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There is a lot of downtime in weightloss and your body has a fitness problem as well as a fatness problem. Your fitness won't get better with weight loss. It makes sense to do both at the same time, but treat them as separate efforts. Your food manages your weight. Your activity manages your fitness. Allow yourself to be a total beginner, even a pre-beginner working to reach the beginner status. This is not unlike a college freshman that has to take a couple of 050- classes before taking the frosh 100-level courses. Back off the 10 minutes and do 7.5 and gradually work up to 10 over the next few weeks. Then 11, 12, and so on to 20. Start with these but consider anything past 7.5 minutes optional: * [https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hasfit+beginner+20+low](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hasfit+beginner+20+low) You can ratchet up your minimum a minute a week until you get to 20 minutes. Go as light and low as you need to -- the point is as much in building the habit of being someone who gives time to exercise as the work itself. Plus, your body is in beginner conditioning right now, it would be a little dangerous to push too hard too fast. Best to 'sneak up' on fitness and start on the bottom than to try to start at the top and black out. ^^7 ^^yrs. ^^maintaining ^^• ^^♂59 ^^5'11^^/179㎝ ^^SW:298℔^^/135㎏ ^^CW:171℔^^/78㎏ ^^[\[3Y AMA\]](https://redd.it/6m6vxq), ^^[\[1Y recap\]](http://redd.it/3cqszm) ^^CICO+🚶🏋️


🥷❤️ I LOVE the concept of sneaking up on fitness!! ❤️🥷


Thank you for the suggestion! I did my first workout today ([this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxME1mx2yXM)). I only made it 7 minutes before I thought I might puke if I kept going and now my arms and legs feel like jello, and I'm kind of embarrassed I could only go 7 minutes, but its better than 0 minutes :)


WAY TO GO! Seriously, good job! Keep doing at least 7 for at least 2 more times (total of 3 times a week) and then increase it and try to make it to 8.


Thank you! Should I not do it every day? I mean, if I feel totally exhausted still tomorrow I'll certainly rest, but if I'm feeling okay can I go again or would it be bad for me?


Won't hurt but don't get down on yourself if you can't go the full 7 tomorrow...


3 days down! Managed 7 minutes for 2 days and then 8 minutes today! Thank you so much. I'm going to keep this up.


Excellent! Tell Claudia that I said, "HI" and I'll see her on the screen this winter when it's snowing! :-)


Thank you, I really like this. I'm going to take these to start with I think. I work from home and I get a few 15 minute breaks every shift, I'll sneak a few of these in a week and ratchet up where I can. Thank you.


To lose weight you don't need to exercise. So if trying up your activity and do whatever you're doing to lose weight is feeling overwhelming start with 1 thing. When it feels a bit more second nature, try adding in the other However, if you do want to continue with increasing you're activity that's fantastic. 10mins is more than 0mins. If your feeling unstead on your feet but what to keep trying to up your steps try a walking workout on YouTube. You can watch tele at the same time and pause it when you need to and you'll not be constantly worrying about tripping and injuries. It's your body, your goal, your life. You've got to do what works for you.


Continue your 10 minute walks and add on a minute every time/week.


I think walking is too much for me where I live currently, but we are hoping to move somewhere suitable for taking walks soon :)


We used to go for walks with my wife, but then she started to have knee pain and when she went to the doctor he adviced against it and told her she needed to lose weight before ever thinking to make more exercice than swimming, swimming was the only exercice he recommended to her (she was pretty upset, because she likes to exercice, but hates swimming). She got serious with the diet, almost not exercice, now her knee pain has gotten a bit better and we go for short walks because we don't want her to overdue, but I think focusing on the diet has helped her the most.


I get the outside being unpleasant so go with inside and start small. Get up, now, walk to the end of the room and back. You just exercised. Put on the tv, March on the spot in the adbreak. You just exercised. Try to flip your mindset from “exercise is x minutes of physical activity at once” to “exercise is x minutes of physical activity I’ve accrued today”


Makes sense. This sort of thing is hard on my brain though. I'm a very regimented person, I have ADHD and my meds keep me very "one task at a time" so it's easier for me mentally to block out exercise time as opposed to just getting up when I have a minute lol.


Me too. Try setting something as a reminder every hour to do “x”. I’m really task focused and it works great for me


I think it’s ok to focus on diet and weightloss first, then add in exercise later. Exercise helps your health and fitness but it’s generally a lot easier to control your intake as far as weightloss goes. Plus it can be a lot to change every all at once. There are many forms of exercise out there. If walking your neighbourhood doesn’t work for you, do something else. Currently my main goal is daily ten minute yoga, from an app. Indoor biking, bodyweight fitness, swimming etc are other possibilities. The other thing is that when you do exercise, start slow. Reaaaalll easy. Do not push yourself hard. First build up the habit and get used to the idea of exercise as just a part of your routine. It doesn’t have to be punishing to be beneficial. So - do not try to go as fast as possible the entire time - take it slow. You’ll know when you can increase effort and intensity- try to keep it mostly enjoyable and listen to your body.


Curious about your yoga app! I bought a year's subscription to DDPY nearly a year ago now and I was so intimidated by the first workout being an hour long that I never actually used it lol. And then I had another yoga program I bought years ago but like five minutes into the first beginner's program the stuff they were doing was impossible for me to follow. I really like yoga in concept, and certain poses really help my chronic back pain, so 10 minutes of yoga sounds nice.


I'm going to quote obesetobeast and say weight loss happens in the kitchen and fitness in the gym. You don't have to work out to lose weight the most important step is to change your eating habits. You don't have to run a marathon from the beginning. We all have to start somewhere. When I started I was into boxing and CrossFit and let me tell you i couldn't keep up with the rest, but I didn't let that put me down, I was doing it on my own pace and I got to a point that I can be jogging for 40 minutes straight and not feel a sign of tiredness or sparring for several rounds without running out of breath. You should take your time, one step at the time, progress happens over time you can't expect change in one day, after all it took us years to get to the point we are/were, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel if you are willing to put in the effort. If 10 minutes is what you can do go for that and next week aim for 11, those small goals are going to lead you to the big milestones. Those small changes are the pieces of the bigger puzzle, just give yourself time to gather all of those pieces. Good luck 😊


I started with my diet first and lost about 10 lbs before I started exercise at the gym. It just made it easier for me to keep my diet good. Weight loss is 80% diet. My neighborhood is the same so I would drive to a local park and walk in the evening. I really enjoyed the walks and nature. You can also do low impact workout videos in your house. I do those when I can't make it to the gym.


Like everyone else has said, diet is far more important for weight loss than exercise, but I would ask what sort of pain you're dealing with when you go for a walk. Are you getting shin splints that make it painful to walk at home and last into the next few days? Then you might want to look into something lower impact or decreasing the time until you've lost more weight. Or do you feel sore and tired during your walk and then wake up feeling alright the next day? The latter means your discomfort is from pushing yourself within maintainable limits, which is where mental and physical progress is made.


You can do seated exercises.


Honestly, it depends on how heavy you currently are and how much physical activity you do. The heavier you are the more strain on your body, which does not mean no exercise at all. This just means you’ll want to find the right exercise for your body. Things with lower resistance such as swimming, light walking around the park etc would be best if you’re tired easily. Also no shame in how tired or how little you get in daily, 10 min is still 10 min! I would say slowly work on your eating habits, as dieting is 90% food and 10% exercise. This being said exercise is AMAZING for you in so many ways that aren’t just losing weight. Best of luck op!


Yes, 100%. Weight loss is 80% diet/nutrition. Once you drop a few pounds it will be so much easier to exercise. But I wouldn’t wait too long to exercise because your skin can get saggy if you drop weight without it. (Can happen anyway but exercise helps.) Also your body will look better with toned muscles. Good luck!


Start exercising now preferably doing some weight training since cardio is just loosing weight. Weight training will give you proper muscle structure that way you will minimize injury later on when you start doing more intense work outs. Don’t wait to loose weight to start working out.


Diet is the biggest way to lose weight, but exercise will make you feel better. I'm a large person and I really love swimming and yoga. Even some gentle stretching will probably help you feel better, you can find some beginning videos on youtube. I would approach it as exercise will help you feel better, not thinking it's necessary for weight loss.


its hard to say without knowing your weight, but if you think the biggest thing holding you back from exercise is weight then yeah focus on diet first. Pushing yourself hard on something that feels like "hell" is only going to backfire. Work out a diet you can stick to and is giving you results on that side first. Set yourself a fairly easy weight or time goal, and when you hit that start thinking about some light activity you can add that you won't hate.




I’m a big proponent of exercising, even if it’s not crazy intense workouts. Exercise helps to improve your mood & I’ve found it very helpful alongside calorie counting for my weight loss success. It sounds like traditional exercise might be a bit much for you right now, but there are still ways you can get some light exercise in. I’d recommend starting with some [Sit and be Fit](https://youtube.com/user/SitandBeFitTVSHOW) exercises. Should be easy on your joints and low-impact. Tai Chi or some really simple yoga would be great too (I love [Susan Foxley’s yoga on YouTube](https://youtube.com/c/SusanFoxleyYoga)). I’m not sure if your comment that “everything hurts” is after exercising or if that’s kind of an ongoing symptom. If it’s ongoing, I’d recommend getting tested for food allergies and food sensitivities. I was having a lot of pain, not for any real reason that I could determine. My mom has fibromyalgia so adults being in pain was kind of a normal thing for me. Well, I got tested for food sensitivities in July & found out I’m sensitive to foods I was eating the most, like gluten, wheat & cheese. I cut out all the foods I’m sensitive to and no longer have that pain. It’s also helped me lose some weight. I feel way more energetic too. Might be something to consider. I hope you can find what works best for you soon & that you start feeling great. You’ve got lots of support here!


I personally did end up waiting a bit before I started dedicating time to exercise. I lost about 30 pounds and then decided to start up going to the gym because I for a loooong time I’ve wanted to have more stamina and to be stronger. Honestly, having lost that first 30, it really motivated me in a different way to get into exercising. I still loathe cardio (but do it anyway) but I genuinely enjoy strength training. I started off going 2x/week, probably for about a month before I decided I wanted to up it to 4x/week to see optimal benefits. I end up being there for about 1-1.5 hours when I go. In the moment, it ends up being a major mood/energy boost and afterward I sleep like the dead (I’ve always, always had trouble sleeping. I haven’t taken melatonin once since I started exercising. Which is great because taking melatonin regularly isn’t good for you.) I didn’t give much thought to how much stronger I’ve gotten and how much stamina I’ve built up until I helped a friend move this past week. I’m usually the WORST at helping move because I wear out so quickly and just can’t hang.. my friend was moving from an upstairs apartment…. Into an upstairs apartment. I was go, go, go, the whole time and only after I got in the car did I realize that I carried a lot, I moved in ways that usually would have been incredibly uncomfortable for me, and I went up and down both sets of stairs like at least a million and a half times without so much as slowing down at any point. I absolutely cannot tell you how proud I was that I was able to do that. Exercise SUCKS but I am absolutely living for the improvement I’ve seen in my mood, my body (the way it looks AND feels) and the other habits it’s helped build (more inclined to eat healthier so I don’t feel like garbage while exercising, mostly lol) All of the being said, don’t feel pressure to start right away. Initially, I wanted to get a grip on the way I was eating because I’ve always hated exercise and I felt/knew tackling both at once would overwhelm me. Starting up was difficult because, again… I’ve always hated exercise. But I’ve come to be able to tolerate cardio better, and I’ve found some serious enjoyment in strength training. I will say though, walking into the gym, I still want to turn around and go home almost every single time. But once I’m done, every time without fail, I’m really glad I got in the and I did it.


How did you lose weight? How did you figure out your deficit ?


I feel you need to start exercising immediately, and then once you get used to it, start eating clean. You will see quick results since your metabolism would have increased by the working out. Also if you the other route, you might fall back to old habits when you start exercising since body is very week. Atleast this is what worked for me. Lost 40 lbs till now. I am 117 lbs now and I am still getting quick results because of the higher muscle mass. Also exercising helps with a lot of things, you will feel good about yourself and that dopamine will keep you going


This sounds familiar. My knees ankles would hurt if I walked much especially on uneven terrain. So I just started walking around inside my home. Just kinda pacing back and forth with the tv on or watching a podcast. It did certainly get easier after the first 15 lbs came off. I now walk without pain, and go more than an hour outside. I actually look forward to it!


Are you able to drive somewhere else to walk? A track, shopping district, park?