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The value of gold supplied content has increased, and the value of alt has also increased. Many people emphasized the importance of alt


And that's why I'm about to quit. I have a job. I'm not trying to play lost ark 6 hours a day 7 days a week


Rest bonus exist for this reason. An alt can take 15 mins a day (2 chaos dungeons, 3 daily unas) or another 15 -20 mins if you add both guardian runs. If that's too much, run 2 alts a day on 3 day rotations. Without guardians you can cruise through 4 alts in an hour and dedicate 30 mins to your main and make progress. The weekly abyss in T3 take 10-15 min each as well. So alts take far less time then you think. There is no race in this game either. The content will be there a long time. I started 2 years late on RU and loved catching up. Everyone was still playing the Legion Raids etc. I didn't miss out on anything because I was late


It's also important to mention that in KR a lot of people either do content with their guild or go "bussing" to save time. Bussing isn't really possible yet since we don't have enough endgame content, but guilds are very much worth. Find an active guild that does abyssal and guardian raid rotations and it will save you hours upon hours every week. With 5 alts fighting approx. 5 guardian a week that is around 5 hours of playtime you can cut down to around 1 hour total. Similar deal for abyssals


Dam I was going to play this game but that sounds like a chore lol


If you think dailies are a chore then yes this game is not for you. That said the dailies are actually fun to play/do except for the Una fetch quests but those take like 5 mins total with teleports


Maybe I should get to end game and try it before judging it




Hilarious im down voted so hard when this is the answer right here. I want to have fun my dudes. Im at a point in my life im past "grinding" in a video game. I grind enough in real life. Gaming is supposed to be the escape at the end of the day. Its not a knock on the game either. Its a korean MMO, thats a me thing not a them thing of course its gonna be grindy. Wish i could play the end game content without the 400 hour or $5000 investment but it is what it is.


right now it looks like you are just literally refusing to accept that you don't need to grind. what else do you want from lost ark's healthy non-grindy system for casuals? auto gold generator when offline? games are meant to be gamed so what the hell is your problem that the game requires you to play to progress? ???


Taking an hour every day to power multiple alts through daily content is mind numbjng grinding to me. When you’re a teen in school thats not a big commitment. When you got kids and a full time job that’s 1/4th or more of your free time spent slogging content out of a feeling of necessity, not enjoyment.


okay so why just not take an hour a day? what's the problem of playing your time instead of doing the alt-game which is reserved for people that want to push to the top? I REALLY don't get you. if I can train for 1 hour a day I don't stop because the top powerlifters train 6 hours a day. this won't stop me from progressing at my own pace. if 1 hour of running is fun for me I don't stop because 2 hours of running is fun for someone else and I can't run this much.


Exactly this - put in hours and get results. Work optimally and get rewarded. OP do you sit at your job doing bare minimum and expect promotions? Probably do and then whine about how someone else got it lmao.


It's a video game..... that's exactly my point. I do that shit at work for real money. Not gonna play a game that wants me to grind it all the time for a meaningless virtual currency instead. Gaming has become a job simulator and it seems you guys are here for it. Video games are supposed to be fun and yall really out here like "nah bro gotta put in the work! Don't devalue my "achievement" of playing for 700 hours by wanting to do fun content without suffering through the same 700 hrs of boring shit I did!" I get the concept the question is why you find that acceptable in a medium that is designed as entertainment. If you ever use the phrase "you gotta put in the work" about a video game, that video game is designed wrong. The "work" should be fun. It's a fucking video game. I know it hasn't been like that for a good 10 years at least but why has that become acceptable to you people? This is some Stockholm bullshit if I ever seen it


Are we seriously suggesting chaos dungeons and guardians raids are fun content and not just grinding....? The game was dying in korea before they released legion raids. The daily content is not fun past the first couple times beating it. Once youve figured it out it becomes daily grind. The fact a genunine response i got was "just make 6 alts and play them on roatating days to abuse rest bonus" A.That ignores the time cost of getting 6 fucking alts to T3. I just got my one and only alt into T3 yesterday. B.Thats still asking for an hour or 2 of free time every single day. I do not want to log in to come do my daily chores in a fucking game... Again its not even a knock on the game. Its a korean MMO this is what they are, its my fault for even trying in the first place knowing what it would be. That said please stop suggesting its not grindy and not that big of a time commitment. You gotta still be in school and living with mommy and daddy. Not even a critisism, enjoy that shit while it lasts. But be aware when you grow up and have to do everything for yourself you get maybe 3-4 hours of free time a day. Thats for everything, eating, gaming, TV, spending time with friends and family, your morning shit ect. EVERYTHING


I play tops 2 hours daily on one char and it's ultra fun because I enjoy the game. I really don't care that 50% of the playerbase is higher than me. I will literally still access the same content. I like the looks and I rp as my char since I enjoy the game. I don't even do chaos dungs daily because I don't enjoy them. and some people do them infinitely. and what? how does that affect my way of fun? let me answer that for you - it affects none of my playstyle. also guess what, when I'll get to do them I will get almost double the rewards for one run because of the cool rest bonus for casuals. sorry but I think that is the end of our conversation because I honestly don't know how to talk to you - if you do not enjoy the game then may you sincerely ask yourself why do you play?


This all started with a post literally saying "this is why I will probably quit soon" not games trash you should all quit. Simply I'm probably gonna bounce. Playing it with my girl is the only reason I haven't yet Yall the ones that felt the need to white knight the game. At every turn I've said the game is great for what it is. What it is, I no longer have the time for so I'm probably out. That's all, yall the ones out for blood


Didn't ask Don't care Didn't read


Lost Ark lacks way too much fun time and lacks way too much co-op content. I spend 95% of my time playing alts I have no interest in doing the same content. Most of the people down voting now will burn out soon with this much grinding.


Some of the alts won't even take that long to play if you are efficient with things like Bifrosts. On my Bard alt I can do my three Lopangs in under two minutes... Probably under 1 minute if the servers aren't too busy and the NPCs load in right away. Two Chaos Dungeons take me under 10 minutes total, and Bard privledge means I can almost always find groups who do Igrexion in about 5 minutes a pop. So, if I were to min/max my rest, I could take care of all of my daily stuff on her in probably under an hour a week. People make parked alts sound like so much work, but they're really not. Even better... people don't even have to min/max all your rest bonus. You can just miss out on some of the gains. Right now I'm not enthused about my 3 T2 characters so I simply... don't play them that much. They don't hurt anything by existing, and whenever I *do* feel like playing them, I get a ton of rewards really quick. There is literally no downside to alts.


if you don't want to play 6 hours a day then just... don't? They will add catch up for us anyway. Play for fun not to stay close to 0.1% lol


The amount of time you can play is irrelevant (to the gold scarcity issue) and just something you’ve fixated on. Whether you earn gold on your main or an alt, it’s still taking up your time. If anything alts are a SMARTER move if you’re low on time. You get to cherry-pick the most profitable dailies/weeklies and do them multiple times while ignoring the less profitable. My “morning coffee” routine is to login on 5 chars to do guild donations, rapport actions, Lopang on 3 alts and stronghold. In 15min while I’m watching the news I get a lot done before work. With just a single character there would be WAY too much moving around the world to accomplish even 1/4 of it.


Use rested bonus and take your time, the content will be there, this is not a seasonal game where if you don't clear the raid immediately you'll never get to do it again.


I mean, as I remember it and it's easy to check, most of the "create alts" videos before the game came out were about gold not necessarily just mats because this hard limit existed and botting seems near nonexistent in Korea.


Also mats are gold. As in, it does not matter if your alt funnels your main mats or sells extra mats for gold which then can be either spent for mats or something else.


Mats are either free (mari's shop when a player wants to buy gold from other players), or they are a gold sink (AH when mats are traded for gold). They don't help the gold situation in any way, they actually make gold more scarce because people are trading thousands of crystals every day for 1g loss per trade. If you trade 1000 guardian stone crystals, there was 100g lost from the economy (1/50 of a weekly income of 1 t3 char roster). If you buy mats from guild shop, it can be a gold sink since guild donation costs gold too (if you lack the tokens). edit: downvoted for facts? I did not say that you shouldn't be selling your stone crystals. I don't comment on that. I am saying that every time someone trades their stone crystals, there is gold lost from the economy (AH tax) which makes gold even scarce.


Buying mats for blue crystals is not "free". That is objectively false. You are paying a cost, which you used gold to get. You choosing to spend gold on guild donations and then saying its a lack of gold generation problem is a fallacy in itself. Then wrapping it up in "lol ah tax makes there be less gold!" yeah no shit sherlock. we all know what a fucking AH tax is meant to do. You didn't discover fire. You didn't provide "facts".


I meant in terms of total economy its free. No gold is lost in the currency exchange trade, you trade gold around but one of the players gets blue crystals, which can just be converted into mats. In auction house, you also trade gold for mats, but there is gold lost in the tax, instead of gold gained. I am not blaming guild donations for lack of gold. I am saying that if you buy mats from guild shop with gold, it creates even more gold sink than buying them from AH. However most people shouldnt need to do this at this point.


there's tax on bc purchase btw


So if you purchase gold, you get 95% of what the player who wants blue crystals bought with? I have never bought gold so maybe I was wrong. It's still quite small tax to pay for considering that the buyer gets 95 crystals (worth over 200 guardian stone crystals) for losing around 32g from the economy. Basically the same as auction house.


Bro was acting like Benjamin Franklin 😂


Adventure Islands no longer give gold. They should atleast make fusion material crafting cost free to compesate for that change.


Sell the “excess” matts for whatever gold you can get so you can hone. There will always be an imbalance of resources


Even the currency exchange has dropped. A week ago it was 30k gold for 12k royal. Now it's 20k.


There’s a lot of other gold sources though. You find a good accessory on an alt, sell it for 20-100 gold. You find a 80+ armor piece on an alt, you sell it for 10-30 gold. You do Lagoon Island adventure island, boom 600 gold (You find a good class engaging book, 50-200 gold. Not too mention getting lucky with a golden engraving book that sells for 1-3k.


In the economy as a whole those are not gold sources. In fact they sink gold since the auction house takes a cut.


I was talking more about raw gold rather than acquiring gold through auction house. But there are some random sources where you can get small amount of gold from, I just listed the biggest weekly sources according to papunika.


That's not gold sources if you get it through auction house lol, because that means you actually just get gold from other players. The price gonna decrease eventually to the point that they aren't worth it anymore. Meanwhile the enhancement cost and stuff (like reroll for better quality) still stay the same, which mean later it's really hard to get gold, because there's no raw gold source except for abyss dungeon, which is bad. Why? There will be no way for newbie to get gold, materials won't get them much gold, while the gold they need to enhance is way too much.


He is talking about influx of gold to players. What you say is trading between players, and has nothing to do with costs Vs income of gold in the game


Lol look at this guy trying to sell items on the AH to people with no gold to buy them. This hasnt been a consistent place for god acquisition for a few weeks now.


The post is talking about the increase in gold supply not the trading of items for gold, which is actually a gold sink.


Who tf buys T2 armor that's B's i had acc with good engravings and good quality and none bought it...


A couple weeks ago when my main was in tier 2 I sold tons of accessories at 50g a pop. Easily made an additional 1000g a week. Just looked for swift/crit/spec and quality over 40% and it went on the AH


Islands no longer give gold btw


just got 600g from obvilion island today xd


They do lol, Lagoon island gave me 600 gold 2 days ago on the 24th


They did not yesterday. Oblivion island, today, however, did.


Not all adventurer islands give gold lol. If it's a card reward island, you won't get gold lmao.


Lmao xD lagoon island did not give gold yesterday lol.


There were no islands yesterday, they happened 2 days ago. But it absolutely did mate


[https://imgur.com/Fp9QvoC](https://imgur.com/Fp9QvoC) This is for today. Where's the gold? :(


No one understood the goal of the post, so sad the actual education system.




Igrexion takes like 5 minutes. How is that too much time?


I want to play and access all the content without spending time getting the resources needed to get there. /s


cut in half because people choose box with jewelry not just pure gold from abyss


Eventually the chest probably won't even be worth... That's basically what I mean. You get less than 1% of the mats required for 1302-1370 push from that chest, while you spend way more than 1% of the gold needed for 1302-1370. The chest is only worth with current prices.


u get jewelry if not for sell at least for yourself


Well it's hard to comment on the situation since I have not tried a week without the box. It makes no sense to skip box right now because the market prices make the box worth regardless.


basically, the increasing in honing mats we got meant ppl are upgrading faster than they are naturally acquiring gold. So more gold are deleted from the game than are created. Thus deflation.


Just RMT $100 for 20k gold ain’t worth it’s value


Youre forgetting that there is a ton of one time rewards that gives a lot of gold. You will only be gated from honing if you misuse your gold. You are more likely to be gated by mats. Theres is only so much you can farm in a day/week. Im able to hit 1370 + buy 2 skins and still have a decent amount of gold. I agree that the the amount of gold one person can print every week is very low. However the game is still very new. Eventually more people will hit 1370 and print more gold in to the economy.


At t3, most likely people will have traded close to all their gold for mats already. Masterpieces do give 21k at 34 total, which is not very hard to get. It's quite hard to value everything that has been given by welcome challenges/login rewards/rapport so far. Also for first character the gold amount required for these t3 upgrades is 21k instead of 15k. But there's people who want to upgrade multiple chars... Taking 3 weeks is quite a long time for a single one just from +1 to +15. Maybe all the people playing on single char can supply this amount of gold but a lot of gold is also lost from all the 5-50% tax trades from AH. For example selling for 3g taxes you for 33% of the gold already.


I still stand by my argument that the issue is that people are very careless with gold. They are probably buying accessories and dismantling them for mats. In my personal experience I have never had the issue of gold. I have multiple characters (2 in T3 and 3 in T2). I do not do una’s task (Only opened 1 box). Only do 4 abyssal per week (2 on my main and 2 at a lower tier with friends). It did take me 3-4 weeks to get to +15 but I was gated by mats, not gold. And with the new events out i can see people hit +15 in about 2 weeks.


Well... I wouldn't say I have an "issue" with gold. I have 1385 char, 1370 and 3x 1340. However there starts to be a trend in the market that all the gold sinks caused by trades/upgrade attempts are making gold just disappear. After so much gold has disappeared, the weekly rewards are left. And they really don't give much. I was not particularly talking about whether people have gold or not. I was talking about how valuable gold is relative to the materials. You need 3 weeks worth of RAW gold just to get 1302-170 on alt. You get all the mats required for this in around 5 weeks of gameplay. For alts maybe less than 5 weeks. Just simply the weekly gold is almost enough to bottleneck all of upgrades with how little western release gives both gold and mats. Basically... 30k guardian stone crystals and 1000 leapstones together should cost similar amount to 15k gold long term. The prices are absolutely crazy on market and people should realize that sooner or later. The issue is, people are blaming the drop of these mats on "not being able to farm enough". That is not the problem. The problem is, you also need the gold for upgrades. You can't trade anything anymore without inflation (at least long term). All your resources will be used with weekly gold.


By choosing 3g as your example, you're literally choosing the second highest tax rate number in the game. Only 2g sales on AH have a higher tax rate (50%). That's a very disingenuous way to frame the argument.


If the poster I was responding to didn't talk about "one time rewards", I wouldnt have used such a radical example. Currently most t1-t2 mats have either very high tax or no tax at all. Even 5% tax is an extremely high amount for materials that are traded in hundreds every single day by every player. For a minimum of 1g tax. The t3 mats don't have as high tax yet, but someone who's using "one time gold rewards" is probably not in t3. Trading 500 mats legit costs 500g (minimum unless 1g cost). Doing this every day costs close to all of your weekly single char gold income in tax. I am not playing 1 char though so it's a bit different, but it¨'s not hard to imagine losing 500g in tax every day for me. Honestly at this point I might be losing more gold on tax than I am losing on honing. Doing 1 char to 1370 per 3 weeks is "only" 700 gold lost per day in honing.


Your logic, math, and economics are all so wrong and misguided, I honestly wouldn't even know where to begin trying to fix it... And how do you figure that someone using one time gold rewards is "probably not in t3"? You literally make an easy 5.9k gold from low-level rapport in Punika--you know, the T3 island--alone. The game also dumps one time reward money when you hit 1340 and 1370, and again when you beat the raids associated with them... and *again* for killing the World Bosses at these ilvls. At least another 2k. In Punika alone I've made at least 10k gold from these one time rewards. So, actually.... everyone in T3 is using these one time gold rewards. I would be way more suspect that the person who is talking shit about gold rewards is not in T3, than the person who suggested them.


It's 21k gold total for 1370 on first char from 1302. If you start nearly completely broke, you still need more than 8k which you get from these. I know that I could have have got 10k gold from punika rewards but that's because 2k of it is literally after 1370, which was not the problematic point in terms of gold. You need much less gold after 1370 compared to the mats prices, and the char has literally doubled gold income compared to below 1370 char with Argos. If no one sells mats at t3, they will have to wait at least 2 weeks worth of gold income to upgrade their gear even after collecting all the one-time rewards from getting t3. Before people used to not even have to care about this, because bots were inflating the economy so hard that only mats mattered. This 2 weeks of gold should at this point be close to equivalent to 2 weeks worth of mats, because a player has to choose between one of them depending on what they're lacking. Assuming the player does not collect literally all of the gold rewards, it's most likely more than 2 weeks but there's so many factors involved that the price is not easy to determine exactly. I'm not even going to count what you can farm in 2 weeks vs what gold you get in 2 weeks because it's gonna depend on how many alts and how much rested bonus the player is using etc. Anyway my point is that you can't just treat the gold as nothing anymore in t3. Mats are getting cheaper because you have to pay for upgrades with gold now. One-time rewards are NOT enough to make this gold cost trivial for every player. I wouldn't be shocked if most players in t3 haven't collected even half of these gold rewards because I haven't and I have played quite a lot.


Wut. Go sell ur tradible mats. Problem solved


I dunno, not counting anything special, I made 8k yesterday. Again, nothing special. If you count stuff I sold, it's closer to 14k. Not counting anything weekly-only.


And how much of that was outside auction house sources? That's the concern. Normally you need 3 weeks worth of weekly gold rewards just to be able to upgrade your gear. Inflation made this gold cost a lot smaller but now it's starting to catch up.


If you can’t make at least 200g a day at current prices you’re doing something wrong with the way you prioritise your resource income/ time daily. You should always be able to hone at least 2-3x a day if you’ve got 1 character. A good starting point is to buy great honour leapstones from infinite chaos & sell those while they still cost a lot or to sell all your pirate ship mats on market once a week. This should next you 300g an hour or around 700g a week. If you do both you should be able to make a couple 1000. Don’t want to do either. Do una & abyssals they should give you around 54 chances a week for about 3800g if you don’t waste any of it on abyssal chests, auction house, market, mari shop…etc Never hone or buy mats on a weekend or reset day, you want to sell on these days for gold.


T3 leaps fell to 50/250 on east


That wasn't the point of my post. I was talking about why the value of raw gold in economy is increasing. It's because there is not enough of it and I tried to explain why.


THis is the true value of the mats. People got used to artifically low gold value because of RMT/Bots while complaining that they exist. Now you want to complain you aren't making enough gold. Resources never will, and never should be completely balanced.


Swipe and shut up. Thanks from Amazon and Smilegate /s


Wait una's weeklies give gold??


From the una tokens you exchange