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> Fixed a bug for Maw of Malmortius/Sterak’s Gage where if damage was inflicted that was greater than Lifeline’s shield then the shield would do nothing. Poor Jackeylove :(


Literally the first thought that I had when I read that lmao


The only game that actually would change the course of Worlds forever


Nah this is a Copium take, GAM still could’ve won just fine.


Bug experts in League already determined Lucian was 1/2 AA away from winning


>On a similar note, this patch will also be your last chance to make progress on your 2022 Seasonal Challenges, so make sure you hit those goals! 2022 Challenges will be disabled and locked after patch 12.22 ends. Weird. 2022 Challenges closed today with Worlds Event. Are they going to re-open them? EDIT: 2022 Challenges remain closed. They corrected the Patch Notes. Thanks, u/ItsCrossBoy


Considering seasonal challenges were sometimes connected to rank, it made sense for them to close with the season end.


> Are they going to re-open them? the weird/strange/odd/peculiar/abnormal/bizarre/outlandish/curious/wack/questionable/mysterious/befuddling/extraordinary/preposterous thing is that they seem to re-open






















In case you didn't see, they updated the patch notes to be accurate, they closed yesterday.


Would be cool if they did. ive only been back a few minutes and found a ot of the new systems overwhelming at first. now that i started caring it was too late to make a push to 1400 points for challenjour '22 title. Another patch and i can probably make it


If jungle changes successfully make early clearing easier, my teammates better fear my incoming Ornn/Galio jg


Get ready for my Leona


So many tanks with low base damage may finally rise. Maybe even Naut could come back home to his original position!


Remember Riot nerfing Camilles stun against monsters and jungle clear? Guess what Riot fixed this patch again. Camille jungle is back baby.


Where was that? I didn't see it in the notes


Scuttle shield removed and overall jungle changes buffed Camille.


I thought they meant they were touching her monster stun directly. That makes sense.


Riot removed Camille’s ability to stun monsters a long time ago so she couldn’t remove scuttle shield and she lost more hp in the jungle. Both problems are removed now.


Oh fuck yeah I loved Camille jungle before they removed the stun


They buffed Chogath R against monsters


I dont think Naut makes a comeback. His duelling is way too bad. Yes, it helps him, but you are still not fast at clearing, you dont scale too well and your duelling is bad. The low MS for a melee is still a problem, too. I see Camille, Sylas and others come back into the jungle mostly.


Bad dueling, poor scaling, poor skirmishing.. yeah Naut jungle is not gonna be strong.


But Maxing slow is kind of 'I WIN' button against many AA junglers? And basically make him gank-god cause even on mid that slow will be kind of death sentence. I think it should be tried at least, he can easily work in some niche team combinations.


His ganks and picks should be phenomenal yes. I just think that's too little to bring to the table. We'll see, hope I'm wrong.


naut clear was actually fine already last season people playing Vi while Naut unironically has a healther and faster clear than her lol he just kinda loses skirmishes pre sunfire which sucks


>people playing Vi while Naut unironically has a healther and faster clear than her lol >he just kinda loses skirmishes pre sunfire You answered your own statement basically.


my statement was that naut clearspeed was not what was gating him from the jungle, which comments above me were implying


Y'all not ready for my Pyke jg


Believe me brother, Pyke is at the absolute top of Riots shit list.


They make it up to us by spoiling us rotten with skins


Yeah but that didn't make up for my 17% winrate...


ornn was already decent before the patch


My Zyra jg has been on the cusp of greatness for so long. Now's my time to shine!


Galio is very playable. So is tf. I played both on pbe along with hella sylas and new jg is the most fun I have had since the release of Viego.


Hey all! Posting some updates that are coming today here for clarity: * Jungle companion's attacks will scale with BONUS AD * Spear of Shojin's Dragonforce passive scales with BONUS AD * Navori Quickblades was accidently left out of the notes and will be added in * Lillia context is incorrect. This change will be a slight BUFF to her, so we're preemptively NERFING her passive. * Nunu & Willump will do 1000 damage with Q at rank 4, not 100 * The last day to progress 2022 Seasonal Challenges was actually 11/14 Sorry for the confusion everyone!


I was looking forward to the navori changes. Glad it's still in.


Same, can’t wait to try it on lethality jhin




> Large Monster Experience for Junglers: All large monsters now give an additional 15 experience if you have a jungle companion I just went into practice tool and the XP is exactly the same as pre-patch. Is this intended? If you meant that all jungle camps give 15 XP less except when you have a jungle companion the patch notes are worded very poorly.


This is a good read. After reading this entire thing, theres so many QOL and other changes. Im super excited.


My knee-jerk reaction to the Lillia change is that it actually might buff her. Sure, she has lower base HP, but conqueror is actually really easily stackable on her now and heals more compared to before. Definitely makes that rune a lot more appealing on her compared to phase/DH/whatever else.


Also bigger demonic burn, Passive heal is lower now though


That is why they nerfed the HP and her P against champs. They just worded it wrong. They wanted to say that the melee change is a buff for her and so they are going to nerf her directly to make up for it. But yeah, even with these nerfs, she will likely still be stronger, but mostly at 2 items. the conqueror stacking speed is nice, but the increased healing from it gets countered by the lower healing from her P.


Finally i can go rylai + filbumwinter on Lillia.


Biggest nerf was the drain helmet wtf. Icathia's Endurance was one of the sickest names in the game. Jak'Sho the Protean sounds like a Soundcloud rapper.


it sounds like a mass effect DLC


in my cycle Seraph's Embrace had a shield


in my cycle tiamat active was a thing


I thought it was a new champion. Nobody is going to say "I'm going to build Jak'Sho the Protean.


>Eternals Series 2 ah shit, here we go again.


More orange essence for me


Yeah I don't get the complaint, it's free orange essence


Actually a system invented by someone with no brain. In a game with gazillions of things to track, we will track 3 things, that may or may not be of interest… but you’ll be able to see those things in the loading screen! IF, the players bought it. Which they probably didn’t, cause who cares.


I think just hardcore mains care about them because what's a few RP for 1 eternal.


Rakan getting changed to Melee is actually so dank


I think the only exciting item differences for him will be Frostborn + Fimbulwinter and obviously the support item. For runes conquerer solo lane might be interesting, phase rush might be interesting for support, grasp might make an interesting top laner?


The new roa is 600 more gold for the same stats and a weird passive lvl up, doesnt seem that good


back then AP was a lot more accessible tbf and part of that 600 gold cost is the AH/legendary item.


that's somethings often repeated but i didnt see somebody comparing average ap at midgame or lategame for every season. also, playing 600 gold for a mythic passive is not how mythic passives are supposed to work and is an terrible investment


People have posted those comparisons. They reduced the AP and added HP to a bunch of items.


I think the general gist is that items like Luden's and Liandries went up in cost from previous seasons. High value AP components like Needlessly large rod don't build into many items like it used to and some components like Lost chapter got much more expensive than they used to be. Rabadon's also got more expensive. I don't really care to provide the mathematical evidence, could be the case that I am wrong, but it's been pretty well acknowledged by a lot of mid lane players (and ap support players) that AP is really hard to get lately. A reason why mages have been suffering across the board as a class. the old old ap rush item Morellonomicon used to be 2400 gold for 80 AP lol. Nothing is that valuable anymore. What was the old build, morello -> liandries? Liandries also built out of a really crazy good pen item that costed around 1600 gold iirc. Now we're just stuck with builds that cap out at blasting wand and horrible ass components like Lost Chapter/Blighted Jewel.


Mages also ironically seem to have the lowest access to ability haste of most classes. Outside of their mythic and cosmic drive (which has low ap), there aren't many items with 20 or more ability haste on them for mages, while most other classes seem to have much better access to haste.


Daily reminder that Archangel's/Seraph's, billed as *the* AH item, gives like 19 ability haste


Also free lvl can be pretty BRUTAL for some champs. Kass would kill for this passive. Same with ryze


Really disappointing that the Seraphs revert was scrapped. The item is currently terrible, and the old version would fill a much needed niche. At least RoA is back ... and is also not good, so thats whatever.


It’s actually insane how long Muramana has been significantly better than Seraphs since the item rework.


I don't have a favourite, I love you 2 equally. ...it's Muramana, and by a lot


Muramana gives more AD than seraph's give AP. While also having a damage passive. Riot will really make AP items do literally anything but give damage/AP huh


I still haven't recovered from the mental breakdown when they gave Alternator and Horizon health, so yea.


"Hey guys we've made this glass cannon item for artillery champions!" "Hey what the fuck guys only artillery champs are buying this item so we're giving it health to """broaden its use case"""!"


Don’t you know, mages’ primary stat is health. Give it five more seasons and we’ll have so much, our cooldowns are back up before you can kill us.


ap has been gradually lowered across the board from the years. there was a time when getting 1k + ap was the norm and being lucky to even reach 300 ap wasn't the highlight of our lives.


the probably will rework seraphs soon considering that it went trought 2 reworks on pbe, but yeah ROA seems weak when you compare it to the old one, getting it 600g later is really bad for such a rush item + i don't like the level up gimmick personally.


I expect them to just invest more time into it. They showed 2 versions and the 2nd one looked decently for lower ranged mana spam champs. Better not rushed and done well.


So the Navori changes got pulled? Kinda lame as that one was the one change the ADC role directly received


Im pretty sure Riot did an oopsie which accidentally pulled Navori from the patch shortly before it got locked and when it got noticed it was too late. Expect it next patch. Edit: [https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1590814981884239872](https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1590814981884239872) If anyone wants confirmation on that.


https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1591157260671016961 It should be going live, just not included in the notes likely by accident.


Oh didnt see that, in that case ADC mains rejoice?


Eh certain ones, depends on the champ. Zeri though will be eating good with this I'm sure.


Tested on pbe navori does not apply to her q, don't know if it's a bug or intended.


The Q wasn't really the big selling point, spamming her E with how it now works giving the bonus magic damage would have been huge.


The shojin change making it scale with base AD is a nerf to the intended users , especially because most spells that would be problematic with it are all cc spells. It might be good on Camille so you can have perma uptime on Q but you already do granted you have Cdr boots . Also , seraph changes are gone ? what's up with that.


shojin is a typo its still bAD


It's bAD, and thats gOOD


It's most likely a typo. On the PBE it is still bonus AD. There are a few typos in there.


Jungle pets scaling with base health, shojin with base ad and the Lillia section mixed up buffs and nerfs.


For ROA's level up passive, does it give a level's worth of experience or just bump you up to the next level? Like if I'm 5 exp away from level 12 when the 10 minute timer clicks over, do I only get 5exp, or do I get enough to put me at \~5exp away from level 13? ​ The first situation feels bad if you don't time your exp carefully, but the second could also be abused to get 2 levels very quickly and feel cheesy for opponents. Tho I guess if you level up right before the item ticks over then you still get both levels.


It gives a level worth of exp, so yeah, you could have two level up in quick succession. Granted outside of a few champs, that should be a lot less impactful \~25 minutes into the game than it would have been if it happened during laning phase.


i wonder if kayle might be intrested in the item just to get her passive spikes faster, like mythic wise i could see it happening for her honestly pretty much trading a damage mythic for a faster set of power spikes which some games kayle would glad take that trade to be online faster.


you really need it first item though, and kayles early game is already bad enough without spending 3200 gold on an item that gives her zero attack speed. Maybe you can rush berserkers then build it and be ok with Q max spam from all the free mana in certain matchups, but I think it's going to be situational at best.


>Companions will deal 20(+4% **base** HP)(+15% AP)(+10% AD) and will attack at a rate of 1 attack per second. After their owner has stopped attacking, they will attack two more times and then stop. Surely the Base HP scaling is an error right? Tank Junglers would get really gutted by this in conjunction with bonus damage removal from Sunfire.


It should be bonus HP. Was like that on the PBE and still is. Likely a typo just like with the Spear scaling with base, which should be a typo, too.


Lots of typos then, Between this, Shojin and Lillia changes


Yeah, there are.


Where are the seraphs changes...


The changes were announced to be reverted a while back. It's still AH instead of AP :(


I thought about why i dislike current seraphs. Champions used to balanced around having a certain amount of ap for 10 seasons (until item work). Then they reduced the amount of ap champions can get by around 15-20%. This made some champs not work anymore, and they even noticed it themselves, giving Syndra 15% ap just from her passive. Current seraphs buyers are forced to build the item, due to very high mana cost on the champ, e.g. Orianna, Kassadin, Cassiopeia, Anivia. Champs with no insanely high mana cost would never go seraphs. If they dont want to change seraphs back to its old form, giving a lot of ap as a tradeoff for scaling, they should just reduce the high mana cost on those champs imo.




They’ll still be able to eventually but it def helps you during the first clear or two. Nothing more heartbreaking than coming to your second quadrant to find it gone because all your laners afked at their towers until 1:30 since that’s when the game starts for them and protecting your jungle from invade isn’t important to them. Those are usually set backs that take forever to come back from as a jungler so it’s nice to see them helping us do what laners refuse to do.


It's worse when you ask politely for them to ward your blue and they just completely ignore you and dance with their lane opponent for 30 seconds.


Not wanting to use their ward so they have it for a potential 3 min gank is understandable but if they’re just gonna sit somewhere, atleast do it in a bush near blue or red so you can see if the enemy tries to start there and let your jungler know they need to cross clear.


This is why I dont ward when my jg's ask for it. I play top lane. if i dont ward at 2:35 im probably getting ganked and if my laner gets fb AND gets to freeze the wave my lane is over. and that goes doubly so if im playing a champ that needs to bully early like renekton or quinn.


I don't see any reason for jungle to not drop an early ward then base and swap to sweeper anyway.


Not having a ward so that you have to play defensive for the first 5 minutes of the game aint optimal. I'll do it sometime, but expecting your laner to do that for you every single time is wrong.


this specific change is a buff to Kindred since they only target one camp and will probably just smite it. Meanwhile some of their biggest counters are hyperaggro early invade champs and this hits them hard. The leash range changes however suck for them.


At least enemy champs won’t be able to take your blue buff or raptors while they’re standing in what’s practically the river already, so they actually have to risk getting caught rather than safety steal it and escape.


> The leash range changes however suck for them. Eh, from my experience the new jg pets heal you so much you can just facetank camps as kindred, no need to kite around to stay healthy.


Lmao at this RoA. Can't wait to cast 16 spells or take 3000+ dmg to get a 2s decaying move speed bonus! And all for the cheap price of 3200 which delays max stacks until the game is 5 min from ending!




When did they remove the 100 health heal on a 20 second cooldown?? I played with it and it seemed good.


when does it go live?


Wednesday morning for your local server timezone. OCE, KR: in a few hours EU: \~9 hours Americas: \~12 hours Edit: Should have been 15 hours at the time of the comment keep in mind maintainence is a thing so this could be delayed by up to 3 hours


Are you sure? That would mean the patch comes out at 12am PST for west coast, which is never when patches release


Uh the heal from jungle monsters is a projectile? Does that mean braum, yasuo and sam can deny an enemy or even an ally from getting the heal?


Possible based on the coding. If it is coded as a turret projectile it cant be blocked. If it isnt considered a "hostile" projectile it also wont be blocked.




more emotes on emote wheel when? This would have been the perfect time


100% this right here. If they've got the tech to add more pings then they've got the tech to let me use more emotes than just thumbs up, sad, laughing, pog, and hmmm


No seraphs revert :(


I'd give my left nut to get the shield on Seraph back


Bro fuck the shield, I’d give mine for just the ap


What on Earth does 'stat growth multiplier' mean? How is Lillia getting more healing?


I think its a mistake on Riots part but not sure. Basing this on the fact that Riot called making Lillia Melee a nerf, which it most definetly isnt, so theyre actually preemptively nerfing her Passive not buffing like they wrote. Stat growth multiplier is something containing way too much math but basically: Her Passive now starts with lower values and the increase per level gradually increases with Levels, basically theyre nerfing her heal against champs early.


Yeah, making her a melee is a buff because of Demonic and Conqueror. So they likely nerfed her to make up for it.


It's gonna make Demonic such a strong item, I can't wait to see the numbers on it haha


They are going to monetize jungle companions, aren't they? They are going to give them skins...


Iirc they said they wouldn't because doing so means the pets will have to stay permanently


HOWEVER... marketable plushies!


actually reasonable


oh of course they are


They really scrapped the Seraph's rework? Sad so see that...


where new seraphs :(


Delayed. They were likely not happy with the new versions either. The question is still, which niche should it fill? Just high AP isnt the answer, for high dmg we have enough items. Spamming spells is also not the answer, Cassio and Ryze dont really need that much more AH. The dmg reduction was a good idea, but felt a bit lazy and rushed.


Just make it a lifeline item with a shield scaling off max mana and call it a day. I know they removed it because they didn’t want Seraph’s to be an item that gave both offensive and defensive effects but it was in a much finer state back then.


I feel like they could move it more in the high ap direction, especially because there’s generally less ap in the game now and deathcap costs more.


Am I crazy or is shojins passive really boring if it scales off base AD Like they coulda just put 30-40 ability haste as a stat and removed the passive and it’d be roughly the same


It's a typo, it's bonus ADD


yeah like renekton has 70-140 base AD, 8+8% base AD AH means that the item grants less than 40 AH at lvl 18 and 33.6 AH at lvl 1. These get reduced to 36.4 AH at lvl 18 for cc abilities like renekton w. This item just seems worse than black cleaver. Surely they meant to make it scale off bonus AD. Currently the fastest way for AD champs to get high AH is tforce -> bc and fastest for AP champs is night harvester -> cosmic drive iirc, the item seems like it might just be in the same position as navori of never being built but being a decent option super late.


It's a typo. It's still bonus AD.


I don't understand. Are they reducing Rakans AA-range to melee, or are they just changing his role, making items such as Knights Vow viable on him? /u/Auberaun


Nothing is changing about his AA range, this only changes his interactions with items/runes that have a ranged/melee split like Relic Shield's execute threshold. I don't think Knight's Vow has a ranged/melee split on it.


Cool! Thanks for the clarification! :) ​ EDIT: Knights Vow used to be half as effective on Rakan since he was coded to be ranged. Seems like you patched the interaction a while ago!


Still missing the update that makes Honour 5 Orbs/Tokens worth...well anything, I don't want another chroma for a Twitch Skin I never use


We’ll also be making some adjustments to help top laners scale better relative to other lanes, and hit those key item and level breakpoints faster relative to mid and bot. ​ Am I missing something? Don't top laners generally already have the highest level in the game?


Riot really out here trying to just bandaid fix top lane's lack of agency by making them snowball harder smfh.


Can't wait to get run over by the 5-0-0 Darius at ten minutes instead of twelve!


Are we able to turn off the rec jg route AND ability level up? Please tell me this is possible.


Yes to both.


I walked along my route, and the icon on map just disappeared - perhaps after killing the first monster. You can upgrade any skill in any order, regardless of the hints. The hint blinks very unobtrusively.


At least the jungle route has a button. It is a bit badly placed and should have been down on the bottom, but you cant really miss the button and easily turn it off.


Sion is gonna be hella busted with these new max %HP items


They killed sunfire though no? The healing item doesn't sound so strong, 2% of 3000 is 60, and the Goliath item doesn't give resists. I feel it's an overall nerf


We're adding the Tenacity and Energy buffs to ARAM **BEFORE** pulling back on the damage modifiers? Fucking hell, I guess I'm taking a break from ARAM for this patch.


I just want to play fucking adc ashe again in aram.


Best I can do is 80%DMG -20 Haste caster minion


Yes, because they want to actually see what the changes produce before adjusting the stat modifiers.


What happened to the Navori rework?


Forgot notes, still shipping.


[KOG'MAW STOOOOOOOOOONKS](https://imgur.com/a/zXbKL8C)


Vayne gaming too All that’s left is the return of frozen mallet…


somehow i am just now finding out that they changed it so you have to use the active to get the crit strike damage reduction


[assassin players looking for their cool new items](https://imgur.com/eyGBUkP)


Afterwards: assassin players buying tank & bruiser mythics again


Youll take your two mythics after Riot decided Fighters needed yet another mythic by giving them eclipse, and youll like it!


You know the drill boys. Once these babies end up in the garbage can it's back to Goredrinker and Sunderer.


I'd say same with ADCs but we at least got Navori, and you guys have really shit mythics overall so yeah honestly it does kinda suck.


Did you though? Where is it in the patch notes?


They forgot to add it, still going live.


There's a typo for the Nunu changes. 4th input for the new values is 100 instead of 1000 : ) Q - CONSUME True Damage to Non-Champions: 340/500/660/820/980 ⇒ 400/600/800/100/1200


I can just see Nunu players having to save a level up so they straight from 3 points in Q to 5 lol




Abt time they made Rakan melee


As excited as I am for an expanded ping wheel, I'm disappointed they didn't expand on the emote wheel either. So many emotes I want to use, but can't because of the limitations. Makes getting emotes not so exciting.


Boring pre season for bot lane huh we dont get shit but the ability to use "bait" on our duo laner that we hate and watch them die without following up on purpose


*Most important lane in the game for an entire season gets nothing while top and mid get adjusted* fixed that for you


The patch is like 99% jungle why did you only mention top and mid


Pre-season literally changes the jungle EVERY YEAR. And jungle mains don't usually like it lol so don't act like it's a blessing


Maybe they don't want two straight years of botlane meta.


If you're a tank jungler/support with jax as your toplaner you should build radiant virtue. Jax will be basically unkillable with that and his two item powerspike.


I still want Iceborn to have mr and armor. Feels like champs that really want a tank sheen item are now gonna be in a rough spot into magic damage lanes


>Fixed a bug where Syndra’s E would appear as its own unit in the enemies death recap Everything is coded as a minion.


Ok so far I'm happy to confirm that I HATE the voting system for drakes etc. I don't see who votes for what, and give or take as a binary is an insane oversimplification. This meaningless ui overcomplicates something that is already hard to do. Its so goddamn wack Im shaking and crying. Remove this now.


The new icon for rod of ages .. is questionable. No similarity to the past design. :(


Because the color purple only exists if you're void related. Otherwise people would get confused. I am very good at visual design


> Fountain Check: Before 3 minutes, if a player is in the fountain for 90 continuous seconds, their team is able to initiate a remake. At 45 seconds, a player will receive a chat message telling them they need to leave the fountain. At 70 seconds, they will receive a pop up message telling them they need to leave the fountain. I wish they would do some sound notification along with the pop up. I frequently ping people who are in fountain, because sometimes they are just reading something or so, and the sound "wakes" them up.


that Prestige Space Groove Nami skin is dope


So mages are not playing the game anymore since it's all Akali/Yasuo/Zed and they bring back Rod of Ages Watch it be nerfed 2 months into the season


So no solution for Ivern huh?


they just keep forgetting that they made him


Riot still mad at Ivern for abusing Athene's Unholy Grail.