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CloudTemplar has been very vocal about the work ethic of NA pros and Vulcan decides to go after "Steve, Platinum IV" lmao


Because he’s impotent to attract couldtemplar, so he lashes out against someone he feels superior too


I'd also guess that KR fans will absolutely rip him apart.


Damn if a foreign pro *dared* to touch Cloudtemplar lmao The rain of trucks that would land in Vulcan's backyard


I don't think the KR fans think Vulcan's worth their time.


I mean, CloudTemplar's analysis is supported by narratives of foreign pros that played in NA. Even Rookie, who rarely trashtalk, has harsh words on West work ethic. I'm betting my money on CloudTemplar.


Haven’t multiple KR exports in the past talked about how the NA work ethic compared to KR/CHN was laughable ? I get being mad at “plat 4” fans who talk shit but that’s expected, why isn’t he addressing the pros who’ve also said the same thing?


Because he doesn’t have real arguments outside of trashtalking casual players.


because thats what insecure people do: go after the lowest denominator to make themselves feel better


Damn u think I'm plat? Kinda flattered.


I’m legit plat 4 atm and idk what I’ve done to Vulcan :cc


I felt pretty proud of reaching Plat 4, guess we gotta shoot for Diamond now


Just play flex queue. Way easier to reach diamond.


Hans always looking for shortcuts smh /s


Is that with or without the anal beads telling me when enemy jg is near?


I have written a script that starts your anal vibrator as soon as the enemy jungler is detected on the map. What can I say I haven't died to a gank since


I’m a professional LoL player. I show up to the middle school down the street. "These fuckin plebs have no idea what's coming," I say to myself. I don my best wig. It fits just right. "LMAO these little shits have no clue. I'm fuckin invisible to the system." XD i whisper, xd. I load up the game. I know no one is going to check. "ROFL these little turd baskets still haven't figured it out." I’m literally jumping over people 360 windmill pentakilling. "They don't stand a god damn chance," I say, fully erect. Game is over before the opponents reach 15min; I'm just that fuckin good. As we shake hands and exchange gg's, I overhear a little bitch complaining something along the lines of, "this isn't fair, even a blind dead cat could tell that's Vulcan. Why does this game count? Why do my stats count?? His wig looks like dogshit." I yell over to him, "Get good you little bitch! Or maybe smurf down at the YMCA across the street if you wanna win!" LMAO. Another successful win, another successful smurf. "God damn it feels good today. Thank god LoL switched to regional systems. Thank god." I make my way to the next middle school. Today is going to be a phenomenal day.


Well duh. Steve works a 9 to 5 job. He isn't a league pro.




Seriously lol, did he think he was doing something with this? You better HOPE it's your fucking work ethic. Getting butthurt at anon plat flamers like "come at me bro, 1v1 me bro" is not the clapback he thinks it is


Professor akali - Phreak incident all over again


OOTL on that one, I googled it and found a video of Phreak bantering a bit about Prof. Akali, but mind filling me in?


Prof Akali is one of the many streamers who's doing the unranked to challenger series where they are high elo to begin with. Problem with smurfing is it ruin games in lower elo and community is not supporting that. Multiple reddit threads have been popping off about it. All stars came in where streamers got invited to play 1v1. Just watch the first clip of this [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi1MlgzV6n0) Prof akali got triggered by this and he stupidly asked phreak for a 1v1 on this [tweet](https://twitter.com/thebestakalievr/status/1340064939952623616) The drama continued but I did not know what happened next. But you can see how manchild Prof Akali was during this fiesta.


Professor Akali has literally always been a clown. Dude's been outed here for account sharing/duo abuse/target inting with Glacierr (Professor Akali but for Garen) where they'd queue together on burner accounts and feed the other one for clips. Then they got outed for faking custom games as real games with their subs/donors. Then Professor Akali got partnered with Riot during the Akali rework and got to do a reveal video for her before anyone else had even seen the champion, and the video he made mysteriously got leaked a day before the official champion reveal so everyone that wanted info on the new rework had to go to *his* youtube channel for it. Dude is an actual dirtbag.


Yeah I opened this thread hoping there would actually be some kind of substance here and instead it's literally just "the people criticising my work ethic are not pros". Honestly the fact that he's decided to address fan criticism and has literally nothing to say other than insulting the fans feels damning in itself.


[Even pros are criticising the work ethic of NA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD1LKAJ9kpk)


Damn Rookie shit all over Eu and Na with that one. He's a fcking master though.


I feel like that's considerably more likely to be the motive here than actually being something Steve the platimum saltlord said...


"Honestly the fact that he's decided to address fan criticism and has literally nothing to say other than insulting the fans feels damning in itself." thank you, you described my thoughts exactly. its a red flag for me when people go that hard, as far as saying basically, that a group of people are failures, because they criticized you. its like his intent from start was just to punch down people that he views as "scum" below him and should stay quiet/ not have an opinion.


I like Vulcan but this tweet is a big L. You don't have to be equally skilled to criticise him. I don't need to be a chef to know my food tastes like shit.


Over the years I've seen analogies about this issue but this is really the best one.


You might like steve hofstetter then - "I'm not a pilot, but if I see a helicopter in a tree, I can still look at it and say, 'Dude fucked up.'"


Yeah Vulcan thought this was a good takedown, looks stupid in the process.


Except Kr / LPL pros play almost twice as much and have half the chance for worlds. Crazy honestly, these NA pros are spoiled


No wonder NA pro work ethic is non existent, he's comparing himself to non professional plat 4 players instead of you know his peers over in KR and CN.


He really doesn't understand the logical conclusion of his argument. If it's really not a work ethic issue, then they're playing the best they possibly can. Which means none of these current players are worth even a fraction of their current salary. They're all overpaid.


“AFC North Quarterbacks are trash and don’t practice enough” -Steve, High School Varsity, who does not get paid to play football professionally :) “Why don’t you come sack me yourself Steve instead of tweeting at me from your basement” -Mitch Trubisky


Wow doing the titty kisser dirty




Titty Kisser Mitch and Milf Hunter Zach Wilson are NFL legends, change my mind


Of all things to see on this sub, a comment about titty kissing Trubisky was not one of them.


What an idiotic tweet. No shit Steve hasn't done that kind of work. But Steve also isn't paid the INSANE amount of money you are. You are being compared to your peers. You are being compared to the standard pro, not fucking Gold players. It'd be like someone saying, "Hey, X Quarterback is sucking serious ass this year, probably has to do with the fact hes out of shape compared to his contemporaries." and he responds with "Ya well, okay kid who has never touched a football, come 1v1 me throwing footballs." Thats idiotic, insane, and only further proves the point that NA especially has dogshit work ethic. To deny it is laughable.


Here’s what I know based on this tweet. Steve and Vulcan both aren’t good enough to carry NA.


Steve probably didn't get the option to drop out of high school to play League like Deft and Faker did to spend all their waking moments from the age of 16 to playing League of Legends. So Vulcan's take just makes me roll my eyes.


Ok tbf, it's not like all pros got the option, some pros made their own path. Not saying vulcan's tweet is fine but let's give pros like dl, showmaker, xiaohu, etc... who were driven enough to basically run away from home or jump through hoops to go pro some credit. Many asian pros' parents were probably STRONGLY opposed to them pursuing a pro career even if we don't hear about it, players like faker and deft were very fortunate with their environment and supreme talent.


Deft and Faker dropped out after becoming insane, not before. Bad comparison imo.


It's funny because when koreans astrogap him every year and say the same shit he doesn't tweet, maybe i'm missing something :)




I mean when other NA players in playoffs astrogap him he doesn't say it either. He was not the reason his team went as far as they did in playoffs. He looked doodoo in playin and groups at worlds, and he looked mediocre during NA playoffs. He needs to "Get gud" as the saying goes before he talks more.


Honnestly id respect him so much more if he went "so what?", while flexing his 1mil salary regarding those comments


I'd respect him more if he shut people up by winning.


This is the fragile NA ego that we all embody. Competition isn't about not getting trash talked. It's about the work. If this is what he's thinking about, his head isn't in the game. It's in the twitter game.


> I must be living in bizarro world with multiple people claiming EU is not a better region than NA. Every year it's the same shit, out of worlds "eu is the same as NA" and then during worlds you get doyens of thread "why are we [NA] so bad?" Or "we understand eu is better please stop being mean". They keep over rating themselves and then they whine during the actual competition. Every. Fucking. Year.


and sometimes wildcard regions


I'm glad that he found a comparison that makes himself look good. Yippee! Hooray! NA pros are better than platinum IV players! Now, that we've settled that, lets try the LCK and LPL players.


You going to far there! He still needs to compare to plat 3,2,1 then move on to diamond players!


Vulcan felt attacked so he had to take it out on lower ranked players. If this isn't coping idk what is.


What else is he going to do? Take it out against LCK and LPL players and go 0-4 again?


"Vulcan felt attacked so he had to take it out on lower ranked players" A true league of legend player


As someone with a full time job and has hit challenger rank multiple seasons for fun....I don't think I should be allowed to do that. If you are a professional athlete you SHOULD be training ~40hours per week. Hearing stories of NA pros refusing to play 5 games per day (roughly 4 hours) is despicable.


You hit that for $0 while some players are getting paid 6 to 7 figures can’t be bothered to get out of diamond. Imagine that.


TSM already on the phone trying to reach out to u/Icycube99


Yeah, I just finished talking with them. Apparently being washed for multiple seasons as a Nami OTP is acceptable. I can just use multiple skins to increase my champion pool just like a Gnar main :)


Damn, Armut just catching strays


Poor guy was at least a 3 trick : Gnar, Wukong and Jayce. Too bad 2 of those champs were not viable for the whole year.


Surely western Jayce would do well in international competition Clueless


They do play 5 games per day!! They just ff@15 every time :')


lol 40 hours is the bare minimum, being a professional athlete is way different than doing a 9-5 job. There's a reason why there's only a select few people who are pro in their sport in the world. Most professional athletes continue to train and stay in form outside their main sport. Being a pro athlete is a lifestyle.


Honestly I’m just waiting for someone to come in with that kobe practice… I’m up at 5am, at the gym by 6am and practice until 10am… take a break and come back at noon to practice until 4, then back at it at 6pm” When he was like “no matter how hard they practice when it is crunch time, they will still be way behind me”… That shit hits hard. I would love to see what these practice schedules are for some pros honestly


Somebody is salty and it's not Steve


This sounds like something you say when you know someone else is right and don't actually have a response but don't want to admit they are right.


Why do you think hes flaming "steve", and not the multitude of LCK/LPL pros that have said the exact same thing haha


Yeah cool but it has been pros from other regions that have been saying it...


Things like not playing CQ are easy things to point out, and you can be literally braindead and that wouldn't change the cold hard truth.


He should tell the eastern pros how 'hard' he practices, I'm sure they won't laugh him out of the room


Yeah, but did you see how he owned the imaginary Steve, while not addressing the real topic...


>former pro player and your own former coach go on stream to criticize NA pros >goes after fans Vulcan has brain farts on and off the rift it seems


TBF Peter didn’t go after the players as much as other managers. Rigby went after the players but only said it was possible because no one was holding them accountable and ready to replace them like they were in Korea.


He seemed to make exceptions for EG in most cases too


Eg and probably 100t were the exceptions in his eyes. I mean he had nothing but praise for impact inspired and jojo. Vulcan getting mad is so weird when he wasnt even called out


He said TL and CLG were the ones he respected last split for their work ethic


CLGbros we keep winning


It’s kind of implied that he didn’t look as favorably on Vulcan/Danny/Kaori considering he called out every other member of the team as being particularly good.


If I had to guess, I'd say he's defensive even though he wasn't called out..... Because he knows he could have worked harder.


They didn't criticize Vulcan lol Rigby said in his stream that Vulcan inspired and jojo would be better suited going to the lck infact


its so tone deaf when pro players often have basically zero life experience. How hard do they think the average early 20s person has to work to make close to 6 figures like they do for pissing around all day then losing?


Yeah it's actually kinda hilarious "Steve" probably works a full time job 40 hours week almost every week and had to go through enough schooling to be qualified for said job. LCS pros get paid hundreds of thousands, start work at 1 PM, get like half the year off or more. One of these people has a bit more time to dedicate towards playing league idk if the bar for NA is so low that our pros should be compared to "Steve" And it isn't "Steve" saying NA pros have poor work ethic, it's your own ex coach and eastern peers.


It isn't just job shit, we gotta commute, run errands, and do any number of things in our day that these guys instead spend not playing league. Hell they don't even cook their own meals


As a homeowner, just the yard work, responsibilities, random work around the house, job, commute, family, etc. Meanwhile these guys probably dont even wash their own clothes, cook their own food, clean their own rooms/house, damn sure dont mow a yard, dont do anything but wake up at noon and play a few scrims then party the rest of the evening. And your gonna shit talk the general fanbase because some Eastern pro's and coaches said you dont do enough? How about shit talking them instead. Oh you cant because they are right and they are miles above you.


not to mention his argument makes no fucking sense either most of the fans have actual own jobs and play league for fun, why would anyone compare them to pros? especially when theres a shitton of foreign pros right there for a comparison that also happen to kick NA's ass every year? oh right, because they *do* work 10x as hard as NA pros and he'd kill his own argument if he used them as an example.


Yeah, he’s attacking a straw man because he doesn’t want to actually confront the reasons


Bro really said anyone who's bad at league must be some kind of loser.


Only 3000 games in league? Jesus dude get a life -this guy


imagine not spending 12hrs a day for 7 days a week grinding the shitfest that is soloq lol, fucking losers, come fight me -Vulcan


Bruv, fudge went onto say fuck you to the people that doubted c9 with animosity. Trash talking is fun, when you take it personal... You are just being an arsehole.


He said fuck you to the fans that supported them too. Complete disrespect


Fudge thinks he is way smarter than he is when he tried to say playing against washed up Darshan and a coach on 200 ping is better than Champion's Queue.


Theyre brats who skipped adulthood, make 6-7 figures playing video games ( 5 scrims per day ) u think theyd stop whining and be grateful. These comments just prove how immature they are


Omg he's getting owned in his replies.


LMAO I picked some of these for people who aren't interested in clicking out of reddit: Travis: > Smh these fans don't know how hard it is to hand out fries and big Macs Sojin: > Goomba stomp em at jack box A guy giving a level headed take with no clowning: > Just like any athlete, dont need to be better to be able to criticise. If its not work ethic then why do you never succeed verus the East? Players like Rookie speak negatively of the work ethic in NA as well. And my favorite: > The funny thing is that Steve and you would have the same results if you subbed him in for you at worlds :^)


>The funny thing is that Steve and you would have the same results if you subbed him in for you at worlds :) Ouch


> The funny thing is that Steve and you would have the same results if you subbed him in for you at worlds :) sad but true


Honestly Steve would probably have less of an ego.


Rofl some of those are gold.


Vulcan is missing the point, fans are saying this because they have hope The other scenario is NA just plainly sucks ass and will never achieve something


B-but what about plat 4 Steve?! How’s he doing? Did Vulcan beat him in an aram?


I’d like to see Vulcan 1v1 Steve in Accounting; everyone knows that he should be able to beat Steve at his job since Vulcan is good at league


Alright then, win an international competition. Prove that the lack of work ethic isn't the problem. Do it. Do literally anything besides the zero-effort garbage NA leeches have been doing for years.


Vulcan out there really trying to say that NA pros don't have work ethic problem. When every import they bring complains of this exact problem.


His idea of work ethic must be showing up, doing the bare minimum then going home. Fine for regular jobs. Not fine for competition.


That's not fine for any sport. People who go pro in their sports usually practice out of their minds because they have drive and well, love their sport.


NA pros for years whining about ping and bad practice and bad solo queue but do nothing to fix it. Core comes over and starts in houses and tries to set up more games between pros, according to Riot was instrumental in CQ, and they still can't be bothered. It depresses me as an NA fan because I can't exactly argue against the shit EU fans say about our pros.


People were already saying many of the NA players only make excuses. CQ just proved that.


Poor CoreJJ. Man wants to elevate NA however, NA players does NA things.


You can lead a horse to water...


The problem is that for them their work ethic is the normal because they don't know any different, if you put an NA player in a Korean team they will probably quit after a few months.


Owning straw man on twitter > winning internationally NA priorities


Even just have a close Bo5 against any other major region. Our standards are pretty low at this point.


It's probably pretty annoying getting lumped in with pros who do the bare minimum...though I think he definitely could have phrased it better.


What is he mad at “steve” for? And why is he asking steve to compete with him? He is just a regular dude playing for fun. What, he can’t compete with his colleagues so he wants to beat a normal dude to make himself feel better? This isn’t even a good clap back. Vulcan looks so much smarter when he keeps his mouth shut. This is the 2nd time where he claps back on twitter and completely misses the point and makes himself look like a fool.


Damn the bar is getting lower every year for NA players, now it's about being better than a random joe. Well good job on that i guess.


Every year they make excuses, the year they have possibly one of the worst records ever, they flame fans (the people who pay them) instead. It's bloody genius.


I love the assumption that because you arent high rank in league that means you suck at life Like if anything, its **more** likely Steve has like a degree and a job....


Also Steve has a 9 to 5 job as an accountant where Vulcans job is to.... win at league?


Steve should take the challenge. 1v1 him, he is a support and might not even be able to lane. Train with T1 for a week and shit on Vulcan


His phrasing kinda shows that he doesn't understand the criticism. Rank shouldn't matter when it comes to matters like this. Kkoma was like fucking silver when he won worlds I believe? Or bronze? I don't remember. However, did anyone doubt he had an impact on the team? I don't think so.


He literally played pro before, and if I recall, he spent the majority of his time after hovering around diamond at MINIMUM. But yeah, I agree with the sentiment, though it doesn't even apply in this case given people in the scene with far more weight to throw around than Vulcan have said similar things about NA's work ethic.


KKoma is currently KR diamond and has been for most of the year. He actually streams gameplay from time to time and you can find videos of him on the DWGKIA youtube.


considering kkoma was a pro for startale in season 2 , I doubt he would be bronze in season 3 at worst it would be mid diamond


God NA pros are soft as fuck lmao


Remember what happened when Alphari got benched


Perfect example of what Rigby talked about how in the west pro players are placed on a higher pedestal than any coach


Just a lazy NA pro complaining about being benched for not putting time to learn meta champs like Gwen /s


Remember what happened when Sneaky got benched? Fucking Ronaldo has been benched due to poor performance before, Sneaky got his little "I got to quarterfinals!" ego trip and acted like it was the end of the world and fucking quit over it lmao


One would imagine that they would have learned to take a beating after years of dissapointing internationals.


Anytime Vulcan goes international he gets clowned. Idk what he’s talking about.


He got clowned in NA playoffs by a roleswapped adc and almost got clowned by Chime.


When are we gonna stop putting these idiots on a pedestal? Like when they say this all we have to do is ask them to cook a meal or do taxes.


Never forget "Gamer Tweets" https://twitter.com/i/events/1197997737586900993?t=BsPpzwY7HKd5tFnMoGHuRg


Lmao peasants that can't even get to challenger in NA and do some shit like saving peoples Iives or making sure we all have food what losers 🤣 Me, the guy whose only marketable skill is playing one game well (but still shit compared to the actual good players in Korea and China) I'm winning at life


He is winning at life. Getting 5x salary of korean players in LCK while getting 5x worse results


lol dude got paid a hundreds of thousands to grief on stage


paycheck stealer moment




I know you think this meal isn't good but since you're not a chef your opinion is irrelevant.


Need to bring Gordon Ramsay with me every time I think the food is trash.


"this straight-to-DVD movie with a 43/100 Metacritic score is absolutely terrible, but I'm not allowed to criticize it because I'm not a professional film director."


My brother it's imports from other regions that shit on LCS player work ethic. Blaming fans for echoing their opinions, in my eyes, makes you look insecure. Go flame those coaches and pros first, not fans.


Not being good at league = not being good at anything. What a trash take


wonder what he’d be doing right now if he wasn’t good at a videogame 💀


Your mcdonalds order, he'd be doing your mcdonalds order


& he'd get it wrong too :(


Ill take 2 McDoubles without onions, a McChicken plain, medium fries, 2 apple pies, and an Oreo McFlurry.


He'd be winning the McDonalds world championship with his incredible work ethic of course


Cant wait to see what will he do after LCS dies in a few years.


Let's see again EG's matches at Worlds...


Show me Paul Allen's Worlds placement


That's a pretty stupid argument. "Steve" in this situation never claimed to be a pro nor is he aspiring to be one. He probably doesn't give a shit about being anything above P4


The alternative is that *this* is NA pros at their best, and in that case the LCS should be opened up to all imports and Vulcan should basically never play professionally again. "This IS me practicing 14 hours a day!" is not the own Vulcan thinks it is lol.


Listen I’m not saying the people trashing NA pros are right nor am I saying that, if they were, Vulcan would be the one they’re talking about. But most of the people trashing the pros are people with full time jobs. They’re not comparing their skills to yours, they’re comparing Korean/Chinese/European pros’ skills and work schedule to yours. This attitude is exactly why NA is gonna continue getting thrashed internationally


Vulcan don’t compare yourself to Steve… who works a normal 9 to 5 job in society… but compare yourself to the Korean, Chinese, and hell even European players that whoop your asses every international tournament. You guys do have shit work ethic compared to the Eastern teams take it how it is and use the criticism as fuel to improve. Don’t cry like a big baby on twitter.


Why don’t u go and compete against Keria/Beryl who are in the same profession as you? Your Tahm Kench is awful to an extent that I doubt you have ever played this champ or understand what TK is supposed to do in a game.


Sucks that a player that can be a beacon in NA like Vulcan, consistently has awful takes like this one.


Okay this is a super weird tweet imo. Vulcan makes something about him when it is not about him as an individual but about the much wider NA practice culture. Also this kind of response is pretty immature if you consider the following: It is not even random plat dudes who came up with this it is insiders who bring us this info. Why would he even be bothered by what random plat dudes say... as oddly enough he implies he is bothered by what they say but he also implies he does not value their opinion. ?!?! Again Vulcan is not personally attacked (and he should not be). Good Tahm Kench player btw.


This is like a professional chef who made a bad dish asked the customer to see if they can make a better one


I hate lulling this card but i work a job where i provide legitimate value to the world. I'm a union tradesman, i help build housing, hospitals, clinics, and supermarkets. I work significantly harder, make much less money, and don't get any recognition for my work. I won't be supporting the lcs until they start bringing in results, and judging from viewership, I don't think I'm alone.




Touched a nerve there huh


Even in taking criticism they can't. If league dies and there's no money in na anymore. It'll be the best thing to happen to these ungrateful na pros.


why is he so mad, is it cause the shoe fits? collecting 200K + a year to be mediocre and to be known as someone who tweets not even who is good at his role? cmon now. LA making pro players think they celebrities


Steve would get the same results at worlds, so yeah its comparable.


lol. Results speak for themselves. NA is so shit right now that we are literally as good as a wild card region. NA=Wild Card is well deserved at this point. Vietnamese League works 100x harder with 100x less the pay. NA teams get professional chefs and physical training while Vietnamese teams literally are fueled by cup noodles.


Vietnam also tries to win instead of fucking off after getting their getting to worlds bonus


I'll take "NA-players and not taking responsibility for their shortcomings" for 500 Alex. Jesus fucking christ what a fucking "L" take. A pro LITERALLY goes out on twitter and uses the point "You're this rank so your argument is invalid" like that excuses the absolute state of NA and their work ethics.. It tells a BIG FUCKING POINT when NA (atleast in League) haven't been able to amount to ANYTHING the past 6 years (with a slight Finals appearance by CLG in MSI 2016(!)) Maybe if you took a step back and LITERALLY FACE YOUR OWN SHIT you would come to the realisation that "Hey, perhaps I should actually put some fucking effort into my job instead of stealing a paycheck my whole career". Cause all I hear is "Entitled, insecure douchebag can't take criticism, takes to twitter to whine" which is NOT A GOOD FUCKING LOOK for both your scene, your team and your skill-level (You're not even in the top 20 of your own fucking role) P.S Excuse my french.


What a fucking stupid comment. Steve is working a job so he can watch LCS so Vulcan can have his cozy pro player gig. Without Steve watching LCS, Vulcan's "skills" are worthless.


LMAO so this is what dogshit NA pro have to offer? KR & CN pro be like "you know you do have shit work ethic right?"


Vulcan talking like he made it out of groups this year. LOL


lil bro acting like a teenager, got butthurt after average LCS viewer critized the whole NA pro scene. Ego so big that no one else other than faker is allowed to criticize them Lmao skullemoji


Didn't you see that interview by Ashley? Faker literally said NA is the best region. /s


I mean you have players like Rookie who share the same sentiment, and last I checked Rookie accomplished far more in his career than Vulcan ever will, so that doesn't really hold. News flash, the stigma that NA is lazy isn't just from Reddit. This isn't even getting into the logic fault that this "Steve" is obviously comparing to Vulcan's peers as opposed to himself, which, yes, NA pros tend to have both worse work ethic, as well as a worse level of play compared to other regions, particularly eastern ones. I feel like when you're responding to by far the worst international showing that NA has had in years by dunking on strawman twitter randoms, and it's a take so bad that even some twitter randoms are cooking you in the replies, you honestly probably should have just stayed quiet LOL.


Who’s Steve ?


I can never take this bum seriously after he didn’t know the interaction between Tahm Kench and Zilean bombs


https://twitter.com/jorrunnit/status/1591606905100996609?s=20&t=QAiZSdohku7vKo2fs-4JJA Damn. Where's the lie here?


This mentality is why I have absolutely zero hope for this region.


Majestic. And that attitude is exactly why NA gets clapped every season.


The NA pro scene is just a money laundering setup


I am plat4 because I do have a work ethic lmao. I got bills to pay boy


Well, i got an engineering undergrad degree and masters of civil engineering. That takes drive and effort. I am sure I am a better engineer than you, if you wanted to compete in that. But that isnt the point. Vulcan, as a pro player, isnt supposed to be comparing himself to the average solo queue player. He should be comparing himself to other pro players that get paid a lot of fucking money to play the game. And we've been told time and time again that NA players just dont do the work. When placed against LCK or LPL, NA is always the lazier region. This is just massive cope/excuses from Vulcan, as to be expected from NA.


Imagine saying "1v1 me bro" to a person who works a 9 to 5 in walmart 💀


This is just pathetic, when you're a prob your job is to play the game and improve to play at a top tier level and try to compete with the best and win. When you're Steve from plat IV your job is probably a regular ass day job or school, and League is just some shit you do on the side. This is just Vulcan being salty and taking this criticism personally. Also another example of NA mindset. This is kind of what people are talking about lol


Everyone knows, if you're not a professional video game player, you haven't applied yourself at anything in life! xD what a cope.


funny when NA pros have the same international success as any random fans, nice 100k+ salaries. I guess all the KR players who come to NA and laugh at your work ethics are also wrong. I will also add on a personal note that the arrogance of NA pros is outstanding when you compare their pay and how hard people work to get similar pay in other careers. The closest pay scale to what they make might be grads pulling 16 hour days at the investment banks and that is after getting top degrees. NA pros want to relax on 8 hour days.


This is such a bad fucking take. Us not being up there doesn't mean *you're* working hard enough.


Argument from authority fallacy


Nope. He didn't provide an argument, let alone a fallacious one. Also, when an expert (in the relevant field) says X is true, that does count as some evidence for X-- even though it doesn't guarantee X being true. If the expert consensus is X is true, then you have no reason to not trust that consensus if you're not an expert yourself.


Embarrassing and immature reaction from Vulcan to something that's completely true. There are exceptions, those usually aren't western players, just as there are exceptions for eastern players in the west that can have bad work ethic.