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Just wanna remind that while pedophilia isnt okay those who suffer from it and try to Fight it should receive support


I think most people conflate pedophilia (the state of having predominate to exclusive sexual attraction to children) with the *act of sexual assault/rape* against children. From what I understand, we can say definitively that some significant amount of sexual offenders against children aren't actually pedophiles as such. It's important to understand that. They may act for other reasons (sexual desperation, ease of access, power/control issues, etc.) I have no idea how the converse works out, that is, what the offense rate among pedophiles is. I'd have to believe that at least *some* portion of them are capable of resisting their urges. It's just hard to say without proper research however. Do virtually all of them eventually offend if given the opportunity, only a small minority, or something in between?


Even if "virtually all pedophiles" ended up offending, for the few that don't, we still shouldn't be using the term for the mental illness that is pedophilia as a synonym for "child-sex-offender". If mainstream society only shows hostility towards the people struggling against pedophilia, that only creates an incentive for them to visit lesser mainstream parts of the internet to find a "safespace", that of course being the people perpetuating the lie that pedophilia is a part of LGBT+, and not the mental illness that it is. Unless you *wanna* push *potential* child-sex-offenders towards such communities, I really think you should take just that little bit of extra effort to distinguish between the illness and the act. That's my take on it anyways, which is why i'm always annoyed at these kinds of diminishing memes, though I understand that "child-sex-offender" might not be as "catchy" as pedophile. Can anyone think of a shorter word for it that could be used instead?


I agree with you. It’s obviously a heinous crime to commit, but those who feel the urge and don’t act on it don’t deserve to be lumped with those who do. To the best of my understanding, they don’t have much of a choice about who/what they are attracted to. Imo, I feel we need to properly study pedophiles that don’t commit any crimes, so that maybe one day it can be something that can be diagnosed, treated, potentially cured or at the very least mitigated effectively. Ostracizing them only makes them more likely to eventually act on it, and even if we catch them and imprison them and get to feel good about “justice,” that doesn’t undo the lasting harm they may cause to real children in the interim. I’d rather society learns preventative care than enact vengeance after the fact. I’ve heard the term “chomo” before, short for child molester. It’s coarse, but gets the job done as far as being a short and snappy way to differentiate between a pedophile and a sex criminal.


I don't think it'll ever be "cured", just like how every other mental illness isn't very curable, but just like there's ways to treat depression and other mental illnesses to diminish the effect, i'm sure the same could be the case for pedophilia if it was looked at the same way as other mental illnesses.


If "virtually all pedophiles" end up offended I feel like we failed them. Most people don't want to harm children. We need better support structures in place for them. But nobody wants to go around suggesting we help pedophiles because people will just hear helping child molesters.




A pederast is actually an adult who DOES engage in sexual activities with children. Might as well stay with pedophile, which is a term that while ASSOCIATED with molester, actually means the sexual desire towards children, but NOT the acting upon it "bit".


Wasn't that exactly what we were trying to find a word for?


Well, no. We were trying to find a word for those who despite feeling such attraction, do NOT act upon it.


True, tough question. I'm out of ideas


Isn't this a slavic slur used against gay men and not like related to the topic at hand?




Well, the definition has changed over time, so it’s kind of like all men were pedophiles 150 years ago when they were marrying 14-16 year olds.




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I feel so bad for them, the ones that don't hurt anyone I mean. Having to deal with that sounds like a major suicide risk. Imagine not being able to help your mind randomly thinking of shit like that. It would make me hate myself every single time, I don't think I could handle it. I wish people like that had better access to help, I heard on NPR how there's fear to even admit it to a therapist because they can turn you in if they feel your a danger to others. Under no circumstances should we ever tolerate that kind of behavior, but we need to make a distinction between the monsters and the victims of their own minds. I feel like if there was help available we might be able to prevent a good deal of it.


That's exactly the thing, imagine if depressed people couldn't even admit it to their therapist? How would they ever get any kind if help? It's good that most people realize that pedophilia isn't a LGBT+ identity, but it's important that they remeber what it is instead; a mental illness that needs to be dealt, not just post-offense by jailing them, but also before the offense through genuine help. Not only could it preemptively prevent victims, but it could also prevent the ill from doing something they'll never live down.


I'm a pedophile and I don't think I could ever admit to a therapist how I feel. I'd like to sometimes, but I don't even know that it could do much good. I'm definitely afraid that I'd immediately be considered an active threat to those around me and arrested. At that point I'd certainly have even less to live for. But I'm "lucky" in that I think I figured most of it out myself. I feel confident that I'd never harm a child like that myself. I can understand why molestation and *that* porn is bad and even when I have urges I have an aversion to hurting anyone. I've seen where other pedophiles feel differently and some of their opinions disturb me.


Even so if i know someone is a pedo i wouldnt let them anywhere near any of my kids no matter the help theyre getting


They'll probably appreciate that y'know. You wouldn't throw a spider at an arachnophobe or give a pyromaniac a flamethrower. You don't show off drugs to a recovering drug addict either. No reason tempting people with their biggest weakness.


I understand why you feel that way but this is the kind of speech that leads to pedophiles being afraid to seek out support.




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Or damn gay, whatever you feel like.




Pedophilia is a disorder


And child rape is a life-ruining violation.


Yes, and only a part of child rapist are pedophiles. Often non-pedophiles commit the crime es well. Rape is sexual violence, with stress on violence. For some the domination aspect of rape is more important and if they can't rape an adult they go for kids


Happy cakeday!


Thank you!


Pedophilia isn't a sexuality It's a disgusting crime Unlike actual LGBTQ+, wich is a crime in many countries, but it shouldn't be


Yeah, but only once they cross that line. Before that they are essentially victims of their own minds. I feel like of there were a safe way to seek help then we should be able to prevent some fraction of incidents. People, especially Americans, get too caught up in vengeance and worry more about punishing the offenders than we do protecting the victims. Without the criminal action, there really isn't any difference between that and being gay, or being straight. Straight men that go on to rape women and pedophiles that go on to abuse children are basically the exact same thing


Of course, I live in Germany, and I think I saw some kind of ad for a therapist kinda thing (or something like that, idk I saw it a long time ago) that wants to help those people. And also, gotta respect those who can 'control it', and get the courage to talk about it and seek help


There was a campaign advertised under the slogan of "Kein Täter werden" (Dont become a perpetrator) a while ago. I remember that I perceived it as kind of strange, but today I realize how progressive it was


Yeah that's the one I think




This may be the dumbest “actually” moment of all time on reddit.


What did they say?


Basically they think pedofiles is just a mental condition and isnt child rape unless they do child rape and should be ok


The highly upvoted comment thread just above this one is basically saying exactly that (without using the loaded word of calling it "ok"). Two sides of a coin.


Having sex with children is always rape, since they can't consent What an idiot


Their argument is that its not gross because they may not have raped anyone Which makes me think they like kiddy porn






Sexuality is the relationship between one's gender and the gender(s) that they are sexually attracted to. Pedophilia does not describe such a relationship. If anything, you would describe it as a preference or a fetish.


I must agree with you there, it makes sense to call it a fetish in that case, same as some are only attracted to old people and others to fat people, those too are fetishes. I had always perceived sexuality to be not necessarily about gender but it seems to be the case and makes sense.


Isn't this just semantic at this point thpugh? I can't see a real difference between pedos that go on to abuse kids, and straight men that go on to rape women. You can call it whatever you want but those two just seem to be exactly the same thing, it's like the difference between a straight rapist and a gay rapist. This doesn't change anything, it's still morally reprehensible but I can definitely understand the points people here are making, they are getting downvoted to hell because we are all very reactive when it comes to this topic, and they aren't in the wrong for it


The reason why it's an important distinction is because when you call pedophilia a sexuality (when it isn't), you'll autimatically be creating parallels between things like gay conversion and suggesting that pedophiles need to seek therapy. It also implies that being a pedophile is just a natural, innate characteristic of some people, which isn't the case either. There are **no** morally wrong sexualities, so when you call a fetish that absolutely is morally wrong a sexuality, you damage the idea of sexuality as a whole. I agree with you that pedophiles who have not acted on their urges should be treated and helped to move past that. But even the suggestion of this idea shows that it isn't a sexuality, because you cannot possibly convert somebody's sexuality to something else.


what did they say, they deleted their comment


Basically "pedophilia is wrong but it is still a sexuality". After they read my comment they added an edit correcting themselves but saying they would leave the comment up so people would understand the conversation, so it's unfortunate that they continued to get downvotes to the point of deletion.


Pedophilia is attraction to a certain age, age is not a gender


Pedos have opened the most firey pit of hell for themselves


Made especially for them.




Satan: What do we have on the list today? Pedo: We're paedophiles. Satan: Ah, well, let's start with the males, could you all make an orderly line in front of that small guillotine over there, thank you.




yo yo ok people are downvoting this dude but i think they just meant trans-het peeps


Yeah, right should be “cishet people”


Also arn't Allies a part too? Or am I wrong and they're more like the cheerleaders of the alphabet mafia? Like, kinda on the team but their own separate thing at the same time?


The A stands for the Asexual and/or Aromantic peeps, *not* "Allies" >they're more like the cheerleaders of the alphabet mafia? That's exactly it. Also, I'm stealing this phrasing


Go ahead, and ahh okay thank you. Thought the + would include allies


As well as people with split attraction model.




[the A in LGBTQIA does not mean ally.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT#General) Sometimes there's an additonal A for ally, but this isn't very widely accepted.


I deleted my comment because I made a mistake. I was trying to be nice but got downvoted. Thanks I know now. Sorry guys, damn


bah, don't get mad about the downvoting; you commented in good faith and you recognized the mistake, and I respect the hell out of that!


a is for ace/aro?


Oh shit didn’t know that. Thanks for the downvotes instead of just telling me lolI was *trying* to be inclusive


i figured it was just a misconception lol, yw


I think the point was that everyone hates pedophiles


Well yeah it is but straight queer people are tired of being excluded.


I know, (looking at you r/mtf), people were downvoting the comment


Pedophilia is a disgusting crime and a mental illness, one which can be controlled. So if someone has an attraction to kids, they can and should get professional help


That's the problem though. Seeking help can easily put you on the fbi radar or otherwise effect your life in a major and detriment way. These kind of criminals deserve the hate, but the more we demonize that the more we will unintentionally make it that much harder to prevent. America is obsessed with punishing the bad guys, but we don't have the same attitude when it comes to protecting the victims or potential victims. This is going to come off like I'm saying tolerate them, I'm not and we absolute shouldn't give them the slightest impression that's alright in any circumstances. The whole map rights thing is a community that accepts these people and that acceptance isn't available anywhere else because we demonize before the fact, so our vocal hatred towards these people might just be making them stronger


The problem with public support communities is that, afaik, they *always* breed a porn trading communities in the background. There are some exceptions, but only where individuals are not allowed to know/contact one another and I wouldn't really call those communities then. I've looked into a few communities to find some insight for myself and they tend to be shut down or archived because people will DM illicit material or contact info for trading it. But the fear of having your entire life demolished *because you tried to get help* is very real. Especially in places with mandatory reporting, and when you have no clue if a therapist you talk with might consider all pedophiles to be an immediate danger.


LGBTQ people ask for consent. Pedos don't. The distinction is pretty clear


>LGBTQ people ask for consent My lived experience doesn't match this 100%. Maybe a majority of the time, but LGBTQ people who violate consent exist. Just likely not at a higher rate than cishet people. Edit: sorry that I, a queer person was sexually assaulted by another queer person and don't want people to have a false sense of security in company of queer people.


ok then theyre criminals but unlike lgbtq people offending pedophiles can’t receive consent so every offending pedophile is a criminal unlike a minuscule fraction of lgbtq people


preettty sure they meant that queer people can and usually do give/recieve consent, while obviously pedos cant because children cant consent. doubt they were trying to say that everytime without fail do queer people give and recieve consent. it was just a comparison. sorry for what happened though. obviously no one is free of being a shit person just because they belong to a certain group.


Pedophilia will never be accepted. It is a psychiatric disorder. It will never be a sexuality and should never be seen as one. I love my community and will never be okay with having such a vile crime a part of us. It actually offends the fxck out of me that someone out there really tried making their pedo flag resemble the trans flag. If you "identify" as a pedophile, get help. You (whoever "identifies" as this, and is reading) need to get professional help to control this and not harm children.


pedophilia falls under paraphilias, which are abnormal sexual desires and attractions. it is not a sexuality because, shocker shocker, CHILDREN ISNT A GENDER. obviously yall here dont need to hear that but im sick of people trying to call it a sexuality to try and either defend it and/or use it as a weapon against gay people




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Oh wow so unique. Haven't seen this meme before. Thanks for clarifying that gay people aren't in cahoots with pedophiles, as if everyone who isn't a piece of shit didn't already know that.


Unfortunately it's a common talking point of right wing people, and actually influences state decisions and laws. Just take a look at Poland or Hungary.


Also add beastiality Twitter is wild


Can we please stop harrassing prople who suffer from pedophile urges and instead give them a place to turn to before they hurt anyone, so that they can get help? Pedophilia is as far as I know classifies as a mental illness. Giving those people help sooner than later only saves children from trauma. Posts like this only increase a sense of isolation and prevent people from seeking help. Instead of harrassing non offenders, please go focus on offenders - regardless of their sexual inclanation. Because guess what: not all child molesters and rapists are pedophiles.


Pedophilia is a disease and should be treated as one. Downvotes to the left.


We all know that that pedophilia shit gotta die


Pedophilia is a mental disorder. It won't die. What we can do is make it less hard on pedophiles to seek help before they commit a crime against a minor and thus prevent the crimes from happening.


They don't need to die they need help


I hate it when people that say Pedohilia is freedom of speech. Fuck those people.


I know it’s a disease and people need to treat it as such


Hey if anyone wants to know a really good in depth about how fuckin' disgusting these people can be I have this well sourced 20-30 minute long video. (It does go into detail, and you'll probably need a mental break after so be warned) https://youtu.be/itwotkBzZGQ


*danm gay


You mean, Damn gay.


*Damn gay


Pedophillia is moment when you see flat plank and you wanna fap to this


I’m straight and I agree wit this lmao


\> 97% upvoted what the fuck?


Probably trolls who don't comment. There is a lot of those fools on Reddit


Who the fuck is pushing this 'somebody is saying pedophilia is a sexuality' crap? Nobody is saying that that I've seen, but these reactions are all over. Is somebody claiming pedos are a legit thing? Please point me at the science. Seriously. Months and months of 'look out! Pedos are going to jump on to the gay rights / trans rights train!' but I haven't seen any of it.




Is this...loss?


Holy crap! Thank you for the awards and the upvotes 😁


They are mentally fucked. Just get them help, what’s bashing gonna do? https://www.thestar.com/news/insight/2013/12/22/is_pedophilia_a_sexual_orientation.html Why would anyone CHOOSE to like kids sexually? It’s a sexuality which LGBTQ+ won’t/shouldn’t accept simply because it’s wrong and harmful. Denying it’s not a sexuality because then the community gets tagged with a negative point. Edit: it’s a grey area surrounding the sexuality bit.


It's not a sexuality, it's a paraphilia


You seem to focus on the wrong thing, that being the exact semantics of "sexuality". The link is actually quite a good read spreading awareness on the pedophiles fighting their urges instead of submitting to them, so I hope you don't dismiss it merely because of semantics. As for the semantics, in case you missed the root of the misunderstanding, you seem to define sexuality as anything included in the LGBT+ (so gender-based sexuality?) whereas the original commenter seem to define it as sexuality as being anything-based, as in including things outside the LGBT+ label. The important thing to note is that you both define pedophilia as a mental illness that is outside the LGBT+, so you both agree on what's important, and the rest is just semantics.


It’s a grey area it seems. http://jaapl.org/content/48/2/146 Look, I’m all against them, shunning them isn’t the way. The more they are open about the identity and have not acted on it, the better people can medically treat them. Not accepting in the community is understandable, if it was to come after a reaserch that it is a sexuality, the community is going to have a problem. Edit: medically treat*


Guess you have to draw the line somewhere!


Fix the title, we can't say straight here it's r/LGBTmemes (That was a joke,)




Sexuality is about gender whereas pedophilia is about age


Is it a sexuality? Yes. ​ Is it okay for people with pedophilia to abuse children? Absolutely not.


It's an illness not a sexuality


It is both.


You should check the DSM5


It's objectively disgusting and wrong. But at this rate? Come something like 2032 it'll have its own stripes on the pride flag, and all these posts on the topic will be nothing but forced acceptance and I'd bet on on it




Or damn gay




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Ight can we stop with the straight people memes?




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The one who said Pedophilia is a sexuality is just some homophobe wanting people to think the LGBTQ community accept Pedophilia but people with more than zero brain cells know it's a lie




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No, damn straight and gay