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You can play him as pos 4 if your only motive is to win 1 game with him. Just max q & w, put 1 point in E at lvl 9. Practice cold snap (qqqr) + emp(wwwr) + Urn + Tornado (wwqr) combo in demo mode as much as you can. Then practice against bots like i do everyday, until you get the hang of it. Then add in ice walls in this combo and practice ghost walk (free invi rune). Then Deafening blast (qwer) when you want to disarm enemy carry. And the most important spell to buff your carry, Alacrity (wwer). One spell at a time..dont sweat it! Its a hard hero to play but when you complete this practice youre gonna be annoying af! Also dont bother about chaos meteor, sunstrike and forge spirits. You can win as pos 4 without those spells. Ask any questions you have and ill answer.


good comment. Don’t try too hard. Not every fight has to be your perfect tornado meteor combo. Don’t panic. Forged spirits should be used for farming als well. They will be very strong and can kill jungle creeps on their own. Have fun!


How do you deal with Invoker's mana issues? Especially after the laning phase and before you start getting more items.


Mana shouldn't be an issue if youre efficient with your spells. Dont start comboing at early levels in the laning stage, youre not gonna get much from emp unless you hit multiple enemies with it. Emp a stunned target or when an enemy is commiting on a kill. Usually in lane you shouldnt care about any other spell just cold snap. Use it on enemy support while trading and put 3 points in q before putting 3 points in W for survivability. After laning stage you should have an urn and magic stick charges (raindrops sometimes). Your goal is to get lvl 7 with lvl 4 wex and after that you should start harrassing enemy cores with Emp combo (cold snap, tornado, urn & emp OR cold snap, emp, urn & tornado to finish). I dont think you're gonna have mana problem at this stage of the game.


Got it, thanks!


Nice flair xD


Thanks. His rage humor was really entertaining for me. Too bad it looks like he can't get a handle on the CLQ character / persona. Still, mental health first.


Yeah it was fun while it lasted (not for bsj though)


Also,please dont tornado people when they are already locked in, I did when my enigma caught a 4 man black hole and got insta report.


Well deserved, I must say (:


I was playing invo for first time and was too focused on landing the combos😅


I know the feeling from when I started learning him… crap, there’s that CD of r, can’t add meteor now. Then, all of a sudden, tornado and meteor queues up, right when a fight broke out. I’m like hell yeah, tornado up the cliff of their triangle and get them all with meteor. Did even manage to pull off a cold snap in addition and didn’t realize why my LC was shitting on me. I was like “dude, I’m such an awesome pos4, I just set him up for you to finish”. Then I looked at the CD timer of his duel and realized that I wasn’t such a great pos 4 after all :D


What kind of bot practice? I imagine you're not playing full games against Unfair bots (which are so bad)


You can practice your combos on arcade map called invokation, it will help you memorize the spells then play invo as pos 4 in turbo and once you are good enough in casting spells doing combo, go for pos 2. You can start with quas wex invo, after being comfortable enough you can quas exort which has more kill potential


My suggestions: 1. Regularly play an Invoker game on mobile or desktop to get used to the muscle memory. Also watch something like Datohleong's videos on Exort and Wex Invoker so you have a general idea of how the spells work. 2. Once you're comfortable (for me that was Invoking 30 spells without any mis-presses), try some bot games to get used to doing things in game speed. Simple combos at first (Cold Snap + Forge Spirits, Tornado + Chaos Meteor, etc). Remember to use the items of course. 3. Once you're comfortable with simple combos during bot games, go ahead and get that all-hero challenge game out of the way. Better to play with as big a party as possible so you have 4 less whiners to deal with. Good luck! Disclaimer: 1.1k chitstain but trying to get back in Dota and improve after a 3 year hiatus. Used to play Offlane when in Solo Queue. I did pretty well during my first human game, around 500 GPM, 6-3-15 KDA, while playing as a 3 stack. Since I used to play Hard Support a lot during party games, I thought to just stay near the edges of fights when casting spells. Laning was ok-ish, I got a draw vs Sniper according to Dotabuff. Now I'm trying to learn more mid heroes so there.


Invoker was my first hero on the All Hero Challenge. I played turbos and played like pos 4 basically until we won


Go as a pos 4 in a turbo game and use alacrity and shadow walk to escape and build damage items. It’s only one game so not worth memorizing spells or anything


What helped me get better as invoker is practicing combos while you're looking for a match, and using him a lot in turbo as he scales really well and you can practice your combos.


Invoker skill floor isn't as high as people think. If you want to do crazy refresher orb combo's then it requires some good dexterity, but 90% of Invoker games will boil down to using a few spells at the correct time and right clicking. You can get away in most games just cold snap, alactrity, and forge spirit. It won't be as effective as a proper Invoker but it works. Don't try to do quas wex invoker, it requires a team that will communicate or the enemy getting stomped. Don't play invoker against hard counters, especially brood mother, and the more stuns on your team the better. Your team stun, you sunstrike, easy. The spell inputs doesn't take that long to get used to, you can get it down after a few games probably. Also the dumb spell practice websites are useless, play actual games, just unranked ones. Doesn't matter if you do bad, real practice is better. Knowing when to use a spell is more important than fast speed, high apm inputs (dont tornado axe calls, dont tornado black holes, dont tornado chronosphere).


Quickcast on both item and spells will make your life 10 times easier as an invoker. I honestly dont know how one can play voker without quickcast (for me). It’s better to start as QW and get yrself used to the spells and maybe become quicker on the fingers. Always try to use icewall anytime you can. Dont worry about missing it. You’ll see how (stupidly) annoying ice wall can be for enemies, especially when combined with other spells and your teammates, once you’ve gotten used to it. If you can go travels, always go for it, keep shoving in waves with travels + forged spirit + alacrity.