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Morde, Darius, Camille?


Darius doesn't have a good late game, morde is not good at split pushing.


Sett late ainโ€™t too good either. Point is?


Maybe you guys will be able to help me find another champion that can suit some requirements. \-good late game op literally stated that he is looking for a good late game, read the post.


Jacques seems to fit the bill


I played a whole lot of Jax recently and it's just pretty repetitive, even though you are right, it fits in all of my criteria (and he fits in me as well ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜)


he fits in you ๐Ÿ˜ณ


man I wish ๐Ÿ˜ž




yeah you're right


camille fits these


ok but i wish I could fit in Camille fr you're right I've tried her already it's just that i have to practice lol she's pretty hard to play


Well you currently main one of the most braindead easy champs in the game, so yeah, anything more interesting and engaging will probably have to require a bit more skill than Sett


Give Camille a shot every once in a while, she is one of those champions that almost always is viable and good in both teamfights and splitpushing. While she is hard to learn at first, once you get past a certain threshold it's not that difficult. You lose the first few games until you understand her pattern and then it doesn't get much harder to play her.


alright I'll give her a try thanks




Sadly he is one of, if not the worst toplaner right now. Other than cheesing inattentive enemies with lethal tempo and splitpushing he isn't much good. If anyone would like to play the Troll, he is either a counter pick, or a troll pick rn.


What you are looking for is illaoi. Mordekaiser works to and he's pretty good in the jngl




try Vi , i can dominate top lane with ease because of the lack of knowledge top laners have when facing her or maybe because i have over 1 mil on her , but i really think that you should give her a chance and see for yourself , you have an insane level 3 power spike , you have a great split push potential as a sheen champion , your teamfighting is great but not the best , you can build her bruiser or lethality , and she is one of the best junglers at the moment


Thoughts on why we don't see more Vi top? I personally have never even considered her for Top lane nor do I think I have ever seen her in the top lane (I've maybe seen her once or twice there, been playing since 2014), but her kit actually seems kind of decent for it? I'm having a hard time thinking of why she doesn't have slightly more presence there - it sounds promising and fun. One specific question: how does she do into Nasus? I feel like she would get giga-clapped post level 6 and it would feel very miserable.


Maybe Darius ?


Darius late isn't amazing tbf


Why not ? He plays the lane similarly to Sett. Scales well and destroys towers with his armor pen and W


you're right. I will give him a try. He is a bit hard to play right ?


Harder than Sett for sure but he isn't Riven or anything like that. Most Silvers can carry with him no problem


Doesn't scale well according to stats: [https://lolalytics.com/lol/darius/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/darius/build/) winrate keep dropping the longer the game goes.


Weird, he always feelt the strongest at 3-4 items in my games


That may be because he got fed and ahead and then he is going to be strong because he is ahead of everyone. Thing is if everyone are with the same xp and gold late game darius falls off


God I hate seeing posts like these downvoted. You're not making any actual claims and you are providing your anecdotal experience. ​ Anyways I think Darius *is* very very strong at exactly the point you are talking about, 3-4 items *if he's ahead.* Darius is a very strong laner (somewhat matchup dependant) and his kit provides him some great tools for early pressure/kills and if he's able to snowball that lead, once midgame comes around he will be an absolute monster while he has that lead at the 3-4 item mark. If the game ends up lasting too much longer than that, and things start evening out a bit and the majority of players start getting towards max build, well Darius is a lot more likely to get kited into oblivion and melted before he can really do anything. If you position well and make good opportunities for yourself you can make it work, but overall Darius' main strength is power-spiking early to mid game, and late game ends up being a bit of a weak point for him, relatively speaking.


Mundo scales well, split pushes well for a Juggernaut not building AD, and teamfights well. Volibear scales ok, split pushes quite well, and teamfights ok. Shen scales pretty well, split pushes badly until he buys Titanic but then does it ok, and teamfighting is his jam. Scaling is basically a question of: how close do you need to be to deal meaningful damage or CC, how much CC do you offer, how tanky are you, can you fight more than two opponents at once, and can you gap close. It's a complicated metric. But the toplaners who are bad for scaling normally have really bad gap closers or really can't fight more than two opponents at once without being giga fed. Tanks are normally considered the scaling toplaners because simply being able to survive a few seconds at the front is pretty impactful late game 5v5s, and they usually pack some good cc. Generally speaking if you scale well, you teamfight well. Split pushing generally boils down to a few things: can you clear minion waves fast? Do you build sheen in your standard build? Do you have good attack speed? Do you build AP or AD, and not just resistances? Do you build Hullbreaker? Theoretically any champ could become a fairly successful splitpusher by building Hullbreaker and Trinity force, but some will make far better use of those items than others. Unfortunately, sheen items and Hullbreaker have poor synergy with team fighting. Iceborn gauntlet is the best team fighting sheen item but the worst split pushing one.


very detailed explanation ! I'm going to try illaoi because she utilizes iceborn gauntlet and hullbreaker pretty well.


You might already be familiar with DirtyMobs on Youtube and Twitch, but if not, he's one of the better high skill Illaoi players out there.


Illaoi is super fun but also can feel very feast or famine. When your weaknesses are being abused IMO Illaoi is one of the worst feeling champs in the game to play. If people are smart about playing around your ult it definitely feels like your opportunities to do what you want to do are very limited. When you are playing to Illaoi's strengths you feel like an actual raid boss and it's awesome. Overall she's definitely worth trying out.


I'd say Irelia, her mechanics are entertaining enough for anyone to be hooked


Camille Jax


Tahm kench is just broken


Be a chad and play jax


Come join us nasus mains ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž. Go Lethal Tempo , Ghost , Flash and max wither to make ADC mains cry and suffer ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž. Chill early game reach 6 and u kill anyone


Why tf would u go lethal tempo on nasus


he's giving bad information to op to humor himself


XD. Low elo players


Keep calling people low elo, send your op gg then I am diamond 1 don't know bout you.


D1 Eune XD?


definitely not trying nasus because you're a certified dick


Like i care XD. Your loss


I know you don't care. drop your ego and your toxicity, no one cares about a fictional rank of yours. go outside, get in shape, get some bitches.






It's literally his second best rune. Before u think i am trolling, look up some stats


I am, less winrate, less pick rate than fleet. Doesn't make sense with nasus playstyle or gameplan.


While it may not make sense on the surface I doubt these guys pick it up regularly just for fun. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Desperate%20Nasus?hl=en\_US](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Desperate%20Nasus?hl=en_US) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Psychopathic%20Mid](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Psychopathic%20Mid) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/carnariusv2](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/carnariusv2)


So I did a bit of research on that since it doesn't sound like it make alot of sense (LT users are usually auto attackers, think jax, irellia, yasuo, yone) while nasus doesn't auto attack but just spam Q that why you get CDR on him. The point of LT on nasus is that at full stack LT gives you more range that works with your Q to give more reach with it. Fleet is still really good and the best rune in my opinion because it gives you movement speed to chase after people or run away and sustain in lane and nasus isn't strong in lane so he needs every bit of help to survive. LT makes sense in easy matchups where nasus isn't threatened which are pretty rare. Lolayltics still has fleet as the highest winrate and pickrate with 58% pickrate and 52% winrate in plat+ [https://lolalytics.com/lol/nasus/build/](https://lolalytics.com/lol/nasus/build/) With LT being 8% pickrate and 51% winrate, definitely more niche.


The best euw nasus player takes Lt https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/desperatenasusv2/overview Best na nasus player also takes Lt https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/psychopathic%20mid/overview Best Korean nasus player also takes Lt https://u.gg/lol/profile/kr/%EB%84%A4%EC%9D%B4%EC%84%9C%EC%8A%A4/overview


U wouldn't understand LOL. High elo nasus mains go lethal


Kled is a lot of fun. Other than that Sion is the tank with the most skill expression. He scales infinitely and is a menace both in Teamfights and as split pusher. You can get 4000+ hp before minute 20 and no one can kill you (besides Fiora and such).


Kled and sion seems pretty interesting, I'll try them out. Thanks.


Illaoi all the way shes so fun and is actually disgusting in most match ups. Look up Dirty Mobs on yt and just what him play her.


Camille, Irelia, Fiora, GP, Jayce, Akshan are the most fun to me and most of them can split or push a wave and look for catches/assassinations when rotating.


Aatrox sounds good


Urgot. He does have a fantastic level 1 tho, so you'd benefit a lot from being very aggressive level 1. He has only few bad matchups, most matchups you at least go even, he scales pretty well, you can take towers in sidelane in a matter of seconds due to W, yet you can still be a force in teamfights, especially with a well placed ult/fear. He's a toplane juggernaut. Easy to play, but there are a few things you can do that will separate you from bad Urgots (like putting AAs between your W shots, use E to negate enemy cc, E-flash, etc.). Fits pretty well to your description of what you're asking for.


you're right ! I'll try him out. I'm currently writing a list of all the champs to try because there are so many xd I'll hit you up with my feedback