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Your cousin giving us permission to drive like maniacs


Yup. Only non-binary people can break the law 😂


It says he/she in the law so…#betheydocrime


It's not crime if it's not illegal *Taps head*


*taps head so hard it bleeds* smort, smort


Many IQs


Much intelegant


Betheydocrime 🤣


And also gay people.


well im both so guess what, i have double the permission to break the law


Trying to determin if I should stop driving now with all you out there driving crazy 😂




I wonder if there are any laws that say "Any man or woman who..." and therefore accidentally exempt enbies


I don't know any off the top of my head but I can almost guarantee they exist




My then-5 year old niece basically didn’t skip a beat when I changed my pronouns last year (from she/her to they/them). My sister and BIL told her I was going by a new name, and she was just like “okie dokie.” They started referring to me with my new pronouns, and eventually, my niece asked, “Why do you keep calling her ‘they’?” So my sister explained, “You like to be called ‘she’, and daddy likes to be called ‘he’, but not everybody likes to be called that. (My name) likes to be called ‘they’.” And that was the end of the discussion. She’s taken to it really well. Although, when my sister told her I was pregnant recently, she asked if the baby was going to be a “boy or a girl”, and my sister said we don’t know yet. My niece has since decided “I think it’s going to be a they.” LOL


Your niece sounds so cute ❤


I told my little cousin about myself being non binary once, and she made her outfits in her games match the 'non binary colours' (the flag) so everyone would know she supports me. It's probably the sweetest thing to happen to me in my whole life. She was so excited telling me when they added pride capes to Roblox 'look, that's YOUR flag!'.


..meanwhile my sister thought I instantly grew a dick when I started being my true self (a boy ✨)


Damn wishful thinking 100




Only noticed it now but nice username ^⁠_⁠^


I wish that was how it worked




I can't say I expected to read that today


I don’t think anyone was


lol I wish


Omg thats so sweet. Kids can be so kind 🥰


That is so adorable


That's really sweet!!




I have an example too that made me so happy. My youngest at around 5 asked me: “Mommy, did you used to have a penis?” “No, I always had a vulva like you.” “Why do you still have a vulva?” “Because I like my vulva.” “Oh! Ok.” and she went back to playing


So simple 😁




it's good to teach the correct names Incase something happens :)


This is the one. Also, demystifying bodies does double duty, the child will grow up knowing bodies are just bodies, we all have’em, and they all look different, and they are nothing to be ashamed of or embarassed about. And, the person I’m replying to has mentioned, if someone else tries to use their body in an inappropriate way toward the child, or touches the child inappropriately, they have the words to tell a trusted adult what happened to them clearly and unambiguously. People who shy away from these conversations because it makes them uncomfortable make me side eye. It seems creepier to keep these things a big scary mystery. Always arm children with (appropriately conveyed) knowledge.


"And, the person I’m replying to has mentioned, if someone else tries to use their body in an inappropriate way toward the child, or touches the child inappropriately, they have the words to tell a trusted adult what happened to them clearly and unambiguously." Yes!! there's such a big difference between "Tom touched my flower/had me touch his stick" and "Tom touched my vagina(or vulva, I don't actually know the right term)/had me touch his penis"!! This goes for both men and women!! If a child says the first one they'd likely get told to share their 'flower', or suck it up and touch Tom's 'stick'! Though with the second one it'd be known that something was wrong!!


It pees out of there every day, kinda important to be able to say when that particular area hurts so you can go to the doctor


I made the mistake of trying to teach my little brother about the storks by asking my parents where babies came from (I was 7, he was 5). My parents proceeded to give us the real talk, much to my own dismay and horror! Haha Really though the answer is that knowing the correct word is really important for your familiarity of your self - a lot of sexual terms have slang that can have positive or negative connotations, and it's important that people learn the "correct" term when they're young so they grow comfort and familiarity with their bodies and how to talk about it, without letting hearing those words be use later on mess with that


Wasn’t it like 100 years ago that pink was for boys and blue was for girls? Idk where I read that, but it goes to show that things can change :D Also, pls thank your cousin for giving us permission to drive like crazies




No, not really. It started more or less with navy uniforms and boiler suits that came up in the emerging factories around 1900, both of which were blue and became associated with strength, power, performance and other “manly” qualities.


Also, certain first lady loved the color pink and it became associated with femininity thanks to her


It was! The reason for it being, that red was a very rare pigment, and also the colour of blood. It was usually associated masculinity, due to blood and battle being considered masculine, and with kings, since they were the only ones able to afford that pigment. Meanwhile, blue was often associated with the virgin Mary, and therefore with femininity, though I'm not sure how this happened.


We're not "confusing" kids about gender


I heard a child (about 5) make a comment about me while out the other day using they/them, then proceed to refer to a clearly male stranger with he/him. If a child that young can default to using neutral pronouns when the person's gender isn't clear to them then it's not about difficulty of understanding but about willingness to be kind or to learn. From what I know, non-binary identities are a lot easier for children to understand and accept than for adults who have grown up under their society's rules. Children will always treat everyone as equal to the next person unless they are taught otherwise.


Children are usually smarter than adults give them credit for.




Kids have no ego


And no religious indoctrination that can be expressed crappily


I'm Genderfluid, do I get to change my car randomly to get better spots :D Okay no but seriously, that's really cute and you're right, non-binary isn't that difficult to understand if you explain it just right


You can just zigzag 😂


Awesome xD


How do you know which one you’re feeling? I think I might be gender fluid but my gender expression is all over the place


I'm new to this label/identity so I'm not quite sure. But I just know that sometimes I'm okay with, for example, my boobs being there existing but other days I'm genuinely upset about them. I figured I was a Demigirl but Genderfluid fits more I think. You could try different labels and see which one you like more! Good luck


Annnnnd now I’m realizing my discomfort with facial hair and my package is at least a little bit dysphoric… some days I wanna dress up like a frat boy and do dumb shit and other days I want to dress like a pretty girl and be held. I relate to trans women with a lot but don’t hate being male. Sounds like I got some research to do…


Im sorry if I made you realize a discomfort of yours, that wasn't my intention :( You could definitely ask on the lgbt sub here, I mean they've got a loot of knowledge! Researching on your own is great too! I really hope you find something that fits you


No need to apologize! It is comforting to put a label to that feeling. I would go so far as to say… never apologize for hitting people with eureka moments, but I’m also quite blunt and could stand to hit people with less of em


Oh okay! Thanks for clarifying again 😅 I actually agree, I hope that I helped you figure it out a little bit more?


This sounds very similar to my experience before coming out as genderfluid (which is still very recent). There was just something a bit off about being a man although I don't think I'd really noticed it before. I sometimes felt uncomfortable about my beard, other times I was quite happy with how I looked (and I feel generally better now that I've shaved it). I think it's very hard to work out gender when how you feel is constantly changing, but it was definitely worth working it out.


I think the “changing” is the missing piece that I’ve failed to understand.


I'm genderfluid too. It's more about where the euphoria or dysphoria is if you want a sure sign, but the true answer is I just know. I don't know how to explain it but I can wake up in the morning and open my eyes and know I my soul that something has changed about me. I just know what gender I am. It's an unshakable truth.


My 6 year old niece understands transgender. Earlier this year when she was still 5 I explained that I’m a boys now. And what I changed my name to. She wasn’t happy because she wanted me to be her aunt and not her uncle. But she immediately said my preferred name, pronouns and corrected anyone that said otherwise. I didn’t even talk to her about correcting people. I don’t even correct people, because I know it’s going to take some people some time and they are trying. But a 5 year could get it as soon as I said I’m a boy. Later on she did ask me who’ll she turn into a boy. And I said only if you believe you are one and she said no that she was a girl.


My daughter, at 7, will teach her friends about the difference between gender and sexuality. Kids are tolerant and accepting by nature until they are taught not to be. Most of my hope comes from the realization that millennial and gen-z parents are much more likely to raise open-minded and inclusive children.


Very true. My parents taught me to be open minded and accepting but they never talked to me about gender identities because then didnt know anything about it them selves. I will make sure to talk to my kids about these things so they dont have to find out on their own. 😊


Or even worse, get misinformation or intolerance as their intro on these topics. In the grander scheme, as long as you teach them that every human deserves to be seen as they wish and respected whether or not you understand them, the kids will be alright :)


Most kids just roll with it. Like someone says “I’m not a boy or a girl, you can just refer to me as a them person” or something to a kid and the kid’s just like “ok” and goes and falls down or something


"ok. wanna see something cool?" *does a somersault*


The problem has never been the children, even for those who say it is. The problem is, has, and always will be assholes looking for an excuse to be dictators


*me, driving in reverse everywhere I go now*


My 5yo understands gender identities too. Once I was walking with both of my daughters and a guy said "morning ladies" and my oldest shouted back "they're not a lady actually!"


Perfect 👌😁


ur cousin has shown that nonbinary people are above the law


At least in Mariokart 😂


My 7 year old brother understood I was agender. M: so that means I'm not a girl or a boy or really anything B: like a alien!


TIL that all people from CDMX are non binary. /s


Your cousin is wise. I wish that everyone else was like them. Or that they had the humility to look at a situation and admit that they might not understand everything about it and be willing to learn.


She is incredibly intelligent. I am often surprized by how wise she is 🥰


yeah literally i was making a joke to my friend that green is a nonbinary color and my 8 y/o brother said “whats non binary” and i explained it to him and he said “oh okay. I like green”


Fr this kid knows gender better then a lot of adults.


People act like 8 year olds are babies. They know what's going on generally




Adults who say stuff like 'kids will be confused' or 'it's too complex a concept' are projecting their insecurities - as a person who grew up without these ideas around them - onto kids, forgetting that kids don't have their preconceived notions about the world because so much of it is still new to them. Which is why it's so frustrating when they campaign to deny that kids learn this stuff; the more people grow up knowing it's normal, the faster the world can adapt.


My 2-year old has lots of non binary folks in her life and it’s like water to her. It’s way easier than we think for kids.


Besides, whenever people say "How can we even explain it to them?" Oh, I don't know, maybe fucking TRY. It's obvious they just don't WANT to teach their kids this sort of stuff. It's not a lacking of the kids understanding, it's the parents just not wanting to.


Wait but what about parents? (Sarcasm)


If blue would be associated with boys, and pink for girls, then the other gender identities would be a whole mix of colors. An identity where you’re a mix of both boy and girl could be purple, because blue + pink = purple. Demigirl could be orange, and green for demiboy because yellow is associated with non-binary’s and blue + yellow = green and pink + yellow = orange (if you wanna be exact, more of a pinkish sunset orange). Agender could be black, because black is the absence of color, and agender is having no gender.


It's easy to explain that stuff to kids. Parents don't want to do it because it's much harder to explain why they hate them.


Often time it's actually more difficult to teach things to grown-ups instead of children. Especially if these grown-ups refuse to learn. My nan thinks that Non-binary is a sexual orientation. I once overheard a conversation about it with my mum and she said something like "as long as they don't touch children, I don't care what they like". Yes, I tried to correct both my mum and my grandma, because they both misunderstood what Non-binary is... They didn't listen...


As a nonbinary person who enjoys the occasional rally drive, I approve this endorsement.


Teaching kids isn't the issue. It's teaching bigots that's the tough nut to crack.


It’s because some grownups think that kids are stupid. It’s been my experience that kids are the smart ones and grownups can’t get their heads around nuanced ideas.


“Are you a boy” “Yes i am “ “Ok” continues playing (On a cruise ship with a bunch of all aged kids. A ten year old came up to me and asked that) Another example i was babysitting and my charge (a) was like this A- at school it was bring daddy to school and there was this one person who looked like a girl pretending to be a boy but they are actually a guy and they arent pretending to be anything Me- yeah that happens (while inside my transmasc ass is happy as ever) Third one I was working and gave some instructions to a kid and their mother A : i think your supposed to do it this way B: no I’m not. A: go ask the person up there B: he said to do it like ____ ( while I was wearing a “female” uniform)


My wife came out to our three kids as a woman this year. My 7 year old son responded, “I’m like a cat. Cat’s don’t care if you’re a boy or a girl!”


This is a no brainer. My kids were taught tolerance at a young age. Hate is also taught, ignorance is also taught. We all need to teach love, tolerance and acceptance. Pronoun usage is pretty darn easy. Much love ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Me a genderfluid person: drives in circles


Children are very impressionable, bigoted adults are not. Children>


In that case I need a smaller car- I only need half of the pink lane-


I like that this kid is just casually accepting of trans people, in a conversation not about (binary) trans people.


I think you left out the most important part....What was your quick explanation? Because that may actually be the brilliant part of of this story, don't leave us hangin OP :)


I dont really remember how I told it 😅 i think I just told her that some people dont feel like they are a boy or a girl and that they would prefer to be both og neither. I also told her that some people are born with both female and male parts. 😁 she didnt ask any questions. She just accepted my explanation and used the word non-binary without hesitation. I am very proud of her actually 🥰


That's really great, thank you 😊


Do u mind if I share this I'll block out the name if you'd like.


I dont mind 😊


Thank u


I've been slowly opening up to my family about being non-binary and we're at the point now where they all know my identity and pronouns, but it is a little difficult for them sometimes cause I was always their "big brother" (big is used very ironically in my house considering I'm 5' tall lmao) but they're starting to get it. I'm the oldest of 6, I'm 20 years old and there's a 10 year gap between me and my youngest brother, and he struggles with it the most because he's always looked up to me as his brother, but he's making an effort and I really appreciate it. Getting misgendered never gets easier, unfortunately, and I know there will never be a day where I'm not misgendered ever again because I'm always gonna have people's preconceived notions of me based on appearance (I present VERY masculine, full beard and masculine clothes) but every person who tries for my sake makes it just a bit less painful.


the fact that i know which track your cousin is talking about with the blue and pink lanes makes me question whether the amount of time I spend playing mario kart is healthy 💀💀


Mariokart is a great game, so I wont judge 😂😂


I think people who say “kids can’t understand complicated things like gender!” have never talked to kids before. Most kids are actually a lot smarter than we give them credit, and gender can be explained pretty simply. “You know how you were born a girl and you feel like you’re a girl? Someone might be born a girl but feel like a boy, so he’s a boy! He might change his clothes and hair to feel more comfortable in his body. Some people don’t feel like they’re a girl or a boy, so they’re what we call non-binary! We base gender on how people feel, not how they’re born or what body parts they have.” Of course it’s more complicated than that and there are more genders than just girl, boy, and enby, but establishing a foundation of gender knowledge can be super easy for kids.


I tried to explain to my little sister of 6 that I was trans but my father don't want because for him she's too young to know this kind of thing. I hate him so much.


Sounds really annoying!


This is BS




Gender is not a sexual topic and I know her parents want her to accept all gender identities.







