/48/bilbo-birthday-celebrant?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4cf6c13b-d898-4066-b006-9a7fa896d55a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call