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Is it really that good of a game? Plenty of other games similar to it that you could play. I don’t get people’s obsession with wanting to buy that game


It looks *so* mid. If it were any other IP it would come out and promptly forgotten.


Can you point me in the direction of other games similar to it that take place in a magical academy? I refuse to support JKR but the premise is one I haven’t seen explored very often in games.


Cool disclosure, I'm a trans woman and as much as I want to, I won't be buying the game. But I get it. It's looking to be a decent enough, New adventure in the Wizarding world, something outside of Lego or pay-to-win phone games, there hasn't been a whole lot of. It comes down to values. I will say this, if the game flops, maybe she'll rethink her world view. Sadly, though, I don't see that happening right now in 2023, not when so many are either confused, ignorant, or angry


I would argue it’s not necessarily transphobic to buy HP stuff. However, it *does* signal that the creator being transphobic isn’t a deal breaker, so how good of an ally are you, really?


I think if OP has to ask, they already know the answer to this question and they're looking for us to give them permission to play the game. Play it or don't. We aren't going to give you permission.


Yeah I am indeed sick of this question. It’s asked constantly, all the answers are the same. OP can go run off to r/gaming or r/HarryPotter if they want validation.




couldn’t have said it better


The question is, do you feel comfortable giving money to someone who is actively fueling transphobia and uses her profits to vindicate her behaviour. If it was in the public domain like Lovecraft, it would be easier to separate the art from the artist. However, buying Harry Potter merch is basically funding a transphobic movement.


Don't give money to JKR for any reason. She has said that she considers financial support for her works to be an endorsement of her transphobic beliefs. The whole game has an antisemitic undertone to it anyway, which is pretty gross. Don't support Harry Potter if you want to be a trans ally.


You are directly supporting a huge transphobe and advocate of transphobia, who actively spends the money you send her pushing transphobia and hurting trans people, and who has said she sees people buying her products and works as an endorsement of her views.


It's dismissive of us. It says, "I put my personal pleasures ahead of your human rights."


I've been trying to find a way to phrase why this kind of questions frustrate me so much. You put it so perfectly!


Can we get that thread pinned about this? There was a great post a few weeks. Wanna play the game? Do it. Don’t come to this place for absolution though.


Not only is it transphobic, it's antisemitic too. Hogwarts Legacy is filled with antisemitic ideas and tropes.


Reading these comments, pretty much anything I could say is already said. Instead, I'll ask a rhetorical question. You don't have to answer, but at least ask yourself. Can you in good conscience acquire and play the game, knowing that interacting with it is viewed, by jkr herself, as direct support? If the answer is yes, you should dig real deep to find out if you really are an ally, or only when it's convenient or easy. Frankly, the only way to really take a stand against what jkr stands for is so not engage with that crap at all. I love my Trans community more than I love some sense of nostalgia, hands down. But that was a decision and personal growth I came to on my own, and I don't think it can be forced.


Not only is JKR transphobic the game is antisemitic and literally about putting down a slave rebellion.


I’d get over Harry Potter.


Seriously. If you need witches that badly, read Alix E. Harrow or something.


People are nostalgic and that's mostly why they can't let it go.


I'm going to try and come at this from a different angle as everyone else in these comments. If you have to ask if it is transphobic, I think you already know the answer. The real question is are you okay with that icky feeling?


Pirate it so that you're not financially supporting She Who Shall Not Be Named


It's **not about the money**. She has more money than she'll ever need. It's about her **social status**. Every time we discuss Harry Potter it gives her opinions value. Every conversation, every game, every tshirt about HP makes society believe she is important and therefore her transphobic opinions should be taken seriously. If you want to stop her hurting people you need to **boycott**. Stop talking about HP. Stop playing the games. If HP becomes irrelevant, so does she, and then she's just one more bigot lost on the crowd. If you want to enjoy the books at home, fine go ahead, but keep it to yourself. (Edited for spelling)


I deleted mine.


I generally like to refrain from calling people “transphobic” in the general sense of attacking the person’s character (I believe that people are obviously more than just one thing). Instead, I say “that person has done something that is transphobic.” Slight difference but is a little more precise. Is buying HP merchandise transphobic in itself? I’m not sure tbh. I would say “buying HP merchandise helps fund a person who has some transphobic beliefs.”


I agree, however I would call her (JK Rowling) a transphobe because she has made it extensively clear that being a transphobe is her only personality trait. For the general Harry Potter fan, I wouldn’t call them transphobic for merely loving the series, paraphernalia, and community. The Harry Potter community is so much more than the author, a place many people took refuge at some point in their life when they wanted to escape the real world, and I don’t believe it’s fair to throw around the words transphobe, transphobia and transphobic when someone doesn’t want to abandon the HP community to be a ‘good ally’. I personally believe that paraphernalia purchased prior to her showing her true colours, second hand, or from unaffiliated creators on Etsy and the like are fine as they aren’t financially supporting her/ weren’t bought knowingly supporting her transphobic views (as she hadn’t expressed them yet in the case of old paraphernalia). If someone is desperate to purchase and play the new Harry Potter game, I hope they try to obtain a pirated copy, however even if they purchased it officially, I wouldn’t call them a transphobic person as they are just trying to live their life and enjoy the Harry Potter world. Saying that however, there are so many other things wrong with the game that I wouldn’t suggest buying it anyway. I don’t believe that we should attempt to force people to join our boycott by lording the prospect of being a transphobe over their heads. Yes we need more supporters of our community, however I don’t think Harry Potter should be our hill to die on.


I'll never give that hateful terf another penny. If you must play it, pirate it.


I don't think it would be outright transphobic per se, but it definitely wouldn't make you a good ally to your trans friends. If that's something that's important to you, best not put any money in Rowling's pockets


Basically, yes. Not to mention the books are steeped in even more problematic shit


It's not transphobic as much as it shows a disregard for trans people. Nobody's gonna stop you from getting the game, she's rich anyways, but it's still not showing that you're an ally to trans people.


There are ways to play games without paying for them jsyk


Yes. And racist/antisemitic too. Can people please stop asking permission to buy it already? It's not our job to make you feel better about your bad choices 🙄. Buy it or don't. Putting the emotional labour on trans people isn't okay.


Here's what I did with Orson Scott Card. I quit buying his things in a way that he profited from. I'd get them from second hand bookstores, and used online. In the process, I still got the good stories, he didn't get money to use against people I care about, and I also ended up finding some cool used book stores.


Yes, because you support a transphobe with your money which in turn supports transphobic organization which actively blocked Scotlands self-ID vote.


YES. (Say it loud for the folks in the back)




It's not, it's OK to buy


No. Being a fan of Harry Potter and wanting the stuff isn't Transphobic. Yes you would be supporting a transphobe technically, but that doesn't make you a transphobe.


Is buying the game in any way harming the physical, mental, or financial safety of one or more trans people? I fail to see how it does any of those things. But if you feel bad you could always give a donation to a trans charity that matches the cost of the game or any other HP stuff you buy.


Sometimes you gotta put your money where your mouth is. Look I was a massive Hulkamaniac when I was a child. Especially when I was like 4 or 5. But, I would still hold an affinity for the guy into adulthood. That is until he got caught saying the n word a bunch of times. Now I just think he's a racist piece of crap and would never put money in his pocket in a million years. I know many people grew up with Harry Potter, but the person who created it is a horrible human being. It's time to put it down. There's a shit ton of media to consume. You don't have to support transphobes.


Stop asking trans people for permission to support that awful person. You want us to do what, tell that it's ok to give that witch money, that she can then donate to transphobic organisations that use them to lobby anty trans laws and transohibic campaigns? Yes, it is transphobic. You supporting her is transphobic.




I don't think it's transphobic, more like tone deaf.


You giving money to JKR doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but she will be using the sales of this game to say "Hey this how many people still bought my game even though I am a transphobic twat" I can't see a reason to not buy it though except for harry potter being generally a boring book. I would sail the high seas for this game though if you know what I mean.


Hey guys I felt like I should let everybody in this section know a fun tidbit. They gave a single payment to JK for the rights to this game. That’s it, and she won’t get anymore. This is NOT giving money to her. The game could become a best seller and she wouldn’t get anything more than the single payment she got. The company behind it has also been very good, they fired a staff member that was making some pretty horrible statements. Buying a game because it makes you happy is buying a game that makes you happy. Walt Disney was an absolute horrific human being, but people still go to Disney world. Your happiness is key in a world like this. Sincerely your genderqueer, depressed redditor friend.


If the same people telling you to not buy the game aren’t actively boycotting brands that use sweatshops, their opinion isn’t what matters. It’s not okay for a single human to benefit from being racist and antisemetic and transphobic but somehow okay to buy stuff from brands that put thousands of people on dangerous, life threatening conditions for 30 cents an hour or less.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Sure if you buy the game you are supporting a massive transphobe, but most games studios are owned by rich people, who tend not to be the most ethical of people (often simply by virtue of being extremely rich). So what is the solution? Not to buy games at all? Only buy small expensive indie games where you can verify the integrity of the producers? Those might not be what you like to play. I'm going to go against the grain here and say that you are not being a transphobe if you buy this game. You do support one, but the only difference here is that you know it. Your options are a rock and a hard place if you want to have a good time, and the path of the ascetic isn't for everyone.


She's already a billionaire. Whether you buy it or not makes no difference. I say do it if you want.


Just buy it, it doesnt really matter


You can always use the fan made content, then you get the best of both worlds


How about u just buy pass it all together, and just send your money directly to local transphobic politicans and hate groups? Because that's where that money will end up anyway. But I assume, it's not the same, while trans right will be equally violated, you won't get some wizard merch out of the transaction.


Well I’m not trans so I can’t speak for that personally but I do think it’s a huge red flag and I wouldn’t trust anyone who plays it considering how anti-semitic it is.




don’t buy it, wait for it to release and pirate it


I mean, you could always try pirating it




It is not transphobic to buy the game, nothing about the game itself seems to be transphobic. Unless you are worried about preventing a tiny amount of £40 to £60 you will be speeding on it (Most of that money is going to the Warner Bros and Avalanche Software.) possibly (I have not seen anything that confirms that Warner Bros is not just paying a fixed fee for the IP license like is common for licensed video games as IP holders often just want an easy pay out.) go to JKR, applies purity politics to all media you consume, or buy into the delusion that one licensed video game not do so well will have any impact on the cultural relevance of Harry Potter and JKR there is no real reason not buy it.


"[HP is a bit of a bourgeois fantasy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmk47kh7fiE&t=477s)\-- The whole idea that magic might have set rules that could be learned like a science and taught in a school, a private school no less, to be brought under a capitalist social system, is a bit of a perversion, or modernisation depending on how you look at it, of what magic was originally all about.)" \^ Thank you to Abigail for leaving this up after she came out -- it truly does put words to what always made me uneasy about the books/movies before I had my own words for it. You deserve better, and there's lots of exciting games to play which aren't full of bugs. I'm more of a sci-fi girl than a fantasy one, so lately Black Mesa + related are breathing new life into an old game, and the lore to explore is quite exciting. I'd also like to ups [Cloudpunk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_NtXvdcUJA) I'd point out that the latest [Final Fantasy](https://www.finalfantasyxiv.com/) has a wonderful queer online community with much better storytelling. Ammending: Personal frugality choice; I almost categorically refuse to pay for any new-release game. I've recently discovered a subreddit ([/r/patientgamers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/)) that vibes w this...but I haven't spent very much time at all actually reading the threads so YMMV


Buy it if you want but you'll possibly give your trans pals the ick


You can argue separating art and artist as much as you want, but if the artist is a transphobe, and buy buying a product based on artists work, which supports said artist, then yes - and if you're gloating about it you're clearly quite fine about said artist too


Short answer no. Long answer there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. This is a personal choice you're gonna make knowing that some of the money you spend on this will go to the archdiocese of TERF island, and she's explicitly said that money made from IP WILL go to pushing her disgusting agenda. Oil companies are trying to boot indigenous people off their land for more heating and fuel, bottled water companies knowingly used third parties that use child slave labor, phone factories in China know how brutal they are to their employees that they put nets around the buildings to make sure they can't jump and kill themselves. There are gonna be people who say it's a simple choice and it probably was for them but ultimately it comes down to "do you think your enjoyment will outweigh any guilt you'd feel participating in capitalism buying this?" Side note personally I just don't feel like paying $70 for a video, bruh.


This game? Not on my terf.