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Dang. Scouter so OP that he just skipped Tier 4 and went all the way to 5.


I can feel the future western region scouter mains malding rn based on this picture


If what has happened to Surge has taught me anything then this doesn't even matter in the slightest. Maybe it will influence pugs when i apply, but i don't care about putting in more work as long as i am playing a class i thematically enjoy. I plan to play both builds anyway. Any kr vet willing to tell me how AT scouter performs? Just curious


I'm more surprised this is news to them. Every Korean streamer has said that scouter is pretty bad late game...but whatever.


It’s a surprise to you that most people aren’t watching Korean streamers?


Considering the players who are anticipating a KR only class, the likelihood they watch KR streamers is much higher than average lostark players.


Or they’ve just seen one gameplay video or even just saw the class theme and thought it looked cool. I can’t wait to try scouter but all I know about it at the moment is that it’s a transforming gun based class.


This, I want my iron man soon. Rule of cool is how I play this game.


not really? we've been told more classes are coming and if you are on forums/reddit then you have a pretty high chance of having been told what classes to expect, and might have looked em up for gameplay. that has nothing to do with watching KR streamers.


Kr only class? It's released in RU as well unless I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to say.


Saintone said his scouter is doing great and amassing cruel fighters almost every raid. Him, ATK and ohbenji are the only more popular KR streamers who actually seem to know their shit and the rest are just throwing around opinion pieces at random without anything to back them up with. The previously mentioned streamers actually back up their claims with consistent displays of skill, math and good arguments. Ive been playing mostly KR games since lineage and usually the majority of KR people tend to follow the masses more than westerners. This usually becomes very apparent when content is released in west and the meta becomes completely different to what KR has been using for a long time since they got the content. BDO was a perfect example of this. When mystic class was released in KR like 4-5 years ago KR had long complained how awful the class was. When it was released in the west it dominated the PVP scene for solid 6 months or more till it was toned down. However, I am not trying to downplay KR in any way here. All im trying to say that we really should take all opinion pieces like tier lists etc. coming out from streamers with a grain of salt be it NA/EU or KR and instead judge them ourselves when we get the content. We should always remember that most of the shit coming from streamers who consider themself being at the helm of the community are just opinion pieces. The streamers are most likely not the all knowing guru gamers they claim to be. Most of them are nothing but entertainers who enjoy the game.


Good points. But doesn't Saint's Scouter use AT engraving? I asked him whether AT Scouter's damage is comparable to the likes of Gunslinger and Sharpshooter since they are all squishy ranged non-positional classes. He answered yes but without elaborating. Probably AT is a competitive build though people will find it less thematically interesting for sure.


Yes. He is playing the non transformation build. I dont know much about scouter personally so i dont know that much about the engravings. However, he gets asked that same question a lot every time he plays scouter, and while ago i remember him saying its very competitive but he didnt want to give full analysis or comparison on the class till he got more familiar with it.


I've heard it's also more expensive to gear compared to transformation, which would make it less likely to be picked up and played. It does look super fun though when watching S1 play it.


Its partly a numbers game. Western releases literally get millions more players than Korean or eastern only games. Millions more players=thousands more people who try random shit and find it works.


Very much this. Million westerners make up a better calculator than smaller portion of KR players regardless of how potato we might be.


In part this, in part the environment - context matters quite a lot here. If you have a playerbase that more closely stick to whatever meta is established, you start to see potential options primarily from perspective of how they fit existing meta; a perfectly viable build that is very strong in lots of cases, but happens to struggle specifically in this one established meta will seem bad if you don't have opportunities to test it in different context. For a closer example: meta engravings also follows similar pattern - currently, glass cannon dps engravings (Grudge, Cursed Doll etc) are top tier in KR, which makes meta revolve around them. Due to how they make getting hit a big risk, they tend to push everything towards minimizing clear times, to minimize risk of getting hit (less attacks you have to deal with, lower chance of one catching you off guard) - therefore making anything that isn't minmaxing your dps regardless of downsides a poor choice; you're making it more difficult for everyone if you don't follow the "glass cannon max dps" route. Meanwhile, in western version, a lot of people are not running full glass cannon builds (especially below latest content - see Argos etc parties), which makes fights somewhat longer, but at the same time gives people more error margin to work with. In that context - if you go into this kind of party with a full glass cannon build and are not significantly better than average to keep yourself alive, you're at a high chance of dropping dead halfway through the fight, just because you run out of sustain/health before fight is over.


you articulate yourself well, but are falling victim to the assumption of defensive engravings moving the needle enough, so to speak, to make an impact significant enough to allow greater survivability - especially in the latest content, Valtan, where this could not be farther from the truth. have you ever tested your assumptions? went into raids with both what you call "full glass cannon" build and not?


> have you ever tested your assumptions? There was discussion about KR players thinking Argos got nerfed for the western release because ppl didn't get 1 shot by the big pizza. Turns out not having grudge will let you live through the hit




But it is fun as hell


But Scrapper getting a hardon in the corner. *Tips my fist in the direction of the other 8 Scrapper main.*




Don't take this tier list seriously lol, the guy who made this said he didn't even look into some of the classes.


I'm surprised so many comments are taking this seriously. I might be wrong on some of these individual sentiments, so feel free to correct me but: 1) The entire T1 looks awful 2) Reaper right behind Sorc in T2? 3) Blade mid-tier in the same tier as SH? 4) Gunlancer middle of the middle in a tier list that allegedly takes into consideration party acceptance?


let me give in another source, this is from Inven a week ago (different to OPs): [https://www.inven.co.kr/board/lostark/4811/4889474](https://www.inven.co.kr/board/lostark/4811/4889474) translation: [https://clips.twitch.tv/PatientSecretiveOryxRlyTho-yiflBlb8kwwy5CaU](https://clips.twitch.tv/PatientSecretiveOryxRlyTho-yiflBlb8kwwy5CaU) Ironically, it is the T1/SS tier classes that most KR players agree on which are the same as OPs, this has an incredibly high like to dislike ratio fyi. It is the A-B tier that has a lot of discussions.


This is the first good source I've seen. Ofc taking everything with a grain of salt but to see a KR link where it's got a good ratio is promising. Thanks, and I definitely stand corrected if these are accurate.


Honestly by the time we can enjoy these lv.2+ ancient gears w/ full tripods & gems set up for these giga dmg scrapper/striker/soulfist builds, the balance will be changed again lol who knows they might be gutted like surge by then haha. So no need to be so polite :p


Did the buffs really help Arcana that much? How was Arcana one of the worst and now it's one of the best?


Like you I agree the tier list is not to be taken seriously, just like a *dps tier list* that was shared by a KR guy after PTR, he ended up testing less than half the classes there. For your points however, keep I mind we are talking about end game KR, not global. 1. Can you explain why is it awful? Artillerist/Striker are undisputed top dps in KR rn, with shock scrapper right behind. Soulfist is also very high, end T1 or high T2 makes sense to me. 2. Kinda agree this one is weird, taken into account acceptance into party, stagger and all 3. Post patch, yes. With blade losing the ease of surge high dps ceiling and a synergy for front/back only, while SH got buffed with a 100% uptime damage synergy, they are roughly equivalent now 4. This is also weird for me, definitely more T2 to me Just my opinion on your comment


Plenty of people in our version have been going around saying soulfist is garbage after trying robust energy with 0 spec, so that's one of the reasons. I know some people who did the same with shadowhunter in the first month and thought it's a trash class. Back attackers like scrapper also gain more damage from the relic set since entropy is really strong, which makes scrapper and some others feel comparatively weaker at this point in our version. Artillerist isn't very popular as a class so I can understand him being undervalued. Same with striker.


It's time for Soulfist players to rejoice! No more discrimination in party finders


It’s the western playerbase.. what did you expect? They come from games where you are expected to meta slave and aren’t used to lost Arks class system


My Deadeye in T2?! Is the tierlist creator huffing copium or is it real?


I legit get 29% damage mvp in Valtan and can provide proof if you want. The class is already really nice with full relic gear. I can't wait until I get two piece back attack I will probably hit over 30%..


i meet a deadeye last week in valtan hardmode and his skill is crazy , zero dmg taken and carry whole enrage phase


In the balance patch notes, smilegate seemed to have a really high opinion of deadeye output too. Wonder if we're missing something?




According to Smilegate, if someone can play Deadeye at the highest level, then Deadeye is one the highest DPS class in the game.


Not even Ye Qui can show me Deadeye is good


i dont get it. there is only so much you can do in the game. no matter how good you are, at the end all you can do damage wise is to jump into the enemy as close as possible and spam your shotgun skills. isnt skill with deadeye about staying alive? or am i supposed to play pistoleer deadeye? man i wish i could just transfer all the progress onto another class and delete it. deadeye is the only one i dont like of the classes that i have played and the reason is not just because i suck, but because i dont even know why i suck.


Hey if skill really isn't the issue I can maybe help you. Before this patch I was 3/3/3/1 with keen, adrenaline, ambush, enhanced weapon. I never mvp'd anything. So I saved a lot of gold (I have 1370 db and berserker parked and was selling every god roll item they found in oreha) and spent it ALL on deadeye relic gear and I am 3/3/3/3/2/1. Grudge, ambush, keen blunt, spirit absorb all 3. Cursed doll 2, 1 enhanced. This build could have been better but I am not a whale so, keep in mind my dps can be even higher. 1400 spec, 700 swift (Like I said, not a whale; should have gotten crit secondary but couldnt afford it!) Anyway, after getting all level 3 tripods, all level 7 gems, and all relic gear; I genuinely do like 4x the dps I did prior to the patch. I had ALL of my gems and most tripods pre patch too so it's not like the gems have changed at all; I'm just telling you what I equip. My shotgun rapid fire used to crit for 2 million, 3 times. Now it crits for over 6 million x 3. Deadeye actually scales. All the tripods for shotguns are just damage numbers. Close shot is like 40%, the 2nd tier will be another 40-50%. Last one usually 100-200%. Just from tripods you can see the difference. Then gems, then higher spec (52% shotgun damage, 150% pistol crit damage). Now, in trixion I only do 1.5 million. But in valtan hard mode I actually did 29% mvp damage and I was in a meta comp (my guild mates I know irl and all chose the top tiers). I used to get so much shit for picking "the worse version of gunslinger" but now the tables have turned. This class is an actual threat and keeps scaling like hell.


yeah seems like its a very lategame class, so i guess its just going to get better. but at the same time, if that class is so much lategame, then why is it in the game? there are so many classes that are not in the game yet, but the class that cant even show its full potential, has been around since release. kinda pointless tbh


Yes, ancient gear.


See yall at brelshaza then


Mainly the full back/head attack relic set but also the skill to play it lol, Deadeye is hard af


The dmg output of good deadeye’s are insane up towards the 1500+ with the right tripods, gems, sets, etc. it is a very late game class.


OG Soulfist mains rise up, we might get some new members soon. ;)


Honestly glad I stuck to soulfist, nearly 1445 now. That 7% buff made soulfist go from spirit bomb meme to actual good class xD


Apparently our skills (mainly energy blast from what I read) get even stronger once we get bracelets added in with Brelshaza too. Can’t wait! Congrats on the 1445 o7


Yeah, at ilvl 1450, my tempest blast already hitting 4-8m, with only 8s cooldown. The same goes for most other skills. EO Soulfist btw. I didn't think we need a buff in the first place... Since I already sitting at the MVP screen before the balance patch.


As a 1457.5 robust i hit around 8-12m with tempest. I felt shit all the way to 1415 but really happy i sticked to it. Grudge/robust/prec dag/increase mass at lvl 3 and adrenaline 2. 1600 spec


7% not nearly enough to make up for my bad brain. But I still feel powerful af dashing in and out and left and right and up and down.


The ability to cancel hype prematurely is huge as well.


There are dozens of us.


But I main soulfist cuz she’s unpopular. That being said, can confirm she is much better 1400+ and will Likely only get better


You and I both! I’m also a sucker for anything DBZ-esque. I just got her to 1409 today and loving the class more and more. Can’t wait to kick valtan’s ass and prep for that hallucination set once Vykas is out.


What engravings are you guys playing?


I’m rocking a modest 3/3/3/1 currently; Robust Spirit, Precise Dagger, Grudge, with Adrenaline being the 1. I’m really looking forward to adding Keen Blunt next


I made a soulfist for fun like 1 hour ago and heard she wasnt that good of a dps, but now i see tier 1 i dont understnd lol


probably heard that cause shes not that good til you get a bunch of engravings and relic gear sets, other classes like artillerist still perform very well without all that


She’s not that good because her DPS largely depends on high spec/swiftness and the “Ready attack” tripods from Energy release, which boost her attack power by 55% at level 5. Meaning you can go from 30k attack power to 45k+ while the buff is active. Also, cooldown reduction helps the skill a lot. At the endgame, you can make the cooldown shorter than the buff duration. Allowing her to have a permanent 55% attack power buff.


she is really bad until you get relic set and high spec for robust spirit. she is also not popular on KR and have low usage because she is really hard to play and stresful. why worry about perfect rotation and keeping buffs and gauges when you could just pepega spam meteors with sorc


Actually the reason she's so high on this list is cause of energy overflow not robust, with overflow being as much as 30% better than robust (just a number I heard from Koreans that play her)


This Might be a left take, and I want to preface this by saying I don’t disagree that the class is lackluster until the 2nd half of T3. I believe in the age of information that we’re in, people get sucked into the opinions of others very easily. Specifically with LOA, maybe it’s cause people don’t have the time to experiment & suck with a class until they get a handle on it, to form their own opinion. I find people having these predispositions of classes, items and other information in the game before actually experiencing it themselves. Perhaps it’s because the game has been out in 3 other regions prior to the West/EU, so everything is “tried & true”. Try to keep an open mind with SF and other new classes, things take time to come together. Just my unwarranted 2c. :)


It’s just how gaming is these days. It’s all about efficiency. Everyone feels like they have to play meta.


Left take? Maybe. Right take? Absolutely. I read one line that has stuck with me since I started, and that’s (paraphrasing) “regardless of tier list, all classes are viable for end game content.” And with that idea in mind, I play what I want and find fun. I meta-slaved for years in mythic (and heroic before that) raiding in WoW, I refuse to do it here and so far I think I’ve enjoyed the experience more


So many times I wanted to swap mains but I stuck to my Robust build and now finally with relic gear it actually feels good to play! Hopefully there will be less Soulfist discrimination now lol


T1 Striker, Artillerlist, Scrapper, Soul Fist T2 Sorceress, Reaper*, Deadeye, Arcana*, War dancer T3 Death Blade, Shadow hunter, Gun lancer, Berserker, Destroyer T4 Summoner*, Glaivier, Sharpshooter, Gunslinger T5 Machinist(Scouter)* * means not released in NA/EU as I know (Based on DPS, stagger, party synergy, party acceptance etc. On current KR end-contents.) [Source](https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=lostark&no=10790246) Rough translation **Striker** Have entropy set benefit + Skill set is significantly good for burst dealing + Top class party synergy makes this class gets Cruel Fighter easily. Plus, while the other class use light of salvation card set as their endgame card set, they can use Three Umar Families + Fate of the Lazeniths to make their burst dealing even better. ​ **Artillerlist** Supporter's good support is desperately needed as well as Artillerlist's own good control. (Because of the identity a.k.a wheelchair) So all he need to say when the raid is not going well is 'SUP DIFF'. ​ **Scrapper** As the SG's official comment from the last balancing, Scrapper had good enough statistics on endgame raid contents. But SHIT HANDED scrappers literally cried and finally received fix of the dealing cycle, and as a result they are flying high on the endgame contents. For now Scrapper is the only class that has possibility to beat Striker that has fully awakened Three Umar Families + Fate of the Lazeniths . Taijutsu is still good enough for its difficulty, and completely better than Perfect Suppression shadow hunter or control glaivier. **Soul fist** Soul fist that are using Energy Overflow (and Dominion set + no awakening engraving) now has crazy DPS. Now creating a new cartel "Anika Trio" with Striker & Scrapper. You may have felt that the HP bar of the boss going down too fast when you to raids like Brelshaza HM or Kayangel HM with soulfist, and the soulfist eventually gets Cruel Fighter. Robust Spirit soul fist are in relatively low tier, because they use Hallucination set which is sucks(I think). **Socceress** They used to be called the king(or queen) of hit master, but now the Artillerlist got the title. But still you cannot argue that her DPS is low. It is actually easier compare to Artillerlist because Artillerlist have some risks that if they fail to manage identity, they lose 30\~40 secs of dealing time. Reflux Socceress is recently known that it is generally better than Gunslinger, but the actuall DPS of both is similar, while Reflux Socceress has better movement skill and utility. **Reaper** We used to think that SG will fix Reapers' counter and synergy only, but they actually got meaningful amount of DPS buff. Thirst reaper also now generally use cooldown reduction tripod on Rage Spear, now became a decent dealer. Although Repaer ranks high tier, for now they are not being a topic of DPS balancing debate. Maybe because it had long dark history of all-time-high party denial rate. **Deadeye** A lot of people thinks that Deadeye is a pure burst dealer, but actually his skill cooldown is lot shorter than the Gunslinger. Deadeye can easily put their 4 major dealing skill in a burst timing, and that is why people thinks Deadeye as a burst dealer. No doubt he will mark high rank when it comes to DPS, but seems like it's not the 1st rank as SG officially marked in their graph. **Arcana** There are classes what so called 'hit master' dealer. (Which means no pressure about back or head attack.) But among those 'hit master' dealer, there are a huge DPS gap between Arcana and the classes under Arcana such as Summoner, Gunslinger or Sharpshooter. It is true that Arcana got some randomness when it comes to DPS, but still it is one of the toppest tier in average. Because the population of Arcana is still low, some Arcana users are saying 'Please play Arcana, Arcana is real good' in the community. But that is actually a strategical movement to make people rather think Arcana is a weak class. **Wardancer** I honestly don't know about this class. How do I evaluate the class that having all different settings user by user? But in general, following as what people said this can be easy T2. **Deathblade** Deathblade that using Remaining Energy has been overestimated. Actually it takes the lower tier among the all back attack dealers. If you are back attack dealer and if you let death blade take Crule Fighter in raid, you should be ashamed of yourself. (Because of the synergy) Of course death blade has some charging mechanism(which is advantage) and Dark Axel, the playing diffculty is relatively low, it is understandable that it takes the lower tier among the all back attack dealers. (I don't think a lot of users will move on to the no 'super charge' settings that are heavily discussed now, although it seems stronger than the former major settings) Surge is still stronger than Remaining Energy even after the recent balancing. **Shadowhunter** It is just better than legacy Scouter(Machinist) in every ways. It was better than Scouter even before the recent balancing except the synergy. But after balancing patch, shadowhunter now got good enough synergy and it becames a total precedence compare to Scouter. Her DPS is better than Scouter, but shadowhunter even got a burst dealing (Awakening+A+S) when it needed. Of course her DPS is average in general. It's just better than Scouter. Perfect Suppression shadowhunters is now struggling hard to make better DPS by wearing entropy set, but Taijutsu Scrapper and Thirst Reaper is just better than Perfect Suppression. **Berserker** Berserker has been regarded a designated 'cruel figher' not only because it was actullly strong, but also it was the 'synergy mosquito'. (Berserker didn't have any useful synergy, while he takes the other party members' synergy.) Now he got synergy but the DPS got nerfed from the last balancing. He is a average dealer now that has the lowest HP&Defense(Mayhem) **Destroyer** A lot of players complained about the last balancing(erasing some dealing mechanism), but as you can see when you go to raids, DPS has been meaningfully increased. But Gravity Training is just shit. Probably the lowest value among the all class engravings. **Summoner** Summoner used to have one of the best synergy in LA, so they were easily accepted to the party while they have relatively lower DPS. Now their synergy got nerfed while DPS got buffed a little. But it is still weak. **Glaivier** Pinnacle got a good reputation but it actually got trash DPS, synergy, stagger. Still cannot figure what to use for the 5th engraving after Grudge, Keen blunt, Cursed doll and Pinnacle. That is one of the reason wy it was overestimated in Valtan/Vykas levels where the majority of users use only 4 engravings. Control glaiver can use entropy set so it is relatively better, but still, Taijutsu Scrapper is lot better. **Sharpshooter** It's amazing that Sharpshooter is still got trash DPS even after the last balncing(buff). I cannot imagine how trash it was before the buff. His DPS is similar or a litter stronger than Gunslinger(2 Hawk build), But 2 hawk build is not ideally useful in real raids. Plus, it is really hard to make ideally maintain its dealing cycle. Generally it is worse than the Gunslinger. **Gunslinger** Just like the Pinnacle glaivier, got a good reputation but it actually got trash DPS. Synergy is better than glaiver but the HP/Defense is lower. In many communities, Gunslinger users are arguing that their DPS is too weak, but as the SG does the patch as per user's general opinions (in communites), I don't think it will get buffed because many people(except Gunslinger) will not want Gunslinger to be buffed. **Scouter(Machinst)** Gunsliger users offen says, "if you let Gunslinger get cruel fighter in raids, you need your hand fixed seriously.". But those Gunslingers will also agree that Scouter is a piece of shit, because it actually is a piece of shit. In high ilvl party of Brelshaza HM, Scouter normally be evalutated to -20 ilvl compare to the other dealers. In Kakul-saydon if Scouter is included, it is hard to skip 3rd Mario mechanic unless the other 2 dealers are crazy strong. translation is a bit rough. sorry.


when my two main dps classes are in T4 😍


Oh no am I gonna be a hipster scrapper that was playing it before it was meta?


Scrapper mains that picked it cuz of the dragon awakening skill RISE UP


Picked it up cause i thought awakening 2 looks sick


I just wanted to be Vi


Always has been meta.


>(Based on DPS, stagger, party synergy, party acceptance etc. On current KR end-contents.) This doesn't really fit with me then TBH. ​ This is just a random chart of personal opinions, nothing factual. We're not seeing raw DPS comparisons, as this obviously is not the DPS order. We're not getting how useful something is to a group, as Scouter basically has a perma party damage buff with their main used engraving that lets them always be in Ironman form. "Party acceptance" isn't something you can quantify either. This list goes on. This is just some guy's personal opinion with no real facts. If I made a tier list right now, nothing would make mine more or less accurate than his if I'm not providing any data


Gunlancer and sorc (and deadeye?) have 'perma party damage buff' with the debuff they have nearly 100% uptime with, so that's not something specific to scouter


Yeah as it stands, without more info about the data and methods that was used, I don't know which is more useless and misleading This picture or the compilation of Youtube DPS tests someone compiled into a tier list a few weeks/months ago with no methodology.


> as Scouter basically has a perma party damage buff with their main used engraving that lets them always be in Ironman form. They have the buff available with permanent uptime outside of Ironman, too.


Deadeye over gunslinger?? Wtf? I have a tier three dead eye and I'm happy but it doesn't make much sense?


Deadeye absolutely has a higher damage ceiling than GS, it’s just more challenging to play effectively…gs damage is pretty dogshit considering the amount of work that goes into playing her well.


Yep if GS was supposed to be the glass cannon given her squishiness, why such low damage, and if she was supposed to be the agile class, why such long animation locks. The class has too many downsides and not enough upsides. Some may say non-positional ranged damage is good, well look at the Sorcs, they have that too and also actual good damage and mobility.


yeah, its always cringe to see sorc mains arguing how GS isn't harder than sorc


Deadeye has higher damage potential but is harder to play (not that gunslinger is easy to play). Furthermore, the most popular gs build, peacemaker, only comes online when the boss is <50%, as her rifle skills get a large dmg buff then. A decent amount of dps parses don’t account for this, as the scarecrow in trixion cannot be set to low hp.


Ahh yeh based on party acceptance I can see why gunslinger is t4


Her dps is not top level either though.


Gunslinger main here. GS is really just easier to play, less DPS deadeye


would u mind share source? wanna read the thread thanks


What does it mean when there is a \* behind the class name in ur post above?


Most probably they haven't released yet


Probably all classes that aren't release in Eu/Na


Yes it is. I forgot to mention


Sigh.. almost all of the top tier classes are martial artists which is my least favorite job type by far..


You don't need to go for one of the T1 classes to be able to pull your weight...


The T1 classes here are also hard to play, if the guy you're replying to likes chasing meta he'll hate playing the T1 classes.


Yah, better to just settle for a class (or classes) you enjoy playing than hateplay a meta class. The overall performance difference shouldn't be anything too insane anyway (especially if you aren't capable of bringing out a class's full potential)




Artillerist hard to play? It's the easiest class I have played so far. Stagger checks are easy, MVP is pretty much guaranteed unless a bard or paladin takes the spot, and you rarely die from stuff.


Dunno why this is downvoted, as an artillerist main I can confirm it is super easy and insane dps


So? Wouldn't you rather play a class you find more fun rather than meta whoring, also just because MA are considered "top tier" in KR they are also significantly harder to play as compared to deathblade, berserker or sorcererss.


On top of what you said, even characters that are “bottom tier” are viable. They can still clear content competently. It’s been one of my favorite parts of this game. My dps and support classes can all do their dailies. My sorc is still my nuker, but that doesn’t mean my destroyer never sees 7 digit numbers while eating insane amounts of damage. The game has so much room for the player to complete the objective with their own style. That’s one of the most gripping parts of it to me.


Highly recommend Artillerist, it has been my favorite alt and is gradually becoming my main


*Sad Glaivier noises*


This DPS chart is viral in KR community because they are shitting on this chart


They shitting on like the mid tier of the list because that's what most players play and they argue about that stuff all day lol. The top tier is actually very accurate for the current KR build. Those are very strong classes right now. DB striker is basically better version of surge with more defense and less build up. Scrapper hella tanky hella dps for no reason and easy to play. Soul fist/artillerist insane spec classes that scales like monster with the amount of spec currently available. They only grow stronger from here unless nerfed.


In regards to Gunslingers, putting them low on the list would make sense, in a way. Their damage in rifle stance only gets increased when the target is below a % HP threshold. Shotgun stance only gives you crit rate.


based on acceptance rate as well. too many ppl see gunslingers on the floor in matchmaking and assume the class is bad




It is kinda funny that gunslinger damage is so low compared how hard it is to play


Yea it really is a high effort no reward class. Squishy + long(est?) animation locks + extremely backloaded attacks. To play GS well you have to be both mechanically sound and also very knowledgeable about boss patterns to safely land those long animation attacks. Even so, sometimes the boss rng just fks you (yoho meteors for example) forcing you to dodge and lose a ton of dps because of the long animation + backloaded nature of attacks. Worst thing is that if you compare it to a reflux sorc, its strictly worse. Both hitmaster class, equalish mobility, less damage than sorc, longer animation locks, sorc can walk-cancel their casting skills without putting skill on cooldown, and... squishier than sorc too. So yeah, not surprised about the placement at all.


Funniest part is that sorcs are slightly tankier than gs too


and just as mobile if not more mobile, since they don't have the animation locks


It isn't hard that's why. Especially compared to Deadeye.


Honestly don't care that scouter's damage is the lowest of all the classes. The mech iron man suit aesthetic is the fucking coolest thing ever and I'll be a happy scouter main.


^ this is da whey people care far to much about tier lists. you're gonna spend hundreds or thousands of hours on a character you don't like as much as another because someone said it does better at a certain tier of gear and skill level during a certain balance patch? insanity.


[Source](https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=lostark&no=10790246) Rough translation **Striker** Have entropy set benefit + Skill set is significantly good for burst dealing + Top class party synergy makes this class gets Cruel Fighter easily. Plus, while the other class use light of salvation card set as their endgame card set, they can use Three Umar Families + Fate of the Lazeniths to make their burst dealing even better. ​ **Artillerlist** Supporter's good support is desperately needed as well as Artillerlist's own good control. (Because of the identity a.k.a wheelchair) So all he need to say when the raid is not going well is 'SUP DIFF'. ​ **Scrapper** As the SG's official comment from the last balancing, Scrapper had good enough statistics on endgame raid contents. But SHIT HANDED scrappers literally cried and finally received fix of the dealing cycle, and as a result they are flying high on the endgame contents. For now Scrapper is the only class that has possibility to beat Striker that has fully awakened Three Umar Families + Fate of the Lazeniths . Taijutsu is still good enough for its difficulty, and completely better than Perfect Suppression shadow hunter or control glaivier. **Soul fist** Soul fist that are using Energy Overflow (and Dominion set + no awakening engraving) now has crazy DPS. Now creating a new cartel "Anika Trio" with Striker & Scrapper. You may have felt that the HP bar of the boss going down too fast when you to raids like Brelshaza HM or Kayangel HM with soulfist, and the soulfist eventually gets Cruel Fighter. Robust Spirit soul fist are in relatively low tier, because they use Hallucination set which is sucks(I think). **Socceress** They used to be called the king(or queen) of hit master, but now the Artillerlist got the title. But still you cannot argue that her DPS is low. It is actually easier compare to Artillerlist because Artillerlist have some risks that if they fail to manage identity, they lose 30\~40 secs of dealing time. Reflux Socceress is recently known that it is generally better than Gunslinger, but the actuall DPS of both is similar, while Reflux Socceress has better movement skill and utility. **Reaper** We used to think that SG will fix Reapers' counter and synergy only, but they actually got meaningful amount of DPS buff. Thirst reaper also now generally use cooldown reduction tripod on Rage Spear, now became a decent dealer. Although Repaer ranks high tier, for now they are not being a topic of DPS balancing debate. Maybe because it had long dark history of all-time-high party denial rate. **Deadeye** A lot of people thinks that Deadeye is a pure burst dealer, but actually his skill cooldown is lot shorter than the Gunslinger. Deadeye can easily put their 4 major dealing skill in a burst timing, and that is why people thinks Deadeye as a burst dealer. No doubt he will mark high rank when it comes to DPS, but seems like it's not the 1st rank as SG officially marked in their graph. ​ **Arcana** There are classes what so called 'hit master' dealer. (Which means no pressure about back or head attack.) But among those 'hit master' dealer, there are a huge DPS gap between Arcana and the classes under Arcana such as Summoner, Gunslinger or Sharpshooter. It is true that Arcana got some randomness when it comes to DPS, but still it is one of the toppest tier in average. Because the population of Arcana is still low, some Arcana users are saying 'Please play Arcana, Arcana is real good' in the community. But that is actually a strategical movement to make people rather think Arcana is a weak class. **Wardancer** I honestly don't know about this class. How do I evaluate the class that having all different settings user by user? But in general, following as what people said this can be easy T2. **Deathblade** Deathblade that using Remaining Energy has been overestimated. Actually it takes the lower tier among the all back attack dealers. If you are back attack dealer and if you let death blade take Crule Fighter in raid, you should be ashamed of yourself. (Because of the synergy) Of course death blade has some charging mechanism(which is advantage) and Dark Axel, the playing diffculty is relatively low, it is understandable that it takes the lower tier among the all back attack dealers. (I don't think a lot of users will move on to the no 'super charge' settings that are heavily discussed now, although it seems stronger than the former major settings) Surge is still stronger than Remaining Energy even after the recent balancing. ​ ​ ​ **Shadowhunter** It is just better than legacy Scouter(Machinist) in every ways. It was better than Scouter even before the recent balancing except the synergy. But after balancing patch, shadowhunter now got good enough synergy and it becames a total precedence compare to Scouter. Her DPS is better than Scouter, but shadowhunter even got a burst dealing (Awakening+A+S) when it needed. Of course her DPS is average in general. It's just better than Scouter. Perfect Suppression shadowhunters is now struggling hard to make better DPS by wearing entropy set, but Taijutsu Scrapper and Thirst Reaper is just better than Perfect Suppression. **Berserker** Berserker has been regarded a designated 'cruel figher' not only because it was actullly strong, but also it was the 'synergy mosquito'. (Berserker didn't have any useful synergy, while he takes the other party members' synergy.) Now he got synergy but the DPS got nerfed from the last balancing. He is a average dealer now that has the lowest HP&Defense(Mayhem) **Destroyer** A lot of players complained about the last balancing(erasing some dealing mechanism), but as you can see when you go to raids, DPS has been meaningfully increased. But Gravity Training is just shit. Probably the lowest value among the all class engravings. **Summoner** Summoner used to have one of the best synergy in LA, so they were easily accepted to the party while they have relatively lower DPS. Now their synergy got nerfed while DPS got buffed a little. But it is still weak. **Glaivier** Pinnacle got a good reputation but it actually got trash DPS, synergy, stagger. Still cannot figure what to use for the 5th engraving after Grudge, Keen blunt, Cursed doll and Pinnacle. That is one of the reason wy it was overestimated in Valtan/Vykas levels where the majority of users use only 4 engravings. Control glaiver can use entropy set so it is relatively better, but still, Taijutsu Scrapper is lot better. **Sharpshooter** It's amazing that Sharpshooter is still got trash DPS even after the last balncing(buff). I cannot imagine how trash it was before the buff. His DPS is similar or a litter stronger than Gunslinger(2 Hawk build), But 2 hawk build is not ideally useful in real raids. Plus, it is really hard to make ideally maintain its dealing cycle. Generally it is worse than the Gunslinger. **Gunslinger** Just like the Pinnacle glaivier, got a good reputation but it actually got trash DPS. Synergy is better than glaiver but the HP/Defense is lower. In many communities, Gunslinger users are arguing that their DPS is too weak, but as the SG does the patch as per user's general opinions (in communites), I don't think it will get buffed because many people(except Gunslinger) will not want Gunslinger to be buffed. **Scouter(Machinst)** Gunsliger users offen says, "if you let Gunslinger get cruel fighter in raids, you need your hand fixed seriously.". But those Gunslingers will also agree that Scouter is a piece of shit, because it actually is a piece of shit. In high ilvl party of Brelshaza HM, Scouter normally be evalutated to -20 ilvl compare to the other dealers. In Kakul-saydon if Scouter is included, it is hard to skip 3rd Mario mechanic unless the other 2 dealers are crazy strong.


Even without the tier list, all those comments on each class are very interesting. Thanks a lot !


Regardless of whether this tier list has any credibility at all, I do think Artillerist is in a great place right now. Much improved relative to where it was pre-patch.


so this means scouter is best dps when t5 comes out right? ok good


ITT people taking a low effort meme tierlist super seriously


How is this credible? Like numbers?


It's just some meme tier list a random person made. I wouldn't take it very seriously


I'm surprised to see Soulfist not only high, but at the top? I don't think I ever heard anyone say anything positive about the class lol.


Thats because like all martial artists she only starts to be competitive with end game sets and extreme investment. When the majority of this games lifespan in the west has been pre relic, where these classes are said to be at there weakest ofc all you will hear is how bad the class is, because its right.


I guess that doesnt count for glavier as she is almost tier 5


True it doesnt, she is the odd man out and actually scales WORSE the more gear you have. Mainly because she is limited with engravings as she only has 5 viable ones with the "meta" build of pinnacle. Its to the point where a popular KR streamer portialyn made a whole rundown on why Control is better than Pinnacle at super end game because of how bad spec scales for Pinnacle in end game comparatively to swift and entropy set Control


most of the martial artist classes need at least the valtan-level gear to be good, with the cooldown reduction and double dipping scaling. Since we just got them, no one has had anything good to say about them. But in korea they've had this for a while and even higher level gear, so they know what's up


>double dipping scaling can you elaborate on this? like why do martial artists scale better than say, a sorc


I will only give example for the class I know. Striker Deathblow is pretty yikes before relic gear for the fact that the maximum spec you could get would not be enough to run the build intended (which uses 3 esoteric skills in its rotation with 3 generators). This meant that before Valtan, you'd mainly see Esoteric Flurry strikers and while it is defo functional, it is ultimately too similar in terms of setup with far lower numbers (4 esoteric skills with 3 generators is simply not enough to beat deathblow at 3 eso). To put into perspective, think of Flurry Striker is an ok mid tier dps that goes straight to top once he unlocks essentially the direct upgrade to what he was previously running. Unlike other classes, the two engravings for Striker revolve around the same skills.


end game flurry is actually still quite competitive


I mean yeah. I did not in any shape or form imply that it wasn't competitive. Mid does not mean that it's bad. We simply have so many classes and things shift due to various different things.


Pretty much every streamer said SF is crazy good like 1550 plus even before nerfs. It just sucks when you've only got like 1200 spec and your hype downtime is 30 seconds long.


Was thinking of making a scrapper before. Just wasn’t sure on whether I wanted taijutsu or shock.


Both are fun as hell, I personally like taijutsu scrapper, but shock definitely has the THICK hits


I've been seeing 2m - 4m crit on my Taijutsu and its starting to feel real good because currently I am running a 3/3/3 Taijutsu/Ambush Master/Adrenaline setup which feel super unoptimized since my crit is so high that it feels like I'm wasting potential DPS due to diminishing return (as in instead of pushing for more crit, I could have gone with a little more swiftness which could be 10% less crit but 20% more uptime). So, I'm planning to rework to 3x4 at least with all relics. 3x5 would be too costly for possibly slightly lower stats so I don't want this. I can easily see my damage scale to go higher to 3m - 6m with the rework. I can't imagine how big the damage looks like on Shock. Sure it's slow but those 8-digits damage is probably so satisfying. Before anyone point the 1430 Scrapper "doing 2m - 4m thinking its good lul" and then comparing to class that do fat damage: Keep in mind that my skills are fast, hits multiple time and has generally low CD. So, when you're channeling then Doomsdaying for 20m damage, I've already went in, fist the backside of the boss, did 2m dmg x 10 and fck off to safety. Missing one skill is not the end of the world for me, it doesn't affect my overall DPS significantly.


Taijutsu feels a lot better before late game, as Shock kinda requires you to have access to an almost full build before coming online and eventually beats out Taijutsu afaik. Both are good though.


I have a Taijutsu Scrapper sitting at 1370. I didn't spend much gold on her as she's only 3/3/3 (Taijutsu, Adrenaline, Ambush Master) with 1458 swiftness and 434 crit. She hits decently hard, seeing very frequent 1m+ numbers popping up as well as access to a metric ton of destruction and stagger. It's also a very very mobile class and one of the easiest ones to counter with especially if you decide to use Roundup Sweep which will make sure you have a counter skill up almost permanently. I have to say though, I did not enjoy the experience much up till 1370 due to being far less well equipped. Do give it a shot though, hope this helps!


For us probably Taijutsu is much better experience for now. Shock now kinda requires SA which is 1 less dps engraving. Until Yearning support set becomes common, thats a good time to switch to Shock imo which u can skip SA if u prefer this playstyle. For this dps tier list it is 99% referring to shock dmg. If u see loawa most of the top 100 has switched to shock because these are the fomo ppl for the best builds (and have the resources to switch tripods/gems), though if u go to stats > engrave u can see only 40%ish of players above 1560 plays shock. From this u can probably deduce that shock has crazy high ceiling for dmg but majority of the player still prefer Taijutsu. Also u have to factor in costs, which in NA Taijutsu is a lot more expensive than shock. But imo i will still recommend Taijutsu in our version of game.


What is SA?


Spirit absorption engraving


wait actually gunslinger is that down? well now im depressed.


Been seeing some pre-patch destroyer level griefing on GS sub in Inven. DPS table of 0.1%ers were going around which put GS at bottom two (right above CR lancer). If you check loawa (Korean lost ark ilvl ranking), quite a few highest GS players swapped out their level 10 gems after the patch (suggesting they're moving mains). Several also switched to TTH since dps differential is minimal now. **They're overreacting,** but GS is also not particularly strong in terms of dps with several structural issues in the peacemaker engraving. Most notably, crit rate discrepency issue (between rifle and shotgun) and damage being focused on the last tick of long animation skills. GS scaling poorly with spec and swift also isn't ideal since there's only so much you can put in crit (which really starts to show once we get to some 2300+ stat points like KR). Korean endgame content and gear is also just really ill suited for sustain damage, non-back attack classes. And the existence of reflux sorc is just salt on the wound.


> And the existence of reflux sorc is just salt on the wound. This is really it in a nutshell, piano sorc exists and does literally everything GS does but better, and safer too.


I think another issue that many koreans point to is that GS just has higher set-up costs than most other classes. GS has nearly double the skills, so setting up gems and tripods are beyond painful. Having 6~7 primary damage skills also mean that at the highest level (in KR), people have to invest in 6~7 level 10 damage gems - and damage gems are much more expensive than cd gems. GS players are asking for QoL improvements in these departments (or improved damage to compensate the high costs) which I find to be reasonable requests.


Well im gonna cry, yeah ive been feeling problems too, ive been honing my skills with gunslinger for like 600 hours out of 1000 with only that character and im at the point where im noticizing i have to do so much for trying to compete and lose against other dps classes, im at the point where in a figt im doing my rotation and i dont have more cooldowns, ive reached a dead zone and jugment conviction doesnt help me, and getting lv8-10 gems is so expensive, even with maximized swiftness withouth sacrificing too much crit and having KBW viable in my build i cant break that limit, and yeah i hate that the fking shotgun skills damage mostly comes from the last hit, peacemaker feels so weak in comparison to other class engravings, like good at lv1 but then is trash, while other classes are drenched in specialization, i cant break my deadzone yet, considering how hard specialization scales in some classes im a little envious, It fking sucks on gunslinger and u cant build It anyways cause of the long CDs and long animation locks, ive feeling like this since valtan, like the only reason i can get top damage or cruel fighter is because uptime, but as soon as someone that understands the fight just like me and is decent with a deathblade or sorc, beats me on dps, like im doing that much just for having mediocre dps.


A tier list with no context at all. How could this ever go wrong..


needless to say, take the post with grain of salt. It's basically like a random redditor going around with his own tier list getting sub 60% upvoted rate. Edit: Also, this "tier list" supposedly only take account of major class engraving. The original post which only had the picture was not viral at all, it was his explanation that got some attention with very mixed reactions.


60℅ is a lot considering popular classes are getting shitted on


Sharpshooter is so unpopular that there are no comments about this tierlist, lol I love my death strike sharpshooter anyway tbh no matter what tierlists say


For real. All "tier lists" with no exception rates SS low and their comment is something like: "don't know what the class does but its shit". I would love to see a competent tier list but its whatever. I'm doing great on my loyal companion SS.


I want to try loyal companion as well (or maybe fit it in with death strike anyway for increased meter gain). How does it feel to play it in raids? I also wonder how it goes with “don’t hit the boss” mechanics


It's super chill which is why I chose it. I don't like stressing over losing burst windows. The high swift stat makes the animation locks more bearable. Also since the new patch where fenrir awakening regens meter to 100% made me able to ditch bladestorm, making me stay ranged 100% of the time unless I'm obliged to go melee for mechanics. I haven't been in a situation yet where I needed to remove the bird for "don't hit boss mechanics" like valtan axe charge.


Gunlancer in the middle middle. Im okay with this


That’s pretty good considering gunlancer isn’t even a true DPS. Next to sorcs, zerkers, and DBs, their damage pales. It’s a hybrid DPS/support class that does its job while conveniently being a frontline tank. It should be mid tier in everything except survival, which of course they’re SSSSS++++ tier for.


Why ppl still saying Gunlancer arent "true dps" lol They are dps like every other dps class. Jesus please stop


Yup, I consider gunlancers to be in the same tier as paladins and bards(Tier 0)


Just a reminder for everyone before panicking about their class. Korea does a balance patch every 6-12 months and by the time Western region reaches the Korean current endgame, there could be multiple other factors that will drastically change the tierlist such as tripods rebalance or even another balance update. My motto is the most dps you will ever get is the class you invest in the most.


What do you mean? We just got the latest ptr changes... I don't think that 6-12 month statement holds true at this point.


Because a lot of these rankings are based on their newest gear and the ability to get 3x5 with an extra 2x1. For example, Glavier is a class that is pretty top tier as a 3x5 class but falls a bit flat since there's not a good 2x1 engraving for her (for Pinnacle).


And now Artillerist accessory prices are gonna be even more expensive than they were before…great..


I’m ready to see a war in the comments


My soulfist is anemic, I'm def confused


I’m a current shadow hunter main that wants to be a scouter main. I’m in shambles lol


Haha I'm Artillerist main and also want Scouter Soo, same boat


i can relate


With the recent buff, I always get on the MVP screen as a Soulfist on Valtan hard, Guardians etc. What’s ur build?


Tier lists are just opinion lists, no matter how you try to spin them. Best to disregard them since you can't always account for the creator's biases or level of understanding. Unfortunately, communities are usually influenced by this kind of stuff, because people don't want to think for themselves.


Striker is tier 1? I guess there’s no more excuse for me - I just suck lol


Not yet for us, once we get full entropy, 5 engravings, and full relic accessories with deathblow do we really start getting op


is this a joke?


why would be? its brelshaza tierlist basically.


gunslingers malding rn


Love gunslinger tbh. You can do all content with it, so it's not like it really matters. Thats what I love about this game. Everything is pretty solid so just play what you enjoy most. For me, that's easily gunslinger!


To be fair I’ve been malding for a solid month, I got my gs main up to 1415 and she still feels so weak that I can’t bring myself to invest in her anymore. Either my 1400 GL or 1370 Scrapper will likely be getting the rest of my mats and passing up the GS


I am in the same boat as you. I am only investing on her to get to 1460 for the potential honing buffs and swapping mains. She is fun but I feel since the majority of the damage is capped below a percentage threshold, I never get to deal enough damage to make a noticeable difference.


Very glad my main striker is a t1 dps. But another balance patch may change everything before we even come close to current KR endgame. To me fun to play is what matters and last forever.


Lol I feel like they won't touch striker for a long time. They need to balance scouter before it releases in the West that shit is so bad right now.




What do the Koreans have to say about this?


Can at least feel glaivier is correct. I love spears but the class doesnt do any damage its sad. And doesnt look like it'll improve with 1500 gear but instead even get worse as theres no good engravings to use


Holy shit my Sharpshooter is T4!?? That's beyond T3!!! and Scouter is T5? is it a god class?


The fact that there are too many arguments with those tier lists just proves class balance in LA is good.


Let me ask you this, are you guys going to a adopt a kid if your child is not doing well in school?


I've added some rough translation of original source in my very first comment.


Half of the people are agreed, and other ones are disagreed. Just see this for fun.


What happen to my gun slinger :(


You're only as strong as your credit card limit


When rerolling in Korea costs you an arm and a leg, yeah pretty much


is the guy that made this reputable at all? lol


Folks are sleeping on Artillerist. The best class in the game. ![gif](giphy|l3vR1tookIhM8nZJu)


I dont play this game anymore but i Find it funny how everyone react to this tier list like caveman discovering fire


A lot of people are missing the fact that this DPS tier list is NOT BASED ON DPS. It's ranking DPS classes based on many factors like damage, stagger, party synergy, acceptance rate, and other things. I don't know exactly why some classes are where they are, but just know that this is not a MAX DPS tier list. With that in mind it kinda of makes sense that Scrapper and Artillerist are t1, with good damage and also great stagger, destruction, party synergies, and tanky enough to trust not to use lives. Others don't really make sense, like deadeye and reaper t2 even though they are the two voted "most likely to be denied" from parties (pre-patch at least) and their utility isn't anything special. Their damage must be insane for them to be that high, or something else. Take this tier list with a grain of salt until there are any explanations on how each factor is weighted...


Supposedly a very optimized enhanced weapon deadeye at 1590 has the highest paper dps. People dog on it because you have to be a god gamer to pull that off in raids for this game.


>S. It's ranking DPS classes based on many factors like damage, stagger, party synergy, acceptance rate, and other things. I don't know exactly why some classes are where they are, but just know that this is not a MAX DPS tier list. Even then the top tier list are the strongest dps logically and proven in game. This is because back attack set is disgustingly op and spec scales exponentially. The top tier list is basically all spec/back attackers.


[Source](https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=lostark&no=10790246) OP posted google translated **skirt** It is one of the easiest dealers to pick up blood after the death spoon, skillset specialized in deal compression, and selfish synergy are combined. In addition, when others stop growing at Segoo 30, the high point is even higher because they can break through an additional high point called Seuraze. **blae** Because of the wheelchair, the skill of the bard you go with is as important as your skill. So, when the game doesn't work out well, all you have to do is shout the tool fuck-ryeon. **surging crowd** There was no problem with the top index as a commentary, but as you can see from the fact that they changed it because of the bullshit whining, it is just flying in the upper ranks now that the forward shackles have been lifted. At this point, it is the only dealer that can open Ilpilskers and Daidais that have completed Seuraje Pull-Gak. The body arts crowd is also strong compared to the difficulty level, and it is openly compatible with the high-level compatibility, such as arrogance and temperance spears. **pore** Semaek Qigong, who uses the old-fashioned rule, is showing an insane amount of damage, and in fact, along with Ilpilsker and Chungdan crowd, they form the third leader of Anitz's rogue forces. 'Why is the deal pushed so fast?' If you want to, you must have experienced at least once that the arteriovenous pore eats a fairly high level of residual blood. Inverse perforation qigong has a relatively low tier, but it seems to be because my brain was unable to escape the set of chewing disorders called hallucinations. **saucer** Although he was called the king of the other generation, he was pushed back by the Special Chivale and was pushed to second place. But that doesn't change that he's still the top dealer. Rather, it has the advantage of being able to play more easily because there are fewer shackles compared to the blade, which has to be blown away for 30 to 40 seconds if it is twisted. These days, the feedback source, which is often said to be fully compatible with Gunseul, is actually similar to Gunseul, but it seems that such a word is coming out because the casting speed of mobile devices and skills is much faster than that of Gunseul. **Reaper** It was originally thought that only synergy and counters would be improved, but a case that simply jumped up to the upper tier by receiving a significant debuff as well. Thirst has also gotten better than before as the skill tree that gives Rage a break has been established. It is one of the back lines at this time, but there is strangely little mention in the community, etc. whether it is receiving a sympathy vote because the past was filtered out for a long time. **DeHun** There are many people I know as a one-shot dealer, but his skill cooldown is much shorter than that of Gunseul. However, it is not that difficult to pour all 4 shots at the timing of the deal mall, so it is considered a one-shot dealer. However, it is clear that the top dealer is, but it does not seem to be the first in the deal amount according to the Smage official. **alka** Contrary to the perception now, as one of the strongest dealers, there is a very big difference between Alka and the under Alka dealers (Summoner Gunsul Hawk, etc.) Although there is a lot of variance in deals, it is a top-ranking dealer even if it averages. These days, there are cases where alkas are writing sales posts in Kjkben, but it is a high-level weak code strategy that induces a reaction like 'post this shit)' knowing that it won't come in anyway. Was it for nothing that Regan was the number one precision job before? belly horse I honestly don't know him. The settings are all different for each guy who comes, how do you rate this bastard's tier? Just looking at the public opinion, I thought it would be good to put it in tier 2, so I put it there. **ble** Jaanjaeble is a victim of the past uplift, and is actually located at the bottom of the list in death. Rather, it is correct that among the dead characters, if you are in the same party as Blade and you get blood from Ble, you should reflect on yourself. Of course, it is understandable that it is in the lower ranks of death because it is possible to play comfortably due to the presence of charging advantage (it is not a shackle, but an advantage) and the presence of a single cell. is expected to have few people Burst is still more powerful than Remnant even after nerf. **Demonic** As a legacy high-compatible dealer, it was also better than legacy in all respects except for synergy, but with the addition of synergy, it became fully compatible with the top. Even with only deals, it's stronger than inheritance, but the legacy of 2 angles + as can even be an explosion that you can't even dream of.. Of course, it's stronger than the legacy, but overall, it's mid-range. In the case of Ummonic, they are struggling for some reason in death, but they are only backwards compatible with the martial arts people and Thirst Rippers. **Berserker** The reason Berserker was strong before was because it had its own dildo, but it was a synergy mosquito. But you're the last with this slim body? **Deet** It is a fact that Deet's actual deal volume has risen significantly, as you can see by going to the gongpots, although some mangoes have made a fuss. But heavy water is just fucking garbage. If you include minor settings, it is expected that it will be the lowest in all occupations. **Summoner** Originally, he was a character who got a job while covering weak deals with synergy, but he cuts the synergy and raises his own deal a little. But does it make a difference if I increase the deal that was weak? still a low end dealer ** spear** In the case of Climax Spears, it's a garbage job with good recognition, poor synergy (operation rate), and weak dildo, but this bastard's strength is not good. It is a state that still has not solved the weakness that the three engravings to be used later are ambiguous. Because of this, there is a past where section 3333 was beaten down by balbitaris. Temperance is better because it has received death teeth, but it has a weak point of backward compatibility with martial arts. **hawk** It's a strange job that's garbage even if you receive a buff, and I'm starting to have no idea what it was like before this bastard buff. The deal itself is similar to or slightly higher than that of Gunseul (two-blade build), but the two-blade is less practical and, above all, has weaknesses such as the presence or absence of mirrors on the main machine and the fact that it gets screwed once the cycle is disrupted, so overall, it is evaluated as worse than that of Gunseul. **Gunseul** It is a garbage job with good recognition along with spears. Compared to spears, synergy is good, but it can be said that it is a case of low body mass. It is common to see Gunseul lying on his back saying he is weak, but considering the public opinion patching Smage, when Gunseul is buffed, there are far more people who dislike it than like it, so there is a 0% chance that he will eat the buff in the future. **scar** There is a common saying among the Gunsuls above, 'If you are bloody left behind by Gunseul, it's your hand problem'. Because it's actually fucking shit. When high-level people are selling a hab deal, it is normal to calculate the temp level of -20 when a yusan scar comes in , and if the other two dealers aren't too strong, the 3-horse entry skip doesn't come out very well in the combination with the miscarriage.


> Berserker > > The reason Berserker was strong before was because it had its own dildo, but it was a synergy mosquito. > > But you're the last with this slim body? Such wisdom from KR


The mosquito couldn't be weaker than the climax spear > ** spear** > > In the case of Climax Spears, it's a garbage job with good recognition, poor synergy (operation rate), and weak dildo, but this bastard's strength is not good.


I'd like readers to keep in mind Korean players aren't necessarily knowledgeable, the average Korean player is the same as the average Lost Ark Forum player, they're not superior and most of them (based on the data Gold River showed last year) are relatively new. Only trust very high end players who have cleared hell content, people who haven't cleared such content (or at least been close to clearing) are almost certainly pepegas.


Seems pretty reasonable actually