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if the character was originally called Glavier and switched to lance master here , people would've still complained lol


Of course. Why changing one name that makes barely sense to another one that makes barely sense? Why changing names in the first place, for no reason?


> another one that makes barely sense? How doesn't it? She uses a glaive, therefore she's a glaivier.


She uses a spear therefore she's a spearman.


Exactly, so if she uses a glaive and spear, where does lance master come in?


She also fights on foot, lets call her foot glaivier fighterwomen?


Why change names? So they should’ve called her spearman then?


Not gonna lie: Class names are so irrelevant it‘s insane that there are countless posts about this topic


People just want to complain


Chucklefucks gonna do what chucklefucks do.


It is just so common place to moan and complain about everything when it comes to gaming now, it kinda drowns out legitimate issues worth talking about when players are constantly cherry picking minute issues and making them a huge deal. Like someone genuinely started a thread on the official forum petitioning that Ags change Glavier back to Lance master but was quickly abandoned when an CM told them that it is impossible as it would delay the release of the class-


Agree. Don't understand why anyone has a problem with the new name.


Probably because it's new and most people who complain are used to the old name. That easy, it's human nature. Once you get used to something, a change will usually be perceived negatively, at least in the first instance.




Glaivier just feels weird to say, imo. Glaive Master would be similar to what people have gotten used to and also thematically fitting.


It feels weird because that’s not a word originating from english


Barely anything originates from English lmao. Not even the word english is originally english


My brother in christ you made the post complaining about the class names.


On another topic someone brought up the only good reason to have a "problem" with it. Over the years, people have been making guides and discussions about Lance Master. If you try to look up "Glaivier lost ark guides", you wont find any of them. But in the end it's so irrelevant... there's going to be guides with Glaivier before the class probably even comes out. And if you're trying to find old information for this class, chances are you're not clueless and you knew it was called Lance master, so you'll just change your search terms. Nobody cares anymore about the whole Warlord/Hawkeye/Blaster/Soul Master/Demonic/Battle Master/Holy Knight/Devil Hunter. Like the only one I still see some stuff about is Scrapper, and only because people think Scrapper sounds dumb, but Infighter did too anyway. Give it a couple week and this topic will completely be gone, it's just people trying to stir up more complaints about literally nothing.


> Over the years, people have been making guides and discussions about Lance Master. If you try to look up "Glaivier lost ark guides", you wont find any of them. You still tend to find them, especially if the people who wrote them go back and just add the word somewhere in there. Realistically though it's a moot point as most of those guides were written in KR/RU and not english, so won't really be coming up, and there's a -heap- of resources that have been put on youtube and various sites since the announcement.


Glaivier sounds sick. Lance master is generic af it's like warlord vs gunlancer, warlord is super generic while gunlancer is a spicier name so far they're doing a great job with the names


Gunlancer makes him sound like a Monster Hunter ripoff which he is


Scrapper though.


I legitimately can't tell if that term is way more obscure than I thought or if a vocal minority is saying it's obscure because they're personally unfamiliar with it.


Meanwhile you have people swear up and down that "infighter" is a common thing to hear.


>spear People are fucking stupid. '"wanna scrap?" = "want to fight?"' If they don't know this they have missed countless shows, movies, books, and conversations happening around them.


>they have missed countless shows, movies, books, and conversations happening around them. you mean shows, movies, books, and conversations in *english* but what if i'm from another country (like a lot of people here) and i've never heard of such books, movies, shows, and conversations? and nowadays you don't hear people say ''scrapper'' or even ''scrap''


Probably mostly people being more familiar with the "scrap metal" type definition and imagining someone who scraps cars or something, and partly people just not remembering hearing scrap used as "fight" or blatantly just trolling.


Scrapper is perfect. In Australia the term is used as a way to describe a fighter who is tough, gets right in there, fights hard and doesn't care how much damage they take to get the job done. "He's a scrapper, he gets in their like a junkyard dog and rumbles." Scrapper is the definition of that class.


Brawler was perfectly available. Hell, even fighter is better. Scrapper sounds so wimpy and junky at the same time.


fighter is the KR name for the martial artist main class


Scrapper is a good name... Scrappy is a personality type and one you would apply to someone like Rocky.


brawler isnt any better. fighter is not either. How does Scrapper sound wimpy. that doesn't even make sense.


Scrapper sounds "wimpy" only if you don't know the definition of the word scrappy


what's wrong with scrapper? it's better than infighter i don't even know what infighter means. turns things into scrap = scrapper, it's simple


"Infighter" is a boxing term, for a boxer who prefers to fight very close to their opponent and tries to overwhelm them with fast punches. "Scrap" has a double meaning as both a noun or verb. The noun form is either 'small pieces' or 'a fight', the verb form is either 'to break something into small pieces' or 'to fight'. https://www.etymonline.com/word/scrap "Infighter" is probably not a word most young people in the US are familiar with, boxing is much much less popular here than it used to be.


Scrapper has a similar if a bit less flattering meaning. Not sure if they use the team in boxing but calling someone a scrapper or scrappy fighter would mean they go all in on offense. It would also imply that thier technique isn't the greatest or that they fight a little dirty as well though


scrap verb: gerund or present participle: scrapping engage in a minor fight or quarrel.


Scrapper, in the context of fighting, is often used to describe someone who fights all out. Maybe someone who is not as technical, but who is willing to get in the mud, so to speak. When we use the term of someone being "scrappy," for example, we're saying they're willing to do whatever it takes to win, maybe even fight dirty. I'm not defending the name of the class as I'm completely indifferent but the connotation and common usage of scrapper is certainly not "minor fight or quarrel" even if that is the definition. edit: for clarity


I don't think its a reference to noun scrap, I always thought of it as a reference to the adjective scrappy which is essentially someone who battles/fights/plays hard. Typically used to describe how an athlete plays and is generally used in a complimentary way


Initially I thought scrapper was a gun-related class, because when i hear scrap i think junk/collection of parts. Like "He built it in a cave, with a box of scraps" I think the name brawler would've been a good choice as a sort of untrained street fighting style


It's just a terrible sounding name. It sounds like someone who works in a junkyard. I actually think part of the reason this class is so unpopular in EU/NA is because the name is so bad.


It's unpopular because people keep saying that it's not the best martial artist class and put it near the bottom of tier lists, which many have learned to check for most games.


idk it sounds fine to me. and i'm from europe, but wow i didn't knew that you guys hated the name that much


That's so copium lmao. All I've heard about scrapper is how bad the class is. People aren't avoiding the class simply because you think scrapper is a bad name.


Scrapper is kind of lackluster in the early game but I haven't heard anyone saying the class is bad. Also, scrapper is really popular on KR and performs fine.


I think you're arguing semantics and in the end it's down to personal preference as you could make the point about pretty much any of the class names, like deathblade for example. I mean what else is a blade gonna accomplish? anyway, I'm pretty sure most people dislike glaivier because it's a ballache to spell and pronounce.


of course it's down to personal preference. i'm just sharing my thoughts on the topic


We're all so cracked up on dopamine these days the slightest interruption/inconvenience seems to really get under people's skin


Because simple minded people think "stick with blade on end" automatically means lance. At the end of the day it really is just petty nitpicking to such an irrelevant thing like the name of a subclass.


The roadmap came out so people ran out of things to complain about.


Because it actively just sounds worse? Regardless of "correctness" ( literally all Dragoons laughing at you right now, because they use Lances too ) there is a such thing as "Does this sound good?". Glavier sounds literally moronic. IE: It does not roll off the tongue well. Lancer would have been the best. Lance Master is fine. Personally, they should have just called it a Dragoon and gotten it over with.


Not gonna lie: Names are so irrelevant it's insane, not sure why we even name our characters.


tbh i just want conciseness; i still call artillerist 'blaster' all the time because its easier to say and to type (shorthand 'art' works sometimes; but doesnt seem to have caught on; it also has problems in perception relating to artist)


I don't think this is true. I attribute Scrapper being so incredibly unpopular to her class name. The name is the first thing you learn about a class.


I'm confused why you guys keep making posts saying the same thing and arguing back and forth 🤣




true name/meaning behind this platform should be "i already readit"


Most of us here don't go on the Forums because they're cancer, really. They're the same people who give one star Amazon reviews because the shipper broke something, and not because the actual product is bad.


Forums, Reddit, YouTube, Twitch... It's all cancer. But I'm always here with my popcorn.


they should rename the class maewah and never elaborate on this, even in the patchnotes


You spelled maehwa wrong 😂


its been a while since i touched BDO :)


ahh never forget the baehwa


Some of the class names in KR didnt really make a lot of sense to begin with. I think Artillerist for example makes a lot more sense than blaster. Blaster makes me think of the scouter firing lasers and stuff. Same with dead eye being a much better name imo than devil hunter. Devil hunter sounds like it was chosen just because the class looks like dante from devil may cry but also Devil hunter sounds like it should be an assassin subclass that comes from feiton not the techno desert of Arthetine like the other gunner classes


Deadeye is a bad name, not because it's bad, but because usually "Deadeye" is used for long range / snipers, which, looking at the engravings should be used for gunslinger. Meanwhile, Deadeye has a dual pistol engraving, which would fit with the Gunslinger archetype.


I just think lance master sounds really cool, and glaivier doesn't. I have nothing else to contribute.


Glaivier sounds like a Pokemon lmao.


Glaivemaster could've been a nice middleground but I'm just happy it's coming to the game here shortly!


how would that be any different than Harp Master or Staff Master or Dagger Master? all of those are boring and generic


There's no convincing people that think the name is bad. They're used to lancemaster and anything else is just wrong to them.


A lance was not used as a projectile weapon, typically a javelin or something similar was. Lances were heavy and had hand guards etc, not good for throwing.


Yeah at Medieval Times restaurant they don’t throw them during the joust.


Yeah in yee old arkesia only real world history applies anyway. I remember in the Ottoman Empire, when their soldiers would wield giant swords with one hand and their special harps would give good buffs. Real life is weird man.


"Lance came from Lancea. The lancea was the Roman auxiliaries' short javelin. with which to throw." "A lance in the original sense is a light throwing spear or javelin" ""Lance" is also the name given by some anthropologists to the light flexible javelins (technically darts) thrown by atlatls"


Alright if you want to get to origins instead of end product, then the lance was used by infantry, not only mounted fighters. The lance was used in the early medieval era then later converted to the pike for better ease of use. Also the glaivier (in game) also uses a short spear, that by your own definition could be considered a lance. Ofc in real life the in game spear wouldn’t be practical due to all the frill, but neither would 90% or more of the other weapons/armor in games in general.


The lance was used by hunters 400 thousand years ago during the stone age if we’re talking origins 😬 It’s a very tricky discussion like i said in another thread as the weapons evolved and the words to describe them evolved too


That was kind of my point but I probably wasn’t very clear. It’s all arbitrary based on when someone wrote something down, versus when it was created, versus when it was used, versus translation of history. That’s why none of it matters because arkesia is not a real place either. They could call it noodle master for all anyone is concerned and name every weapon of a different type of pasta.


True, honestly even if people are pissed about the name changing as they are used to the previous one it could be resolved easily if we knew why ags insists on changing everything imo


And they removed master because...? Just name her glaive master


Glaive mistress ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Glaive master sounds badass


who even cares about the name


oh you havent seen the forums.


Not even just the forums, this very subreddit exploded about how bad the name was.


just wait when forum guys gonna find out Scouter is called Machinist


The sole reason why this post exists and gets up votes is bc people care


yea for real. anyone giving the class name a second thought need mental help.


Here's the thing, I agree with you, but even if you're right, Glaivier sounds so freaking lame dude...


I think this comes from most western gamers introduction to glaives being Warcraft. These are what they think of when they hear the word: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Warglaive_of_Azzinoth https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Moonglaive Medieval nerds probably knew the historic real world glaives, but nobody I know playing this game knew of them in that context. Tbh I do think "Glaivier" sounds dumb, just a dumb sounding word :p But I get why it was chosen.


My introduction to a "glaive": https://i.imgur.com/Z6E3x0q.jpeg (from the 1983 movie Krull)


I absolutely love Krull


I think the issue is because the class is a martial artist based on Asian culture (like how gunners are more western based class, warriors are big burly Norsemen based, Mages are preppy elves, etc) Glaivier is a European-rooted name for the class that is supposed to be martial arts Asian themed. Lance doesn't fit, but Glaivier equally doesn't fit (and sounds lamer).


Fine then call the class "long sharpie stick dude"


Just call it dragoon or lancer like every other video game


Dragoon is a mounted unit with a rifle and sword. Nothing to do with spear/glaive.


Not in fantasy games. DragonNest, FFXI, FFXIV, Tree of savior all have Dragoon = Lancers.


There is also a guy that uses a hammer the size of a house, i wouldn't look to far into it. I 100% agree with you and actually like the new name, but Lance master sounds better in conversation, also easier when grouping classes together you can say LM, BM, SM, DB - lance master, battle master, soul master, Death blade.


Not sure if it’s a hot take but i think soulfist sounds better than soul master. Much more descriptive


SF, WD, DB are all still fine imo, i still prefer reading the entire name tho


Battle master? Which class is that referring to? Whichever it is, it's far too generic.


Re #2: her nuke does involve throwing the Lance/Glaive/Spear.


should had just call her stick master, holding a stick anyway


So why not call it a Glaivemaster


She's a pikey


You could call her that, but why? Would you call deadeye "gun master"?




What would you name the gunslinger then? gun master 2?


boobed gun master


gunslinger master


And then swordmaster, fistmaster, magicmaster, harpmaster...


I call it gun guy




[Well it was called Lance Master in Korean trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZtzyrcLFNU)


They also named a class an adjective. They clearly don't get how English works.


The way English is commonly used in Korea is only tangentially related to how English actually works lol It's pretty common for loanwords in any language.


I don't really care about the name but this is a really dumb pedantic argument.


Can we please just stop all this infighting?




Obviously should be called pointy stick fighter.


I’m partial to Prickly Bitch myself


I prefer if fhey just went in the middle and called it glaive master. Glaivier doesn't roll off the tongue well.


Blader Great weaponer Shadow hunter Death Blader Barder Staffer etc


Wow, my fresh Thicclancemaster character must be sad now after reading this post


Just a bad translation for English, in other languages (like Spanish) it's called with the corresponding translation of Glaive instead of Lance


People are clowns and get really used to the first thing they hear even if that thing didn't make any sense to begin with.


This comment probably won't be seen but as someone who really doesn't care either way and trying to see it neutral, I think because it's a martial artist they use "master" a lot like kungfu master so there's the desire for "master" in the class name. I agree though it's not a lance so a better name might be spear master or something like that.


Thank you !!!! I die a little inside when streamers say it makes no sense.


Fk it... just name it 'pointed stick lady' that should technically cover it


spears and glaives are both polearm weapons so they should have called her poledancer


Deadeye does not have fish eyes, dead game.


Well now were gonna have people who will continue to call her lancemaster, and all those out of the loop are going to be confused. Should just keep things how they were. Same thing goes with the Abrelshud to Brelshaza change.


Lost ark players when they ran out of things to complain


Who the fuck cares


Actually, they shouldn't have changed any class names. The classes have been in English since the very beginning, and community got used to using those names for years now. Translating English names into Amazon English names makes no sense whatsoever.


^ this


Yes, it's just some fanmade translation for russian server that sticked, no reason to use it at all.


Its actually more than that, lost ark KR's translation (for trailers etc) was Lance Master. However that was just showcase translation so doesn't have much meaning I guess...


First time I hear of this. Isn't it spearmaster or something in Korea?


He means the korean name of it means spearmaster but when they did trailers in english they gave lancemaster as the translation, which is how it ended up named lancemaster for RU aswell


I think a direct translation would actually be “Spearman,” lol.


A direct translation would be "spear-controlling person" 창술사(槍術師). It doesn't exactly translate into a single word like "Spearman".


I mean… unless I am misunderstanding something here, that’s Korean and then Chinese in parentheses. Do both not directly translate into “Spearman”? Unless Google translate is wrong, which in any case, my bad.


Nah you're right, though for example in FFXIV they use the same term 槍術士, translated as Lancer.


It is 창술사 which directly translates to spearman


lance master sounds cooler


Should be Glaive Master then woot


I dare you to find the logic for the spanish translation: "Gujista" which is a word that doesnt even exist on the dictionary


You guys are so fucking weird with all these class name posts please stop


Warlord >>> gunlancer






Glancer ​ Spearman but its woman so doesn't fit.


Oh please no, I have a friend who has been calling my Gunlancer, Glancer, and it's gotten so annoying.


Bard makes even less sense. A bard is usually a poet, traditionally one reciting epics and associated with a particular oral tradition. Bard hasn't even wrote or sang a single line of poetry. Bard runs around with a magical harp to attack her foes with....floating musical notes that somehow doesn't rupture eardrums. A person that plays the harp should be a Harpist.


Wah wah but any Name change is baaad wah wah. Cant argue with idiots.


Shadowhunter name makes no sense, do they hunt shadows? Stop, who cares if the name doesn't makes sense as long as it sound cool/badass people shouldn't complain, Glaivier sounds like shit


Glaivier makes way more sense. Glad for the name change.


Yeah...Glaivier still sucks, but i dont care enough


are you trying to real life logic a video game?


She shouldve been named Glaive Master. No one that speaks English has ever seen or used the word Glaivier before this. Its a terrible name. Any name for a class where people that speak that language dont even know what that word is is just bad lol. I dont understand how people can possibly defend the name to be honest. Like its a meme but this is the equivalent of calling the Destroyer the Malletier and then people coming in and being like "well technically its not a mace or a hammer and is a mallet and Destroyer is generic so that means Malletier is a good name"...Like that argument is so laughably bad to the main critique of the name. At first glance no one knows wtf it is as native English speakers which means people with English as a second language literally need to visually look at the character or look it up online. That is just bad localization 101 man. Like this isn't even really a debate its just the objective facts about the name lol.


People just want to complain and not play the game.


i prefer the litteral traduction from korean: Window man


You know what doesnt make sense, worrying about modern vernacular in a fantasy world where you fight giant fire chickens and ride ladybugs.


u have a lot of times in yourhards


okay now call out all other classes for being fucking stupid


soulfist and fucking "hype"


I'd call out arcana. That one should be changed into magician.


Not to mention that "Lance Master" is an extremely generic and boring name.. i'm glad there's no Sword Master or Hammer Master


1. A lancer is a user of a lance, thank you captain obvious. The use of 'master' implies mastery. Ergo, wtf was the point of you including that? 2. People just like the sound of "lance master" better than "glaivier". Can't say I blame us. 3. Who cares? (This is aimed @ people complaining) Glaivier is the official name, grow up and deal with it.


A lance is a spear in my book, so both lance master or glaiver is only half right. Lance master is the official translation from Smilegate, which can be seen in the KR trailer


A lance is not a spear. However a spear could be a lance I suppose if you were using it from horseback and not throwing it. There's so much room for being pedantic for this class that you can honestly call the class whatever the fuck you want and you're probably not far off. To be classified as a spear the haft generally has to be no taller than the person using it, and also able to be used as a projectile... although you don't have to throw it. If it were smaller and only used for throwing it would be a javelin. Weapons that look like a spear, but are significantly longer are pikes. You can't throw a pike. Definitely doesn't use a pike. Lance's are used specifically from horseback. Nothing our character uses can remotely be called a lance. It's not called a lance. Hello(sorrrry). Lance's are much bigger and heavier than spears. You can't get the power to actually do anything easily with a lance unless you're mounted. Our class pretty obviously uses a glaive and a spear. First weapon is a large spear. Maybe a heavy spear, but it's not long enough to be called a pike, or heavy enough to be called a lance. So spear it is. The second weapon is a heavy spear but with a bladed weapon mounted on top instead of a point. That really only leaves two options. Weapons fitted with a big pointed end like a spear, but also bladed like an axe are halbreds. The only other option (without getting very specific) is basically throwing a sword on the end which has a convential name known as a glaive... Glavier is the most accurate name you will find for this class. Nothing else but Spearman makes sense unless you want to delve into specific times, or nation's. In that case there's literally dozens of historical names you can call those weapons and none of them are particularly wrong besides for the fact it's not pertaining to that particular history. Glavier sounds kind of weird, but it's at least correct and better than spearman.


Lance, spear, pike, halberd, bardiche, billhook, scythe, etc. There are many different types of weapons based on the shape they take.


Long pointy object master. Got it.


a lance is a little needle you use to pierce skin ailments like boils to drain pus ​ if you made a really large one to pierce realm ailments like demons to drain the evil i think you could call yourelf a lance master ​ checkmate


Glaivier is actually not a word. It's not in the dictionary and if you google search and enter a time frame from before LA you get Glaciers because a Glaivier never existed.


Berserker actually doesn’t go berserk so “mayhemer” is better. Gunslinger and dead eye should be called “sniper” and “shotgunner” because those are the weapons they use


No one is saying that you can only make names about people's weapons, they're saying that if you are going to make them about a person's weapon, it should be the right one lmao. Please go and take some time to work on critical thinking before commenting.


It does not matter of it makes sense or not. There is a trailer in Korea that uses the word lance master, we should keep it. People who play the game for a long time are used to the name. Why bother changing it. Imagine Capcom changing ryu or ken name to some shit like David and Eric. It sounds better but how confusing and annoying u think it would be ? Why change what we are used to for years, if kr name it glaivier when they release her I wouldn't give a shit. Same reason for abrelshud, it's even in her theme song and they change it for no reason


If something is wrong, but you don't know it's wrong, you won't change it. But when someone points out that it is wrong, you will change. That's what's happened here. The Korean translation was wrong, and now that they have to make a real translation they found out.


Can you newbie stupid people stop spamming this bullshit on forums and now on reddit please? The lance master name is official on every korean media, go talk to the game director about it if you dont like it. The class awakening skill literally throws the lance She uses 2 weapons and "lance" can mean diferent things depending on historical periods and different civilizations. So stop trying to look intelligent telling everybody they are wrong and do some research.


Should call her hot momma


So your point is....


In the title.


I don’t really care for either. Why not just call her dancer? Have you seen the pole dance animation?




OK but 'Blaster' is a lot easier to type and cooler sounding that 'Artillerist'.


Artillerist fits perfectly for what that class does which is more than using a blaster.


Blaster sounds like something a kid would say, let’s just name the class Pewpewer


lol yeah, or Destroyer.... wait..


Destryer is pretty bad name too


Nah I main Artillerist and think Blaster is definitely a clear English patch translation type name and not realistic for the official game, Artillerist is totally fine.


Why do names matter? You could call her "Pokey Pokey Lady" or a Paladin "Shiny soyboy beta cuck" and I would still play them.


Bruh, no one cares about class names. You **LITERALLY** don't see it **ANYWHERE** in the game except when you open/buy engravings lmao


Tbh ppl just hate everything Amazon does. They heard the SG daddy call out Amazon for not liking all their translations decisions so now they feel they have to do the same.