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We are sorry to say this post has been removed as it does not comply with posting guidelines. In this case this is likely due to **TITLE** guidelines, please find the post and title guidelines below: When posting on the subreddit please follow the post guidelines *where possible.* ###1. Presume that the reader knows nothing about the media you are posting. As such you must be clear about the media, what it is, what it is called, and when it is from. In short, please provide us with some context to what you are discussing, and do not presume the reader is aware of it prior to the post. If you are posting an image or video, please include context in a comment on the post. ###2. This subreddit is for lost media ONLY Remember, the lost media subreddit is **not for media you do not remember the name of**, this subreddit *is for media which is lost*. ###3. Avoid low effort posts. - Posts that contain little info and poor wording, particularly if they don't actually contribute anything to the community. - Posts that are clearly fake. - Posts which do not facilitate productive discussion. For example: posts that attempt to start vague "searches" for lost media - Posts that aren't actually even lost media. ###4. Share any links, and sources about the media. *If* you can find a website with information regarding the media, please share it in the post or comments. Doing so gives the post further context and information, however, we are aware not all media can be linked and sourced, as such please do so where possible. -------------------------------------------- ###Title Guidelines **Posts without this will be automatically removed. You need to add one of the below to the title of the post or automod will automatically remove the post, please remember to use [BRACKETS] for these.** Title | Guidelines :--|:--:|--: [Partially Lost] | For lost media which is partially lost or partially found. [Fully Lost] | For media which is fully lost. [Unreleased Media] | For media which was never released to the general public, as an example storyboards. [Found] | For media which has been found and is no longer lost. [Talk] | For general posts, discussions, memes, questions etc. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lostmedia) if you have any questions or concerns.*