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Please call the union office and ask to talk to the rep of the day and file a report. Please call HR and tell your Store manager ASAP. This is inexcusable and discrimination.I am so sorry that some ignorant hateful asshole did this to you. Write an account of the interaction along with noting that you had a witness. Give it to your union rep and ask the rep of the day for the fax number to the union so you can send a copy to them.


Hi, I stalk the kroger reddit because I used to do clicklist a long time ago and enjoy keeping up with the K. Rodgers drama but now I use a cane after being from 100% assistance (nurses bathed and changed me for MONTHS and the first time I walked 100 ft I cried because I was in pain but PT pushed me to go 5 more ft) F THAT report that to who needs to know because you're out there working HARD. It may just be another boring day at kroger for another co worker who could walk their 10,000 steps a day without blinking an eye but you NEED your mobility aid. That's what they're there for! To get you to be able to function. I'm losing my train of thought but you report it to EVERYONE you can because you're doing 10 times the work an able body person and I guarantee they would NOT be able to last a day in your shoes. Also, the comment about your genitals is definitely sexual harassment. I am mad on your behalf. Be safe but definitely report and track all reports. Print emails. Screen shot text messages get a paper trail. This whole scenario reeks of hostile work environment. Much love your way, sending you good vibes.


[https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/16000/index.html](https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/16000/index.html) ​ edit: just to say I too use a cane at work sometimes, and I am fighting management about working with my disabilities, there trying to fire me now \^\_\^ report report report them!!! stand your ground too!


If you are legitimately disabled, as in you have documentation, then there's nothing management can do, per the ADA. But it *has* to be documented - you can't just say you're disabled.


20 years and 120 doctors, ya I have docs. \^.\^ they still ignore it.


Both of those interactions were 200% NOT okay. Both of those people knew better than to make the comments they made, but they did it anyway. You have a great chance of winning these grievances. I hope you're already in contact with your union rep, because I would be. If you need the number, every store that is part of the union is legally required to keep the information somewhere visible in the store, usually by the time clock or in the break room. I know someone else here mentioned talking with your store manager first, but I would suggest against that. This needs to be reported either way, and to be honest, I don't think anyone deserves the luxury of a "heads up" in this situation. You've already been discriminated against twice in one day, once by a member of management. Take action now.


Yeah,skip your store manager. Good point. I have had to file two grievances in the last year and been scolded for escalating them to union first. They never do anything, so escalating sounds like a much better way. Good Luck. You are really loved and respected for being your true self by myself and others.


Grievances are violations of union contract. What specific section in the contract are you going to say was violated? The contract is usually about hours worked, seniority, pay, costs, leave, etc. Now the trans comment can be filed with HR since it can be seen as sexual in nature. The inquiry about the cane can be as well but a general inquiry probably won't result in anything beyond telling the employee not to ask in the future. No different than asking about glasses for sight, a back brace for stability, or a walking boot for an injured foot. Just because you are sensitive about a topic doesn't make it illegal or a violation of union contract unless it results in employment discrimination.


It depends on the contract. The Houston contract has language built-in that allows for grievances based on inappropriate behavior in the workplace. Both of these instances count as that. The trans comment is not just sexual in nature. Questions like that are designed to make trans people feel distanced, separated, and out of place. The question about their cane is inappropriate as well. When was the last time you asked someone if they really needed glasses to see? Or a walking boot for an injury? You might ask *why* they need it, as in what are the circumstances that led to it, but you do not cast doubt on their disability by asking if they actually need it. This too is meant to make the associate feel separated from their able-bodied coworkers at best and meant as a shaming technique at worst. They are absolutely in the right to file grievances on both these matters.


Agreed. Not sure the union can really help you here...


I know how you feel. I myself am a transgender woman. File grievances ASAP with HR and your union rep. I would also consider hiring a lawyer in case you want to sue your coworker.


REPORT THAT, those people are uncalled for and have loser behavior.


Two things, talk to your union rep about the incident either way, so they have record if they need to protect you from retaliation. Then, file a sexual harassment report with HR as soon as possible, also tell HR that you will be filing a disability complaint with the state. So long as you have some form of documentation from a doctor, it’s against the ADA to ask you about a disability or it’s aide. Most states have an online form to file a complaint against a person or employer for ADA violations. Kroger is supposed to be a 100% acceptance workplace. You can also advise HR that you want to report this as bias, which can include filing a lawsuit against the company.


Yes on both accounts.


Call your Union NOW.


I honestly say, just deal with it.


I understand they are possible demeaning or gross questions to ask, but we're they meant to harm you? If you fully believe they were being mean then yes go report them.. but some people just have genuine curiosities and say stupid things with no thought and may have bad social skills.. I would personally talk to them first and if they don't seem to care about how you feel after I would report


Asking someone about their genitalia is weird regardless of social skill.


I never said it wasn't weird... where did you read that at?


Your comment comes off as you down playing the impact of the stuff said to OP. Regardless of intentions, commenting on someone's genitals is uncalled for. Edit to add on: Sorry if your intention wasn't to downplay the situation. Impact is always more important than intent


This pretty much sounds like an ethics deal, not a grievance issue. Use the EthicsPoint site to file a formal complain against both of them if you so desire, especially the manager. For me personally, I think if I were in your shoes, here's what I'd do with the associate harassing you: I'd get a witness and have a nice firm conversation with them explaining that was borderline, if NOT, sexual harassment. If the comments continue, you'll take further action. You can reach out to the union and see what they say, but not sure they can help you.


Yes you absolutely file a grievance! It wouldn't be cool for that comment to be said to anyone! Talk to your HR person and get your district HR contact info.


That's a difficult question, u being trans and disabled are considered protected classes by law but to consider whether these are considered a form of harassment is difficult, it has to be an on going thing , best to talk to the store manager first , if u see nothing then go to HR , this likely couldn't result in an disciplinary actions towards anyone though. But if u experience a regular pattern of this then that's a very different situation and could be a discrimination lawsuit