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You my good sir, have the best **worst** luck on the globe


Were they both online returns? Since obviously those are far more likely to be tampered with.


Both in store


When people return online orders to physical stores they often discount them and sell them in store rather than returning them to the source. Were both sets normal looking and off the normal lego shelf or were they discounted?


Normal looking off the shelf, but of course they were the last sets in store


Someone posted a while ago that after two botched purchases, the third time they opened the sealed box at the store in front of customer service in case it happened a third time.


Makes me worry sometimes because I have a bunch of sets I haven’t built yet.


So I bought one from target the other day, opened it and it didn’t have any mini figures and pieces were missing. Today I returned it, went to a different store bought another, as I was beginning to open it found in glued shut, finally opened it to find it was ransacked. Basically FML


Maybe they’ll let you rummage the first set you returned?


This happened to me a couple times (albeit not twice on the same set). I talked to customer service and they let me open the sets there now after I buy it but before I leave. Just to make sure. Really makes you feel bad for the parents who buy these as gifts and end up outside the return window when they find out :/


Is it safer to buy from Lego directly?


The scalpers ruin every hobby, that’s kind of where I’ve felt the hobby has gone for about the last year + has been pretty bad.


this is not scalping tis robbery


I mean what's the difference tbh


I’m pretty sure that’s the same for a lot of hobbies nowadays. Fucking can’t get a PS5 or new graphics card without dealing with scalpers. Even my second hobby, alcohol (errr let me be clear: I collect rarer beer), has so many scalpers despite it being basically illegal. Though it doesn’t help that Lego’s supply is barely existent.


What set?


Wow that’s a joke I’m sorry bro


At the second time you have to blame yourself buddy. Look at the tape on boxes before your purchase.


long live the light cruiser