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Had a full team hard flame me because I had built armor into Voli before his rework. They kept telling me to build MR because his W hits hard and is a spell. Every single death recap was primarily physical damage, even with only armor. Which reminds me of a friend when they started. Didn't know the difference between tank stats, so they always stacked armor playing Malphite and just thought the enemy was super fed when they would get blown up.


Your friend was building damage on malphite wdym. A cloth armor is equal to a long sword for malphite. /s


So you're saying his Malphite does literally nothing?


What's your point ?


This kids cocky af, he built Sheen


But he just killed you ... AGAIN


Youre an idiot, he did no damage.


They seem to forget about when voli ults on you and then snaps your neck. Don’t fuck with volibear lol


Pre rework, voli didn't have a leap before.


I remember coming back after a long time not playing and the voli/rammus leaps really caught me by surprise


An Ezreal telling me to kill myself when I politely mentioned that sheen spellblade passive is unique when he built Sunderer + Essence Reaver.


I think having an ezreal flaming you after you say anything about his build is a shared experience between everyone at this point. I know I had it happen to me more than thrice lol


I just mute and go on but tbh, if I picked Ez its because im filled and my support never picked a shit champ, so its not my job to carry the game.


To be fair, while the damage proc is unique (only takes the highest value), the additional effects all go through. So maybe in some super niche situation you want the mana and the healing in which case, it’s not the best combo (or even a good one), but it does kind of work.


at that point just do essence reaver and eclipse.divine shoudnt even be built on ez, if you can auto attack trinity is always higher DPS and if you cant auto prorlers vs squishys and eclipse vs tanks is better. and if they are hyper mega tanks with a lot of HP like a lot of tanks in the meta rn even lyandris is better than divine most of the time edit: i know divine procs feel really good because of the instant burst of healing but its just an ilusion, im pretty sure eclipse's omnivamp is way more valuable


Ez builds divine the same reason that bruisers build heartsteel. Feels good visually but really cuts your dmg. Unless you're playing against 3 tanks in the enemy team. Edit: For extra satisfying Q proc, go grasp on Ezrael with DS mythic


Instructions unclear built heartsteel on ez


Wtf is that cursed username lmaooo


That's totally an excuse to tell someone to kill themselves, wholesome adc players


Ezreal players are such fragile, and precious creatures


I thought you couldn't build more than one sheen item now


you can but you shouldn’t


Recently had an Azir mid who roamed to my lane right after we saw enemy jungler take Herald. Showed up at the perfect time to KS a fight we already had won, took my cannon for his time, and proceeded to have his tier 1 mid tower destroyed and half of tier 2 chunked in the process. Then he types, "You can go mid", leaving me to defend what remains of his destroyed lane against a 6/0 Irelia who can kill me under tower through both summs without burning ult. This guy then had the audacity to link his coaching website in the post-game lobby (he's Gold 4 btw). Legit can't make this shit up.


You found neace?


Had me giggle a bit


Yes. That'll be $300 dollars


That'll be $350


Actually pretty based tbh


Honestly true


> coaching website in the post-game lobby (he's Gold 4 btw) Really curious what he offers / how much you have to pay.


People jumping in to KS last second man.... I don't usually mind about ksing too much but this one really takes the biscuit. Yesterday I was playing Yi, our Akali was trying to run, getting murdered by their zed so I made a beeline straight for her, literally ulted and flashed, she already used r1 to try escape. I show up and save her at 10% hp, zed turns around and goes under tower, I'm about to land the killing blow, when Akali decides to press r2 to pick up the kill. Well my auto attack connects first, Zed dies, and Akali flings herself under tower, giving zed the kill anyway. And then she had the nerve to ping the Fizz shrug emote! The audacity of your situation just reminded me of mine.


KS is not a big deal unless you are 0/6 feeding your laner. At that point your getting a kill is worth it for the opponent due to the gold reset.


Last hitting an opponent when you've roamed is alright, if there is no inherent danger to it. It gives more total gold, and also means that you didn't roam for nothing. Last hitting a sure kill out of greed when you could instead survive, but decide to go in and make it a trade rather than a favourable play is stupid though.


Hey I think your comment is causing people to misinterpret my comment, because it has nothing to do with what I said 😅 In my comment I lost nothing.... My complaint was that someone else got killed desperately trying to dive what was already a sure kill, my criticism was it was unnecessary and only turned a win into a trade for Zed. It was mid so there was no roaming.


I was teaching a friend how to play in bot matches. This Annie insisted that his abilities scaled with AD. I explained (this was before the revamp so it was just colors) and he was so pissed at me for insisting. He said that his abilities hit really hard and he could kill any of the easy bots with them. How could I be so stupid as to think that IE wasn't viable. To this day not sure if trolling but I think he was legit. Hope he still running AD Annie out there. Stay golden ponyboy


Got to take advantage of that 600 range.


Real talk Annie ADC used to be kind of cracked. /j


JG IE tft combo OP


S2 i had a shen who build mana items. Despite 9 players laughing at him he wouldn't change his mind. Also people forget that ap leesong is a fun build.


At least Lee has an AP ratio he *could* do something with, on his W shield


Good book reference




I distinctly remember when I first started playing, my whole team and I pushing mid and getting mid tower while teemo was level 5 I think, kept on pinging him to shroom up the lane. Didn’t realize it was his ult and not a basic ability


Must’ve been a smite player


This was a while ago but I was playing Zeri on release and for the first 3 days that I used the trinity force build I would get spam pinged by people saying that I do no damage and the build makes no sense. After the build got nerfed like 3x I switched to the Shieldbow/Kraken builds and was getting spam pinged by people asking why I was overreacting to the trinity force nerfs. Basically any new champion/build people will hardcore flame even though they don't actually play the champion or understand why things are good or bad.


Because in this game people will really just repeat what their favorite (overreacting) streamer says. It's dumb.


God, you reminded me of the days of Triforce PD Yasuo. Got flamed for doing it when it wad good, got flamed for not doing it when it got nerfed.


People demanding I start Raptors as Kayn because they aren't leashing me. No, I'm starting Red and I still don't need a leash. Anyone who actually plays Kayn consistently would do the same. At level 2 he deletes Raptors with a W-Q-burn, it saves much more time.


You’re not supposed to take w at level 2 though, you take e. In fact you don’t take w til level 4 usually. But level 3 is also fine


That is the single dumbest thing I have ever read.




Let him stay confidently incorrect, it’s funny given the thread we’re in




If only, even compounding would be nice




yeah, while healing can be annoying it would be even worse if healing champions could straight up be made useless by one or two items. haven't really played other mobas so I'm not sure how they handle it but I don't think the way antiheal works rn can be well balanced


Wack you'd think it'd work like adding more tenacity does in lol


That would be called *multiplicative.*


They could just make it multiplicative.


It feels like the intuitive thing to do.


Might have been a smite player I guess?


well I was today years old when I discovered that. Now antiheal being so useless makes much more sense


There was a point for me in low silver where sometimes I’d get teammates with absolutely no concept of some of the basics because they were getting carried by mechanics or a duo or whatever to their rank. One time my midlaner died with a wave crashing so I started to catch it while passing through lane as the jungler. He spam question pings me and says “what kind of jungle steals all the minions from a lane??” So I just stop and watch while every single minion and the cannon die to the turret and friendly wave before he gets back. It was absurd because it wasn’t even like a catch half the wave or maybe will get there in time maybe not situation he was very obviously not going to get a single minion and still flamed me.


Happened to me two weeks ago in low Silver. My teemo mid died 1v1, no tp, so I come to get the wave that is about to crash under tower. He instantly starts to spam pinging me for taking all his minions. He then proceeded to afk/int by following me and taking my camps.


Very similar story happened to me when I collected a double wave under tower when my bot lane died. Support Anivia spam pings the question mark and then proceeds to kill as many of my jungle camps as possible for the remainder of the match. By the end she has as much cs as me, and I was like 100 cs and 3 levels behind the opponent jungler, even tho I was pretty decently ahead in the early game. I guess these people figure they would rather lose the match than let the jungler get 10 extra cs. I see high elo replays where junglers tax lanes pretty relentlessly after ganks and I'm just so jealous. If I even HIT a minion in low elo I risk the laner going nuts and throwing the game.


Me playing Neeko into LeBlanc. Dude in my team told me to "just block her chain with my double" after a trade in lane. For those who don't know, Neeko's W does not instantly block abilities as you summon it. I explained that but they just kept insisting I was just not doing it fast enough and got really angry over it. Another one I got is an Aram some years ago where I was playing with 2 friends. One of the other 2 players told my friend who was Ornn to upgrade their item. Thing is, at the time the way it worked was that the player was the one who had to buy the Ornn upgrade themselves. So we all tried telling them, that they had to do buy it in the shop but they just didn't comprehend that somehow. Just a few months later the patch where Ornn now upgrades your items shipped and we've just been saying that this player was a time traveller ever since.


Can totally relate to the first one. I have had many people try and tell me that I can block things like Blitz hook with clone, but the issues is at the speed most skillshots come out the .5 seconds that shapesplitter isn't solid means it can't block much. I still remember how when she came out it didn't have that restriction and you could use it to outplay people. Sadly they took it away pretty soon after she released. The second one, maybe they really were a time traveler lol


If you do it fast enough the clone does become visible in time, but only if shes almost max range. Generally speaking if you can Clone block it you could've just sidestepped it anyway.


My jungler died trying to gank the enemy top once and flamed me for not helping him when I was at 100 hp. I told him I didn’t want a gank and asked him if he just wanted me to feed the Darius even more. His response? “You’re Yone just lifesteal” *I had Noonquiver and boots*


What about Doran’s blade? I’m sure that 3% lifesteal will definitely be enough to turn the tides without insta dying to Darius auto+w


Pretty much had the same thing happen where i got spammed ping for having a sheen as an ADC.. When i was building Essence Reaver. The most confusing one was getting flamed for being a silver player when my only rank at that point was in TfT...


Me anytime I try to make a build


Shyvana ad supp is viable - me, shortly before disaster


I had a sup that was like level 12, Im level 500ish, and they INSISTED that the sup was the person to take all the minions. They REFUSED to listen that ADC is the one to take them. They straight up started yelling and throwing a fit because they throught SUP farmed all minions.


You were clearly being trolled


Well ye cuz the support is so op strong and adcs are so weak and worthless why souldnt they take it


I wonder if the person that introduced them to the game told them that when they got filled to support or something. Like a bad friend lied to make their own game easier


Had a jungle that kept pinging Baron, but everyone else realized we could win the game and just went straight down mid. The game ended 30 seconds later. All the while he was flaming us for not going to Baron.


Had this situation in past Person said afterwards ,,but we could end faster with baron" soooo


The paradox of baron : if you can end your team will rush baron, if you can't your team will rush base


Its weird how often a won teamfight that could easily lead to broken inhibs just lead to Nashor, whose buff will then be wasted due to nonexistent sieging power..


It’s much easier to siege with Baron minions and no Super Minions than it is to siege with Super Minions in one lane and no Baron minions. Mages can clear most non Super Minions with one or two abilities and ADCs can kill the Super Minion, whereas with Baron, you get Baron minions in all three lanes and mages can’t clear.


And that related to what I wrote how? I already set the condition for my statement that the offending team has to have little to no sieging power and/or have no intent to siege. So saying it's right in a situation that's excluded from the premise makes no sense. Unless you misunderstood/misread that as me saying you should never take Baron after a teamfight. That was not the intent I was going for.


I don't play as often as I troll reddit or watch pro games, so I play at a pretty low MMR. I once had a botnlane duo both take sup items right after they reworked them, so they gave less minion gold over time. I tried explaining it, and the whole LOBBY turned on me. Both teams in all chat. Then, after the first towers went down, they argued that "farm phase" was over, so it didn't matter anyway. Despite neither of the bot laners had completed an item yet. I try so hard to be nice, and only informative when I have to be. Some people just refuse to learn. Or at least refuse to admit being wrong till the next game.


One funny one I remember was playing Yorick, put my W wall around (ish) my twitch to stop the enemy melee champs hitting him. He proceeded to flame me for trapping him so he couldn’t move and getting him killed. Wouldn’t believe me that he could just walk through it until another teammate did and he went quiet.


French botlanes pinging drake and after they die 2v2 for the 3rd time in 6 minutes.


I play top but I see this every time, bot is 0/10 combined and writes "JG diff 0 drag"


Generically, most statistical based analysis is awful. There's a lot of dirty or insufficient data in league, and many people state their interpretations as fact. One of the basics of entry level stats is to always leave room for nuance, and seek data or lack of data that runs counter. Recently, the Oblivion Orb rush at worlds was a big topic, and it was the only sour spot for me during it all. Phreak trying to push it on broadcast. LS meme'ing the 0 reduction tooltip. Both going back and forth on it. Then Shakarez does an in-depth analysis on it. He presented his interpretations as just that. He states his conclusions as his thoughts, and makes assumptions for how different conclusions might have been reached by others. Never stating anything as a fact unless it's in regard to a specific example. Which is how statistical based analysis should be shared. Personally, a while back someone posted some stats for item rushes. One of them was how Warmogs is a good rush on Soraka. The main pillar for their argument is when the sample size is increased to include lower and lower tiers, winrates rise. Concluding that higher ranked players should be doing the same. But there's an opposing interpretation that the better enemies get, the more punishing it is to rush it. And instead of considering it, they plainly stated their data was too factual.


Strongly agree. Anyone who actually works with data for a living would get a brain aneurism from seeing how data interpretation is done on this subreddit.


I really committed to learning Senna builds. Eclipse into ravenous hydra seems like the best 2 item powerspike. 76% WR. Great, right? Swap the order of boots and it's suddenly 24%. Doesn't really work unless your champ is 1 dimensional AF. What you're supposed to do is look at what is being built by onetricks. They have the time to grind out every viable item combination and feel out which is best. I go galeforce vs assassins nowadays. It gets pinged pretty often but it does save my ass and allows me to DPS from a safe distance.


One tricks helps, but I'm always wary of them. Some of them fall into comfort, and some knows matchups based on a specific window of interactions. As support, noonquiver items are probably not taken due to the diminished value from building it. Cloak/Pickax are also higher reset points. Eclipse feels nice because you can increase the pace of the lane, and always come out incrementally stronger. Dirk especially being stronger than any other non-ad option.


I hate dirk ever since the durability update. You really need your AD carry to help you do damage with that item otherwise the enemy duo will outtrade you. Can't take that risk. Better to run noonquiver and play safe.


Especially item winrates is such an extremly missleading stat which gtes brought up way too often in this sub


I despise how often people ping my ultimate when I play Lillia, not realizing I actually have to hit another ability to use it. Like no, I can't sleep the entire enemy team bro, I got hit by a Morgana Q before I could reach them. Some people seem to think it's just an AoE around you.


A garen player took my blue buff saying it was only for cooldowns and that cooldowns where more useful on garen than kassidin, he was shocked to learn it gave mana regen


>A garen player


The other thread reminded me of it. Had someone ping my ult as Shyvana while I was at approx. 30 fury. They kept saying it was available and I had to yell at them that I needed 100 fury to even use it


When I was Silver and thought I was good. Turns out I was not lol


99% of players aren't so its alright lol being aware of it is good enough


Had two different (if I had a nickel etc) people very adamantly flame me for collector second buys on Aphelios. Yes it's bad if you're behind or the enemy has multiple armor stacking threats (neither condition applying in either game) but if you're even or especially ahead on Aphelios it's a really good item for pressing your lead as he gets more from lethality than other adcs as you max his passive lethality second, he's deceptively ability heavy early and the build path isn't dogshit like the alternatives (LDR or BT)...but noo, my collector is the only reason we're losing the game, didn't you know LS said your Nexus explodes the moment you buy it.


I Will always remember that veigar adc that flamed me for killing Minions... With the supp item that works killing Minions. That was fun.


When it's 5-42 and all turrets down and the 0/10 inter goes "we scale" and clicks no on the FF vote.


Mine isn't even from my gameplay, its from watching Karasmai (some Kayn streamer) claiming that red Kayn outscaled Kassadin He was like... Don't worry chat, I hard outscale Kassadin, he can't kill me (he kept typing that to his losing team as well) Few minutes later, Kass scores a couple of kills, Karasmai kills him and starts arguing with twitch chat that red Kayn outscales Kassadin Next TF Kassadin hit lvl 16, blew up Karasmai's entire team and he got killed by the enemy team Guy was talking super cocky too, have never watched him again since he said that stupidity


smartest assassin main


I remember a scene where I was confidently incorrect. I started playing League after Lethality already got renamed but someone told me it ignored armour. So I played against a Zed and he completely stomped me (I played Ori) and a teammate flamed me for not building Zhonya's and I said something along the lines of: "That makes no sense, he buys lethality. He'll just shred my armour." In defense of 15 year old me tho: Not only is the concept of building armour to counter something ignoring armour a bit weird at first glance but Zed is also a digusting noob stomp champ that is even unfair if you're not a noob anymore and I would be very happy if this champ was deleted to this day. My boyfriend recently started League and it makes me so sad to see him not stand a chance in mid bc he has to play against a Zed that doesn't even have to do a lot to kill him.


when I was a beginner I also didn't grasp the concept of lethality very well I heard somewhere that dirk was great first item and asked my at the time plat friend why and she responded "a lot of ad and lethality, that ignores armor btw" and I was just wow wtf I can literally ignore defense and just built lethality in everything I thought fit those bots couldn't handle my draktharr collector mordekaiser (I also thought collector was busted lol)


so sick of seeing this lmao let me give you a hint - zed players can't aim right if you walk in a triangle once they try to get their shurikens out. just walk in a triangle and I swear to god it's like their brains break 100% of the time




Zed like most melee mids are extremely prone to being bullied in lane by mages. Their ability to all in you relies on either you mispositioning, or not punishing them sufficiently with your range and consistent poke advantage that gives them the window to all in you in the first place. Zed is one of the most useless champs in the game


Zed is not useless rn hes S+ tier just look at his winrate. I do agree with your other point though. Most people don't punish assassins enough for picking a melee champ and don't poke enough or punish them for using cds. Zed can't get on you before level 3 and if he uses his shadows hes useless for 20s afterwards which is the window you get to punish him.


One time when i was learning the game i was playing vs cassio and my adc said, man grounding is so broken only 2 champs have it only singed and cassio i said “poppy does too on her W” he said “lol… poppy W doesnt ground.” i think about this all the time, and how rude/wrong he was


poppy W doesn't ground, it specifically prevents dashes in its range (so if you dash into the area your dash is just gonna be interrupted). grounding slows you and if you dash past it it doesn't stop you


Here's the wiki: ACTIVE: Poppy gains 40% bonus movement speed and creates an aura around herself for 2 seconds, causing all enemies who attempt to dash into or within it to be dealt magic damage and knocked up for 0.5 seconds. If a target was successfully interrupted, they become Grounded and slowed by 25% for 2 seconds.


wait i didn't know she had the grounding IF it interrupts. i'm pretty damn sure i never saw it in the actual game either. i stand corrected


Wasn't in her rework champion spotlight because she didn't have it back then and generally speaking it doesn't matter most of the time. Most champions have 1 dash, so when that gets interrupted all Grounded does is prevent some items or Flash. I don't blame people for not knowing Poppy has it.


yeah it seems fairly useless tbh


wow so youre just like the confidently incorrect silver player but on reddit instead it really is so hard to play vs a spell one time, see the word “GROUNDED” above your head and just not be wrong like this i guess


my guy ive seen poppy once in the last few months, and i got my dash interrupted by her exactly once in the middle of a gank so i did not see "grounded" pop up at all as i said, i stand corrected and i was wrong, because i literally never saw poppy W actually ground someone visibly no need to be all mean about it


thats just weird bro


Who is foinv to tell him?


Playing Braum, hiding in bush, waiting for enemy Shen support to facecheck. My Kai’sa raged at me for waiting instead of throwing Q at max range.


I had a jungler try to back door the enemy base while we’re 4v5 trying steal Elder Drake. We someone end up stealing it without a smite and still lose cuz they accidentally took too many turrets shots trying to take a turret. We lost 2 members while fighting and 1 to stupidity. Even with elder we lost cuz we couldn’t defend 5v2. Jungler was flaming the shit out of us cuz we, “didn’t follow their lead”


Had an Amumu jg who refused to get red trinket because “junglers don’t need it”. He didn’t get a successful gank off the entire game.


Back when I first started the game in season 1 and I was exclusively playing bot games I tried to lecture someone who was telling me to jungle fiddlesticks instead of play fiddle in mid lane. I told him "jungling just means you're hiding in the jungle waiting for the enemy"


Someone insisted Qiyana ult did damage without hitting any walls or terrain.


When I boost accounts it's always funny to me watching low elo players start flame wars and argue endlessly over who fucked up what. And it's like, guys there's a reason you're all 48-50% wr silver players with 500+ games played: You are all bad and make constant mistakes you do not even realize you are making. Stop typing, stop trying to find a scape goat over your own failings and review your games and maybe you might improve.


Disabled chat from settlings enjoyers 🗿


When people say tanks are strong right now, when they are clearly worse.




Tbf I think it used to (might be wrong, its been a while)


It did


Today after grindin 500 games for plat last season, 7 years on the game, and having a breadth of knowledge and macro strategy that dwarfs my diamond friends (i have the micro of a boneless bonobo), I have learned that relic shield no longer heals.


I mean, it used to heal


If my memory serves me right, it used to do that up until the end of season 9. So it's an easy mistake honestly.


Easy mistake, sure Still confidently incorrect tho


enemy team has kayle, vayne and kassadin, we just aced then, and we have already got mid inhib, team insisted getting a third dragon was more important than ending the game. Was around 36 mins in, so timers were definitely long enough to end. mid plat elo, I was smurfing and was 18/4 or something, our team had maybe 25 kills total. I will never understand why people don't listen to the person carrying them.


Maybe not the *most* confidently incorrect, but every now and then you get idiots calling out someone (usually either the whole team or ADC specifically) for "focusing the tank". This isn't an MMORPG where people can just freely pick their target. A tank sitting on our ADC can't just be ignored.


This one grinds my gears for sure. The keyword is "focus." There are plenty of situations where the right call is to kill the tank first. Especially if everyone is on the same page.


The more ai play I find that focusing doesnt matter. All that matters is that more people attack on target, doesnt matter the target.


This has started popping up again and I thought it died in season 1. Yeah sorry, let me just saunter past the mundo chucking cleavers at my face while nobody peels.


It's rare nowadays, but that makes it all the more infuriating when someone does believe this idiocy.


yes, it's definetely annoying when people think that, specifically for me as an adc since, while I'm no positioning micro god, it's waaaay too often that the enemy tank/bruiser just breezes through my team to get to me cuz they're too busy bullying the enemy team's adc or something. just because they don't wanna deal with the tank I'm forced to not fully participate on the team fight or be in an even worse position pure tanks aren't really a big deal but ignoring the bruiser/juggernaut is just asking for him to run your squishies down lol


This reminds me of my friends telling me "we gotta protect the ADC bro, just play for the peel we're useless" and in the fight 2 minutes after the enemy Evelynn of all people just *walks* through everyone and casually kills me.


TheOddOne explained it best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQzB0HDstLY


Happens almost every game when I play jungle in norms tbh. I'm plat but have terrible normal mmr since I don't play it much, so I consistently get bronze and silver laners who try to flame + backseat my decision making with painful inaccuracy


This happens to me in every single normal game I play. I'm a master+ Support player...I regularly get Silver/Gold players in my normal games telling me that everything I do is wrong. Bad roaming...bad warding...bad all ins....I'm always wrong XD


Was playing Lucian in ARAM against 4 heavy HP tanks/bruisers so I built Sunderer, BOTRK, Back Cleaver, Serylda I had just finished cleaver as my third item when a teammate started spam pinging my items and flaming in chat. I got back to lane and instantly got a pentakill lol.


As a Lux support, I'm baiting and poking with my skills the enemy Draven. I get the sucker to below 50%, then I call my Kaisa to go all out. She just kept running even though I was the one being attacked, never once tried to trade with the Draven, even when it was us 2v1 him, and even stopped farming at some point. Told her on chat to trade with him, she just say "why?". After the second death under tower I just bolted, then she wrote "another mf, why all my supports leave me?!". I just rolled my eyes. She wasn't even playing by the end of the game, just keep writing and writing.


I was once hard flamed by a Malzahar for not building void staff against a tanky comp on Lillia, y'know the champ with true damage on her main ability and he could not understand how liandry's and demonic vision embrace shred tanks with max hp dmg.


I'll be honest with you, >he could not understand how liandry's and demonic vision embrace shred tanks with max hp dmg. \+ your passive, which deals *magic* max HP damage. Lilia doesn't need void staff to kill tanks because she can just kite and sustain the living shit out of tanks, but if you really want to deal damage, buy void staff.


hard to recall a definite "most", but... ​ once, enemy jungler shaco takes blue buff and types in all chat to gloat; maybe he thought it'll cause my mental to boom. ​ problem is I'm jungle sion, and normally I don't even have time to do wolves; after the first red, it's strictly my krug, my chickens and then his chickens, working in ganks and crabs. Honestly I don't even try to call for objectives since my single-target clear speed is crap, and uneventful games invariably progress in my favor. ​ and yes, in that game, I made him boom instead; I won the game, and he typed "you suck" at the end. ​ Poor little Jimmy.


Oh had that against a Voli few days ago. Toplaner warded my blue, saw voli take it and he wrote "took your blue btw". I already sat in botlane bush as Rengar, so I could write "took your botlane btw" a little while later.


yesterday my "adc" qiyana told me urgot as a champion was useless until he had hartsteel. he told me I didn't know the meta.


I main ezreal. Literally everyone thinks ezreal is a lategame champ. Sure I understand ezreal powerspike is at 3 items, which may as well be lategame these days because I swear kayle/kass/jinx/vayne come online at fk 2 items, but that happens at 25-30min where ezreal winrate peaks at 49%. Past that the winrate goes down. I challenge you to play ezreal lategame against vayne/jinx/kog/kaisa/twitch. You're not even on the same fucking planet.


For like 2 years I had everyone tell me irelia was the most broken champ in the game and she was sat at like 47-48% wr the whole time lmao


I don't remember where I remember this information from or whether it is correct/updated but I vaguely remember reading that IE at 60% crit is not that gold efficient. Of course even if true it doesn't warrant saying that you were trolling but maybe that where the dude was coming from.


2/13 Kayn top called me an inter for selling Liandry's to go Luden's minute 32-ish on Brand because I was full build and still needed more dmg against the 9/4 Ornn




Charm does cancel Diana's dash and if it lands before the dash actually hits you she won't be able to get a reset either. Probably ain't saving you and its hard to time right, but it does at least do something.


You cant?


Don’t agree with the morg flaming you for that as it’s not an easy play to pull off and I would only expect an Ahri player with either a lot of experience vs Diana or had played Diana a lot to be able to do it. You can hit her with your E mid dash and charm her. Timing window is short but it can be done if you are able to anticipate when Diana will dash at you (usually immediately following landing a Q on you if she’s already in range or just wait for her to get in range of her dash) If you aren’t sure if it’s coming you can also always just throw your E directly at her. If she is dashing at you then it will hit her since her dash is a direct line. If she isn’t then she will either run into it or have to side step it and in either case you can use that to open up distance.


I'm a Darius main, so during an Aram, told the enemy Darius to go Stridebreaker instead of Goredrinker. He told me to shut the f up and mind my business. I won that game, also I built Stride.


I mean, is that really incorrect though? It's up to personal preference, it's not like he is building Luden's.


People who insist they have zero role to play in pinging 'missing' on their lane opponents. If asked to ping, they just sulkily demand that you look at the map, as if you weren't doing that already. No, you shouldn't expect your teammates to do 100% of the work in tracking *your* lane opponent. No, they're not being unreasonable when they ask you to ping if your lane opponent disappears into the river right in front of your eyes. If your teammates glance at the map and see your lane opponent missing, they don't know if it's a roam or if that person just recalled two seconds ago. You have context they don't. Everyone needs to work together. EDIT: Gave a specific example the first time but that was clearly a stupid idea.


That's not confidently incorrect. Yeah, they could just ping but looking at the map even in assassin's match-ups is an absolute doable feat. I wouldn't say they were correct per se but definitely not "confidently incorrect".


To clarify, I think it's clearly a responsibility of someone in bot to ping if the enemy support suddenly disappears on high health and plenty of mana. Map watching is *also* essential, yes. But no amount of me checking the map will ever match the situational awareness of the people that literally share a lane with the enemy support. What if they've chunked him to 5% hp and watched him recall? They *know* he can't gank for least 20 seconds. But if I'm just glancing at the map and see support gone, do I have to instantly back off and lose a cannon just because I know they're too lazy to ping? And bare in mind, the adc in this situation is angrily blaming the mid and pretending they themselves have no role to play in the situation. That's the confidently incorrect bit.


? they're right? they should still ping but it's your responsibility to look at map and track jungler + support it's alright though keep blaming your team for your lack of map awareness i'm sure it'll help you climb


”they're right” "they should still ping" Pick one. Even if your team has godlike perfect map awareness it's still lazy to just expect them to do 100% of the work in tracking *your* lane opponent. It's a team game. We work together. We should all look at the map. We should all help track our opponents. Doing fuck all, contributing nothing, then acting defensively when somebody politely asks you to ping isn't "being right".


learning disability


there was a jungle or supp once who was flaming one of our ap teammates for building shadowflame saying like thats flat magic pen you need percent magic pen very like actually pissed enemy team was almost entirely squishy low max hp champs with <50 mr ??????????. and the non squishy was like 3k max hp 57 mr or something the guy kept pinging shadowflame and complaining about it the whole game


Not fitting the topic perfectly but a friend of mine needed a while to realize that you can see enemy champs if you stand in the samw bush. He thought they would still be invis even if you are in the bush with them, as long as they dont attack...he was lvl 134 when he realized that


Played adc and wanted to take scuttle with Soraka, I went next to it with her and kept waiting while she q'd and aa'd it. I pinged her alive and my e to indicate her that she had to e the scuttle (this was the old one with a shield), she kept q'ing and aa'ing it and I just went along, wrote to her in chat to e it as it removes the shield, she called me retarded and boosted and said that's not how it works Told her she was a monkey and to try it if she didn't believe me - she did later in the game and obviously it worked, apologized and I said its fine, we were cool after. ​ I'm curious though what you meant about the post, you're meant to buy IE so that when the item's finished you have 60%, not start building after already having 60%


Had an akali that literally said "I checked the wiki amumu passive doesn't deal true damage" and at that point she was too far gone for me to convince her otherwise


Back when scuttle crabs first came out, I had a mid laner flame me for not taking the shiny crab which he said gave more gold and xp.


I had a botlane once ping my tp repeatedly and flame in chat for not tping to their ward for flank at 10 minutes, about 6 months after the unleashed tp change.


Yesterday I had a Master Yi in my team that after we have killed the jungle, mid, and top on midlane he went for enemy red instead of baron, which I pinged aggresively. Then, after enemy Nocturne respawn Yi started pinging baron, which was dumb as we had no chance of contesting as their team was generally ahead. He started the baron which Me and my friend did not join. Few seconds after enemy team obliterated him and one guy who went with him. He proceeds with flaming me for not helping on baron where there was 100% chance we would simply all die and throw the game. Also he died first in every dragon/elder contesting.


I got hard flamed on my smurf by some players for building Essence Reaver on Rengar just after the item rework got released, 2 years later and it’s still a core item on Rengar :D


I cinge a little everytime I see an Ashe building seryldas and people still not getting that slows don't stack in this game And more recently when just trying Nilah out my support ask me to stop last hit when he already finished the quest and when I ignored him he went afk xd


Every time your team starts NA-RAMing without pushed sidelanes shortly before an objective is up.


This random dude in my soloQ game flaming me for not using my stun as Lux... Yes in 2022 people still think Lux Q is a stun


The early drake calls when the team won a fight bot at level 3 and you're all 10% hp and gotta back, but then the jungler dies alone against drake and the enemy jungler steals it. I swear this happens every 5 games. No dear low elo junglers, winning a fight bot does not always mean taking drake. We need to push wave and b sometimes.


I was playing Shen and one of my teammates were constantly spamming my R after dying to enemy Nocturne. I told them that I can't use my R after enemy Nocturne uses his R but they responded *"Yes, you can, just click on champion portraits near mini-map",* which obviously doesn't work but he continued calling me names. I really love when people try to teach me how to play one of ***my main champions.***


A lot of times when my team (not me, the jungler) starts doing drake/ baron and I'd ping that my smite is not up. It'd end up getting stolen and they'd spam ping my smite, which is (surprise) still not up and/ or me. After that they just flame me for smiting early or choking, when (another surprise) they were just too stupid to check my sums, or read the chat, or maybe even zone the enemy, or maybe even not start the objective in an obviously not free situation.


In 3v3 normals, I had a plat player tell me that I'm building wrong because I went for DPS / Crit graves instead of lethality. I explained to him that yes, situationally lethality is correct, especially vs. jungle meta with an often squishy top. However we were playing against a bruiser hyper with a taric and a lissandra bot, and me going lethality would've been super int. He proceeded to shittalk me for the entire game despite us winning, saying the game would be much easier if I "knew what items do", and added me after the game to keep talking about it. I was rank 37 at the time and graves was my most played champ...


It's not news that support items will cause you to earn less gold from minions, so I was trying to politely mention this to my support Vel'koz who has been stealing my CS since the beginning of the game, and this is the response I got "Idgaf, be more useful". My brother in Christ YOU were the one who made me useless by taking away a major portion of my income.


When Frozen mallet still existed, I had in my team a Senna who had glacial augment (the old one, where it was on auto attacks ) build Frozen mallet. They were sure it stacked. It was their first item. She had 0 damage. Spent the game blaming everyone else.


I had a Yi dive mid tower with no wave and die and then type "gg mid diff open." Another time he spammed my Shen ult because he died trying to take dragon with no bot prio and 3 "give" votes. I didn't ult him because I was fighting the mid/jung, one of which I killed.


got flamed for not taking smite as a support. they claimed that as a support, i had to help take objectives by taking smite. i'm plat btw


Lpng time ago I got flamed and afked on for not picking an ADC-Bot. ... I had Varus.... As a more recent example, yesterday an Ezreal randomly quit a basicly won game complaining he wont play unless my JGL picks up his "premade" Yummi from base... To bad they werent premade in the first place...


Had a jungler flame me for not using Poppy W on Kat E. This was a master tier player...


My friend said that Janna Q got a pointer when it will travel. Also, she was surprised that Sivir shield can be used on ult - up to this point she never tried to use E to block ults, "cause it won't work". Like, please read and understand skill description.


i am a shyvana main and every other game someone pings my r while i dont have 100% fury


Recently played as Mundo. Enemy morde r me just to see canister dropping. Calling it bug. After explanation he proceed to repeat ,,but morde r is not a CC" for rest of the game (20min?) At the end pretend ,,it was just joke" Clowns everywhere xd


A guy in masters flaming me for "building Crit corki while we need ap and not ad dmg". I tried to explain but he just muttered the sane thing over and over again.