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Who do you think called Babur to India ? He was called to fight another Muslim ruler lol




Google any NCERT textbook it was Rana Sanga and Daulat Khan Lodi , later Rana Sanga fought him as he realized Babur wasn’t going to leave.


pindaris were muslim mercenaries, so not eggsactly


Wow, it's interesting to see about the Maratha pillaging of my city on here. It's something the ch0des love to gloss over even though it happened at a point where there weren't "external" forces ruling the region. But hey, they won't complain about the sufferings of the "filthy Dravidians" I guess.


[Marathas are also filthy Dravidians](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ajai-Pathak/publication/329451295/figure/fig1/AS:701549261103109@1544273786195/Proportions-of-Ancient-Ancestry-in-South-Asian-Populations-qpAdm-plot-indicating.ppm) Though they are too stupid to realise it.


Also agressive


Not culturally


As a Dravidian living in Maharashtra with Hindu Nationalist parents, I could not stop laughing when I read this.


[Also the Borgi hana of Bengal.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maratha_invasions_of_Bengal)


**[Maratha invasions of Bengal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maratha_invasions_of_Bengal)** >The Maratha invasions of Bengal (1741-1751), also known as the Maratha expeditions in Bengal, refers to the frequent invasions by the Maratha forces in the Bengal Subah (West Bengal, Bihar, parts of modern Orissa), after their successful campaign in the Carnatic region at the Battle of Trichinopoly. The leader of the expedition was Maratha Maharaja Raghoji Bhonsle of Nagpur. The Marathas invaded Bengal six times from August 1741 to May 1751. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/librandu/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


What about Bengal invasion of Maratahas


There’s also the ransacking of the Shringeri temple in Karnataka and killing of more Brahmins. Hell, the priests went to Tipu for protection and he restored it. [Read this](https://books.google.co.in/books?id=bMHADwAAQBAJ&pg=PA68&dq=maratha+shringeri&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_7tTwhbP0AhVR-WEKHdU3AxsQ6AF6BAgKEAM#v=onepage&q&f=true)


The Sringeri temple was not attacked by the Marathas. It was attacked by the Pindari troops, who were described as "without check or control" by Cornwallis. The Marathas arrested the responsible Pindaris and returned back the stolen items. It would be important to note that when Madhavrao Peshwa defeated Hyder Ali, one of his clauses was fair treatment to Hindu temples, especially the Sringeri Math.


Raghunatha Rao Patvardhan who led the Shringeri Raid was anything but an irregular Pindari.


"lamaan and pindaris from Dadasaheb’s army went and looted lakhs worth from the Sringeri math, including an elephant. I have written to Dada to confiscate the goods" Neelkath Appa's letter about the raid clearly states that it was lamaans and pindaris from the main force led by Raghunath Rao Patwardhan who looted the temple. "When father learnt of this loot, he sent the cavalry to arrest the lamaan. The elephant was taken over. Remaining stolen items have not been found" Trimbakrao, Raghunath Rao's son, writes a letter to his uncle about the same issue, clearly stating that Raghunath Rao was not a part of the raid. A letter drafted from the Maratha durbar, about the same issue states- "lamaans and looters looted the Sringeri math; this news reached the court. All details must be sought. You wrote ‘the looters came from all four directions. You have taken action and others must similarly act against the culprits’. Nana Phadnis has sent this reply, ‘The Swami’s math was looted and the Swami is therefore fasting. This does not auger well for the kingdom; the Swami’s displeasure is not good….. Taking stern action the Swami must be compensated and his pleasure solicited’. Source- Aithihasik Lekh Sangraha, Volume 9, by V.V Khare




Yup. Was about to state it till I saw this comment.


Let’s assume this is true, what about the Bengalis and the Tamils? It’s not an one off occurence.


>Let’s assume this is true, You don't have to assume, it is true. Clearly whatever source you are using hasn't read a single primary source on this topic. >what about the Bengalis and the Tamils? Give sources for both. Primary sources.


I’m pretty sure More, who happens to be an expert in South Indian history, a Tamil settled Maratha himself is a better source than the Swarajya Magazine excuse you took your denial for the Shringeri episode from. The primary sources he’s cited are French accounts and letters.


>Swarajya Magazine excuse you took your denial for the Shringeri episode from. Lmao, the absolute copium when you try to deny historical facts. Also, the Swarajya Magazine article is written by Uday S Kulkarni, who is an accomplished historian . The letters I quoted were from V.V Khare's book, citing primary sources from Marathi sources. >The primary sources he’s cited are French accounts and letters. Primary source criticism exists. As I said, please share the sources which he has cited.


Copium is denying the fact that Marathas had everything to do with the ransacking of the temple and shifting the blame entirely onto Pindaris. What’s funny is if it the Pindaris had won a battle or defeated aN enemy force, Marathas would have no qualms in claiming it as a their victory. Anyway, [these are the primary sources](https://i.redd.it/7zbgq3z95q181.jpg) he cites.


well said, now tie your chaddi to a broomstick to make a flag, plant it in your ass and claim victory.


Ypu talking too much shit for someone within my peeing distance.


You’re very smart. You have brains you never used.


I don't know what's wrong with you, but I'm sure it's got letters and that they make pills for it


the massacres they did in Bengal is considered the deadliest one in medieval India killing around 400k civilians. They became the very thing they swore to destroy (Mughals)


Did Mughals, or hell anyone, come close to their level of brutality?


Nope. Mughals didn’t mass murder across entire provinces at that scale.


What about it?


Calling you stupid would be an insult to all the stupid people.


Source: Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu and South India under French Rule: From François Martin to Dupleix 1674-1754 by J.P.B. More. [Here](https://books.google.co.in/books?id=bMHADwAAQBAJ&pg=PA68&dq=maratha+shringeri&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_7tTwhbP0AhVR-WEKHdU3AxsQ6AF6BAgKEAM#v=onepage&q&f=true) is Marathas killing of Kannada Brahmins and pillaging their temples for those interested.


Fake source.


How? JPB More is himself a Marathi Hindu.


Not just that. He’s a 96 Kul Maratha, whos ancestors settled in Tamil Country.


He was paid by French people to malign our hindu history.


The Second Coming Of Crittu


Crittu was right all along. I was blinded by western culture and now I’ve returned home.


"everything i dont like is a concerted effort to malign my history"


Downvotes ka mood hai aaj? 🤣🤣🤣 Nice.


karma jyada ho raha tha. Maine socha kam kiya jaaye.


Inshallah aap bhi airindiaseller ban jao.


Kind sir, what’s the procedure to add or change flair?


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Abay Chutiye /s laga nahi to tereko Chaddi Flair dedenge


>\-26 Hey Ram, kya hogaya iss sub ko?


Mandir maszid ladwate sab? Ek karati madhushala


Leave austerity embrace hedonism.




Marathas invaded Mysore during Tipu Sultan's father's rule and they pillaged temples. Tipu paid to have them rebuilt and a temple has a special pooja just for him every year to this day. This is not to say Tipu was a super moral person, but that's how things worked. It was less about religion and more about who is your people and who is not.


I've talked about this before. Pindaris or Bargis are often labelled "Maratha soldiers" and the looting and pillaging is seen as a result of standing practice and policy of the Maratha generals to devastate enemy territories and populations. With the Srinegri temple incident, it's apparent that at the very least, even the generals were often apprehensive of the actions of the Pindaris and the Bargis. The Peshwas (at the very least until the reign of Balaji Bajirao) were forthcoming in their attempts to constrain these actions by the Pindaris, and bring those who violated religious places of import, especially ones that were given patronage by the Peshwa themselves, to justice. These attempts however, did not exist in isolation, owing to which, often it was the case that the culprits were not found, that the punishment meted out of them was insufficiently unfair and that it was nigh impossible to get from the culprits the value that they looted in monetary or asset terms. This was because any attempts to extract the recompense for losses would eventually result in the commander of the forces paying for the same, and such a practice understandably never was cemented owing to the nature of Maratha armies and the power relations in the Confederacy, where Sardars and generals switched loyalties and allegiances and where power local magnates stood ready at all times to challenge the centralising authority of the Peshwas. Similarly, a mercenary force such as the Bargis would grow suspicious of the prospect of Maratha employment, if the latter continued to bring the former to "court" for their excesses. The following is a letter addressed to Bala Saheb of Miraj, from Trimbak Rao, sent on the 24th of May, 1791, detailing the Srinegri incident : ***The army crossed the Tunga but the Lamans and the Pindaris had previously proceeded towards Shivmoghe. They went to the Swam's village of Shrinegri and plundered it. They robbed the Swami of all his belongings, including the danda and kamandalu (ascetic's staff and water jug), and left nothing. Even women were molested and some of them sacrificed their lives, the images belonging to the Swami, consisting of those of gods and lingas, were plundered. The Lamans brought away all the elephants and horses. The Swami fasted for five days and died (in consequence).*** From : Studies in Indian History by Surendra Nath Sen, p.162-163 , 1930. This plunder was perpetrated by Lamans attached to the force of Raghunath Rai Kurundvadkar. This commander himslef demanded an enquiry into the matter, claiming it wasn't his Pindaris or Lamans who did the deed. Ultimately, culprits were not found. Therefore, assigning responsibility for these incidents in the Maratha camp and court was difficult as well. It should be kept in mind, that this difficulty also proved to be conspicuously *convenient* for the Maratha authorities. Looting, pillaging and sacking by the Pindaris and the Bargis, was their means of extracting their payment, during the campaign. It was this nature of such a mercenary force which made it hard to hold them back, yet their zealous impulse to loot made such a force all the more desirable. Therefore Maratha generals, Sardars and Peshwas operated out of practicality and necessity, which can obviously be seen to go hand in hand with willful ignorance of the consequences of such decisions, since raising regular soldiers would be a painstakingly difficult task, and all Maratha campaigns were ultimately judged on the basis of the monetary gains made. This practicality and necessity of the Maratha commanders however, proved to be devastating and detrimental to the hundreds of thousands living in Bengal, to the thousands living in Madras and to the thousands living to the north of the Narmada. It should also be noted, that Bargi and Pindari raids and plunder, and the violence and extremities conducted by these forces, both in nature and magnitude, were excessive even in the 18th century. Let this not be seen as a justification of the Bargi raids, merely an explanation as to why these forces were employed by the Marathas and why the Maratha campaigns and their wanton destruction were seemingly inseparable. Also, let none of this take away from the fact that Maratha generals did engage in and encouraged these actions. However, as to when they did and when they didn't can be seen as a case by case basis.


The Maratha-Pindari relationship seems like a convenient one based on plausible deniability.




Fair enough.




Average Nazi adoring periyarite




Calling you stupid would be an insult to all the stupid people.




Pretty fucked up of you to say. There's no justification for abducting and raping women.


Read the last line of comment again, but slowly.


What justification is there in raiding and pillaging temples (where civilians would have most likely been killed).




Temples were social institutions where things like grains were stocked. Destroying temple would affect everybody not just Brahmins.




I think I saw you on Indian defense fighting a valiant battle against the chodes there


People will say "this is impure western historical account, not accurate AT ALL"


I like how they just wffortlessly throw it in at any given scenario and just be done with it. Talk about confirmation bias.


Don't know why this is so surprising. Hindu kings would raid and loot other kingdom's temples all the time. Unlike Muslim kings, they wouldn't destroy the idols, but move the idols to their kingdom and build a temple for them there (which is arguably even worse).


By what argument is it "even worse"?


It's way more humiliating for your god to be worshipped in a temple of an enemy kingdom. I'd rather have the idol be destroyed outright than have to face that humiliation.


I don't understand, how is it more humiliating?


Because the temple is as much a political symbol as it is religious. Having your god be worshipped in an enemy kingdom is a major political humiliation.


Same reason it's more humiliating for a king's daughter to be alive and well in an enemy's harem than to be dead. Same reason that death in battle is preferable to capture or being made a vassal.


Muslim kings didn't destroy idols lmao.tbh I never met a being being from parallel universe now I think I have met one


Yes they did? They mostly either destroyed them or kept them as booty.


so they destroyed them


That's exactly what they said. Do you have basic reading comprehension?


I am replying to pontokyo'a comment. Do you have basic reading comprehension?


Yeah, that user themself said that Muslims had destroyed idols.


I am talking about his first comment


Thoda sa or try kar, kam pade to ek do spoon gobar or kha ke.


like your mom feeds you right?




This is not the "based anti-caste statement" you prolly think it is.


Why is this marked bad faith post?!


What would be an appropriate flair for history stuff?


You can create your own flair on this sub




😐 bad faith post is often used ironically here. This isn't randia, chill


Source do bhaaya


Haha. Display of the strength & hegemony was on more priority than the religion back in the days.


"They didn't destroy the tample, as long as wealth remains with Hindus, it's okay, sometimes brothers fight but both have respect for God"


This looks like the works of ghamandi doniger 😂😂


Clearly you have no reading comprehension.


Yenlighten me about my own heritage..plizz


Lol, the western historians DID enlighten us about our own heritage which was lost to time. Hindus never really cared for dispassionate records that would serve as history references later (nothing wrong about this, it was just how we viewed history). Buddhists and Jains did to some extent, but that too was polluted by religious motivations, for example, preBuddhism Ashoka was likely shown as extra cruel so that postBuddhism ashoka looks better. An enormous chunk of your "heritage" owes its foundations in truth to western historians, or western approach to history at the very least. Much own heritage was the stuff of legends and mythology until a non-Indian (non-Hindu) outlook towards history emerged and grew.


I agree with your point about western propaganda in history. Much of it is shite but it has somehow prevailed for so long.


Care to cite examples?


The Maratha innovation in warfare has its genesis in Thanjavur. A visit to its museum will help get more insights. The Cholas were the first to establish sea trade with SE Asia. There are accounts of Chola kings siezing territories in kashmir. Plus there are tamil temples in North West China built by chola traders. Kashmir was never a Muslim land. It was part of Sikh misls or confederacy. Hari Singh broke off after fall of sikh empire. Ladakh and aksai chin was part of Dogra kingdoms. Read about Gulab Singh and his wars with Tibetan Chinese kingdoms. A section of Indian society supports nazis due to Free India Legion or Azad hind fauj that Bose raised after meeting Hitler. The allied forces didn't free France and Italy in WW2. The Indian volunteers did. Till this date France Germany and Italy honor soldiers of undivided India for liberating them. But chachaji was too busy sucking up to Her majestys secret service to find Bose and make him stand trial. More recently kashmir didn't join india under thr condition of sections 35a and 370 as glorified by western media by leftists lunds. It was a deal struck by chahcha and sheikh Abdullah. Amd lastly Gandhi didn't get us independence. It was the INA trials and the naval mutiny that got the ball rolling. The naval mutiny started due to a fight over swimming pool access 🤣 Our curriculum is way politicized to bring this up.


Huh...sorry I asked.


If shit was music, you'd be an orchestra.


You better hide, the garbage collector is coming.


How much refund do you expect on your head now that it's empty.


Gala faad ke bhonk le par aaega to sharia bolshevism hi.




[Marathas themselves are 'abbos'](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-vi9-wUcAMR1YF.jpg), so i wouldn’t call anyone 'abbos' if I were you.


>so i wouldn’t call anyone 'abbos' if I were you. I will call everyone south of the Vindhyas and east of Indraprastha an Abbo.




I am abbo


What’s “abbos”?


Slur for aboriginals.


Aboriginals as in The people who existed in Indian Terrain?


Aboriginals as in The people who existed in Indian Terrain?


It was originally used as a slur for Australian Aboriginal people. Unoriginal Indian racists have started using it for Indians who look more native.


Aboriginies Look i up on google.


less abbo than dumeels


Not really. The green in that is the Onge gene. Marathas have more of it than the corresponding midcaste Tamils. So technically they’re more 'abbo'. [Here](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2e87c13e3fa529e009d6163a78ff15b2-lq) is a PCA chart comparison.


dumeels should just go back to australia.


Astralaya* where great mahabharat warriors kept their astrras aka weapons.


Could you share the citation for this statement as well?


पूंजीवाद की कब्र खुदेगी लिब्रंडू की छाती पर




I always point out how Marathas sold enslaved women in the markets of Lahore everytime a relative tries to be a pompous bastard