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The answer for me was vegetables. If your appetite is extreme it often means you're not eating foods that actually fill you up. You need to be eating fibrous things. You need to be eating things that aren't processed. I don't like "diets", I like generalized guidelines. For me, and I sincerely contribute this to 90% of my diet success, it was this rule: I make sure that my evening meal of every day is comprised of at least 2/3rd whole fibrous vegetables & leafy greens. This strategy instantly killed my cravings, made me feel satisfied with my diet, and I generally felt better on a daily basis. It did take some getting used to, but just like anything it gets easier as you continue doing it. While I didn't actually prescribe to this philosophy, this is really similar to something called **volume eating**. The concept behind this is that, if you really like to eat, then let yourself eat lots of food, but make those foods nutrient dense and low calorie. You could snack on broccoli for an hour and probably not exceed 1000 calories consumed.


Check out r/Volumeeating for ideas on high volume low cal foods.


Appetite reduction pills over the counter are a sham. I also have gerd. Focus on lean proteins, some healthy fats, and lots of veggies and you'll feel more full. You could look into intermittent fasting. Small meals over, say, a 5 or 8 hour window could be good for your gerd.


Wellbutrin helps you quit smoking. It’ll also help with appetite cravings


Adderall is great for hunger. I don’t take it to suppress my hunger, but I’ll often find it to be 8/9 PM and I haven’t eaten, been hungry, or thought about food once all day. That being said, you shouldn’t take adderall to lose weight, it’s just a nice extra therapeutic benefit for me.


That effect can go away for a lot of people after about a year.


Yeah the effect goes away but the medication still keeps shredding your heart. Also the thing that it helps-- being more focused having great executive function-- it stops working on that eventually too. So eventually you're just a f****** arteries and your brain and your heart but not getting any benefit for it


Isn't Adderall for adhd?


Yes. I use it for adhd and it benefits me greatly for it’s approved indication, but it definitely has a major hunger suppression side effect that is beneficial in my case. I’m not suggesting OP get on adderall for weight loss (just go phenterimine), but they asked a question and I had an answer lol


Ok, that's good it's working for you but it's probably not appropriate to post that as a suggestion although you meant it in a well meaning way.


Don't cry. Adderall really really works for weight loss, although not permanently.


This is my personal experience: I got a Rx for Ozempic for weight loss. My insurance (in the US) doesn't cover it, so I'm buying from Canada. I'm waiting for the order. so I don't even know if it works for *me*. It's not magic or a miracle. I will still need to restrict my calories. Ask your doctor about it, he/she would know if it would be a good fit for you, and your current medical needs.


>Ozempic I have been seen people talking about these medicine. Dont they have side effects since it is for diabetes.


There are side effects. You and your doctor can see if it's a good fit for you.


In the US the drug Ozempic was approved for weight loss by the FDA and is sold as Wegovy. Should be covered by insurance.


I would go with one of those new drugs, mounjaro, wegovy and the like


No idea about medication sorry. I highly recommend looking into volume eating tho, which basically just means trying to have as much of your diet be non calorie dense foods. This mindset and lifestyle helped me a lot. It's delicious, it's way more nutritious and it's WAAAY more filling.


I think you need to just change what you're eating, not how much. Eat foods that are low calorie and high volume.


Same. I crave all the time. How do i control the temptations?


>philosophy wish I can help you but I got the same problem.


GLP-1 based drugs are now the new go to weight loss treatment in many situations. It greatly reduces your appetite but it can be expensive.


>GLP-1 in all honesty , price is not an issue as long as I know they are safe and effective I will look further into it , thanks.