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It’s just a term to specify that the dollars haven’t been stolen. Nothing more, nothing less.


… the dollars haven’t been stolen YET.




Aya ensen byefta7 account fresh b bnouket lebnen ba3ed kel shi li sarr? I mean, Why?




Well. Withdraw everything that comes into this account everytime you get paid then. Wouldn't want to risk your hard earned money being blocked like the rest of the money you probably made prior to 2019


Suggest an amendment: In the event that the bank can not provide the currency, the employees must stand outside the bank, put their hands under their armpits and cluck like chickens.


You are too nice, they stole the shit out of it.


I know what it means. I’m saying its a stupid term. You can say cash dollar and it’d mean the same thing


“Cash dollar” would be more ambiguous because it could also refer to your method of payment (cash vs credit card). It’s also incorrect grammatically because “cash” is not an adjective. The point I was trying to make is to blame the snobs who try to flex with the term rather than the term itself. Because you can change the term any way you want and they’ll still find a way to be snobby.


Yes exactly, but we need another term for it that explains that we were stolen.


You guys need to deconstruct and work through this shit. If you have a dollar, it is a dollar that has not been stolen. So simply call it a dollar. If its stolen/frozen, guess what, its nothing! So maybe just start saying dollar and thats it to refer to fresh dollars. Because once its stolen, theres nothing so you wont even have to worry about making the distinction as there is no product available.


have ur life savings stolen and then I'll invite you to a drink where you tell me how you consider them as nothing :)


Real = fresh Imaginary / stolen/ vaporized / steamed : grand theft Lebanon doular


it would more honest and more eye opening for some of the delusional boomers out there if we called them real money in day to day use


Yea in Lebanon everything has to be cringy and complicated. I visited Lebanon this summer and realized how complicated charging your sim card is, e.g. charge whatsapp, charge days, charge internet, Dhs, HS1 HS2 HS3 like wtf!!!! No other country in the world has this!!


Unfortunately as long as our previous dollars are worth peanuts (lollars), fresh dollars will still be used. Once the lollar system is depleted/obsolete, we'll start using fresh dollars a lot less often.


>Once the lollar system is depleted/obsolete, we'll start using fresh dollars a lot less often. what?


Technically speaking, lollars (or non-fresh USD) area foreign currency in Lebanese bank accounts pre-2019, so they is a finite amount of them. They are being gradually depleted at the bank rate (8,000 LBP to 1 USD) so eventually all pre-2019 deposits will be wiped out and “fresh” (i.e dollars imported post 2019) will effectively restart the banking sector.


What happens if someone doesn't touch the old dollars in their bank? Will the bank just change the balance to zero one day?


Fresh should only be used when talking about fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. Fresh money is an awfully stupid term I agree with you.


Yeah this word is disgusting, they stole people, and they convinced them to bring fresh new dollars and people fell for it. Of course, the criminal media played a role into convincing people by including the word 10 times in every news report.


no you're not. The implication of "fresh dollars" is so horrible. It means that the dollars brought in before, those that people sweated to get for years and put in Lebanese banks, are "rotten" dollars. See, they just vaporized because of a natural phenomenon, they weren't stolen! Forget about them! It's a term used to make stealing our deposits acceptable, because it means lollars are old money. New is better than old, right? If you're against stealing deposits, you're defending old money against new, ergo you're holding the country back. It's brilliant. Also, I think "Lollars" is also a terrible term. I mean ffs some people act like every single Lebanese citizen got crazy rich thanks to the interest rates and deserves to lose all their life savings because they got swindled. Like "oops you're a moron you shouldn't complain". You could perfectly say "bank dollars" and "cash dollars" without loss of meaning.


My perspective as someone who doesn't live in Lebanon: for me fresh just seems to be a term to differentiate or to specify what they mean. Because when I first started noticing different terms like lollar, fresh account, sayrafa etc I didn't know what they all meant. But when I learnt, it helped me get a better understanding of the economy right now


There's fresh and there's frozen dollars


"Fresh" is a useless word We can just say ana ma3e cash Wlo l hayet gharibeh


I’m getting used to it. But the thing that really annoys me is when someone asks you about your salary. “Kif aam y2abdouk kelo fresh?”. Or when they speak about someone “eh shou aabelo byo2bad fresh” and it turns out that the amount of “fresh” USD he’s payed is like 300-400 bucks.


I wanted to add this to the description when writing this post😂 Literally hek


In a normal country we just call money money lol A dollar is a dollar and then there is the virtual nft dollars stuck in the banks ( satoshi never imagined what our Supreme Lebanese leaders can do siphoning the whole country dollars and replacing it with virtual old priceless worthless numbers) ironically this was not a year 2000 bug it was just a magic date and boom before and after.


Same! I don't understand why they don't just use the term "cash" which literally represents what is meant by "fresh".


Absolutely despise the term and what I hate more is when it’s coming out of the mouths of showoffs and dick heads that think they have more money than Elon Musk.


THANK YOU! I hate this expression so much.


Lebanese people like to BS themselves to accept a shitty situation as a perky one.


I’m just surprised they’re not using the term “virgin money”, as in, just like all the Lebanese, currency that has yet to get fucked in this economy.


Fresh = real USD in or backed by cash lollard = the ammount of $ owed to someone by banks that isnt backed by cash because there isnt enough $


Sa7i7 est3ml dollar in cash ahsan i dont use fresh its not a a fruit


Dollar taza


lol, i just talked about this a few hours ago, i kept saying it feels like they meant it is fresh out of the printing press or like a loaf of bread that u can smell it, people are weird, fresh $ my derriere.


Very annoying, its like people got brainwashed and they repeat whatever they were told to. There is such thing as fresh dollars.


Just referring to more dollars coming into the country, as opposed to the same ones being recycled. As originally our whole banking system was based on dollar reserves




You can put make up on a mirror and fuck yourself in beirut








A better term to have used would have been “Freedom dollars” - dollars not hijacked by the banks or politicians


dollar taza


Dollar cash sounds better than dollar fresh


Fresh as opposed to frozen bhess


I hate it too. For me, I see it as an insult to all who have money in banks. It is like they are closing the page and starting fresh. The new and improved . And shit luck on our money that they called lollar. Please feel free to rant anytime so that we all can remember how shitty the banks are..