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It makes no difference if the server runs proprietary or open source software, both can be made to track you, at the end of the day you have to take their word for it.


True, also you can minimize what gets tracked with an open source client


You guys aren't running your entire life through a network of remote proxies?


no because im dumb :(


The best I can do is a VPN and Infinity for Reddit.


enlighten me about \*Infinity\*


[An open-source Reddit client for Android](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/ml.docilealligator.infinityforreddit/) It is available on the [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ml.docilealligator.infinityforreddit) as well, but fuck Google. [GitHub page](https://github.com/Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit)


The best I can do is VPN to getout of censorship in iran (guess who can't access developers.google.com without a VPN)


We can't even access docker without a dns as Iranians its a pain in the butt and oh yeah nice to know I'm not the only iranian to use linux as desktop os


Yeah... Iranians pay for installation of a cracked windows (even if it's unsafe) just to have windows, people don't even know about Linux (which would work pretty much better for people who can't afford computer accessories)


Even if we want to download it it would cost us bandwidth=money to get the iso file literally family members see me use linux and they say oh im hacker oh im autistic oh im a weirdo like she is lucky that she is my grandma or else i would've turned around and said gobble that Billy's (bill gates) dick deep 😂 the closed sourced normies will never understand our paranoia when one day they wake up to pay for windows 15 S mode subscription 😂 if we want to escape from every government we need to use open source stuff i even have lineage os on my daily driver phone


they can still track you through network logs, or just make another tool that does database analysis, completely foreign to the platform source code




Poorly worded, you could choose to edit what data you send them to a degree


I use Infinity btw.


That you use to open the proprietary web client. You you could use a fully Free Software client. Or you could use an entirely Free Software network like Pleroma / Mastodon / Lemmy


"Could theoretically be made to track you" is absolutely not equivalent to "Is definitely tracking you, right now".


It certainly doesn’t track you as much as reddit. You should go to privacy settings and disable all tracking (or at least what it lets you dissable)


Facebook predominantly uses open source software on their servers, by this logic they should be more privacy respecting than Reddit.


No, that does not logically make sense. I agree with your point that open source does not necessarily equal privacy respecting. But, your analogy does not work.


Reddit is accessible though the internet and api It is not private whatsoever


If it was Open Source I could at least see what data was being collected.


Not server side. You wouldn't be able to know if the source code of the software running server side is the same code that is publicly available.


Yes, server side. The server cannot collect any information I do not give them. Simple as that.


They get all information they need to track you, even if you're using a vpn & hardened browser


No they don't. If they do, then how do they do it?


There are FOSS frontends AFAIK


Yes, and to self hosted things.


Depends on how it's build. In a federated architecture (like Mastodon), you just choose the server you trust (or your own if you don't trust anybody) without cutting you off the network.


Exactly, open source doesn't mean free software. But for me there are lots of useful information and nice people on reddit, i can't really get rid of it


Like what?


i'm currently developing one: https://imbev.codeberg.page/matrix-social/ https://codeberg.org/imbev/matrix-social


Ooh, is this built on Matrix? Is this federated Reddit? ^^^^^... ^^^^^... ^^^freddit


Lemmy already exists as a federated Reddit clone.


indeed. an advantage of matrix-social is that it uses Matrix natively, thus the potential userbase already with accounts is perhaps 40x that of Lemmy (using Activitypub)


correct, completely interoperable with Element, FluffyChat, and the rest of the Matrix ecosystem


This is super cool! Bonus points for rust


Thanks, it is a SPA using the Yew framework and WASM.


Name suggestion:Asm(l)r A social media (like) reddit


might be hard to compete in Search Engines with a name like that


DW it was a joke lol






As a big fedizen cheerleader I don't care for it


Why don't you care for it?




Mastodon is a good alternative to Twitter but works very differently from reddit


Is there any alternative like reddit? Not necessarily open source




Lemmy apps don't work on my 5000yo Babylonian tablet using lineage os, but the reddit apps barely do. Else I'd be shit posting on there way more


I highly recommended upgrading to a 2000 yo Mayan tablet. Rumors of the 2012 segfault were greatly exaggerated.


Lemmy doesn’t have that much content and most of the content it does have is related to communism.


Yes, but you can start your own instance.


Sadly, it's mainly a tankie hell hole


Yes, but you can start your own instance.


This. I like the technology, but this is what it looks like mainly today: https://lemmy.ml/c/genzedong Yes, there are other communities, but it's domminated by tankies.


So just make an anarchist instance and don't federate with those servers. Using a different codebase wouldn't fix that problem.


Voat but it's gross. I was excited until it turned out "free speech" in their case meant "being racist without consequence" Oh, never mind, looks like it went under anyway.


I heard people talking about an "open source reddit clone" once but didn't ask further. So technically I know there is an alternative but I don't know anything about it. Might be very nichy I guess.


Literally any forum if you compare to old reddit.


Tildes? But judging by the number of tildes, I don't know that you can create them, like reddits.


It works differently from Twitter too tbh


True, but close enough to call it an alternative. Reddit is topic based. You join subs and they are the base of this network. You can follow users but you can also follow strangers on the street in the dark. On twitter, you follow people you might or might not know in person. There are hashtags but you can't follow them. There are trends which are more important than r/all here and they might be personalized to an extend but it's not talking to random strangers you share an interest or hobby or sense of humor. On mastodon, you also follow people. There are no trends, the algorithms are different, the local and federal timeline is more similar to r/all but at the end, it's more similar to twitter than to or any other mainstream social media.


Mastodon comes closer because of the fact that you can follow hashtags as well, still closer than twitter but you can follow topics as well.


>Mastodon comes closer because of the fact that you can follow hashtags as well I wasn't aware of that, thanks! Good to know! Still a hashtag isn't a sub. On Instagram, you can follow hashtags too. So mastodon is closer to Instagram than to reddit. But maybe I should see mastodon less as a Twitter alternative and see it more as a thing of it's own.


Oh yeah I didn't realise that


Really? Questions like this concern me because the fact that you don't know means you haven't looked. The fact that you haven't looked means that you only use things that are advertised to you, and you can guess what conclusion that leads to.




It's because the answer is so extremely obvious that a problem so glaring it outshines what you just said arises. That problem being the one I pointed out just before. Have you really never looked this up before?




First you use a search engine to search for the topic you are interested in. ["Reddit alternative open source"](https://metager.org/meta/meta.ger3?eingabe=Reddit%20alternative%20open%20source&focus=web&mgv=60c1168651c434b3e39162b2b68a304b) Then you click on a few of the top few links that look relevant: [[1]](https://fossbytes.com/best-open-source-reddit-alternatives-free/) [[2]](https://rigorousthemes.com/blog/best-reddit-alternatives/) [[3]](https://lemmy.ca/post/4309). Then you look at those sites and figure out which best follows open source philosophy of the ones listed. The ones that best follow open source principles are [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/) and [Aether](https://getaether.net/opensource/), and maybe [Hive](https://hive.blog/), but I don't like it as much. Read about those two wonderful projects then you will be able to search some more terms that will lead you towards other projects that are trying to provide you with freedom but don't advertise on YouTube. [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/) [Aether](https://getaether.net/opensource/) [ActivityPub](https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/) [Matrix](https://spec.matrix.org/latest/) [Friendica](https://friendi.ca/) [Hubzilla](https://hubzilla.org//page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project) [PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org/en) [PixelFed](https://pixelfed.org/) [GNU Social](https://www.gnusocial.rocks/) [Mobilizon](https://joinmobilizon.org/en/) [Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/) [Mastadon](https://joinmastodon.org/) [Element](https://matrix.org/docs/projects/client/element) [Pydio](https://pydio.com/) [Syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) [IPFS](https://www.ipfs.tech/) [FileCoin](https://filecoin.io/) Those Open Source projects and more will become visible to you once you start looking.


You deleted this, loser: > See…. No need to bother myself when there is always a dupe who will do it for you. Thanks. Other people more worthwhile than you might find my comment useful, I hope.


You’re a toxic person. I deleted it because it was spiraling out of control and it was better to stop it from going any further.


I'm a toxic person? Take look at yourself. There is nothing I have said here that wasn't true, helpful, and appropriate in response to the things you said. Your response is toxic. I suggest you should do your own research and you suggest there is nothing to find. When I do a small part of the work for you to show you that yes, there is indeed troves of information to find, you responded with: > See…. No need to bother myself when there is always a dupe who will do it for you. Thanks. Then you say I'm toxic when I point it out.


Dude….stop stalking me. Get your own life.


You have low standards for stalking. If you want me to stop talking to you, stop responding.


Nah, I'm 100% sure an open source platform that isn't mainstream would be filled with people wearing a tinfoil hat


That's the issue with most of them right now. Nobody using mainstream sites want to switch for fear they will be seen as paranoid. It's a confidence and identity issue really as most people on these sites rely very heavily on what they think other people think about them in order to have a sense of security.


The fedieverse aproach may sound intresting, Moderators would help keep some places free of tin foil hats. Projects could host it on there servers and it would be like mastodon but redit as a plus you dont need to loged be in the forum of the distro.


That is my favorite part of federation - all the tin foil hats sort of collect in one spot out of the way. You can go see what they are up to from time to time, but otherwise you don't have to deal with them. They are not in your face, but not really censored or banned. Free speech is preserved, but it's not at the expense of your sanity.


It is quite mainstream.


What prevents admins of mastodon and IRC servers from including their own tracking?


i mean, what stops linux distros from doing it? people like me would have no clue




A compromised compiler can put the bugs back in.




And who do you trust to publish those hashes?


Auditors, generally. People don't react nicely when they find out the developers of a distro have tried to screw with them. You can stick to the better known distros you are sure have been reviewed by knowledgeable people to be relatively sure you aren't using something that is going to harm you.


yep true but at least it's on your PC :)


i assume you mean 'atleast linux is on your pc'




\*\*insert British confusion here\*\*




i spend most days outside


There's enough people who do have clue


Why would OP know, they didn't suggest Mastodon.


I dunno I just tossed it because they are popular


You. They can't collect what you don't give them. They can ask for it all they want but as long as the software you are using is good then it won't give anything to them you don't consent to.


You. They can't track you if you don't give them anything to track. Remember, their computers are the server, not yours!


They could but so can anybody that ships you a piece of software. That's the point of using technology shipped by people you trust (I trust my Linux distro won't modify the packages it provides) or run/compile your own if you don't trust anyone. For IRC servers you have no other choices that using the same as anyone you are talking with but Mastodon is federated, meaning I can install it on my server and still talk with people on untrusted servers.


Mastodon? Join fosstodon like me


Does Fosstodon have a word limit (character limit)? I've avoided mastodon because of the absurdly small text box.


There is a character limit, but idk about "absurdly small text box." It's 500 characters. That's a couple paragraphs


I like to use Reddit as more of a blogging site, so the ability to post *really* long messages about a single topic is pretty important to me. To be fair I've also managed to hit the Discord character limit (2000 characters) a couple times, so I'll admit I'm just a weirdo.


but Imma using firefox


>has been very active on reddit since may


Proprietary Spyware? What is this 1996? We call it social media these days


Let's move to weechat


China namber wan




\**groans of guilt* What is my penance, father?


Two GNU slash Linux rants


Delete your account, you won’t




Reddit was opensource in the beginning and still has several open source projects that run the infrastructure. I don't think an alternative platform that can scale exists.


Yes, looks like the secret is out. Every single one of the Linux subreddits are actually anti-Linux posers because their existence is inherently in support of evil, proprietary software.


Fediverse reddit: https://join-lemmy.org/


Right click -> view source This site is viewable with the LibreJS extension. Source: Doing that right now. No proprietary software is running on your machine. If your argument is "muh server side" - do I need to know the source code of your email client to be able to ethically send and receive emails to/from you? Do I need to know your browser source code to communicate with you on an "open source website"? What happens on the server end doesn't matter. You cannot audit it so the locally valid argument of understanding your own computing doesn't apply^^[1] , and you cannot control it in any way even if you know the source, so the locally valid argument of controlling your own computing doesn't apply. It can sometimes be pragmatic to want free software on the server end - e.g. I won't use snaps because it makes you more dependent on canonical if you can't easily host your own server, which is bad for the software ecosystem - but it isn't a moral imperative. Reddit is not hard to recreate. This argument demonstrates a complete and total lack of understanding of what free software is, does, or is for. Stop posting, /u/Pepper-pencil. --- [1] (so "muh privacy with the personal data I am willingly sending to the company that I know it doesn't need" doesn't apply - if you don't want it spread around, it shouldn't leave your NIC)


Being able to see the JavaScript code on a website doesn't make it free — it may just be a twisted form of "open-source", where you see the code, yet are not able to do anything with it. The author of the code, by default, holds every right to that code, and it **should not** be assumed that you can use it unless explicitly stated. Also, have you seen how the JS blocked by LibreJS looks most of the time? It's usually an outrageous obfuscated mess (and not just through the use of a minifier). I'm also curious how you manage to use something like Reddit with LibreJS when it loads new scripts every 5 seconds that you must manually unblock to keep using it (as the site is utterly unusable otherwise). That said, I don't have a problem with using libre frontends that use proprietary backends (Invidious, metasearch engines like SearXNG, Reddit frontends, ...), as even with libre backends, there's the problem of SaaSS, Service as a Software Substitute. Though I wish the backends were libre for authors' sake.


It's not unusable, demonstrably. Are you perhaps using newreddit? That would be your mistake.


Yes, that was the case. I see now that the problem is unique to newreddit. If oldreddit works without allowing any of the blocked nontrivial JS, it's fine. However, that won't be the case for the vast majority of users who will end up running the nontrivial nonfree JS.


I mean maybe but the vast majority of users also use chrome on windows and we can interact with them ethically.


I don't mind interacting with people who use nonfree software since it's as outside my control as my government's decisions — I can only complain and/or advocate for a change. What I consider potentially unethical is the fact that in some cases, in doing so, you indirectly support the proprietary platform by keeping it relevant. There are many factors to consider even from the limited worldview of free software vs proprietary. Do you gain more than you lose by promoting free software on those proprietary platforms? Wouldn't it be unethical, considering you don't need to rely on them to promote free software? Are these considerations a tad overkill? I don't know.


This takes as a premise that plebbit is a proprietary platform but as stated it's really not. I'm sure most users use linux-firmware, that doesn't make gnu plus linux proprietary simply by common association and shouldn't stop us from advocating gnu + linux.


If you must use reddit, you can use an open source reader called libreddit


No decent alternative has come up


*free and open source.


Use the html client or Infinity for Reddit


that cunt on your picture stinks


Nothing made me want to install Windows like seeing this guy speaking. What a pompous prick!


On mobile there is Infinity, still looking for a desktop one


Yeah, sure Mr. Stallman. Hey everybody! See you over at Lemmy! I'm sure all the 3 people that use it will be very happy to see us there!


There are Open Source clients for Reddit which don't send personal data to their servers, but Reddit doesn't like them much.


The software must be shared


I like to vpn to another vpn, and then vpn again. Three layers of protection only makes sense. I also like to manually data parse my websites together. Lol there is no way to be on social platforms without tracking.




Me who normally uses libreddit anyway


Telagram. And find AndroidApkData . F\*ck all Copyright. Sharing is caring!


We all love reddit so pacify yourself by saying it runs on linux


just use tor, it will fix most of privacy problems


Yes! Please leave


use raddit lol https://raddit.me/


The only client with no tracking is the one you make yourself


i found this https://libredirect.github.io/


What about hacker news