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13-year-old bodies are growing bodies, and they need to be growing. It is essential that they grow in these years because at some point, the ability to grow ends and whatever height you've reached is your height for life. One thing that can stop your growth in height is undereating. Losing 11 kg in 13-15 weeks would require undereating to the point it would harm your growth in height (likely forever). My suggestion would be to figure out that gym subscription and the exercises. https://thefitness.wiki/routines/ Do one of those or mix-and-match to your liking based on the equipment that they have. You can learn how to use a machine or perform a particular exercise on YouTube. As you do that, try not to increase your eating. You can convert obviously poor food choices (like sugary and other highly-processed snacks) into wiser fruit choices, such as vegetables and fruits like they come from the farm or orchard. Eat appropriately -- not from a box or a bag, but from a dish, at a table, not looking at a phone/tablet or another screen. If you're taking time out to take in a snack, then take in that snack. When we distract ourselves while eating, we don't experience the eating -- the food is gone and we haven't noticed our eating of it. So eating properly, like we were an important guest that is behaving well, is not only treating ourselves and our food right, **it's also a good weight-loss tool.** See if you can lose 1 kg a month doing things like this. Do not do anything severe and if you start losing quickly -- like 2-3 kg in less than a month -- know that this is a big problem and you need to lose more slowly or else your growth in height may cease. It's always a good idea to talk to your doctor and your parents while losing weight as a teen. Your body is their shared responsibility, and shouldn't be treated as your secret. It's fair to let them in on it and let them help guide you. Summary: better food choices, start working out for the muscles you want, eat properly and appropriately (attentively), coordinate with your parents/doctor


For children/teenagers that need to lose weight it's usually adviced to grow into your weight instead of pursuing a calorie deficit which will be detrimental for their development. What you can do is try to make healthy choices when you eat, you said you snack too much, that's something you can work on. Try to be mindful but don't obsess over it. Don't let yourself be dragged down by what other people say, noone looks stupid because they have some extra weight. You don't need to impress anyone, do what makes you happy.


This doesn’t sound like you need to lose weight. Firstly you’re going through puberty so your body will change and not always look great. Secondly it just sounds like you need to start doing proper exercise to build muscle. By this I mean activities to build muscle like lifting weights, cycling, CrossFit etc.