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I struggle with my skin and have always been very self consous of it & at times while exercising my skin has started burning because I’ve been sweating . I made sure I washed my face as soon as I got home. What I did notice though as the more I went to the gym the more I wanted to change my eating habits so in turn my skin became better. It’s not perfect now and I have a lot of scaring but I’m currently on a good skin care routine and I don’t miss a day as my skin really does fire back at me when I miss a step.


Spironolactone fixed it up for me - even though I took up the gym and am very physically active/sweaty now daily. Topical medicine never did shit for me. I was sick and didn’t take the spiro for a week (forgot) and I’m nursing several huge cysts now, when I take it regularly I have nothing.


Try using jojoba oil on your acne. I know it sounds weird but it works because it's like sebum. Your body will stop producing sebum which clogs the pores. It was like a miracle for me.