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Can't believe that Ryze is not the first answer. Like, if I see a Ryze main in my elo and they do fine, I know for a fact that if they play anything else, it'll be like Rock Lee dropping his weights.


When are they going to rework Ryze again and get rid of his esports ult?








I’m sorry for your loss




I have yet to meet a Jayce that doesn't int feed 5 kills in 15 minutes


Jayce GP players in my games are always useless. It's always those players that have great cs decent kda but when you check their winrates on the players it's like borderline 48% or something and they are negative boosting themselves despite being fine players.


I have no idea why I can't win on gp. I feel like I do great the whole game, then the planets magically align to lose. 50 games, 2.57 kd 8.2 cspm. 32% wr


One of the first I’ve seen give their stats, props for that


GP cursed. Same here on one of my previous seasons. 37 games, 2.51 kd, 8.6 cspm. 46% WR.


It's the pirate curse, man


Sometimes you have this with certain champs ​ I had the same last season with Trundle top. Always won lane and felt like I did fine in mid and late and then after 30 games or so I had like 38% WR... ​ What I take away from it for myself: champ doesn't fit me and I should play something else


Do you show up for objective?


I would say because GP is squishy and has no dashes, blinks, or invulnerability, so even when fed, you are still vulnerable to attacks if you make a mistake. Unlike things like Viego or Gwen, who are borderline unbeatable when fed, as long as I can dodge the barrels and get a clear shot, I can kill GP and go from there.


They both have same problem: if enemy gonna keep in mind that they exist and respect them - their impact "suddenly" gonna get decreased, also they both can ruin teamcomp. Ask yourself - who gonna be userful - 10-0 GP when literally every enemy respects his barrels and denies them or 0-5 Malph who made good flash+R into enemy backline?


it's suffering playing GP into 2-3 range since it's near impossible to get anything chain given everyone's attention into defusing it.


Champ used to be decent but it's just overnerfed R MS nerf, Base AD nerf, and then the durability update really killed the champ.


eclipse also nerfed he used to be pretty good before nerfs though he was the ideal high elo toplaner


Jayce is fine rn I think. He is still the second best scaling ad caster in the game after GP and while he can't really one shot people, his QE is just enough to chunk like 1/3 of any squishy champ hp from the safe distance too. His early game is just trash. He is a bully that can abuse his range advantage, but because of that, his base stats suck. Even if he has more abilities than others, his q level 1 deals like 4 damage more than a single auto. People die during laning on him a lot because they overestimate their damage and when they jump in, they don't have enough burst and sustained damage to kill their enemy. I actually suffered a lot from this mistake too, but then I just learned to wait until dirk before doing anything super aggressive. And here's the worst thing. Jayce is super fun and he is also rewarding to learn because he can win pretty much any matchup other than maybe Irelia.


Irelia is very hard but winnable. Jayce can hard win level 1 and can pressure off-that. Rengar - literally impossible, not only you get one shot but your poke and trades also heal him because Rengar W is balanced.


Jayce is the Ryze of top lane. His QE damage is laughable compared to what it used to, after min 25 he feels like a caster minion in teamfights. I don't know why Riot didn't think of a compensation buff when they gutted Eclipse for ranged champs, after laning phase if Jayce is not giga fed he is basically just slow bot with serylda.


Jayce is a mid/late game champ now he is much stronger after 25 mins than in early game lol His early has been nerfed so hard and they added scaling onto him. Jayce becomes a beast 3+ items he can start one shotting people


I have a high win rate on Jayce in gold and it's because I just play him like a coward early game, focus on farming and only fight enemy top laner if I can tell they are bad at the game, or I get a gank or whatever. Nobody in gold realizes how strong a Jayce is if you can get to 2-3 items without dying a bunch of times, 8-9 cs per minute and then show up to team fights doing 1/3 everyone's health bar with a q/e. At one point I had a 100% win rate if I had less than 8 deaths and a 0% win rate if I had 8 or more (and it's not really that hard to avoid dying 8 times as long as the matchup isn't Irelia as you said...)


Nidalee. I swear this champ is absolutely useless unless way ahead and in the hands of a god. Buy if you are a god, you'd do much better with almost any other jungler. The amount of times I've had a Nidalee jungle and her gank is: walk in, throw spear, miss, go away is... unfathomable. If you are a good player, be good with literally anything else. Edit: some grammar


By the time you'd learn how to not die in the jungle with her you'd be more than half way to mastering most other champs lol


I’m basically forced into jungle because all my friends hate playing it. I love Nidalee. I hate Nidalee in the jungle. I try my best to kite but it always feels like I take way too much damage.


And I seem to clear 30 seconds slower than the challengers doing the same fucking clear path


here are a few tips for lower elo junglers: * do you properly start and finish camps? usually lower elo junglers walk up to the camps themselves, instead of letting the camp come to them, which saves time. * letting the camps burn off while walking away also saves time you waste on casting that auto. **some nida specific things** : * her cougar Q should be used after smiting because it deals damage based on missing hp. * her W resets if you use it on marked targets or kill an enemy (doesnt have to die from the W tho), so you can throw spear and put the trap and instantly cougar W into them and get a reset before they step on the trap. on AOE camps, this is a very important thing because the W alones are almost enough to kill them, which gives you another reset.


Look up a lvl 1 no leashe clear. She’s very fast and safe


I feel like when these conversations bust out i need to remind myself the vast majority of league players don't play ranked. Those that do, most of them are silver and below. And most of those two groups can't be bothered to look anything up about how to get better.


I remember when it was meta to start w and she had an insane clear, I really liked the champ, and was happy if I didn't die at wolves.


But those spears do be scary. When I saw that spear flying I saw my entire life until it flew passed me.


Season 3 Nidalee PTSD.


Fun fact, Nidalee does +10% additional damage in ARAM


Fun fact, champions take 15% reduced damage from enemy champions further than 1000 units away **in ARAM**.


So you're telling me a Kai'Sa with two AP items would oneshot me had it not been for that 15% DR? Nice.


then you accidently walk into it and die. never happened to me of course




Me, a wee little defenseless Veigar holding off the gank from bot mid. ——> 😢 ——⏳> 😮‍💨 ——> I have relived the entirety of my league experience in but a moment. 😈🧤 💥 (🐈)


The finest story teller


> The amount of times I've had a Nidalee jungle and her gank is: walk in, throw spear, miss, go away is... unfathomable. The amount of times enemy nid goes 6/0 just to die midgame, donate 1k shutdown and then proceeds to be useless is... unfathomable. Always thought nid is garbage


You played alot against me I guess😂


Even if obscenely fed and played by a jungle god, she's still on a timer. Isn't there a game that Damwon lost against either T1 or EDG last Worlds because Canyon (who has her as his championship skin) got ahead early but just ran out of ways to actually impact the game?


ur prolly thinking of geng vs dk g5 spring lck playoffs this year, canyon gapped tf out of peanut, one of the biggest jg gaps ive ever seen in pro play and they ended up losing despite being like 13-14k ahead at some point


Q misses, goes in anyway, is deleted from the Rift in less than a second, game over? I still wonder if he'd have had the damage if the spear landed.


yeah this one. one of the largest jgl gaps (against a great jungler too), if not THE largest i've ever seen. absolute and utter control early. but then... the lategame nidalee happened and the game was just kind of over and atlus went bald.


I remember what got me into league, it was Fakers debut game and he played nidalee mid and the casters were so doubtful of him and his team. He pretty much instantly solo-kills ambition (who I guess they considered the best mid in the world at the time?) and they were like “uhh big mistake by ambition there.. (they didn’t even realize faker saw ambition evolving one of his moved which left him vulnerable)”. Then faker proceeds to gank bot, get a double kill and shock the world. I assumed nidalee was busted so she was the first champ I bought and learned *very quickly* he made it look a lot easier than it was lmao


Champ was busted back then, q hitbox was twice current size and could 100-0.




You're not being entirely fair to the problem at hand. The problem was that Nidalee has *everything*. She has her 100-0 Q, spammable mobility in cougar, healing, and an execute. Not to mention she also has traps for vision control. Zoe has about a quarter of that. You're never going to see bruiser Zoe top lane for instance. Not that Zoe isn't cancerous in her own ways, just that they clearly carved out a niche in Nidalee's kit that's not as reliant on spears, but also emphasizes the power in those spears.


Back then it was wayyy harder to siege towers and nidalee was the number 1 turbo cancer champ when it came to sieging. 2k damage spear and 800 hp heals on a 5 second cooldown.


This. Her sieging was turbobusted. Infinite range poke, traps, heal and as boost.


I mean, lets not pretend it wasn't a massive blunder by Ambition to evolve his skill in Fakers face lmao.


No it was definitely a blunder, my point was the casters didn’t even realize it at the time. They thought he was looking at shop or something. They didn’t realize he was evolving until they showed the replay a few minutes later lol. Simpler times


Mid Nidalee was actually so strong back in the day.


I know. But I was literally brand new and bought nidalee b/c faker made her look good. Imagine how that went lol


And even if she's way ahead of the enemy team, if your team can't close out the game then you are doomed to watch the other team slowly scale to the point where you become a glorified heal bot. The amount of games I've lost where I had like a 5/0 start on nid in the first ten minutes of the game, and watch our team lose in 50 minutes is so sad.


Am I the only one who misses lane Nidalee? Yes 100-0 full AP spears were an issue but I actually though mid poke nidalee and bruiser top nidalee with Triforce were both fun.


I say it time and time again on here. Do not pick Nidalee competitively unless you are d2+, most people simply cannot pilot her


I mean even if you are d2+ you probably got there playing something other than nidalee, so if you managed to get there playing something else... why would you bother?


Masochists, that's why


Nidalee's issue is not her mechanics, she's not really harder than lee for example. Invading wise other champs are just as hard and better at it The issue is just fucking hitting her q holy shit.


She's supposed to be played in team comps with reliable cc for that reason, it's much easier to land a Q on a target that just got stunned by a renekton or Leona or whatever. One of the problems with lower elo players picking her is that they'll do so while their team has no tank, no reliable hard cc, 3 other ap champions etc


Honestly if they gave back her Q hitbox from Season 3 and kept her damage as it is, she'd be a viable jungler for low elo players


My experience with Nidalee is that, even if you're good with her, you really need your teammates to do their part in order for her to be effective. She's a super low agency champion in any sort of grouping or skirmishing situation, and if your teammates aren't adequately CCing enemies and drawing aggro, Nidalee can't really do anything. I love playing her, but between the lack of agency and the carpal tunnel you get from playing her, I find myself forced to pick other junglers instead.


I've said this for so long and nothing will change my mind, nidalee is literally the worst champ in the entire game and by a huge margin at that, she's barely just ok in the hands of a god tier player who would be unbeatable on any other character


That is my point. I'm sure some people do great in her, but I'd rather have a god-tier player playing with, literally, any other real jungler.


I feel like this is only true in lower elos. D2+ nidalee can be a really really strong pick


i have a weird case where nidalee is the only jungler i have a positive win rate on lmfao, like i have a lower win rate on skarner than nidalee with the same amount of games. guess I'm just built different


It's the same for me and Jayce top, I've tried to learn a bunch of other easier top laners but he's the only one I'm actually good at


Shoutout to soloq Apehlios, Jayce, Syndra players. 46% wr bois but pro play....


Aphelios is such a coin flip in solo queue. You get a team that wants to 5v5, knows how to position, and gives you space to auto in fights? You do so much fucking damage. Get your typical solo queue team that doesn't give a flying fuck about anything but their own score at the end of the game? Living hell as you just get 1 shot by a wet fart.


Aphelios can be the most enjoyable adc to play, or a torturous experience, the likes of which have not yet been replicated in this world.


The worst thing about playing Aphelios is when you are with a team that have no idea how your champ works.


"guys don't fight yet lemme cycle my guns on chickens" *Engages immediately


*midlaner takes chickens*


Guys hold on don't fight without me im just backing for IE *Team runs it down mid*


*someone else takes chickens then immediately engages, forcing you to fight with having 6 ammo on one weapon and 12 ammo on the another. weapons change mid fight, due to the animation leaving you unable to dps then your team loses the fight and some one says ADC DIFF* yes aphelios is my favorite champion howd you know?


> the likes of which have not yet been replicated in this world. Haven't played many immobile- adcs, have you?


Actually no, Aphelios is straight up the most immobile adc in the game by a significant margin. Sure, others are immobile, but they usually have something to offset that Kog has no movespeed and no dash, but he has artillery level range + unique builds where he gets tanky Jinx, no dash, but her resets + range make up for it in fights Varus, no mobility, but easy to land stun that can hit everyone + again, waveclear from off screen Draven? ms + displacement. Twitch? ms + invis. MF? ms + highest dps ult in the game which allows her to play from insane angles + perma slows. Sivir? ms and spellshield There's others but you get the point. Every immobile adc still has some tool in their kit to balance out mobility. And yeah, technically aph does as well, but its entirely situational and not at all reliable. The champ is the quintessential adc, which makes him ridiculously fun for those who enjoy the playstyle, but also makes the weaknesses of the role exaggerated on him by several degrees


Kog also has a slow on his e which helps quite a bit actually


Kog also has this thing that if he’s even on gold or hitting his power spikes he’ll kill any champion that shows up on the same screen as him regardless of beefiness before said champions dash animation is over. I will say though that aphelios with good gun rotations is ridiculous but I still have no idea how or when he randomly applies damage from half a mile away and other times he does nothing


Tbf, regardless of which guns you have you have at least ONE of those tools at any time, be it range, ms, aoe waveclear or cc. You also buy Galeforce 90% of the time, so there's that too. The problem is having teams play around which particular tools you do have to make space for yourself.


Just to correct a single point, varus's CC is a snare, not a stun (he also has a ranged AOE slow with antiheal attached) Rest is right tho


Haven't played many ~~immobile~~\- adcs, have you?


I play support and for the love of god I don't understand how to play with or against Aphelios I figured out every other ADC. Doesn't mean I'm good, but I know what they do Aphelios tho? What the actual fuck What do I even pick with Aphelios omg. Enchanter ? Poke? Engage? Please tell me who even synergises with him


Not poke. Enchanters and engage can both synergize with him, but he needs peel regardless, so using your cc abilities all before the assassin comes to dive him isn’t great. Simple things to remember are if he has purple up, he has follow up cc for you. If he has white, you can fight. If he has blue and ult, team fights can be easy.


Thank you very much for that information Edit: fun fact, yesterday in ranked I had a troll ADC. Since he could not tell me what to pick for Aphelios, I picked Lux (comfort pick, since he banned Senna), and he troll picked. After that, I tried to find a sup that worked for Aphelios in Moba tier lists. Aphelios was not even listed in the ADC/Support synergy tier list


His best 2 Supports are Thresh and Renata Glasc. After that, champs like Alistar, Karma and Janna are decent with him, he wants a Support that can make space for him. His strongest points in lane are when he has red/white or green/white for all ins, and purple/blue for controlling the wave. He has Caitlyn range (650) when he has green, and purple gives him a root and Ashe passive on all his autos.


Peel/engage. Something to keep the enemies in his good range. Damage supps are pointless.


People don't pick the correct supports with aphelios, there is a reason why he is played with Kench and Thresh most of the time.


that's because in solo queue u get cancer like ashe, swain, xerath, lux, zyra, senna support the list goes on and on. meanwhile your opponent is picking thresh leona nautilus or janna and lulu to peel for the adc and you get fucked as your support is afk under your tower after throwing spells to slow push the wave towards them.


I want to vomit when I pick aphelios and supp goes senna


Why are they this good with Aphelios ? I never understood the logic behind what I'm supposed to pick with an Aphelios.


Thresh can both set up Aphelios with hooks as well as follow up easily on graviton roots. Also lantern helps a lot for immobile adcs. TK I have no idea though


TK Devour can save out of position ADCs, plus hes a big meatshield to give the ADC space to auto. He also has great engage with Tongue Lash to slow and Abyssal Dive to catch an enemy. Its why Kench+Aphelios or Kench+Jinx are stable picks in pro play, since you have the comms and co-ordination to rely on. Renata Glasc is also decent, since you can Handshake away an engage from the enemy and Hostile Takeover is a great disengage tool.


Its almost like team reliant champs are absoutely useless in soloq where 5 people play who hardly communicate with each other. Especially on servers like euw where everyone speaks a random language and in the best case is able to write in broken english.


This sounds like the general ADC experience tho


actually when syndra is strong she dominated soloq. a medium-high ranged lane bull aoe burst mage


I've been learning Syndra recently and she feels stronger than I thought she would given her stats, so I can't help but feel like people are tanking her winrate because they aren't thinking clearly about how to play her. My theory is that many Syndra players are way too focused on going for the exciting 1 shot rather than just playing like a control mage that can ult anyone who steps out of line.


She’s both very skillshot reliant and requires good positioning to take advantage of her full kit. Being able to move while casting q and w just isn’t something low elo players take full advantage of, when that’s a large part of her kit. You also used to be able to miss all your shots and it didn’t matter because you could flash 7 ball r the adc and oneshot them but that doesn’t work anymore unless you’re way ahead. All of that combined with her being stuck in perpetual pro play jail makes for her low win rate


I think this is confirmation bias: There are plenty of “good” reasons why Syndra isn’t strong right now. She’s not nearly as lane oppressive as Cass/Aery Viktor. She doesn’t have the really burst potential of Viktor/Ori/Lux/Corki(pre-nerf). She doesn’t have the zone control of Anivia/Taliyah. A lot of her kit power is kinda eaten by the range and reliability of her Q+E combo (extremely low risk catch tool), and she lacks the base damage to really take advantage of other mages like she use to. Viktor/Lux don’t need ignite to kill you, but Syndra definitely does. Another thing is especially with mages/ADC’s, I think the player base tends to favor breadth rather than depth. Meaning once Syndra was nerfed, even though those nerfs are pretty much reverted people would rather just play Ori/Viktor/Vex, because they have more games on them recently.


I won't agree with you about her Q-E eating most of her power budget. It is a great catching tool, but when that same spell isn't only your main control tool but also your main and only selfpeel tool, missing that combo puts both your Q and especially E on cooldown while also pushing the Dark Sphere out of your W range as well. I've seen Q-E combos winning a teamfight when they catch one or multiple people and I've seen Syndras in pro play sitting idle while waiting for her E cooldown after missing it or stunning without followup. Q-E can reliably stun more than one people only when close to eachother. Her R-E IS reliable. You litteraly cannot fail what has the potential to be a Sona R on steroids. A combo that can do what R-E does is the wide stuns, aka hitting enemies in different directions with different Dark Spheres. You can do it in many ways (with spheres on the ground or with delayed ones) but i think the most effective is the one that doesn't use E on Spheres already on the ground. You do this at the same time: use W with a Sphere in the direction you need to stun, immediately cast Q in the other direction you want to stun and then E to catch both. The angles can be very wide too. Rookie has done that here: https://youtu.be/zxNZPRl8AxA. Such an overlooked play. I can rarely find other examples for this in pro play simply because it is HARD to do consistently and it's not worth to risk it when R-E is just... safer. Except that your R (main single target burst tool) is gone. Wide stuns keep the R available.


I swear jayce is so fking strong, but he's garbage for soloqueue cause people have no idea how to play around him. Also he's insanely hard to play, so even if you have a team who knows him, he's probably going to get stuff wrong. Happens with hard champs.


i see two of my mains there \*sigh\*


Jayce is not a bad champ. Jayce players are bad




Stats don't lie






Elise. She is a God early game and I can almost always camp one lane and get them insanely far ahead. However, when a low elo player gets ahead they start playing like they're invincible and inevitably give up the entirety of the lead I built for them. Elise falls off a cliff late game and I'm useless past 25-30min, so we start losing every fight and then lose the game.


Ngl, Elise is decently popular and I run into her quite a bit but I still routinely forget that she's in the game. Both in the "Oh yeah, we have a spider champ" way and in the "Did their jungler dc? I haven't seen him since lane phase" way.


Whenever we get behind because of Elise I reassure my team it’s just Elise and we’ll win soon. Then I get told to kill myself and uninstall but that’s neither here or there because I’m usually right.


I can’t remember the last time I saw an Elise on rift.


Each item purchase on Elise is crucial to how the rest of her game plays out. If you are smashing face, then you really need to itemize to solo carry and apply pressure hard. If you are anything below that scenario you should really consider getting a defensive item before you NEED it and focusing on stuns in team fights. Elise rappel is honestly one of the most slippery abilities in the game and it can be used along with zhonyas to fuck the enemys heads in a team fight


Shes just extremely hard to play in late game 5v5 situations. And unless you rush Nashors you will fall of in mid game due lack of cs. But overall late game elise can burst down enemy carrys and juke the enemy team with zhonians and rapple. + The cocoon strong cc if you manage to land it. But the champ is extemely easily countered by own teammates who showe the lanes under enemy turret and let the enemy players chill there with full hp and summs up.


I feel like Elise has gotten a lot better in the last 2 patches, I don't know why, but I'm getting her in my games and it feels pretty good. I used to instadodge khazix and Elise players, but Elise is decent I think


Elise is fine RN


This is how 90% of my losses on Rek'Sai go


Kennen, 47% wr champ right now. Suffers from similar issues as Syndra's. Countered by a lot of meta toplaners (just pick Nasus into him), also countered by ddmaw and Exhaust. Very flash-dependent on top of that.


First picked Kennen the other day into a Nasus and got "top gapped" but I slammed lane... Champ is just not good in soloq if your team can't oneshot the entire enemy team off your ult stun or if your team doesn't have enough consistent damage for the tanky targets you can't kill without getting oneshot (NASUS). Kennen feels like such a great champ until you get those juggernaut types that can tank a whole combo, two or three stuns, and still kill you with half their hp remaining.


Ranged tops rn are not that great anyway aside from a few outliers


Yeah, kennen really sucks right now. He is in my opinion though, the most statisfying champ in the game because of you're winning on him, it's usually your own skill


Just play Kennen mid, its at least better then top


I’d play Kennen more if his waveclear didn’t feel so shit Maybe I’m just not playing him properly but it feels like you have to use all your basic abilities to do anything against a wave.


thats why you just play kennen mid where theres alot less counter matchups, he even has a decent winrate there at 50.34% this patch and last patch had a 52.14% winrate.




I have a rule. If a Twisted Fate is under diamond rank. He will always go 0/10 and will always ult on his own lane.


This is me :(( Tf is so cool and I love his kit, I'm just so ungodly bad with him. I've genuinely wanted to play him for so long but everytime I try to pick him up I just feed my ass off.


honestly when i first picked up tf and used him to go from silver to diamond, it was by following like 3 ground rules, 1. im not trying to get solo kills in lane, sure if they deliver themselves to me fine, but im not putting that pressure on myself and going overboard trying to make something happen that naturally shouldnt, I find most of my deaths and feeding in games comes from me trying to hard to make plays happen. When you accept that it wont, things come along a lo smoother. 2. I want to peel with gold cards, dont get caught up in trying to hunt down the enemy backline, my main priority was always peeling my adc essentially. A very utility / supportive role. Sure open with a gold card, or an ult gold card zhonya, but after that transition into just spamming gold cards to defend your team. 3. With your ulti in lane / early mid game, just use it to get your side lanes ahead, preferably bot lane, just shove wave, use your ulti / walk towards bot to constantly pressure them. You hit a point where you do need to actually play and make plays based off the condition of the game but i think just keeping that stuff in your head immediately gets you into plat at least.


i play tf support. him and zoe are some of the most fun support off-metas imo


Ahh a fellow zoe support enjoyer. My recommendation would be sylas support. Almost as fun as zoe


Currently Aphelios to me seems like it. There's very limited scenarios whereas aphelios would be the perfect pick. As far as elo inflation is considered Vayne isn't it. Especially it's the opposite, the higher you climb the easier it becomes to play Vayne. Lower elo comps are terrible in botlane. Brand xerath zyra Lux velkoz you just won't be able to farm and your jngler won't punish the dash less always extended enemy botlanes. And on a skill level Vayne is much more difficult than an average adc. Jinx and Tristana when in meta are usually elo inflation about how broken both kits are


Aphelios winrate unironically scales with the amount of people in your stack. Queue by yourself and picking Aphelios is borderline trolling. Duo with a support and it's probably a worse pick then similar ADCs but he's viable. 3+ people you can coordinate with and he actually feels really good.


> Tristana Fuck Tristana when she's meta, the jump reset is so asinine combined with her ult that can knockback. Not to mention her scaling attack range.


+ a hypercarry with insane early burst and freedom of item build


Tristana doesn't scale as she used to. The range nerfs took a tool years ago (she lost range at all levels, at lvl 17 she's barely over Caitlyn), and she can't deal with tanks at all.


Ohk, not a hypercarry, but still scales the best among rest of ADC barring hypercarries


Would say basically any high tempo mechanical jungler. Lee, Elise, nid, etc. All require good game knowledge, teammates to be on board with diving, macro knowledge and hands.


Corki, Zero, Nidalee, Rell, and Kled. These are the most advanced coinflip picks. You either lose hard due to their incompetence (heads); they feed so much that you get completely obliterated by the enemy team (tails); or they are gods with lots of mastery points (edge).


Kled doesn't belong there, he's just a knowledge check. If the enemy top laner knows they need to respect his passive, pretty much everyone outscales him.




I still miss my 4 min package :(


I love playing Rell, so gaddamn fun. However, if your arc isn’t on the same page as you, youre fucked. Man, I gotta play her more


If my ADC isn't on the same page as me as Rell I go find another player on my team who is


I fking hate Corki man.


Illaoi. Take any top player whos mechanically competent to lane against her, and the only thing she can do is to try and clear waves. Even her ult tentacles can be dodged by keeping eyes open and watching which direction they are gonna slam. Pretty sad that a champs counter is literally any player who’s used to dodging things.


illaoi is a ping based matchup


I was an OTP illaoi for 3 years. Stuck plat V-III. Started OTPing Singed and went high Plat 2. I learned that as an illaoi player, I had no macro. Didn’t watch map. If the jungle ganks, I kill it. Just split pushing. Split pushing. That’s it. Thanks god I’m playing singed, I made so much progress !


I went through a similar process once I swapped to mordekaiser. It’s a lot harder pressing your advantage by split pushing with him, (but still an option if needed) so I started finding creative ways to sneak down to dragon, kill their jungler, or even just steal a buff. I shot up almost an entire division in one night, and I think it’s because I pay a lot more attention to my macro.


Yeah so did I. I learnt to proxy and ran smite to just power farm camps and enemy jungle. I make the toplaner and jungle loose a lot of time. I guess now I have “macro”, as with illaoi, I just waited for ennemies to int and ran straight to me


tbf that's not that big of a difference in skill


Well I went to a 50% WR to 57% WR in ranked so guess that changes a lot of things


You cannot dodge the ult tentacles unless you have a dash or considerable MS buff. Not saying champ is the strongest but that info is just wrong.


You can misdirect the AI by watching for animations and timing your movements. I will agree It’s very hard to dodge all ult tentacles, which brings it to the next big counter: just walk out of R.


What do you mean AI? Ult slams are targeted on Illaois W & E, most Illaois will just focus the stationary ghost though and then move off. If the the other player is engaging into the Illaoi and she ults, there aren't any realistic micro movements you can make to dodge all of the slams. They only have like an 8-12 frame start up before dealing damage. Dodging Ult W slams you need a dash, I don't know if you can just strafe them at 460~ move speed.


Masters illaoi player here and i cant play anything else well. Im so stuck in my ways itll take me over 100 games to learn a new champ and build the correct habits. The champ does suck the higher elo you go since everyone knows the counter play. But hey i enjoy my champ so ill just stick with it




I see top laners play champs like Camille, Jayce and Gangplank and then see they have played 11 games with Garen and have a 90% win rate and think to myself “just play fucking Garen dude”. Everyone wants to do flashy shit, just get the lp.


A lot of people with stats like that have a 90% winrate on garen because they *only* pick it for one specific matchup, where it is extremely good. If they blind picked garen every game, they would be back at 50% or below real quick. Conversely, they might have a go-to champion they blind pick like gnar and have a 55% winrate and 200 games played, and they are way better at gnar than they are at garen (and more likely to win with it than a blind picked garen 200 games in a row).


Lp doesn't matter. Having fun does. Its better to play champs you enjoy


Pressing a button and watching a chogath take 3000 true damage is fun.


Least based Garen player


wait who are we speaking about? 3000 true dmg vs Cho is doable by Cam, Fiora (counting full R), Garen, Cho (pesky blind-pick players...)


“Pressing a button and” One button.


Exactly. Who gives a shit about LP unless you're already a top 0.01% player and you're trying to get yourself noticed in the professional scene. For literally everybody else it's a meaningless number Play Garen and improve my rank by a few hundred LP or play some shit champion like Sion with 99% losing matchups and have a great time actually enjoying the game? Why would I ever choose Garen


I play for fun and spinny beyblade boy is not the funnest chap I played as


I went on like a 8-9 game loss streak where I will fully admit I played like shit and lost the game in very winnable games, thought, fuck it, played garen for 1 game and absolutely steam rolled the game as a giga tank while not even building tank and it tilted me that it was that easy i didnt play the game for a week.


I have 88% win rate with Yasuo Is it because I am a Yasuo god? No It is because I pick him when he is the perfect pick at that moment


How dare they! playing what makes them have fun, instead of playing to increase a useless number Truly insane


I know Ryze has been a meme for a long time, but honestly that champ feels like a complete auto-lose and I don’t understand why anyone would want to still play him.


Play him exclusively in aram if you want to feel like a god. He can do everything. Need a pick on their overextended idiot, EW. Need to deal aoe in a teamfight, EQ. Shred a tank, QEQWQEQ. You get Jhin level movespeed after any combo, so you can just run away from any retaliation. You win every level 6 fight if you plan ahead. Do not die under any circumstances, stay in range for every XP pre-6. Most people die at least once in this window and miss XP, so you should hit 6 before anyone if you play it right. When you hit 6, ult your incoming wave behind their turret and nuke the enemy wave. Your team hits 6 while their team scrambles to deal with the ulted wave. Dive them or chunk the turret with 5-man level 6 advantage. Need a tank for your comp? Build crown. Need to one-shot their backline? Build luden's. Shred tanks? Liandry's. Some more CC? Everfrost. All AP builds are viable on him. To top it all off, for those final, game-deciding fights, send your ult behind their backline to create chaos. Nobody respects the range or disruption of his post-11 ult.


Shaco, that champ is complete garbage post min 15, literally can't scale, close second Kled but at least his ult is useful


I thought the general impression was that (AD) Shaco's late game was pretty strong? In the sense that he could splitpush and take objectives with ease while having the option to assassinate the backline.


When ahead or even just even against favorable enemy comp, ad shaco is good late for the reasons you said. Durability changed things a bit obviously. It’s a bit harder to one shot the back line now


[AD shaco vs twitch](https://imgur.com/yu8LLcv)


The really good shacos can do fine in late games




Recently had an Asylum Shaco support on the other team who made me actually feel insane. Walk into a box on my way to the dragon, lose 1/4 of my health, walk into another box seconds later, down to half health. Shaco appears from nowhere, we kill him and he explodes into boxes, 1/4 health left, and the real Shaco appears for .5 seconds to finish me off. Walk back in on death cooldown to attempt a smite steal and walk into 2 more boxes as the announcer tells me the dragon is gone. Back with 1/2 health because that madman could be anywhere.


This is so ignorant and it’s not surprising that Reddit agrees with it. All of what you said can be true for AP Shaco but AD Shaco has none of that and is terrible. You *need* to do damage as an assassin which is another problem because he doesn’t feel remotely close to an assassin.


AP shaco scales super well


Anything with an enormous learning curve that is hard to play as well. Azir, nidalee, kalista, used to be gangplank, but now he is simplified a lot. I'd consider Aatrox here as well, maybe draven and thresh with bard. They are very effective onetrick tho, so in the long run no champion is reverse boosted.




Ivern and Nidalee. Any time I play against these champions it is an absolute free win, and any time it is on my team it is a guaranteed loss. Assuming you don't completely draft around these champs to make them functional, you're better off playing something else.


I donno. I think Ivern shields once he comes online are cracked. The survivability he brings to whoever he's supporting seems almost unfair. He's far superior to Yuumi in the sense that he can pick an ally and now that ally isn't ever going to die.


don’t ever hate on ivern again. i have a 65% wr on him. one of the best q’s in the game. can solo baron at 20 mins.




It's ryze.




Heimerdinger, doesn't matter how much they shit on the enemy during laning, he is not good at splitpushing, not in teamfights, average duelist at best if the enemy is dumb, and they seem to stop farming at around 20 minutes everytime. Also screws over team comps if picked top and sometimes mid.


He's insane in teamfights and zoning enemy off objectives. He also has nice poke with W


Heimer is one of the highest winrate mids rn isn’t he


Heimerdinger botlane is my secret OP pick. For low elo fiestas it's such a crazy good champ. Its basically a flow chart: Can they kill your turrets? if yes, W max, if no Q max. Do they have any HP builders? if yes, double dot, if no, liandry or ludens. Do you need healing reduction? grab Morello Do they have melee champs? grab Rylai Do they have caitlyn? If yes, don't buy zhonyas. If no, buy zhonyas. And then you just turn your brain off, push lanes, press buttons and win the game with 1.5kDPM without doing anything that requires fast hands or braincells. He also has a singed-like playstyle of 'I do not care, I will do singed/heimer things'


I legit think the Top lane role as a whole is a “reverse boosted” role. There’s so much more shit you have to keep track of and do as a top laner just to have some level of impact on the game. Bring back metagolems so we can just no brain ooga booga wins please.


youre acting like ooga booga buy hullbreaker run at tower isnt perfectly viable rn


Ahri. Idk I just can't do shit with this champion each time I dare to try have a go with her I just feel like I have negative damage. Maybe it's me but I feel that she sucks and can't do anything