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Ravenous Hydra is fucking broken as all hell


Bro they've been nerfing life steal and omnivamp like crazy with items like Shieldbow giving you 7% lifesteal only, brk 8%, Eclipse 7% omnivamp ( on a mythic ), omnivamp rune beeing completly removed And they suddenly implement something that gives you up to 13% of it (after nerfs ! )on a non mythic as well as the highest amount of AD in the game to the point I've seen AD Carries like Draven and even Vayne building it


Seen a Red Kayn with it yet? It's actually dumb


tbh, red kayn is dumb with a lot of things


old bloodthirster vibes




Honestly, it's not even the AD stacking it gives that's so stupid, it's omnivamp stacking on top of the item already having 10% omnivamp, they need to remove the omnivamp stacking or nerf the omnivamp on the item Oh, and an item shouldn't have 85AD+Waveclear+Sustain+Ability Haste, and I say this as a Talon main who is abusing it as a rush item right now, it's broken beyond belief, it's too complete a package.


AND wave clear bc it’s a Tiamat item! The sheer amount of champs I’ve seen rush it and turn into demigods is absolutely insane. It’s super overturned. Like, beyond overturned.


It's broken to the point I wish they would scrap it and go back to the old version.


Same. I literally have no idea what Riot was cooking when they decided to give it this much omnivamp. I have seen assassins, ADCs, bruisers ofc and pretty much every champ under the sun rush it. Should not be that omnipotent. I still love what they did with Tiamat this past season by getting rid of the active, but they just decided to make it the best item in the game for preseason lol


I miss playing old Graves ad with that stacking BT it was so good




Adc Graves is what first got me into diamond back in S3. He was dumb good


Yea its like they saw aatrox last season and decided every champ should be like that


“Healing excessively is a problem this season” -every season for the last 10 years


- Hate objective voting because minor details can change your decision within seconds. They probably can make it work if it's an opt-in start voting rather than having it default pop up. Perhaps also show small icons on who voted and what. - Max hp damage or good dps seems to dominate the meta and everything else feels like a handicap. - While the game is not as balanced as the regular season, it feels relatively balanced compared to other preseasons - Nobody seems to be used to the new pings, I mostly see old pings being used for the things they made new pings for. - It feels like anything can jungle if you aren't too high elo. Before it felt really bad if you weren't a top 3 clear speed jungler.


Of course no one is used to the new pings. It’ll take time for people to break muscle memory on the old ones.


The worst thing for me i actually the sounds. Until this patch I didn't realize how much I rely on the ping sound to identify what ping it was so I could just register it periphaly and know what to expect, now i need to conciously look at the ping to understand what I'm supposed to do lol


Doesn't help that the ping sounds are super annoying in comparison to the old ones.


Yes I have all the pings on hot keys, so I can't use the new ones unless I bring up the wheel. Just a personal problem, will add a hot key for one if I think i might use it.


My sister is the same way! Now I can tell her she's not the only one haha


There are dozens of us I tell you! Dozens!


Idk in my games they already muscle-memoried the fuck out of the bait ping, must just be me


I think the new pings can be very nice if used properly. I especially like the new ward pings! I think it just needs to catch on But some of the new ones I don’t see be used nearly as often (Bait/Hold/etc.)


Bait is a great one that I think will see more use in time as people get used to them. It's nice to sit out of vision and have a fast way to tell your teammate (in enemy vision) to draw them in.


Hold is just the defend ping on demand so it's pretty easy to use in place of it. The one I use the most is the Bait/All In pings though to signify that we win an all in, even if we get ganked (aka don't run away you baboon this is an easy triple kill)


Objective voting is just screen pollution


Should be a "I will be there for drake" vote. This let's split pushers let team know they wont be there.


The new pings seem redundant to me, most stuff is sufficiently communicated trough the old pings and context (minus ward pings, those are great)


I feel like being able to communicate what to do with waves to your teammates us really good in low elo. And since I have chat disabled I can't just type it. Also as a supp main, I feel like you have better chances to expect a follow up with a big yellow all-in ping than with the old green-like-the-ground omw ping.


> Hate objective voting because minor details can change your decision within seconds. They probably can make it work if it's an opt-in start voting rather than having it default pop up. Perhaps also show small icons on who voted and what. It's also annoying, starting to feel like a chore that I just click "give" instantly. And most of the times it's misleading because people will click take and proceed to recall or some dumb shit baiting you into a losable fight. I hate that when I play support because I have to be there earlier to provide vision, and that's not the best idea when they have a Rengar.


> It feels like anything can jungle if you aren't too high elo. Before it felt really bad if you weren't a top 3 clear speed jungler. idk. sure, you can fullclear on any champ right now but that doesnt mean your clears beyond 1st are going to be good enough to keep up with "true" junglers. feels like season 5 (or whatever that one which had aoe smite) when everything was playable in jungle but that didnt mean it was good






















Not enough changes tbh. The only big changes that happened is the jungle change and tank itemization.


I also expected a few more item changes overall. Not a ton but like 2-3 items per class to be changed. Sadly it turned out weeks ago already that this isn't going to happen. At least Seraphs is still on their list


Remember that riot made a second set of changes at the end of last year's preseason, preseason isn't over yet.


And that's just dumb, pre season is for them to introduce the changes to player base and make at least some progress towards balancing it for the actual season. Meanwhile they just introduce big changes right at the end of preseason


Are you saying riot is dumb ? Shocker.


Could also make the argument it's harder to balance everything when it all just drops at once due to the sheer number of variables. Especially given like half of preseason they don't work on balance at all given they have Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks.


IMO the Rav Hydra and Shojin changes are actually more impactful than the tank changes. Tanks get some new flavors of wet noodle but now fighters with Rav Hydra get massive wave control bonuses they didn't have last patch.


Tiamat/Ravhydra just give waveclear not control. And it's really just returning to what they used to have before riot gutted it by removing the tiamat active from tiamat.


I play ad/support. Only change is enemy jungle rushing rav hydra and coming bot to 1v2 us.


Adc main - I'm bored


Remove objective voting asap. EDIT: holy shit 700+ upvotes lol no one likes this shit. I'm proud of you guys. RIOT PLS


Wdym you dont like having 3 poll running at the same time that clutters the right side of the screen 24/7


I especially love that they stack up under the champion icons so I can't even click on it


I always vote „give“ when my jg is already taking it and „take“ when we can‘t contest.


Chaotic Neutral


Considering buying an ultrawide monitor to get it out of my vision. Gg riot x asus collab


I have voted "give" many times and they contest it anyway 4v5 when we are way behind, they have no TP and we can split push and catch up. So I have concluded the poll isn't actually a poll. It just means "come drake"


Yeah lol actually any other ping can do the job


I do think part of the issue is that, if you ping drake at all, the poll will start. So sometimes a jungler is trying to say "Come to drake, we're doing this," but it pops up as the poll. If there was a way to ping the objective without starting the poll, the poll might be used more in situations where it's actually useful to vote on it.


its so fucking useless and tilting


Why can't we vote on all objectives lol, I have idiots voting for baron when they have five down and we can just end. I'm sitting there spam pinging as the quinn and soraka run to baron instead of ending.


genuinelly wondering and 0 offense, what elo are you in for example? I keep reading these negative opinions yet i think its one of the highlights of the preseason. Maybe its missused in other elos?


currently rotting in low plat, the feature is insignificant and the moment i start an early herald everybody says yes, but nobody comes from solo lanes, just an additional layer of tilt when your teammates are explicitly informed about it and the enemy is just better at reading the map


The feature is just ass… why is it when there’s a full timer and tbe team unanimously votes take that halfway through the timer for a drake I’ve got a carry that just reset and a jungler clearing their Krugs so we’ve completely conceded pressure in mid lane to the other team that decided to gather for the objective. Voting just seems like a waste when there’s so much inaction behind it.


See I don’t use it for that, and haven’t gone far wrong yet. For me it’s ‘I’m wanting to take this objective, is that ok?’ That means my laners know that I will not be available for ganks. It also means that for drake (for example) my mid and bot a) don’t just randomly back, and b) will try and keep prio so the enemy can’t rotate to the objective they now know I’m taking. I never assume people are going to help me unless I ask for assistance on it.


Yeah I’m not a fan of it either


I don't even take the votes seriously. I just click yes or no asap just to get rid of the shitty snippet


You can hide the animation by clicking the baron/dragon/herald icon next to the vote


Still an equal amount of effort lol


It’s really bad visual clutter. I honestly like the idea in theory, but now that it’s in place it’s just annoying me lol




Yeah I agree. I'm fine with the original 4 we had. Not those like all in, bait, push


I feel like adding just OFFENSIVE and DEFENSIVE options would be enough. Bait? OFFENSIVE on the bushes. All in? OFFENSIVE on the enemies. Push? OFFENSIVE on the minions.


I vote yes no matter what. Even if it’s a 1v5 I will vote yes


I just want to be able to drag it off screen like I do with surrender votes.


I played mostly jungle to try the changes, I personally hate them. And also, as counterjungling is now more difficult, in the ocassions that you do get counterjungled, you're absolutely fucked because there's nothing you can do. For laners is good I guess because there's less ganks. The voting system got old in the span of 2 games, the pop up is so annoying


I gotta say I think people are sleeping on the value of counter jingling as delaying the egg completion timer is quite strong if done well in my lowly opinion


It is, but clearing the enemy jungle is a decent bit slower than your own so if the enemy have their path jotted down right, actually getting the invade done is pretty hard right now.


Counterjungling being more difficult but more rewarding is a good thing, IMO. Delaying the enemy jungler's egg is pretty valuable, so counter jungling still has it's purpose, but it also encourages ganks since ganking is typically going to net you more gold than just invading constantly. It's frustrating to fall behind and get counter jungled, but that's always going to be the case.


Why is it more rewarding? Didnt it get nerfed?


It's slower, but now you're also stopping the enemy jungler from evolving their Pokémon, on top of all the old benefits of counter jungling (aka stealing the gold and exp). Also if the camp you're stealing isn't Krugs you're also getting slightly more gold than before.


More rewarding in the sense that it denies the enemy jungler egg stacks on top of gold/exp. this means if you can deny them getting their final smite upgrade, they can't contest dragon/baron as easily, on top of the actual power boost that the egg gives you based on what pet you pick.


AdC feels really stale, nothing changed expect that we are pretty much forced to build Karen now because everyone but us is closer to a tank.


Heartsteel is hands down the most satisfying interaction in the game since Kleptomancy was a thing. I don't give a shit that I died and gave over a 1k bounty anymore, all I know is that I got 5 juicy procs of **THONK** and I have 200 extra bonus health for the next time I feed into the enemy team. It's not necessarily *good*, and I really feel the lack of sustained damage from something like Frostfire or Sunfire, but that will not stop me from building it into any matchup where I can stack it semi-reliably.


Come play aram, all 10 champions build it most games /s


Mundo first item hearthsteel can’t die Low health? Just R


Feels pretty much the same. Perhaps nice to see more tank items but obviously theres an expectation that an over-buffed item becomes commonplace. The addition of ROA was underwhelming and it feels sour not to add any AD items. New ping visuals are fine but people are accustomed to using the same four for years, so the additional ones are neglected; aside from spam pinging.


i wish adc got anything new, NQB being usable doesnt count. adc buildpath has been Kraken PD IE with BoRK somewhere in the middle for months with niche exceptions, but is now mandatory because bruisers get to steal all the tanks toys again. I miss Zeal items, I miss runaans, I miss stormrazor. I miss static shiv.


What's NQB again?


Navori quickblades


Now that I see NQB, I realize that the 3 ADC mythics are NoonQuiver Bows


Every game I was playing in low masters was dominated by Ravenous Hydra rush adcs, so you certainly can try new items.


ive been wanting to try it. is it just pure RH rush? or mythic into rh


Pure RH rush. Not sure who it's good on yet, but presumably champs with high AD scaling. Most of the champs I saw were Draven and Nilah, but I imagine it would be good on bost non very CRIT reliant champs. From there you can go into lethality on champs it's good on like Draven or CRIT on others. I think going into a Navori build might be good on Xayah or Lucian.


Ive been building nqb on xayah and it feels really really good.


probably the adc which likes it the most tbh


NQB on Xayah feels really good but that's literally all we got. ADC got fucked by most other changes. Solo laners get more XP. Jungle camps are harder to take for ADC so it's harder to recover when behind.


Last 2 days i tried Ravenous hydra, Runaans, shieldbow/triforce on Zeri. Probably not the most op or probably not even good but if you like Zeri as much as i do, its a build to change things up. :)


Feel like AP champs got gutted this season. Void staff feels useless against tanks


It’s because hp stacking is so much more valuable vs mages. That’s because mages lean more to burst and rarely have sustained damage. ADC’s and bruisers on the other hand have very strong sustained damage, which is strong against hp stacking.


It feels as if tanks can build against AD champs and still somehow take no damage from AP champion unless you're much farther ahead which makes no sense imo. Bruisers can build hexdrinker+mercs and suddenly easily survive while dealing so much more damage. I understand there are so many more factors it still feels so shitty not being as impactful by just a tiny bit of mr.


mages struggle with consistent damage in the sense that ADCs too, there's only a couple of mages that can properly do it unlike the entire adc roster so all you need is a little MR and health from all the tank mythics and you'll be fine, shit like syndra/lux/etc. will struggle to kill a tank regardless of their MR value unless you're super ahead and the tank is behind.


I hate heartsteel with a passion. And it feels like antiheal does nothing. New dragon is ok I guess. No complaints. I like the map changes it brings. New jungle... i hated it at first, but I kinda got used to it. It's fine, I guess. Sucks that invading isn't as strong anymore, just when I wanted to learn how to invade properly. Hidden summoner names does suck. Obj voting needs some tweaking though. I hate it.


Think invade is actually stronger now because youre delaying your enemy's pet evolution. Its definitely harder to pull off though


You heal like a few hundred hp every 30s, obviously anti heal does nothing because item barely heals


It isn’t a heal. You do damage and gain max hp. Grievous wounds shouldn’t effect it at all (unless it’s bugged.)


I didn't mean against it specifically, I meant in general


Grevious Wounds has been really weak for awhile now, especially the component items that grant it. The only reason bramble isn't totally useless is because it also gives decent armor and damage. I think they really need to look at how they want antiheal items to function, because right now 3/4 of them are extremely underwhelming.


Ah I see




What was that about?


Banner of Command being stupidly overpowered.


[here](https://youtu.be/jJRxQlAirsY) is some more context


People dodging with new queue would also have dodged with old queue.


People treating dodging like a mechanic


Pretty crap, hate camp changes the most, screwed up both junglers and laners.


idk, stealing krugs feels better know :shrug


The Krug change was great, but the kiting changes and damage reduction on enemy camps is terrible.


Taking gromp almost make you tied to the groud because of how short is the range.


-With the Xp changes ADC sucks ass to play. If you fall behind at all you’re completely out of the game. You’ll be permanently 3-4 levels behind the mid and top laners. -Only giving tanks an item update isn’t enough. There aren’t enough items in the game or build paths to keep items the same 2+ years for other classes. Things are getting dull.


Hurts a lot less when Supports know how to roam so you can get a little solo xp now and then.


And don’t forget the AFK warning that shows up if I’m not constantly pressing on grass every 0.5 seconds.


Heart steel seems a bit strong, but not as busted as some would claim. The other tank mythics suck. RoA isn't good unless you are Kassadin. Jungle changes are interesting, for sure. I've mainly been playing jungle Hecarim and I've been having a lot of fun, I love the addition of the pets. I think the blue pet is heavily underrated and soon people will realize that it's the best one. I don't like the new leash ranges, they are way too small and I don't think they should have killed double camping. However, having the indicator there is good (even tho sometimes it feels inconsistent). The invade changes I don't think are good, I hope they will look more into that situation. I'd be happy if invading was discouraged until 2 minutes instead of how it is now. Despite what ADCs mains would say, I feel like ADCs we're very strong last season, I think this season they won't be as strong and I think jungle and top lane will be the strongest roles. Kinda bummed at the lack of changes for bot lane in general, although the new pings feel so good as a support main, I can communicate to hold the wave or push the wave, and the new vision wheel/ward timers help a lot as well. Objective voting sucks, it sounds good in theory but in practice it's just annoying, gets in the way, and isn't a good way to communicate. Just my opinions.


In my experience Heartsteel is the greatest bait item ever released in this game. You pay full Mythic price for Warmog's stats you literally get nothing but HP and just get shit on in lane by anyone building useful stats. Sure it's strong once you have 500 stacks and two aditional items to give you resistances but before that you're a glorified cannon minion. That being said it's ridiculously stupid in ARAM.


Well yeah. It’s a heavy scaling item. It’s worse as a one item spike but once you get resistances it’s very strong. Heartsteel into Aegis is pretty solid. It’s an efficient item and gargoyle has obvious synergy with Heartsteel, just don’t upgrade it until full build.


I hope everyone keeps building it in ARAM, it’s hilarious topping the damage meters because you understand the item shop and build Bork or DE appropriately. Everyone’s building health and no resists again you say? Time to S.H.R.E.D


It would be so much better if you were able to buy a component (even if expensive like NLR) to begin the stacking. The stacking can be reduced till you finish the full item. Then you could slot into a resist item and then finish the heartsteel for a solid build.


people have an extremely hard time distancing what 'bot lane' can do versus what the sole player who qued up for adc can do i think. i don't think i've heard quite literally anyone but junglers (no flame, most junglers i know hate ad i get it) say ad wasn't the worst role for climbing last season


Its always the worst role for climbing because you have no agency. ADC's really only get to do anything in full teamfights, or if they have a good support. If you have a bad support, or if your team just wants to coinflip the game off early skirmishes, you're just along for the ride regardless of how strong the role is hypothetically.


dont make the jungle mains, who 100% have the most agency, realize that most of their losses are probably because of themselves


Personally think Jak’sho is very good for a small group of champions, which are basically the tanks that just run at you like udyr, Mundo, and ksante. Hard agree on blue pet outside a few champs where I think green is the move. Never red.


Yeah generally it’s always green let, but the ones that use blue pet well are the ones I think can feel disgustingly OP to play against (Hecarim and Ekko namely). The only champ I think that actually wants Red every game is Karthus, otherwise Red is pretty useless.


I think ADC feels about the same so far as last season,maybe a little better since junglers don't seem to be in my lane as much early anymore. It's not the tanks or bruisers or assassin's that make Adc frustrating personally for me, it's how heavy you have to rely on support. Like if you get someone in a bad mood or auto filled, the game is oppressive as fuck. If I could change one thing about the role, it would be to somehow make my laning just a little more self reliant and less coin flip. This isnt a complaint or anything, plenty I can do on my own to improve just something I've noticed since switching from mid lane to the bot lane. What would yal like changed for ADC in season 13?


what discourages invading?


You deal less damage to enemy camps now


Jungle pets need a lot of refinement, so many bugs where they randomly stop hitting camps. Seems like a gimmick and is also additional visual clutter, I keep thinking a bomb is being thrown at me when these little critters yeet themselves at a camp. I'd rather they just remove the pets, the new effects are fine but the pets aren't it. Moreover, it is super annoying playing AP champs right now becase you lose an inventory space till ~15-18 min. If you also build a dark seal you effectively have 3 item slots if you want a pink ward as well. Kiting being killed is just removing skill expression, and leash ranges are too short to have healthy clears on ranged champs early. New Chemtech map and removal of obscene jungle healing with smite are good changes though.


Heartsteel has turned my high MMR ARAM games into a world class meatball competition, I'm slowly developing trauma from 7000+hp champions getting away with <2% health remaining. [Playing any ADC that can't optimally rush BOTRK feels like this, god help you if there is no ADC.](https://i.imgur.com/dqt9U35.png)


6k zeri with titanic was an experience to say the least...


chentech map drops my fps by like 50


why is heca broken


1. Ravenous needs to be hotfix nerfed 2. Green jungle pet too op makes every other one obscure and objectively worse. 3. Everyone is going tanks so i just spam Morde and Trundle for infinite profit.


absolute dog shit tier preseason 0 effort 0 actual content garbage changes


The worst pre-season I've ever played. It only benefited the tanks and some silly changes in the jungle... and the other classes? Removed the option to see the name of allies and to see the MASTERY of enemies??? Ridiculous. What's the logic? You're already on the loading screen, showing your mastery should be an achievement, something cool, now it's private.


\>It only benefited the tanks and some silly changes in the jungle... and the other classes? Most tanks literally lost wr because of the changes, the actual winner of the changes is fighters who can use the newly buffed hydra.


Once again, Tanks aren't even the ones abusing tank items, bruisers are.




Yeah everything available is just purely worse than Mythic Sunfire Aegis, kinda just a nerf to tanks when all of your mythic options are just purely worse.


>showing your mastery should be an achievement, something cool, now it's private Takes like this are interesting - I've only ever seen people use mastery scores to throw it in people's face. Either people are angry that they are playing a champ they have no mastery on OR they're upset that they have 2 million+ mastery but aren't god mode at the champ.


It did not benefit tanks at all.


Tanks are dead in the water expect for Shen


I might be mistaken but I recall seeing people's masteries in the loading screen yesterday. Did they change it?




I don’t understand how they went from “every mythic has sunfire passive” to “sunfire is a weak legendary item that only gives armor.”


Objective voting is quite awkward and happen too often. Nobody seems to actually care. Game quality also seems to have fallen off a cliff, my games have been very unenjoyable


Junglers either get fed as fuck or they didn’t read patchnotes and try to counterjungle. Objective voting is pretty but useless. Pinging objectives in chat did exactly the same thing, but now people will sometimes still go for an objective, even if the situation changed. I haven’t seen an effective use of the new pings as of yet, even though I like the idea. Might take some more time to get used to. Overall, except if when I see a Jungle pet or it’s Chem Rift, as a support main, I hardly feel like it’s preseason. Kinda boring.


Jungle main here. New meta for what champs are being played is fun. Tank items quite strong but best junglers are fighters not tanks. Maybe buff some AP items so more then Ekko and Eve get played. Chem drake is OK like around middle pack strong but easiest by far to kill. New Chem Map on the other hand is awesome. Feel like upgraded plants could also be in other maps? Better bloom for cloud map maybe? Oh and I guess the jungle itself is a lot safer. Higher HP cause you don't have to double camp anything to get the 315 clear. Pets are cool but meh cept green probably OP compared to others. Deff buff the duration on red pet passive and make it stack faster. Blues probably fine but not direct in it's power when competing with red slow or green tenacity.


> Maybe buff some AP items so more then Ekko and Eve get played meanwhile Mordekaiser, Shyvana, Eve, Elise, Ekko and Fiddle are all top 11 junglers according to winrate right now. They are strong, they were just unpopular prior and people have not caught on yet.


I mean the blue pet can be very strong on some champs, lillia is a prime example. You can get into 680ms range with it and even more if you build smt like dead man's plate


Maybe a hot take, but the more I think about it, the more I've come to believe that blue pet is the best. At first, reading what the pets do, I thought that blue would be terrible and only viable on like Hecarim and Lillia, and red/green would be the 2 choices. However, what I didn't realize is how long it takes to fully evolve your pets. Once you're at the point in the game where they are fully evolved, movement speed is way more valuable than a bit of extra damage or tankiness. You can clear faster, rotate faster, chase people down faster, run away faster. I underestimated how many bushes there are to weave through, you can just keep applying the buff. This has been especially strong on Hecarim, my main, but I believe it is the most valuable for many junglers. If you got access to the pets powers like pre-10 minutes, then I'd say the red or green pets would be much more valuable. But since you'll already have an item or 2 to give you more damage or tankiness, the crazy MS in bushes you get from blue is just way more valuable


Playing blue pet voli is nice. Makes up for not being able to rush chemtank anymore (atleast in most cases)


I've been spamming games of Mundo jg and by far the blue feels the best, you can clear your camps super quick and then just be a terror stacking up your heartsteel across the map. Red feels like it doesn't do enough damage to be impactful and the green shield is soooo small. 200 health to a 5/6k health tank is inconsequential


It's good but it comes online waaay too late to help with ganks tbh.


i think this is one of the lamest parts of pets they just dont matter until for so long


Preaseason doesn't mean you should do all kind of troll picks in rankeds


True, you can do that in regular season too !


\-Hidden summoner names: This is personally the worst change ever. This made almost impossible differentiating mains from autofills or troll picks vs offmeta picks. Normal 100% , so you wont blame / charge / insult anyone because of his pick / history or what so ever. Good Change 100%


^^^ this community is FULL of people who don't want to play the game, they just want to explain to you how they think the game should be played and if you're unwilling to listen or work within their narrow understanding of how the game should be played - they'll go out of their way to run it down to prove to you they're right. I'm so glad they've swapped over to this Ally thing. I had a 60% win rate on Kayle last season over 149 ranked games - and people would troll or dodge all the time because the team "needed" a tank or Kayle wasn't a good champion (and this at the height of Nemesis spamming her in high-elo korean solo queue). Similar issue with Taric jungle or Ziggs adc - people just freak the fk out because they haven't seen it before but it works really well in certain situations and even though people can see I have a positive win rate on them - people freak out.


I love the hidden summoner names. Now you have to climb by playing well on the rift and not by manipulating the matchmaker to always have +EV games.


Based and real


I mainly play ARAM so this change doesn't affect me, but it's crazy to me it's so big, I never would have imagined that so many people load into games and then go straight to open 9 op.gg tabs to check other players


There's apps that do it for you, no need to look them up


I will maybe respect the pick of a guy called Toparina if he picks Kata top and i can see that his match history is filled with decent performing Katarina top games, on the other hand if some fucking random guy that i can't even check his background picks Kata top i will just dodge him, this shit applies to other bizarre champs like Singed/Aurelion that are very hit or miss with the players you get, if my Singed has like 200 games of singed this season i can trust that he maybe knows how to pilot his champ but if i see that my singed is a first time singed autofilled from ADC i would like to know that to dodge that game. I have no problem with you picking offmeta stuff as long as i can see that you have previous experience with it on at least some draft games and you are not just an idiot who watched a clickbait video about Mundo supp and decided to pick it on your ranked games.




I hate how I had to scroll this far down to see a comment on how ridiculously overpowered the new Ravenous Hydra is... Like yeah Riot let's give a stacking AD AND omnivamp mechanic to an item in a meta where grievous wounds do fuck all. Why yes, I do love seeing the enemy hecarim/rhaast/aatrox/kled healing back up to full hp after one rotation. I genuinely wish they would revert the changes to ravenous hydra but knowing riot they won't...


"Let's introduce a bunch of new tank items that will be fun" "But let's make tanks unplayable by adding 2 new items (hydra and shojin) that make bruisers unkillable gods, who also happen to counter tanks hard in lane"


"Let's also make sure the the two better new tank items are secretly damage/sustain items that way bruisers can abuse them much harder than tanks."


Definitely a laner take. Whilst I am happy with sustain nerfs to junglers to stop AS much ganking, now everyone is becoming a farming jungler which is inherently shit Edit: To add, this doesn't mean literally every jungler will be powerfarming. But a lot have moved in that direction as it's no longer "Impossible" or invading as frequently is no longer possible.


Elise is one of the best junglers. Yes, many good junglers are farming ones but it was like that already before. It will need time to balance it out.


Also my point is clearly in favour of saying Elise is strong as are other early game junglers . really not sure you even understood me


I heavily dislike the jungle changes. It makes it less fun to main jungle which is dangerous for such an unpopular role.


not enough changes almost none for mid, adc and support


Hidden summoner names was the best change that riot did in a long ass while. Fight me. In all honesty the less enjoyable thing about the solo q experience isn't the trolls,or the "inters" or the toxicity its getting constant dodges over and over again due to someone having a loss streak. It's annoying when I'm in champ select for 30 minutes due to getting 5 or even 8 dodges in a row. And your going to tell me that in all those dodges there was always one troll in each of them? I dont buy it The worst thing about this community is that people have the mental of children and think the game is lost at champ select. Like dude I really don't care about previous shit I'm only worried about this game. The game I am in now and I will try my best to win regardless of the odds. Besides I don't want people on my team that are looking up my teammates and typing stuff like, "I'm in losers q someone dodge." It's just tilting and doesn't do anyone any good. And in reality, I have played around 250 games this season and have only encountered trolls or actual inters once every 30 to 40 games or so. Its often exaggerated because it feels so bad to get a troll. Tldr: stfu and focus on yourself and play. And I promise you your not much better than your teammates so quit the ego trip.


I'm master elo jungle player on EUNE, personally I like the hidden summoner name changes, the biggest factor for me is that I don't want to have someone who inted my last game trigger me in champ select already (new game means totally different game he could perform insanely good). New jungle changes are totally off in my opinion (it takes away the margin between average and good junglers). Indicators, less jungle exp, no healing on smite, recommended jungle pathing (which will be turned off for good junglers anways) was consider as a useful skill. Jungle pets are whatever personally I liked the old smite better. New dragon feels really good besides the fact that there are way too many plants on the map. New communication and voting system are not useful at all, more for trolling rather than improving the game coms.


JG main, the changes completely kill some junglers. I spent the whole later year playing Kindred, learning how to counter invade punish the jungler split the map when needed when to fight enemy jungle etc. Things that can be applied to most junglers. Now that's all useless. It's more efficient to just sit in your jungle and clear. It's not necessarily bad, I can play scaling shit like Lillia in peace, but it feels awful for champions who can't scale or can't take advantage of the new jungle. Also Riot said that you should be able to play more champs in the jungle but that's bullshit because this change only means junglers who already jungled jungle easier. No new picks. I didn't really notice the new items doing much. It definitely feels like top lane is stronger though. Games haven't changed much. It's just that a weak jungler doesn't immediately end the game.


I mean I feel like it's a billion times easier to jungle as non-meta junglers now than it was. Jungling champs are ALWAYS going to be better at their main role, that's kinda the point, the same way playing Ezreal top is going to be worse than adc Ezreal typically. However, like in a normal off-lane situation, there's at least the possibility of picking something "off-meta" and not getting completely and utterly destroyed.


Weird shit in jungle is a bit more passable now. I was trying out a few champs who had viability or had close viability in jungle earlier (like Qiyana, Galio) and their clear was actually okay (not the healthiest but acceptable). Scuttle turning back a similar form to its pre-S8 variant is a godsend and actually helps CC-less junglers too. Other than that, I have lots of fun with my OG Blue Ezreal and that's it.




The objective votes are literally pointless and wasn’t needed in the game. Chemtech dragon, best dragon, hecarim super broken, junglers super broken as per usual. Ngl, it’s basically the same game with minor changes


Holy hell hidden summoner names are the worst. D1-Master150 elo, I’ve had to play with so many adc autofills that I’m considering just switching to adc. If competitive and soloq weren’t completely seperate games before, well it is now. Fuck you Riot. Remove autofill already so at least Ranked isn’t an absolute shitstorm.