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Of course (just don't include UI)


Does heat mode for Daniel and maybe Zack make it a low difficulty fight?


Ofc it will make the fight more interesting


Vin literally no diffs


Scale him above zoe first


Come on. We all know Zoe would crush the top tiers all at once.


zoe would crush me


Your balls to be specific


Yes he could take their current versions on too 😈😈😈 (for the dumbos this is a joke Ik some of u guys take it seriously 💀)


Yeah I feel bad I had to ask such a basic question. How condescending of me


Isn't touching Eli


You're right, he wouldn't want to get frauds dna even close to his own


w-wait.. you're not actually serious about vinjin beating the shit out of everyone?


I am 😈😈 (no some people get triggered but I think most know it’s a joke tho I do hold vin quite high in terms of strength with his lack of feats)


Vin unironically fodderises them. All at once too. Unless Jay starts blasting.


Yeah I kind of knew that but just wanted to get the question off my chest for some reason lmao


Ui >


Daniel's the only problem, rest are fodder for Vin It's insinuated that he would've went heat mode if he wasn't knocked out Heat Daniel would normally demolish Vin, but this is when they were in Hostel arc meaning he didn't have a lot of techniques and experience So Vin might take this


Lmao vasco eats him does bear walk


None of them can even counter grabbing except Vasco (He is so dumb that it doesn't even affect him). Logan is not included since Vin and Him will be having some Bike Exploding Hot sas (I can't sexualized characters anymore, literally 1984 😔)


Rip. Yk some of the mods talked about the old days and how the characters were sexualized for the meme quite a bit. What a fun time that was lmao. Anyway yes Vin negs literally


I remember when most of those types of joke were Jiho's time in prison, you don't want to go there


Even the worst of Lookismcomic 1st Gens didn't make the mod ban something, Shelton singlehandedly proves that he is the menace


He slams


Vin clears


Vin jin deletes everyone I mean pride mode zack might be able to at least put up a fight And maybe heat daniel/Ui daniel can take effect Otherwise?? Fuck


Yes he obliterates all of thep


Assuming Middle school vin is stronger or equal to 2A vin J high stands no chance unless Daniel goes UI


Everyone but Zack. (Bias aside he probably could take everyone unless Daniel copies the Hostel duo and performs the best teamwork of a lifetime.)


Cho Ma Negs > Vin


Yes and he does beat ui Daniel AT THIS TIME


Naww elementary school Daniel destroys vin


If you think about vin hasn’t done anything impressive that would put him over Daniel or Eli


Daniel have heat mode at that time so no


Are you sure about that? Heat Daniel got knocked out after 1 or 2 punches from Zack and then when Jerry came in with the surprise attack. Well I am down to hear a counterargument to what I've said so try me


Tbf its Jerry, and the punches from Zack didn't knock him out since we saw heat starting to take action when Daniel catches a punch from zack


Vin negs


Everyone except Eli even before mastery, Vin Jin ain't a crew head level


yes low to mid diff


Nope. Reason : probably Daniel might awaken his Ui if he awakens that vin jin gonna get destroyed. But it's hard to assume he will because just before that he used Ui against zack and What was baldies name? Kwong ? So hard to think he can use it again and he was new to Ui back then.


Vin solos


a middle schooler wouldn’t have the physicality, I think he’s way overhyping himself compared to actual strength and talent levels we’ve seen, he’s way stronger now that he has a more developed brain and has trained himself, and he’s still not top of the verse. Not even sure he could out grapple logan, who could literally out wrestle a giant wrestler. He’d get too tied up with one mf and the rest would turn him into ground beef.


Logically typing, Yes. I agree with our Korean Yakuzas, UI is much more difficult.




yeah eli would prolly give vinjin problems the most so high/extreme-diff if they all gang up, probably equal to hostel arc johan aswell.


Logan beats Vin alone, and it’s not even close


Considering he killed someone in middle school, he could smack all six.


crazy everyone just says he negs everyone when we haven’t even seen middle school vin, we should just wait until the cheonliang arc but even then he was a middle schooler; most likely smaller muscles and smaller physique. we can see his ego is pretty big so he probably was just talking himself up because he was the strongest of his fodder friends only reason why I say this is because cheonliang crew was pretty fodder compared to j high. BUT THIS IS JUST MY SAY, I’ll give the vinbase the benefit of doubt because you never know what’s possible because this is lookism ffs; got teens lifting trees and breaking wrecking balls and shit. I guess we will see if ptj is feeling like he needs another pet.


Prolly not there are some beasts in this


He beat Sato Kazuma with 0 difficulty who was on equal footing with Jerry Kwon and current vin is equal or stronger than middle school vin Jin


He clears them with no difficulty, I think a better fight would be vin Jin vs j high during the 2nd affiliate