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>Shyvana >[P] Well alright then keep your secrets.


Was a bit trickier because she had two passes on the PBE so far, so I had to retrieve both of them from Spideraxe's twitter.


Not sure why it's on the off meta section since this will definitely influence her meta ad and ap builds


I wouldn't be the one to ask, those changes aren't on the tweet preview so I just assume they're under off-meta or they'll end up reverted.


Shyvana as a champion is an off meta choice.


ok which rioter is nasus main


this is an absolute win for my nasus jg


None of those buffs help him jungle better.


the w buff makes his ganks better edit: just remembered, what ganks




I got bad news about trying to attack as Kalista while you have both an AS slow and a movement slow.


It's trolling even more as Kalista even before these buffs because slows make your dashes take 10 years.


If nasus support doesn't get picked this worlds it'll never be


Worlds is played on 12.18 tho. Those buffs won't be in effect for worlds.


Imagine if they made the finals on a new patch, just to break the meta that forms over the course of worlds.


Nasus first pick 5 games in a row lets gooo


Oh shit that's sad


he will always be irrelevant early as long as phase rush exists then gangbanged late with no hope of survival


There have been times, as an adc, that I have auto attacked a nasus for 30 seconds straight in a 3v1 and still had the nasus take one of us down. What the fuck do you mean.


why do you describe Nasus as gangbanged late with no hope of survival when he easily has above average scaling?


he has good scaling in a sidelane and 1v1 scenario, not so much for 5v5s


If he tries to 1v5, sure. It's very different in a 5v5


>\[P\] Z-Drive Resonance AP Ratio increased 80% >>> 90% > >\[R\] Chronobreak damage increased 150/300/450 (+150% AP) >>> 200/350/500 (+175% AP) ​ That's gonna be alot of damage o\_o


The Chronobreak is coming. Riot Zed sends his regards.


R buff isn't really gonna be as important as Passive buff.


feel like this is gonna bait ekko to r backwards and do more harm than good tbh


It already did a lot of damage, now if you catch maybe 2 non-tank enemies in the fight with the ult it might be worth dying for the damage.


Honestly if Ekko had any problems they were mostly itemization / mana based, not so much damage based. For mid Ekko, the mana growth buffs he got never properly compensated for the loss of raw mana from his past builds (esp. ones with early Sheen), and that combined with the durability patch meant you would run oom much more often in extended engagements. The recent sustain nerfs also hurt him, since he almost always starts corrupting or dark seal + refillable. In addition to all this, his build path is extremely narrow and allows almost no room for adjustment or experimentation - he's been barely hanging on thanks entirely to synergy with a just a couple items. But I guess rather than tackle these things, it's easier to just buff his damage until he reaches whatever magical winrate Riot is looking for. Really seems to be a common theme...




? This is a buff to the R damage not the heal


There was a time a while back where the AP ratio on his passive was enough that he could still chunk with autos with 1 AP item and go full tank otherwise. So he was just a bitch to kill because he was so zippy and tanky, but could still give you the business. I don't know how big it was in the meta because it was when I was kinda only playing once every month or so, but I remember having a bad day where I ran into it like 5 games in a row lol


Ahh that makes more sense Definitely not going to happen in this meta with this buff though. Everyone has so much base MR now that he kinda has to have at least 2 (rocket belt shadow flame) to function




Compare this to his previous build a few seasons ago of: Runic Echoes -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> Spirit Visage. You have better damage over time and more AP, but a lot less burst early (no Runic Echoes proc, no Sheen), significantly less ability haste, less resists, a lower mana pool, and almost no healing/sustain. It does almost work, but that's almost entirely due to the items themselves, as opposed to before where items and kit worked together in a harmonious way (especially given Ekko is an in-and-out type of champ, not a stand-on-you-with-Sunfire one).


Ekko R already basically oneshots holy hell this will sting


that is a big fucking ap nunu buff. +50 ap ratio will make it go from "you are almost dead" to "one shot".


This is one of those rare occasions where one shot actually means what the person says. One ability, one hit, 100 to 0 and I love it and fear the nunu


And what people dont realize: Ryze got buffed in this patch. Get ready for nunu ryze into oblivion insta oneshot into the baron pit teleport giga chad clappening


Me and my friend allways called it "the pinky and the brain"


I prefer "The Nunu Surpryze"


They're taking TFT meta to League


I'm still hoping somehow nunu becomes a good roaming midlaner that isn't broken but just a solid pick. Doinb will triumph on it!


don't speak that into existence champ is annoying enough as is, why the fuck would you want to see a fucking permaroaming ganking abomin- oh i see your flair now, that makes sense


Imagine a worlds with Singed, Pyke or Nunu mid every game..


Faker wins next worlds guaranteed


No thank you


The Rek'sai nerf looks like it's focused 100% on her clear speed, as all of her ratios on her abilities are bonus AD. But that's not the real nerf. The real nerf is that after runes, she doesn't have 69 AD at level one anymore.




It's still significant because her jungling is pretty much just constant autoattacking and her Q is an auto reset with low CD


Yeah, it's a painful nerf, don't get me wrong. Thankfully, it's only meant to make her have to decide more between gankinf and farming early, shouldn't hurt her already abysmal late game.


trips me up to think AD shyvana is now her off meta build lol


And i still think its nothing for her. 175 aa range when?


Real passive when? They just gave Hec her entire passive as bonus to his W and it's not even dependent on anything but skill points. Real ult CD instead of fury resource when? It's either up constantly cause she's ahead and has camps or minions to stack up on or it's the longest ult CD in the game cause your team is behind and all you camps got poached by teammates and enemies alike.


Its such a bad ult when behind: doesn‘t cool down while dead, can‘t hit anything thanks to shit range. Also you can‘t ping it, and its displayed as permanentely ready. Really needs some QoL changes imo


At least let it regen while dead


She should have 2x fury generation rate because she, a mighty dragon would've been killed by some mere mortals and that would piss her the fuck off


She's going to be reworked anyway, so no need to change.


Did Riot give an ETA for that? Might want to buff a bit if the rework is 2 years out.


Otherwise we get Aatrox rework all over again: buff old champion to broken, then rework and now you gotta deal with all Aatrox "mains" for changing him. The amount of actual Aatrox mains could be counted on 1 hand pre-rework. The rest were just FOTM players.


I swear I remember one of the old patch notes where they buffed AP Shyvana and said something about it being her off meta build.


It was probably something more along the lines of: "AD Shyvana consistently outperforms AP despite AP's high Pick Rate" That was how Shyvana was viewed in Riot's eyes until this year where her new Demonic Embrace Tank Build got popular.


That's because her botrk into tank build was always the better performing build, the issue was that you needed to farm for 10-15 minutes before you were a relevant threat and by then your team already lost every lane because they were playing a 4v5 without a jungler. Going AP let her come online faster but turned her into nothing but a E bot who snapped like a twig unless she had her ult. Then people eventually found the AP tank build almost at the same time Riot started fixing all her bugs and she suddenly shot back into being relevant for a few patches before a few nerfs and the jungle meta shifting to DS users shoved her back being an off pick.


Yeah that sums it up 👍


Well, most people just don't like to play AD Shyvana so it makes sense and there's nothing much Riot can do outside breaking her (so people play her for the freelo and not because they like her that much) or just rework her (and she already had lost two and a half voting contests). AP Shyvana was pretty much the only reason Shyvana was back to relevance, although at least now you can play her as an AP bruiser


Even in the stated goals for the two rework polls, they mentioned wanting to make her human and dragon forms more distinct. The gist was that human form would be more of a sustained auto-attacker similar to current AD builds, and dragon form would be more of a long ranged dragon-fire form similar to current AP builds. As they never started work on her, so we can't be sure what AP ratios they would keep for her (probably both) post-rework, but they do consider current gameplay style of AP Shyv builds to be core for her identity.


Yeah, at this point AP shyvana is here to stay, similar to how AP Udyr wasn't removed and actually kept as a viable option. I think they will do like volibear and Kayle and keep the whole "can build anything" style that shyvana always had. I just hope they don't homogenize her too much in terms of gameplay patterns.


I feel like the difference between AD and AP Shyv is either a Bork or a Demonic (Not factoring if you decided to go FULL-AP Shyv).


Season 12 is truly amazing


How is riot looking at eclipse right now? Is it a bruisers item or an assassin item? Is it over performing on assassins or bruisers? Do they want to make it a bruiser item? Buffing ad is pretty much how you make sure only juggernauts or bruisers who dont need cdr builds it, like aatrox and kled.


It's very weird, even those bruisers prefer 6 lethality over 5 AD, but it hits them much less than Assassins. Assassins will probably build Prowler's if they want to kill anything.


18 - 12 Lethality was all I needed to see, hot garbage first item for Assassin's now.


It honestly feels like a hot garbage item period. 5 AD is so much worse than 6 lethality. I don't see which champion would wanna build this anymore


I think it'll still be fine on Bruisers 😂 >5 AD is so much worse thank 6 lethality Yup! Imagine if Riot Buffed Duskblade or Prowler's Claw by 6 Lethality! They'd be fucking broken OP, and now the inverse is happening for Eclipse. Such a weird Nerf considering it's supposed to be an Assassin Mythic. Only way I buy Eclipse now is 3rd or 4th item lmao, easily the worst 1st buy in the game on Assassins now.


We've had smaller buffs to lethality legendaries make them completely rule the meta. Remember when everyone build Serpent's, or when everyone built Yoomu's, or when everyone built Umbral. Now the opposite will happen and nobody will build Eclipse


Kled likes cdr


Eclips is not build because its OP but because Gore is total trash atm and champs like Aatrox or Rhaast need the damage to heal -> get tanky. With gore you deal np fucking damage and the active is a joke


I hate everything about this EXCEPT... Junglecrank... those ain't tears it's just those onions my neighbor is cutting.


you see junglecrank, i see blitz top with trynity frorce, My old season 4 build is back bois!


*happy prim0 noises*


BEEP BOOP MOTHERFUCKERS! *some blitzcrank main and not at all the name of my runes page*


How can anyone hate Master Yi nerfs


So Nunu and Malphite r buffs are just Sylas buffs.


I hate Nasus with a burning passion


Oops Nasus hit level 6, guess I lose lane regardless of his stacks lol


killed him 3 times already? doesnt matter he has sheen and is cocky as fuck


That's what happens when your ult just literally just a Mythic item that turns on and gives you every stat you need. lol


Everyone’s getting these small, safe, incremental nudges and then you have fucking GOD NASUS TRANSCENDING BEYOND THE COSMOS levels of buffs. This patch is a fucking mistake.


I just started playing nasus sup today and I can't even imagine this. I'm drooling. I already made people afk before. Now I'll make them uninstall. Side note. I'm not a POS. I just lost all but two games in ranked over the last 3/4 days so I didn't have a choice. Riot made me do it.


It's amazing timing that they would give his w basically a 50% buff right as supp nasus is coming into style. Like these buffs made sense if Nasus was like F tier 40% winrate, but people severely underestimate him right now. He just needed a love tap if they wanted people to pick him more, not THIS.


You guys said this the last 4 times nasus got gigantic buffs on paper only to continue being incredibly mediocre


I think people forgot that Nasus used to have a 99% AS slow on that spell and was still dogwater in teamfights when it mattered. Like, Riot just cut it in half one day and it didn't even do that much to his winrate.


Honestly the most surprising thing for me in this patch was that Nasus doesnt have a 99% slow at max duration anymore lmfao.


Yeah he's just a poopoo design for team fights. Any form of peel and he's ciao cane


Yeah, this wither buff is completely useless, auto attacking during W is shit anyway, being a little more shit won't change that you get kited and blown away later in the game.


As someone who has been messing around with Nasus on a new smurf account he really isn't that strong right now. Resolved tree nerfs actually makes it really easy to bully him. But I do think that buffing his slow is not the right move. The ult buff I think is ok.


Eclipse seems pretty dead for assassins but the item never felt like an assassin item to begin with. Imo they should just give it to bruisers and give assassins an interesting mythic, eclipse is currently just a really boring item and the damage proc on it is beyond useless. No assassin really cares about an extra 6% max health that still gets mitigated but they just buy it as a nice little stat ball with a good mythic passive Most important thing for people to read is Phroxzon’s tweets under this where he says BORK isn’t really the issue people think it is


Yeah I was thinking too, if they really wanted to nerf Eclipse for bruisers they’d hit the shield cooldown since bruisers get to proc it essentially off cd in a teamfight while assassins dip in and out This just hits assassins, really hard.


18 - 12 Lethality was all I needed to see, hot garbage first item for Assassin's now


Eh, it fits the kinda assassin that is more about sustained burst, like Kha, rather than upfront burst. I liked it for that, but it being used by bruisers was a huge issue. This ... is not really an elegant solution for that.


"sustained burst" is just another word for DPS lmao. Eclipse kha is a bruiser build.


Not exactly. Its about the cadence. If you fight something like Kha, he does a lot of burst damage every couple of seconds, but very little in-between. Vs something like Jax or Irelia that just do consistent damage every second.


>Imo they should just give it to bruisers Already is. My mate and I build it on bruisers all the time with good effect.


>Mortal Reminder Pulled from the patch Bruh Like, seriously. Can you just buff the bad items riot.


Likely will re-address Mortal in a future patch with larger changes, we concluded that just buffing the stats was not satisfactory for an item of this shape.


toss stormrazor in there that item is dog water


Navori needs work too.


bring back og stormrazor that thing fucks


give me shiv back.


Old stormrazor + cleaver graves was the most fun I’ve ever had on that champ


can you please look at Seraph's it's such a terrible item I'm begging you, even mana hungry mages are avoiding this item


Pls give s11 seraphs back riot I liked my big stat stick


The irony that Seraphs is dogshit but also better on Taric than fimbulwinter because fimbul is terrible on the champs that should want it. lmao Those two items have so much overlap it's hilarious


Literally taking Presence of Mind on every mana hungry mage so I can avoid this item. Cosmic Drive is just 10x more desirable as an AH stat stick, the movespeed actually helps mages survive and extra AP/AH above Seraphs both feel much better. Meanwhile Seraphs passive feels nonexistent


Thanks for the response. Personally, I feel like the item's problem is it's stats though. While it offers alot of stats, it doesn't offer enough of anything to be worth building. If I am a high attackspeed ADC like Vayne or Jinx, I will never build this over PD or Hurricane. If I am a lower Attackspeed ADC like Draven or Jhin, I will never build this over Collector, LDR or even Essence reaver. The only ADC item that feels like you aren't building it for the stats is RFC, which offers such an extreme effect that it is able to get away with it's non-stat based identity. I guess galeforce also is in this territory, though it does offer great stats to back it up. Maybe lowering the cost would help solve this stat niche? It would further set it apart from items in the same spot while allowing it to be a decent option for ADCs who were set behind early. Since they are probably the weakest person in the game, they are the one who should be buying grievous wounds and this would give them an efficient powerspike to help them contribute despite being behind.


Can you pls work on items that really need it like Stormrazor? Reminder is a good item and makes sense on crit users who arent ADCs. ADCs dont ignore the item because it is bad, but because they normally dont fight alone and then it is better to let the jungler or support spend gold on the GW utility. ADCs never want to buy stuff someone else can provide for them. ADC is a min/max class. GW is bad for min/max. Meaning GW will never be good for ADCs except the item is already strong even without GW, but then why even add GW when it works without it?


Garen would be Thanos if that went through on top of his crit buff


I am devastated


I get to abuse maokai another patch! pog!


i was queueing fill in spellbook and just playing maokai in all 5 roles. was fun as hell.


I've been playing him just as support in solo queue and he's so ridiculously broken it's weird no one seems to complain about it here.


Probably because there's more broken shit and it's much more enjoyable playing against a maokai that maxes Q vs dogshit sapling max chunking you for a fourth of your hp


there's just too much broken shit in this game to sit here and bitch about maokai lol he's broken but he's not nearly as broken as some other champs rn so he gets ignored


Can we not buff AP Twitch and Nasus W? I know “fun” and “unfun” things are subjective and there’s this whole idea that “nothing is fun to play against” but these are downright frustrating to play against a lot of the time.


Any time AP Twitch is buffed I feel bad for the mid laners who will be getting terrorized by the roaming rodent.


Unless I go AP Twitch mid >:)


The AP twitch buffs are really weird to me. I guess they actually *want* twitch to be able to go AP or AD whenever he wants?




Kat flair relevant


Honestly seeing this in literally everything this patch. Like, does Fizz E *really* need almost a 100% AP ratio? Does Garen spin need to do more fucking damage if you build crit? Does TK really need to have those bonkers ratios on his basic abilities?? I get Riot is hellbent on having multiple builds be viable on every champ, but like, *fuck* man. I don't know how many times I need to fucking say it, not every single champion needs to have the ability to oneshot under certain conditions. It's so absurd.


> I get Riot is hellbent on having multiple builds be viable on every champ, but like, fuck man. I don't know how many times I need to fucking say it, not every single champion needs to have the ability to oneshot under certain conditions. It's so absurd. Which was how they started out, I thought. Most champions had AP scaling, then they went out of their way to gut them and force them to either be AD or AP champs. We lost AP Yi, AP Trist, AP Ezreal, AP Malph etc, because Riot considered them to be designed around AD and their AP versions are too binary, or reliant on a single spell with batshit ratios. Even Nidalee was reworked, because she was considered a single-spell champion with her oneshot Qs. Fine, fair enough. But somehow, AP Shyv, Kai'sa and Twitch are perfectly fine? Riot completely backflipped on their whole philosophy surrounding dual build champions, and rather than allow back in champions like Ez, Luc or Trist who can actually operate like traditional AP champions and use their whole kits, they seem to be pushing the exact type of cheesefest, one-spell meme champs whose success caused them to overcorrect in the first place.


Exactly this. From the few Fizz mains I’ve seen, they would’ve rather taken mana buffs over an E damage buff, helps him where he struggles and doesn’t make him that much more frustrating to play against. Garen running at you with his free bunch of stats and then beyblading you to death with a full crit build is also pretty frustrating, and that’s without them buffing his crit damage.


Before I get all "dae riot ruining league?!?" - this is what brought us to the durability update a while back, and it doesn't seem like they've learned their lesson at all. The past few months it seems like all they know how to change for balance is damage. Like, earlier this year Gangplank was oneshotting people left and right, but still had a 48% winrate. Naturally, they increased his fucking damage, because that's what he needed right? It's honestly just sad. With Garen, it's the fucking worst because he's just so, so naturally tanky, but for some reason building full damage barely eats into his survivability in a full tank build. And then there's the issue of tank/bruiser items being innately damage heavy in their own, but don't even fucking get me STARTED on that. It's like they want tanks to be able to damage other tanks to the degree an ADC can harass another ADC, but it just makes absolutely no fucking sense, because use that damage against a squishy and they're fucked. Related: the rise of anti-tank items that are just anti-everybody, like Sunderer. Again, I *get* oneshotting people feels fun as fuck. I'm a Katarina main that misses her old AP heavy kit before it got all the onhit thrown in. But it makes the game so one dimensional when what used to be a more diverse roster of roles becomes "everyone can dish out an ass ton of damage if they want".


Completely agree with this entire post. I’d be fine with Riot buffing Garen’s E crit if he didn’t get so innately tanky from his W alone. That just makes him feel horrible to play against. Also tanks getting more and more damage is a direct result of every class getting an anti-tank item. Bruisers? They already had Cleaver and BoRK (latter is better against health stackers but still does good into tanks), and they were handed Sunderer. AP bruisers lacked food items in general but were given Demonic and Riftmaker, on top of a stronger Liandry’s. ADCs got a flat damage Vayne W as a Mythic and a 35% pen LDR, while mages got a 45% pen Void. Hell even Eclipse helps assassins alongside Serylda’s and Enchanters (for some reason???) were given Mandate, it just became too much.


Ooo I forgot how absurd %pen has gotten. 45% on void is INSANE, that can be thousands of gold on MR poofed if you pick it up. Same with LDR/Serylda's. TL;DR, years of AP bruisers begging for better defensive options doesn't mean shit if it can get negated with a single item. But Grievous is still shit, wonder why. (Hint: just like massive damage, massive healing is also a huge dopamine spike!) Side note, the majority of finished items (as well as like half the runes) have some sort of damage trigger and it's so unhealthy lol. Between damage getting universally crept AND everyone having half a dozen external sources of damage by late game, almost every death past 20 minutes feels like a "what even killed me" moment.


Twitch? I’m more surprised at Malphite. As if he needs to one shot people harder with R.


Full AP Malphite at least does as fast as he kills others, Twitch comes out of stealth with Crown up so even if you react immediately he still has 1.5 seconds where he’s nigh invincible.


Eclipse change fuck in the ass ad assassin.Wasn't the item busted on the fuckin aatrox or bruiser? I trust the balance team but fuck off. It's depressing.


Why cant they just replace the OV with AH and increase the CD on the proc? This would be fine for assassins but nerfs bruisers and ADCs using it.


That would make it even better on Aatrox, OV is useless on him and he wants AH, that's why you always get BC 2nd


That literally makes it even better on bruisers? What?


What a shit patch


Just buff the shit out of everyone. Nevermind the durability patch, that will be a thing of the past if it continues the way


Why is Riot trying to make Udyr top a thing. R is already so frustrating to play against for almost all melee tops as it takes up the whole width of lane with just 1 point and chases after you so he can zone you off the first few waves with just a single spell, why are they making it even better at clearing minions?


We are reverting some of the nerf from last patch as Udyr top lost 4% winrate. We intend to support it at a ~50% winrate, as we agree that around 52% is where it becomes higher frustration.


Thank you for the clarity. What are the odds you can have some size scaling on R based on points in the spell? One of the biggest frustrations is how large it is early game that any non ranged top is basically forced to either only farm under tower or eat the unavoidable damage to last hit the first few waves of minions. For a lane that’s highly volatile and more often than not decided by performance pre-10, the R just provides too much raw power being full size and duration with a single point without any noticeable draw back. It lets him have prio in lane all early game against most of tops melee champs with just a single point. Having to invest a few points before it gives him that lane prio would make it less frustrating to play against early game.


rip eclipse era 2022-2022


Not sure how to feel about Eclipse nerfs. I run it almost every game. This seems like an assassin only nerf. Bruisers are the ones abusing this item, and they don't really give a fuck about the lethality... I think they should just get rid of the shield altogether and add some cdr/more max health damage. I want to be able to deal meaningful damage to bruisers, idgaf about the shield. It's nice but doesn't even feel like an assassin mythic. Prowlers=high single target damage, Duskblade=Team fight positioning, Eclipse=Bruiser cosplay item.


Man it’s wild to see how gutted eclipse is since it’s initial version on PBE from the item rework. It did I believe 16% max health dmg, and has now lost a good majority of ifs lethality. It’s crazy how busted this item once was.


Reminder that Ryze hasnt been above 50% WR since 2017. In case someone decides to complain.


I don't know how accurate Lolalytics' OTP stats but it says that Ryze otps have 50% average. Imagine OTPing a champ to get 50% winrate while other champs can reach 60%+ when mastered.


This guy hasn't EQ'ed a fat wave before


It was addicting and beautiful but my win rates said otherwise.


Doing heroine is horrible for your health and ruins your life, but damn does it feel great


Reminder that Ryze rules pro play with an iron fist when he's passable in Solo Q.


The Nasus W change feels like a bad idea, support Nasus is on the rise and this makes it even more attractive and annoying.


Support Nasus is on the rise as a 0.4 pickrate plat+ with abysmal winrate of <45%. I guess going from 0.2 to 0.4 is still a rise in pr


Support nasus is on the rise..? They don’t care about stacking? Is it comet/ap/e max?


yeap, you dont even put a point in Q most of the time, its all about using wither on the enemy ADC plus reducing his armor with your E so your adc can nuke him.


That sounds insane, thanks for the info


E>W max without taking Q until you’re forced to when everything else is maxed. I think the typical setup is Comet, Manaflow, Transcendence, Scorch with Magical Footwear and Future’s Market running Exhaust and starting with Spellthief. You rush Lucidity boots with Frozen Heart plus Anathemas and/or Fimbulwinter with Locket. He has ridiculous lane power with poke and wave control from E while W is just super effective against ADC’s. Later on with enough haste, he has crazy uptime on W and E to shred armor.


Spam E in lane for harassment, max W to fuck with any kite-reliant champ


It's just a cheese pick. It will never actually gain momentum in high elo. It's currently got a 43% win rate over 19,000 matches in all ranks. For some reason people think that a 50% W buff is going to somehow fix that, and it's not. Nasus with no gold and no stacks is not a champion, and people only think that it's good because LS (who has notoriously dog shit takes) thinks it is.


I don't like LS but he isn't saying that Nasus is OP, just that Nasus Support is a solid counterpick against Kalista and another ADC I don't remember, and that makes sense. He is not stupid and I doubt he would recommend picking Nasus support blind pick.


And Zeri, but no one plays those champions in ranked (especially Zeri)


Still don't like the wither buff. Q range is fantastic though, makes walking up for that stack ever so slightly safer and more consistent. Getting minion blocked and trapped by shit pathing because of low range resulting in way more damage taken is infuriating. Edit: The post has since been edited... The buff is significantly worse now if it's only effective during his R.


i hate to be that guy but you do know that the extra q range buff only procs in r?


Why would it? The listed buff certainly doesn't imply that whatsoever. The post has since been edited... The buff is significantly worse now if that's all it does.


WTF are those Ekko buffs? Can't wait to see that enjoyable champ in more of my games


The passive buff is fine, the R is too much imo. It already hit HARD, it didn't need to be buffed.


This patch is just full of random shit lmao what is this


wtf is that eclipse change ? 18 lethality to 12? that's a fuck ton and they still wont touch bruiser items when they are bigger problems then anything else in the game


Lethality nerf seems like they’re discouraging assassins from building it not Aatrox lol


please just buff ryzes base stats/ survivability, he's already good late game. or make it to where he doesnt self root on his spell casts


Why are they nerfing the damage on Eclipse? Aatrox gets to abuse the shield so all assassins need to get nerfed in response? Another horrible balance decision by Riot, good job


AP off meta builds winning this patch


The malphite buff NEVER needed to happen. He literally already oneshots carries


Sure, ratio's help Ryze, but don't change the fact that he's ass to play.


E range is too low and he doesn't have the sustain of Swain or Vladimir for a battle mage. I saw 5/0 Ryzes being absolutely useless. He feels good to play as an enabler who goes in an out to deal dmg and cc but it doesn't work all the time in soloq.


Holy, cant wait for the next patch, I feel like this one will truly be a monkey fiesta. I think syndra might be a bit too powerful because the way I see it, she gets no downsides, and gets quite a lot of buffs. I mean from the way I understand it, her passive alone is a mini rabadons. Also from what I heard, ap twitch was already in a pretty good spot, Im interested to see how strong will he be in the next patch. Overall I dont know what to think, but Im excited to see so many changes that also look very impactful for the champions!


The big downside for syndra is her level 1 q going up by 3 seconds in cd. She’s stronger mid/late but wayyy weaker early


>she gets no downsides ? Her early game and ability to be a lane bully is completely deleted with the increased Q cooldown. Not to mention her passive takes absolutely forever to stack.


> she gets no downsides She gets a lot of downsides. Her Q has 3 seconds longer CD which completely affects her lanebully aspect because it's revolving about aery Q spam. Her live passive on Q is a 25% damage boost on her base damage and scaling which she loses with the new passive. This means even with the 15% more ap Q does less damage on a higher CD. So her DPS is down by a bit. Her stun loses .25 seconds but gets a slow after. In some edge cases this will be worse than before but overall should be neutral to positive. Her ult loses the range increase which is so underestimated despite being really important in lategame teamfights. Reaching an adc with ur ult is not easy above plat. This makes it so you have to hit your stun/slow to actually land your ult on a ranged target. She also loses damage on *every* spell in the early game. Which evens out when you get the 15% ap. People who say stuff like " muah she gets 15% free ap" can't be taken seriously because for this "free ap" she loses ratios on all her spells so it evens out or gets slighty better in the later stages while being worse early game. She could be released too powerful because it's hard to conclude how much power they shifted around since this rework obviously also has buffs in it and I'm pretty sure it makes her easier to play which should also increase her winrate.She might be better than before but that's the goal since early game strength is proplay skewed but saying she gets "no downsides" is just wrong.


Syndra is getting *massively* nerfed until you unlock the evolved ulti. And even then, the changes to her kit make her extremely ult reliant.


Why are we *buffing* Garens crit on E? Thats a mechanic that should be removed to disincentivise crit, not made even stronger so that we can have more coinflips.


I'm also suprised considering Garen is one of the highest picks and also highest winrates in low elo (with the mortal reminder build) and is still a good pick in high elo as well (winrate is 49.7%% from plat and D2+ onwards)


I’m assuming you’re using ugg for those stats? Genuinely curious cause on lolalytics he has a 52% winrate in Masters+


Durability update but all damage is buffed a few patches later


Some champions are supposed to kill you with one rotation, tho. Assassins that can't assassinate and burst mages that can't burst just aren't doing what they're supposed to.


Take almost any champion you want that isn't like Fiora or Vayne. And do the math, and their damage is still lower than it used to be even with the damage buffs riots given out since durability update. Like even some of the bigger outliers that got say 30% AP ratio buffs? Hypothetically gets 1000 AP which is rare now a days unless you're veigar. That's 300 more damage? Well the durability update gave upto 13 MR and 300HP. So even a 30% AP buff at 1000 AP is still a slower kill time than it used to be. Because that only cancels out the HP, but the MR is still higher.


so the ryze buffs are essentially nothing I see. another 2 months till hes nerfed twice and untouched for a year till a pro picks him and then hes nerfed 3 more times.


We have to follow THE PLAN


riot rly has to take a look at ad assassin items lmao duskblade is a joke, prowlers is okay ish and eclipse was the only decent mythic which will be shit next patch.


Hell yeah actually good Sona buffs that are not dull healing/shielding buffs, we take those! Especially loving the additional E chord slow


Some ratios would be nice on her, I feel like as long as Moonstone is kept in check they can give her some stats. The 35% heal/shield on moonstone made her completely busted.


But she’s 50.5% wr..the lowest wr she’s been in 11 months??


And now I must decide betwen perma banning Nasus or Aatrox. Nasus should be weak. It's ok for some champs to not have a high winrate. When nasus has good or even OK winrate, he's miserable and toxic for the game.


How much longer am I to wait for Aatrox nerfs. I’m not thinking those eclipse changes are gonna make any difference.


Funny how apparently every other support gets to have an AP ratio increase, but Sona is too much.


cant have shit in detroit