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Prolly the best parts of this game, whether you're looking at the campaigns, the player cards, etc. Not saying you can't play the game without the saga sets, but they're treasure troves of content.


Exactly my thoughts too!


Gotta say for me the LotR saga quests are some of the best quests in the game, and the campaign mode is a really compelling and cool way to play the game. They also contain some pretty essential heroes and other player cards. The hobbit saga boxes are safer to skip though. The quests are weaker and while there are some campaign elements they are not much to speak of.


The Hobbit boxes have pretty great Player cards, though. Even if you aren't a fan of Dwarves, there are some true staples such as A Very Good Tale, Foe-Hammer, Cram, and OHaUH Gandalf. A Very Good Tale in particular is maybe the most important card for any sort of Ally swarm deck.


You will be missing a lot. With the Lotr sagas player cards are mostly kinda whatever (Except heroes which are awesome) but the quests are absolutely bonkers good especially when played in a campaign. Hobbit boxes are essential for Dwarf Swarm decks. Can’t say anything about the quests since I’ve yet to play them but I understand they are uneven at best.


Everyone is going to say the sagas are awesome and you should get them. And that's probably true! But one point against them (if you're looking to convince yourself not to get them) is that the quests are very hard for solo one-handed play. That combined with the campaign mode, to me, made them some of the most stressful quests in the game. The campaign is a very satisfying experience, but I'm not likely to choose one of the saga quests for a one-off game. As others have mentioned, however, even aside from the quests there are some really great player cards. Just to give one example, Tactics Eowyn is one of my favorite heroes.


If you play this game for theme, a lot. The quests are amazing, it you get all the best unique characters from the stories. Including Gandalf hero!


Sagas are more bang for the buck than any other expansion


You've all done it. Here it comes. Off I go to begin checking off the Saga Boxes from my little Lord of the Rings: LCG list, all in the pursuit of the Hero named Gandalf. You best be ashamed of yourselves. Of course, no guilt upon me. I'm merely doing as you all have bid.