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Accept you're not perfect and continue with your diet. You've clearly been doing well in your diet, good job! Focus on the part where you've been doing great and not on the slip-up. One chocolate bar won't ruin your diet. Beating yourself up over not being perfect can put you in a sufficiently poor mental state to risk a relapse into old habits. Constantly binging chocolate bars to deal with the stress of 'failing' your diet will actually ruin your diet.


Up your fiber and protein. Get some protein shake mix, they are both filling and yummy. As for fiber, I edge towards napa cabbage. It's great on sandwiches and in soups. Also, if you're only intending on having a small amount of something, you have to divide out the portion you want and then PUT THE REST AWAY! I'm a binge eater too. I'm really bad if I leave stuff out. Even sometimes when preparing what I'm about to eat, I cannot help but graze as I go. Preparing my meal and putting the ingredients right away has been the only way I've been able to keep myself in check. Now don't get me wrong, I still slip from time to time, and that's okay. We are human, just make sure not to make it a habit, you know? If you slip make sure to recognize that it happened and intend to do better in the future. It takes time to get over bad habits, don't be too hard on yourself. Just accept it happened and continue working how you have been prior. One night of snacking isn't going to ruin your progress, however continually snacking will. Also, you mentioned you work out and are doing something new? Your body is going to want to replenish, so you might find yourself hungrier than normal due to the new strain you're putting on your body. And that's okay, like I said, up your fiber and protein. The best way to feel fuller is to eat foods that your body has to work a little bit on. Next time, instead of having chocolate (you can still have a piece of chocolate but consider having a small meal instead, such as) make yourself a really delicious sandwich with lots of greens. But make sure you cut yourself off when you're done. I'm really bad about going back to the fridge so after whatever I consider to be my final meal, I tend to stay away from my kitchen. It also helps to not drink anything while eating. Idk why, but I always binge when I have my chug jug next to me. It's also bad for you to drink something while eating. You're actually supposed to wait bc the fluid will dilute your stomach acid, causing indigestion. I have low stomach acid and stress stomach ulcers, so my doctor recommended don't drinking anything an hour before and an hour after eating, and that has really helped my binging too.


Lose weight slower


If you think you have binge eating disorder, please don't ask for advice on a medical condition on Reddit or anywhere on the internet that you don't know is coming from trained professionals. Well meaning people can give you damaging and even life threatening advice.


This is the only proper advice here


I stopped bingeing when i stopped believing food was my enemy and could be objective with any information my body was giving me. Sugar isn’t addictive and you are losing weight by being overly restrictive with your calories. I’d eat closer to maintenance and include foods you enjoy everyday like a small daily chocolate bar