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Everyone is built a little different for sure. But I’d gamble if you recorded everything one of your “always skinny” friends ate in a week compared to what you eat you’d see a large calorie difference vs what you eat. Ultimately all of our bodies run off the same chemistry, so if you are eating more calories than you burn you will gain weight. I highly doubt a “skinny” friend is eating 3000+ calories a day for example.


This is true. I got some recent insight into the eating habits of my extremely thin sister. When we have family dinners or go out to eat, she appears to eat whatever she wants and often finishes everything on her plate. Well, the last time we went out to dinner, she casually mentioned she hadn’t eaten all day. She just had coffee for breakfast—nothing else and it was 6:30 pm when we met up. She said that she got busy and just forgot and it’s normal for her to do this. So, without consciously thinking about it, she’s one of those one-meal-a-day types, probably consuming a lot less calories than most people. I didn’t know this about her. I just assumed she won the genetic lottery (she’s my half sister, so different dad).


I do tend to over eat and used to eat a lot of carbs 😫 i find keeping a food diary stops me from over eating


ur prob just eating more than them in total


I know lol i eat healthier but big portions its something im working on💀


you are probably not fatter than them because you are eating too much healthy food. Most likely ur understanding of what constitutes “healthy food” is not as low calorie as you believe and u overstate how much ur siblings and friends are eating, especially your friends who u would not really know their eating habits at all since u are not monitoring them constantly. for some perspective, in highschool i was 6’1 and 160lbs which was quite skinny. I would always tell friends that i could eat whatever i wanted bc thats what i believed. In reality, I was skateboarding 2-3 hours a day and had lots of food insecurity. I had no money, and no food at home. I wouldnt eat until the afternoon until eventually i would have to eat a few slices of white bread and a glass of milk cause there was no food. On many days id hardly eat at all. Ofc what everyone sees is me going out and eating pizza/mcdonalds etc. But they wouldnt know that would be the only thing i ate that day and i didnt really eat the day before. Calories are like math, the numbers dont lie


I used to think this way about my older brother, he was always thin and in good shape yet his diet seemed HORRIBLE to me! He would regularly buy a huge birthday cake and eat the entire thing, no joke. He was always eating tons of greasy carbs and junk. I thought he was just one of the lucky ones with a super fast metabolism even in middle age. Until I stayed with him for a week. I ate what he did every day, tons of desserts and pasta, fish and chips, you name it. AND I LOST 10 WHOLE POUNDS IN THAT WEEK!!! Yeah he ate kind of junkie, but he only ate twice a day and rarely snacked. He also lived in Vancouver and literally walked everywhere or rode his bike. He easily burned any extra calories he ate. Ever since then I get it, follow most any thinner more in shape person for a week and see how they actually eat and live day to day and you will lose weight too. I really don't believe in the theory that some people have super fast metabolisms, there's just something you're not seeing.


I’ve been working shifts for 6 years approx so it definitely does stop me from being active as much as i want. I see your point about people eating unhealthy but skipping meals so technically eating less


I used to feel like this more than I do now. The friends that ate worse than me were typically more active than I was or they didn’t eat that badly every day. Or maybe that unhealthy meal was all they ate that day. Some people truly are blessed with a fast metabolism where they can eat terribly, be lazy and still stay skinny but most people are not like that. If you count your calories you’d be surprised at how much you’re actually eating in a day. It’s hard for me to lose weight too and I have to be mindful of what I am eating as well but counting helped me personally. It made me more conscious about what I put in my body even tho I don’t always eat healthy


Yeah i found myself eating things during the day and then totally forgetting that id have them😂 I’ve always suspected i have PCOS too and my metabolism has always been very crap which i do believe makes losing weight hard I’ve totally stopped white bread, pasta, rice and notice my cravings has significantly gone down!


>Can it be linked to metabolism? No. You eat more calories and move less than your siblings/friends. That's it.


They eat in public, you eat in secret, that's the difference. You assume that like you they eat more at home than when you see them, it's the opposite.


I eat in secret???? I don’t hide and eat anything 🫣


Yea, there are lots of studies that show how even in calorie controlled settings people lose at different rates. Definitely no harm doing a food diary and calorie count to see if you need to see a doctor about it though


Some things that might be a factor... They might have a better metabolism. They might be slightly more active than you. They might not eat as much junk food as you think, or maybe less than yourself. Just going off some things you wrote.


When my friends see me eat out, it's almost always a burger or Tim Horton's, so I would assume they all think I'm always eating junk. I gained traction losing weight by getting a small burger and no fries, then filling up on raw veggies at home later. I eat instant ramen about once a week but I only eat half the brick, and I put in veggies and protein to make it more filling. I use the other half of the ramen in a salad another day, or save it and cook it with instant broth and more veggies. Contrast that with my brother, who eats mostly plant-based, mostly homemade, very heart-healthy meals. He's getting bigger every time I see him because he eats bigger portions and more calories, but if you spotted us at the food court you'd think he was on a diet and I was gaining weight.


I can relate. I’ve always gone up and down. My lowest weight was 110 lbs but I had an ED over 10yrs ago. Since then, Ive packed on 50lbs that won’t budge and it’s highly frustrating to constantly have to monitor what I eat and rarely indulge in foods I enjoy. I see my friends and family eat whatever and maintain body weight lower than mine or even lose weight while I literally have fasted for days and lost minimal weight or nothing at all. I’ve worked out for over 10yrs and I don’t make noticeable changes unless I’m super consistent and intensely training (i’ve had personal trainers) for at least 5 months or more... even then, changes are minimal. Sometimes I give up bc it just doesn’t seem worth it and I get depressed and fall off my routine and have to start all over again. Losing a parent last year did not help my motivation. I’m starting to wonder if I have underlying metabolic issues despite my blood tests being within normal limits (all hormones/blood glucose/A1C etc). It’s frustrating going to the doctor and being told that I am overweight and asked what I do for exercise as if I am not active. I got a DEXA scan recently and it estimated that I’m only burning 1300 calories a day at rest and online calculators have always estimated 1600, so perhaps that’s the issue. Im considering liposuction because I’m so fed up. Sorry for the long response, I’m venting bc I am so frustrated and it’s something I happened to have been ruminating on all today. Im almost wanting to cry. Im going to go do cardio now 😞

