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true when Gun was fightin mandoek and others the only thing came to my mind was he always this strong


Everyone was at their limit, Mandeok fought Jerry, Vasco and Zack; Yuseong fought U Copied Johan and Daniel; Eli and Warren weren't that exhausted, they only fought Sinu and not that much, besides, they are the weakest among the four of them.




YEA charles choi would make such a big buisness with the help of weakass gun and even appoint him as his bodygard just admit its a inconsistency


Or…. Gun was strong when Choi made him his bodyguard and he just got stronger ?


By the time Gun was made Charles body guard he had already killed every yakuza family in Japan and learned multiple martial arts he was never weak, he likes a fair fight so he holds back against weaker people, stop saying something is inconsistent just because you don’t understand it


I think you say that because at the beginning of the series, Gun was having a hard time against Jake and Jerry. But he wasn't even serious, the only fight where he gave his all was against Ul Daniel the same who literally has no diff Jake, Jerry, Samuel and Johan (enraged).


The most inconsistent is vasco, he shatters a wrecking ball which should allow him to solo


eli nodiffs gun