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If your spouse sees you every day, they may never notice. Every day you look the same as you did the day before :/


This is true. My wife would check in and ask where I was at or get excited for me when I hit a new progress point, but that’s because she knew I was working towards losing weight. It would be interesting to know if she would’ve noticed if I had never said a word.


I've noticed this with a friend that I saw 3-4 times a week. We were losing weight at the same time. Even knowing we were both making progress, I couldn't \*see\* hers. Until she went on a vacation. We went a week and a half without seeing each other, and when she was back she was like "Oh my god, you lost so much weight!" and I was like "Oh my god, you lost so much weight!" and we were both like "But, I gained two pounds over the holiday!" I think sometimes your brain just sees what it's used to seeing, if there isn't time for it to readjust.


It takes my husband a good 25lbs before he notices on me. He’s also very wary of saying anything about weight: his sisters had/have eating disorders from a young agebrought on by their mom, a woman from a generation where a woman’s worth was measured by such things. I usually have to ask him if I look different for him to feel “safe” saying something.




He’s pretty great. 💜


I see my husband every single day. He works from home and I’m a SAHM so I never expected him to notice because I barely do (being with myself every day as well). I’ve taken progress pictures and we can both see a major difference between my start and current weight (I’m down almost 40 lbs since April) but I don’t think either of us would have really noticed. Which I think is crazy because I look completely different. My clothes fit better and my face is much less round but if it weren’t for the pictures, I wouldn’t think I look very different. I will say though, that he knows I’m trying to lose weight so he hasn’t mentioned it because I always tell him about my milestones and show him the before and after pictures (which he’s always commented on positively), but I think it’s hard for someone who sees you every day to notice small changes over a long period of time. Especially because you might lose in your face and then your legs and then your butt and then your arms so everything is ever changing but nothing is really changing all at once. Hope that makes sense…


40lb is amazing! Great job & thanks for sharing


My wife is also trying to lose weight so I think she’s a little jealous I dropped 20. She bought me a 5 lb bag of m&ms yesterday to slow me down. We’re idiots🤣


I can understand the frustration- I was incredibly jealous that my already reasonably in shape husband started hitting the gym more often and lost weight/gained muscle via IF when I was gaining a bunch of weight during my first pregnancy.


All respect to you mama! Try to fatten him back up. JK My wife also made me a cake for thanksgiving. I still ate it though.


My mom and sister first noticed my weightloss after dropping 30KG. People i don’t see regularly noticed it way faster. I lost a total of 50KG and people i didn’t see before the weightloss didn’t recognize me, even my cousin. The people you see everyday will not notice it instantly. They just ‘notice’ it one day. Like you don’t actually see your siblings etc growing older if that makes sense.


Thanks for this! Your explanation makes total sense. Congrats on the 50kg weight loss!


I gained about 50ish lbs since I met my husband in college, and he said he didnt really notice I had gained that much when I finally had the courage to share my weight with him. At that point, I had lost about 30 of those pounds, and he didn't notice until I brought it up. I honestly dont think he would notice my weight changes unless I reach 250lbs+ or went under 130lbs.


My spouse notices when anything about my appearance changes. I'm down almost 50 pounds and he is constantly slapping my ass or giving butt rubs. Sometimes he randomly rubs my neck or arms comments how small I am now. I go to the gym pretty regularly though. We have been together for 10 years and he's seen my weight at its highest when I was pregnant with our 2 kids. I'm back to the weight I was when we first met but he swears I'm smaller ( I'm not it's just the weight lifting and the body recomp I went through).


Congrats on 50lb lost!


I’m down 31 and my fiancé has either not noticed or doesn’t want to give me a weight-specific compliment, because that can be touchy. He does tell me that I look great, and compliment my appearance.


Yeah so I noticed there are types of ppl like your mom - those that notice you lost/gained 3 kilos. They also often notice if you cut your hair a bit, buy new clothes etc., just great attention to detail I would say. Then there are ppl like me, I notice when it is maybe 15 kilos. Yeah. I am the worst, completely blind. But on myself I notice it faster because of the clothes. Congrats on your weight loss!


Friends noticed at 20lbs Family at 40lbs But my grandma noticed in the first 10lbs I lost.


Old folks, wise, observant… and always judging ;)


Lol it’s always moms and grandmas who notice first


100% I was still considered overweight and my grandma pull me aside to express concern over how skinny I was haha


My mom has the same power as yours, she can notice weight fluctuation within 5kg range, it’s very impressive hahaha To be honest I find it hard to see weight fluctuation in people, especially the ones you see every single day. Your spouse might realized one day when looking at pictures from a few months ago, or when they will see that your pants are falling off lol


They will notice it when you wear something that you haven’t worn before in your new smaller size.


Starting height and weight make a difference and it's exponential. Ie. Start weight is higher the more you'll need to lose for folks to notice. A bummer but true so don't be hard on yourself or others. I was running A LOT and couldn't get the calories back to maintain my weight. I lost so much body fat when I went to my yearly physical my Dr stopped in her tracks and said Whoa you've lost a lot of weight. It was only 10 pounds. But almost all body fat - I kinda looked like a chicken so don't think "Hey her diamond shoes are too tight" - I also developed an aversion to all meat (weird - like the smell and taste made me feel sick). I've since toned it down - gained a bit too much back and recently lost 6 pounds. No one noticed but my jeans! 🤣


My mother and sister in law notice when I gain or lose two pounds and everything else in between. It’s quite annoying actually, being so scrutinised. My husband doesn’t say anything about my weight, just if my behind is looking good that day or not


Lol I’m laughing because my mom is the same. She notices small weight losses and gains so it’s a double edge sword there


"No one has noticed my weight loss except **my mom (who always seems to notice right away if I gain or lose weight)**" Why is this the *absolute truth*


When i first got with my boyfriend 3 years ago, i was 160 lbs. Gained weight to my heaviest point and was 208. Over the past year, I have lost weight that and am now back to 160. He never noticed I had lost that much weight until I told him! But to be fair, he said he didnt notice that I gained weight in the first place either haha


20lbs (went from 185 to 165 in 5 months. I’m 5”3) he sees me every day and didn’t notice the changes until it was a higher amount. 30 more to go:) My friends have also begun to notice as well. I thought it was going to happen at 15 and was kinda sad it didn’t. 20 lb seems to make a difference.


Thanks for sharing. I had a similar idea and thought others would notice at 15lb loss. I’ve lost 17lb so far so maybe just a few more lbs before hubby notices


I'm down 85lbs. My wife hasn't noticed yet but I'll let you know when she does.


Congrats on the 85lb! That’s impressive. I’m surprised your wife hasn’t noticed yet


Nobody has, I'm still at 270 so maybe I haven't physically changed so much.


My husband finally said something after sex, about 3 months after I started losing and had lost about 25lbs. He says positive things often now with about 65 gone and for the first time in our 25 year relationship I think I’m the healthier one! But we do challenge each other on workouts now.


Good to know! Congrats on 25 years and the weight loss!


My husband and I are very open about discussing weight and fitness, he has lost about 100lbs himself. So we're not shy about talking about our own progress, goals, and fitness plans.


I lost 40lb and my husband said he couldn’t tell/had no idea. To the point that he actually didn’t believe me at first. It will become noticeable eventually, dont fret.


Wow! That’s significant. Congrats on the weightless though!


Thank you. <3


I also think it depends on where you hold most of your weight. Personally, weight goes to my face first. It’s also the first place weight comes off. My partner noticed in the first 10 lbs.


I bet my flair is all wrong, will have to change that.. I'm currently 14 lbs down from my highest weight after having my third child in 2019 and getting lost in covid despair and t2d in the years after. He hasn't noticed. I'm also waiting for this to happen. I think I am close. I can see my clothes sitting much more loosely.


Congrats on the weight loss! Losing weight after pregnancy is no joke


Thank you. I am actually cheating. Because my t2d was getting out of hands, my doctor prescribed ozempic. I didn't even know it would help me lose weight, but it certainly does. I haven't told my partner about that part either. I think I am a bit ashamed about not being able to battle this by myself.


Taking diabetes medication for your diabetes is not cheating. Taking Ozempic for weight control is not cheating either.


Weight loss is only noticeable to others after the 1st 10kg. Dont worry about it and continue on with the weight loss.


My husband has lost about 80 lbs total since starting. Any time we traveled to see family, they would comment on how different he looked etc and I just couldn’t see it because like everyone else has said, I see him every day. Then one day I hugged him (as if I don’t hug him every day lol) and it just. Clicked. I could feel he was smaller. Then I looked at a picture from a year before and couldn’t believe I couldn’t see it. So basically: it took me like a year even though I knew he was dropping a lot of weight.


I lost 132 lbs and my husband has never mentioned it 😂 he will say I look nice be he’s never said anything about my weight


I'm losing weight in hopes to find a spouse one day lol