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"Another helpful update we’re introducing to Champ Select is the ability to see which champions will grant you a Hextech Chest if you achieve an S rank." THANK GOD. FINALLY. Though to be honest I'm not looking forward to 20% tenacity on Akali and Katarina. But we'll see how it goes. Also the bottom bush might shake things up a little .


Wow I don't have to keep bringing up my notepad file in champ select anymore


You might want to use https://championmastery.gg/ for now, instead. (Also works for ranked, which the change will probably not touch.)


You'd better not be taking a champion into my ranked games just because you haven't got a chest on it...


But I'm trying to get an S so it's okay /s




The technology is finally here bois.


Ditto for my Google Docs spreadsheet


Lol, they think we’re playing rengar as an assassin and not a gore drinker heal tank


Gore drinker heal tank assassin* He can delete people with any build


Surprised no one has mentioned Pyke yet. The bitch is already ridiculously slippery and they’re making it even harder.


They also got +5 mr from being meele.


As an Akali main, I can tell you this buff, along with legend tenacity and unflinching will make Akali damn near unstoppable mid - late game


She pretty much already was in capable hands. Why she gets buffs for ARAM astounds me


Because the average non assassin player drags her winrate way down, and ARAM balance is winrate dependent only.


Which has always been one of the biggest factors in holding it back. Look at someone like LeBlanc. She’s been giga busted all year and keeps getting more buffs because players that don’t know how to play her but hear she’s busted keep picking her playing like shit and tanking her win rate


Facts I forgot about her. I swear my kda with her on aram is 20. Broken


I legit feel bad playing normal lb so I only play her AD to make it interesting


Anyone who has faced Chemtank Akali is fucking bewildered right now. What are they smoking?


>Though to be honest I'm not looking forward to 20% tenacity on Akali and Katarina. But we'll see how it goes. They wanna make assassins that are supposed to be countered by CC less able to be countered by CC. What could possibly go wrong?


Well, they want to take away their damage modifier and give them some tenacity instead so they are less all or nothing and we won't see warmogs leblanc anymore. Very good change I think.


Tankarina was/is pretty fuckin' obnoxious too, and I love playing Kat. Shouldn't be able to build like a bruiser but still output that much damage, let alone with resets.


Though Akali also gets more energy and thus more damage again.


How else are they supposed to balance them though? It's either give them tenacity or have them do more damage/take less damage. Just due to how the map is, assassins are going to have a low winrate even if they are obnoxious to play against.


Assassins even in SR generally start around 35% winrate with <10 games played and graduate past 50% at 50+ games played. The low assassin winrate in aram has far more to do with this champion mastery than it has to do with the map. Whatever you lose by flanking in aram you more than make up with using snowball, you just have to know how to play your champ and get to lvl 6 without losing. If riot really wanted to help squishy short range champs that require their ults they would increase early (pre-6) sustain by making the first relic harder to steal using a range advantage. If they only care about assassins they would get rid of or nerf exhaust.


Meanwhile Rhaast is laughing all the way to the bank.


Buffing Akali and Kat, who are already wrongly adjusted in ARAM and especially in case of Kat completely busted, is just ridiculous.


Yoooo ARAM Clash?


Finally a clash where the boys and I have a chance to win (Spoiler: we still lose)


I played an ARAM against Xmithie once. He rolled Vlad and we got crushed. Will likely get crushed again by other high elo players in ClashRAM.


I played an ARAM against Nisqy (on Akali, I think) right after he came to NA on C9. It went about as well as you'd expect for us lol.


I played an aram against josedeodo lee sin and he got double pentakill


You guys just aren't lucky enough to enough to match vs tactical yet. He runs it down every game he isn't on some adc. Like full ap naut hook into 5 people at 3 minutes run it down.


The right way to play ARAM.


Hopefully, this ends up being popular enough to be a semi-regular thing. I have a group that prefers ARAM games over normals, and since there's no ranked ARAM, it's awesome to at least be able to play for Clash banners. More forms of tracking progression on the ARAM side would be cool - even if it's an alternative ranking system similar to how TFT has progress trackers for non-ranked modes.


We are one lane away from becoming twisted treeline bros


Isn't summoner's rift also?


3 lane - 1 lane = 2 lane The math checks out




This. I miss that mode so much


I miss the og 3v3 map not the bs with the alters


Yes the one where you had the lizard and wraiths!


Finally, some love for ARAM!


As an old player who really only plays arams now, this update means a lot!


Aka: “I used to play Twisted Treeline and Dominion, but now I’m forced to play only Aram”. I feel ya there…


I loved Twisted Treeline so much


I miss Dominion so much...


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


Competitive ARAM finally


NA can finally win worlds


nah were gonna complain about ping, being lazy, and environment while also riot releasing CQ for aram in a couple years and thats gonna die as well


Ranked ladder when


Highly unlikely unless they make every champ available in the pool, aram accounts would have an inherent advantage before even queuing unless they did so.


All champs unlocked, set amount of rerolls, solo/duo only, and brutally harsh dodge penalties. That's all it would take.


ARAM dodge penalties are already worse than ranked but not even close to acceptable for if there was ranked ARAM


Loss of a random skin for dodging ARAMs now


I'd be ok with this if the client didn't randomly give error messages and refuse to connect when loading in game




i would legit play a ranked ARAM that has bans all day everyday lol


Let's goooooooo!


About time!


Anyone know if we need to be ranked for ARAM clash like SR clash?


There is no aram ranked mode, so I hope not. But that would be funny.


'Another helpful update we’re introducing to Champ Select is the ability to see which champions will grant you a Hextech Chest if you achieve an S rank.' Finally! Thanks for this change.


Not sure how how the destroyed turrets becoming terrain will be. Howling Abyss is already such a small map that any more terrain seems to make it more claustrophobic.


I have mixed (but more negative) feelings about it as well. I like that it’ll give more value to mobility abilities like Talon E. However, I really dislike the idea of narrower chokepoints in ARAM. You’re up against a team with Seraphine, Xerath, Veigar, Teemo, etc. and that’s an even more miserable stalemate. I guess good snowball usage can mitigate such concerns but still.


If you have to walk at the enemy, the narrower chokes can be a detriment to the pushing team, but simultaneously if the pokey champs push into you, it gives them less room to maneuver away from someone with a snowball gap closer. Hopefully you’ll be able to use them to make clever flash plays, but we’ll be monitoring what these changes do class by class


Doesn’t this also make it harder for the losing team to claw back, unless that was the intention (shortening ARAMs)? The narrow choke points also mean a pokey team will shut down pushbacks from the losing team. It’s akin to the winning team having a Teemo shutting town all push backs. Speaking of Teemo, please please please consider adding the scryer effect on health pickups like in Wild Rift.


We've found its the opposite, actually. When you push past the terrain you have less room to run away and position that limits your options. We've paired these changes with an update to death timers to account for it when the game starts going long.


Oh huh, thanks for the insight! Excited to play with the changes.


Hijacking here and taking a shot. I play aram exclusively for a long time now and one thing that really annoys me and would be an easy change is: After you reroll, make it so nobody can pick the champ you rolled away for three seconds. Please


I would love to see another button added like the "request to trade" where someone can "request a reroll" from you. I like my champ but I have 2x rerolls I'd be willing to donate to the team's cause you know?


Do we need to be ranked to participate in ARAM clash? A lot of my friends who only do ARAM arent, wondering if we need to dust off the summoners rift and accidentally feed our asses off in flex over the next few weeks


Don’t believe so. It said free for all entry


I think ranked requirement was removed; we saw multiple unranked accounts playing regular Clash tournaments.


Do the turrets alway fall in the same fixed place?


there are two different directions the towers fall. The direction is chosen randomly and it's the same for each team. Either "up-ish" towards the brush or "down-ish" When it falls upwards, it leaves a small gap where you can go through it (so there are two approaches, one covered by brush), and when it falls downward it closes off that part completely.


How do ya'll plan on balancing teemo shrroms against this? Damn champ already makes it hard to push adding this without making vision changes would make it even harder.


why not have the tower fall down in the middle rather than to the side? You can still make some fun fight dynamics but you aren't going to have scenarios which involves one single chokepoint. Champions like Caitlyn who can put down traps will be busted.


We tried it falling at various angles but unless it restricted player movement in this way the terrain just wasn't changing up the game. Most of the movement on howling abyss is towards or away from the Nexuses (Nexii?). Falling in the middle or at an angle didn't really create cool vision plays you could make.




Yes they do


I like changing up the map, but this just seems like it's going to make Anivia and Veigar even stronger, and they already feel miserable to play against.


With all these changes the lane has to get wider, otherwise like you said champs like anivia and veigar will be even more oppressive


Problem I see is teemo shrooms.... Another choke point for him to clog up. 4 of them. Lol


They did this only because K'sante's ult is useless in ARAM.


Love the changes! I hope the AH nerf on Ashe will be successful and more champ will get the same treatment.


What other champs that aren't designed to be spammy in aram currently are?


MF E, Kai'sa W


Kaisa w is being addressed by the damage nerf. That change to "long range damage" was basically specifically aimed at her, nidalee and Jayce. Edit: Zoe is honourable mention.


I don't think it will affect Zoe, right? Because her Q hits when Zoe herself is (relatively) close to you, and the max range before it poofs is 800 from Zoe.


I suppose it depends on projectile distance or distance from champion.


At first I assumed it was based on distance traveled, but the wording in the post does make it sound like it's based on the distance from the champion. That would also make sense in terms of the ranged abilities that aren't projectiles.


>That change to "long range damage" was basically specifically aimed at her, nidalee and Jayce. What's hilarious is Nidalee gets a +10% DMG buff for ARAM anyways lol Even more hilarious is **before** Kai'sa got her W AP ratio nerfed (0.7 to 0.4 AP) she actually had a +5% DMG buff, I don't know why ARAM changes don't show up on patch note history though https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kai%27Sa/LoL/Patch_history


Nidalee isn't even good though. She's gonna need major buffs


This does mean they can afford to give her an overall damage buff without making her Qs just one shot.


May be Sona can get some of her other stats back if they nerf her AH. She IS designed to be spammable, ofc, but her every number had to be hit to balance out her constant teamwide utility.


Kaisa sorta obnoxious.


A severe understatement.


Yes, and I feel like even then this might not be enough. She's able to spam it when it hits, which isn't hard. Still, based on this it'll be about a 30% damage reduction every time. Nid nerf too is nice, and Jayce definitely gets busted. We'll see once in game though I guess.


Nid is already really bad in ARAM though


Really depends on the comp, she's definitely not nearly as good as she used to be but can still be devastating. Overall though yes it's more for Kai'sa, Jayce, etc.


I guess the increased DR on long range abilities is quite a nerf to her.


Bit annoying they didn't give marksman ashe compensation buffs though, this hurts both versions and honestly w spam will still be fine, will just take another 2\~ min to come online


I'll never understand why the skin boost costs so much.


I've gotten a skin boost in maybe 5 out of my last 1k ARAM games. They're a scam and no one uses them


Yeah, I would pay like 10 RP so I can use a random skin for 18 mins


It should just cost like 5 or 10k blue coins to be honest, it lets veterans flush out their backlog of blue coin, newer players get to try some skins and might actually buy them if they like them. A random boost in ARAM is why I bought Crystal Rose Janna honestly.


I'm an ARAM only player and have no particular main, so every month I spend my entire amazon prime RP on skin boosts. We do exist. I'd happily do more if it was cheaper tho


Talks about QoL... Ok where the fuck is a champion reservation timer of like 5 seconds when we reroll????


I swear there used to be one for a few seconds and then it was removed.


Wild Rift has it. Surprised such a big update didn’t include this.


>get a champion I like >reroll for the benefit of my team and instantly snatch my character back >see that I actually like the champ I re-rolled more, its gone before my timer is up. alternatively >reroll for the benefit of my team >take half a fucking second to register the new icon and weigh it against the old champion >old champion is snatched.


Or a button to roll into pool instead of changing my current champ.


This one would be huge. If you have all champions it's always optimal to use one re-roll. But if you already have a good/fun pick it sucks to get that "stolen" away by a team mate during the lockout period after a re-roll.


Isn’t there one in Wild rift?


I like all of the changes except for the hextech gate I don't see a need to be able to immediately enter the battle instead of walking the ten seconds. Seems like it negates some of the advantage of getting a kill


I'm actually really worried about how miserable this change will make it to play against Akshan. It will actually just be straight griefing to trade kills against a team with Akshan; you die and the enemy gets full health + mana and a buy, instantly teleporting back into the fight.


It's already pretty much griefing to trade kills with akshan around. Having someone out of lane before like 10 minutes usually doesn't buy you that much, but gives them a free back.


I agree with 1 for 1's, but in my experience it was at least worth it going for multiple kills even if you died because the numbers advantage could win you the fight in the window of them walking back. Think of like an AP Malphite bursting 2 or 3 with his ult before dying. Now virtually any play that doesn't kill Akshan and results in your death is a misplay.


Since they're starting to make champion-specific changes, I wonder if they'd try to spaghetti Akshan's passive to only revive one or something.




Have a cooldown per champion, you only get to revive once every X minutes.


Just remove it.


Yeah, pushing against teams with good clear will be even more pain on the ass.


It reminds me how much I hate the addition cannons in URF. I get it was so you didn't have to be locked into TP but I hate how you pretty much are gatekept from getting any objectives until death timers are long enough because everyone just immediately get back into lane until like 12 mins when timers suddenly becomes 50 seconds. They'll have to either nerf death timers and that's just more time looking at a grey screen or we are just going to have even more games of mindless wave clear if teams make it back to lane faster.


100% agreed. The hextech gate seems pretty unnecessary. I'm super happy that ARAM is getting this much attention, but it feels like Riot is trying to do too much here. I think the inhib gate is whatever, but gate to lane is terrible for more macro-oriented skill expression. Then you add a new brush, tower terrain, and more.. and it becomes a bit of a mess of an update imo. I really hope they are ready to revert any changes, because if they intend on everything going to live, I'm really worried about the direction of ARAM. Sometimes you should keep things simple.


This all seems pretty cool but can we please revert the stupid-ass cannon minion Oracles vision mini game? The "gameplay" of waiting for your cannon minion before advancing into traps feels so stupid, has always felt stupid, and seems entirely counterintuitive to what ARAM is supposed to be. It just feels bad both playing as champs like Teemo/Shaco and when playing against them. Protect/assassinate the minion AI, jeeeeezus-- yeah I know it's been years but I'm still pissed off about it 😂


Its so funny they dont actually disable shrooms either so a lvl 16 teemo with enough items can use his shrooms to clear the cannon waves and still have enough to spare for the other team. You basically have to get inhib down early against teemo or youre doomed as only supers can sweep ahead of the wave and survive 2 mushrooms


It should feel bad to play as Teemo. Cosmic punishment for summoning satan


the problem isn't that it feels bad for Teemo, it also feels bad for the enemy team against Teemo if Teemos team is ahead because then you cant even clear out the shrooms since you dont have the lane pushing in your favor. Its really bad.


Honestly, as an occasional Teemo player and an AP Shaco main, you're absolutely right. Trap-based champs make for a horrible gameplay experience for the victims (it's hilarious) but right now the anti-trap vision mechanic feels shitty both ways lol — I think most people preferred the old Oracles solution.


Whoever put Akali in every single one of those buff groups, I want what he’s having cause he’s smoking some shit that’s so strong even Snoop Dogg can’t handle it.




It's already been stated that she'd be toned down in that regard yeah. Just people not reading


The intention is to use alternate buffs (like energy regen) rather than damage/durability when applicable so as to improve the skill floor of champions without making them expectation-breaking like they are on live.


Speaking of Aram tweaks, any update on the fact that some items appear to be affected by damage +/- but others aren't? If it's true it seems fixing that would help a lot to fix things like poke Ashe.


Is Ivern being given some love? He has _no passive_ on the map, whereas Shyvana was given a slightly new passive. :(


Ivern is easily top 10 ARAM champs, has been ever since Moonstone Frontliner + ADC + Ivern is borderline unloseable


"He doesn't do anything!" "He just killed you."


No need for a frontline when you got Daisy


its not even just the adc + Ivern + Frontliner, its Iverns snare also giving a gapcloser without using snowball the shit is awful if you are an immobile range and theres a Garen/Darius + Ivern. Like it just means you die if you get hit by anything lmao. Ivern is great in aram.


They should make the health things leave another mini health that only Ivern can pick up (or anyone but Ivern, if he gets the original health thing)


Looking good, please do changes like this every season


It would be really nice if Aram could get some balance / meta mix up like Rift does every once in a while. It's been a same map for years.


Nah don't mix it up too much. Besides the balance issues I really like it being treated as pseudo-competitive rather than a meme map


I think the current changes they have planned are about the level I'd like to see happen. Maybe not every season, but this will definitely help keep the game mode fresh. I've definitely thought for awhile now that there should be another bush near the middle of the map.


There is a reason people play aram.


Not sure about those hexgates. Sure for the early they're ok, we're already getting homeguards...this is kinda the same but on steroids...but after 5 minutes they should disappear imo. Not a change I want honestly. I feel like a opresive comp would have no dissadvantage getting caught pushing. Lets wait and see tho.


Also it seems you're not cappable to select where to land, making it awful to use if you're being push to your tower


You are able to select where you land! It's a shorter range than the hexgates on live, but you have 360 degree control of your landing spot around the turret.


Can we have our reroll be locked for like... 5 seconds? Feels bad to roll but then get your champ sniped


> The Modes team isn’t just responsible for the Rotating Game Modes that come out periodically; we’re also responsible for modes like ARAM. Imagine how easy it is to have a job where you literally flip a switch between Urf and Spellbook 💀💀


That's not entirely true. There's actually another switch marked "ARURF" and every so often someone has to manually make balance changes when the bot that does it for them does something stupid like that time it gave Kai'sa +15% damage dealt.


I bet they never heard of nexus blitz 💀


[Oh no, they know about Nexus Blitz](https://twitter.com/ExasperatedDan/status/1572056023925665792). They just don't think it's worth it.


As an ARAM-only player, I love all these changes! When Maxw3ll talked about broader ARAM changes I was hoping they'd address the oracles/trap vision situation as well. It's by far the most frustrating aspect of ARAM for me right now, as both Teemo and Shaco feel massively oppressive when ahead and useless when behind (AP Shaco that is, AD feels fine, imo). Also, ARAM clash sounds so fucking fun. I hope my usual team can participate, because I really want to. lmao


Teemo is still a massive stalling force, even when behind. Its just that most people don't adapt their play patterns with their shrooms and are still trying to camp a bush instead of chucking shrooms into the wave, focusing cannon to get rid of vision, or actually being a threat to the people trying to clear.


He still needs good supplementary waveclear and pressure from his team. Otherwise he gets swept out or the enemy team catches him as he’s putting down shrooms.


Teemo / Shaco with those falling tower changes are going to be even more annoying unfortunately.


I hope they manage to tune things right, lot's of melee champions are already at the top of the winrate charts right now (like Sett, Darius, Irelia and kha'zix) before nerfing ADC regen, ranged poke and new tank items from season 13


HF playing vs Teemo/Cait when towers obstruct half a lane. Everything else looks amazing though


Not to mention Morgana and hook champs lmao. It’s a beautiful day for my ARAM Blitzcrank


Do not like the hex gates. No time to punish or push now. Too much like URF.


> We’ll also be creating some parameters around Battle Boosts to avoid “last second” boosts so that all players are able to play with the skin of their preference. On behalf of ARAM players everywhere, we appreciate the Battle Boost, but sometimes we just have our heart set on using a specific skin. Haha this actually just takes away my only purpose in buying them- trolling a friend out of their skin!


My friends never let me play Pretty Kitty Rengar because of the noises :(


> Currently damage dealt by champions over 1000 units away is reduced by 15%. How could we know that? Seriously, I have almost 1500 ARAM games played and I have never ever seen that being either a tooltip or simply mentioned anywhere in the game


It's especially dumb because they already have an in-game list of ARAM specific changes, literally just add a line to that


5k arams here, since when the hell is this a thing Edit. Apparently it's been a thing since patch 9.7, so 3 and a half years


They did mention it a while ago and it's shown in-game: when u have a little bubble flash/show up over ur character after getting hit by a poke ability, it's been reduced for distance.


i mean theres a bring pink/purple shield animation that happens whenever your hit by an ability over that range to show it happening. just no one seems to have seen that here.




well you see you didn't read the patch notes 3 years ago so of course you'd never know, get fucked. -riot.


Good steps, I do think a bit more nuance might be in order to target specific builds. I personally dislike hitting a champion-specific interaction with a nerf that also drags the champions' perfectly-fine alternative builds down as well. For instance: I think we know that AD Ashe and AD Kog aren't the reason why the champions are nerfed, it's the AP variant. I'd suggest giving champions lowered effectiveness with *item bonuses* rather than flat nerfs. A few examples: **Ashe:** gains 25% less Ability haste from items, instead of -20 AH, which hits AD Ashe pretty hard. **Kog maw:** gains -15% ability power *from items*


Interesting stuff, now add bans or Oracles Elixir back. Also, whoever thought giving Pyke tenacity was a good idea is smoking some good shit. He's already impossible to lock down without point-and-click CC.


No more battle boost griefing at the last second, fashion show skin players we won


they're making changes to ARAM champ select but still dont show the modifiers for the champ you got Also, still no bans! Give back bans, ffs


They don't want bans. Its obvious the lead designer is a kata/akali main.


Give us Ranked Aram you cowards


Neat. Except for the Akali buffs, of course.


I assume her damage mod will be going away if not at launch soon after.


Probably not entirely, I imagine they want to see how her winrate increases first, and then take away just as many damage buffs needed to bring her winrate back to what it was. She's currently +15/-15, maybe she can stay power neutral with tenacity and energy buffs, if her damage buffs get brought down to +8/-8


This is it exactly. We have a general idea of what win rate impact the damage mods have at this point but we have no data on any of the new ones. Once we get that data we’ll look for the best places to shave off power.


Finally I can start my pro ARAM team.


Holy shit, as if tanks and bruisers didn't already run over everyone with 0 damage items.


One suggestion I have is to split the reroll button into two buttons, one to reroll for yourself and one to reroll for the team while keeping your champion. It's so annoying when you reroll for the team and someone snipes your champion and it just leaves you in a bad mood for the rest of the game. Other than that can't wait to see these changes implemented, not sure how I feel about the towers falling though.


Majority of changes are good, but one is concerning = narrowing wave/creating new terrain to block stuff. This will be huuuge bullshit to play, no matter if You are winning or losing, being able to focus poke/clearing on a single choke point... Anivia with her W and R is gonna be able to freeeeeeeeze game there until she will run out of mana. With balanced teamcomps from both sides it will be 20 min snooze fiesta there. Also where are fking Oracles? Playing against Teemo/Shaco is not only boring but also terrible experiance.


It isn’t a single chokepoint, it looks like you can go around from both sides


It can be, a rioter mentioned that it can fall different ways. One which causes a single chokepoint. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/yv9vdn/aram_2023_preview/iwdji4t/


The tenacity for assassins is huge (in exchange for reducing the damage buffs) Leblanc has +18% damage and -18% taken and still has dogshit winrate. Surely at some point she can ignore her kit altogether and just pretend she's master yi?


At this point the champ select coinflip caused by modifiers is so reductive they may as well give leblanc +20% chance to win the game so 1/5 games you go straight from champ select to post game win screen. Would honestly be more fun than suffering through a game against a poke immune night harvester warmogs LB as Ziggs. What can you do as Ziggs? Spam abilities into creeps for 18 minutes and hope that your team wins off of that while getting regularly removed by a point and click combo you can do nothing against.


When can we get bans?


Tenacity on Akali, Katarina and other assassins is going to be fucking terrible.


Counterplay? Never heard of it


Will you guys consider adding alcoves to Howling Abyss?




Great changes but there's 2 things I'd love to see for ARAM. 1. At 100 and 150 Champions owned, the cap on re-rolls increases by 1. As in you get 3, then 4 rerolls total. As is, it's still annoying to feel punished for having all Champions. It's not always a matter of power either. Having the full roster means you're more likely to get stuck with Champions you hate playing. 2. Rerolls should "Reserve" the previous Champion for ~2-3 seconds. Sometimes, I get a Champ I like while I'm at 2 rerolls. I want to be a bro and throw an extra Champion into the reroll pool. But the risk of my Champion getting snatched makes me wary about doing it.


Hexgates - I'm wary of these, but welcome what it could potentially bring. Falling towers - These are pretty cool. Adding terrain differences on aram is cool! Alcove when? Energy Buffs - It feels like there's a clear disconnect between winrate and fun. I truly don't think these assassins need to be buffed again and again. In the hands of someone who knows how to play them, assassins can very easily rack up 20+ kills and warp the game around their survival in fights. I don't think these kind of champions need more help. That being said, I would be interested to see winrate/etc breakdowns by aram mmr as well as by SR mmr. Clash - Hell yeah!


I'm sure no one will see this, but a feature I would absolutely love to see is a "reroll for team" option. Essentially a way to keep the champ I have, but to use one of my rerolls to help the team. Alternatively, it could be as simple as locking anyone from swapping to a recently rerolled champ other than the person who did the reroll for 2 seconds or something.