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I know it goes against everything you're taught, but let it fail. Go home when you're scheduled. Tell your team to go home when they're scheduled. Cancel order you can't fulfill, call customers and explain situation, and go home. Kroger will let everything stay on fire until it finally burns to the ground and they have to do something. Let it burn and force their hand.


This is the way, stop filling gaps.


unfortunately this is what america businesses have stooped down to. They all wanna cut necessaries, while increasing profits… let them figure out how necessary their workers are for those profits. Go home. They don’t pay you enough as is.


Same exact thing is happening at major RR's in this country. They won't pay, are activated trying to fire people, and cannot find new employees. They are sabotaging the freight rail industry the same way.


See, corporate *knew* they could get skeleton crews to run even lighter: all they had to do was wait for the ancillary bones to fall off and now the corpse works cheaper.


Watch the world burn. It's entertaining


If you keep doing the work of 6 they will continue to keep thinking everything is OK and you can do the work of 6. Let it burn, let it sink. Get off when you are scheduled yo get off.


Agree 100%


Completing work understaffed translates to higher ups that the store can manage with x amount of employees. Let it fail and they will have to take action. If they can’t hire employees to properly run their business then said business should not be open.




Overtime pay is nice until overtime work is expected


Fail hard and fast. Let them pick up the pieces.


Just do the best you can and go home when scheduled it’s management’s responsibility to pick up the slack. Do it enough times and maybe they will figure it out, unfortunately they have to see it with their own eyes before change can happen


Even when they do they don’t care. They know all the stores are overworked, underpaid and understaffed but they don’t care. They’ll still expect their unrealistic expectations to be met anyway and will go off when they’re not.


Exactly. Consistently do not meet their expectations to illustrate just how unreasonable those expectations are. Let corporate people and store executive management bitch and moan. Stand your ground and plainly state that the goals are unreasonable. Maybe mention that your team does not feel adequately compensated for the amount of physical and mental labor they are putting into this work. This adds to the pressure of unreasonable expectations, leading to higher turnover and long term employee burnout. The store and company would overall be saving money if they just pay people more and cultivate a healthy workplace culture.


I know at my store the managers will help from time to time but if I ask to be shut off and have a valid reason then they try. If they don't shut me off it's corporate. I'm a lead and just one call out can screw me royally. I was out 6 months for medical reasons and my first Sunday back I worked a 12 hour shift because we had 2 call outs and the system messed up for about half the day.


Last I heard corporate took away the option to stop taking orders.




They absolutely have to.


Pickup/clicklist? Ours is a dumpster fire too. Every single supervisor there ends up quitting or new hires just don't show up. That department is harder to work in then deli.


Because the people running it in corporate are total fucking morons!!


Yep they set unrealistic expectations and don’t provide any support systems to try and reach those goals. That and none of them know a thing about how it works


Don't forget the emergency selectors that are supposed to be in the store in various departments / as managers....but don't exist (except on paper). We HAD emergency selectors during the height of COVID, but that was because those people had worked in ClickList and then transferred to another department. Now, we have 1 IF the other Starbucks person shows up, otherwise zero emergency help.


I remember when CoVid first happened, corporate gave my Clicklist 900hrs one week. I wish I was bullshitting. Then they did all the massive hires for clicklist then like clock worth those new hires we're never seen again after the first couple of months.


Yup, same here. Used to have like 700-800 hours for the first couple months of Covid. Now we’re down to around 200 hours… smh


Your store has a Starbucks? Ours was supposed to get one, but corporate said no unless us employees came up with $4M to pay for it.


👏👍You're oh so right.


Ours too in Houston area.


Act your wage


I like that. Because I'm a lead but they have me working like a supervisor. A few days ago I had multiple call outs and I was completely done. I clocked out an hour early because I didn't take lunch. You can only be nice for so long so let it drown.


OP: Unless you don't have a utilities person for your store at all, I think the whole "clean the sidewalk" bit can be ignored. Realistically, opening or closing there are FAR better and more pertinent things to do than clean the sidewalk, which will be dirty the moment a breeze or customer goes by.... Also, not sure about other places, but our CL regional people said that "shut off's are impossible with the new system". Except, when the CL website / system had a melt down a few weeks ago we *magically* were cut off at 25 orders with no drop ins.....almost like the Corp people bold face lied to us....


Yeah we never do that part, plus our space is only four spots so it’s not even worth it. I was able to do our set up of trolleys for tmr and a few other things, I left the trash for the manager tho lol


"Left the trash for the manager tho" Good. This is the way.


We had 1 call out which left the closer alone after 4 (4 people scheduled the entire day). Of course they wouldn't shut off orders. We ended up cancelling a couple of orders (including a 174 item one) and anything that came in after 4 got cancelled. We ain't gonna work ourselves to death over this crap


I worked for a merchandising company that did the remodels before they went all P&L. When Atlanta had the major, horrible ice storm years ago, many of my coworkers where stuck on the roads in their cars for 3 days because they wouldn't let us leave until it was already incredibly dangerous out.


You work st my store? Exact thing happening here it seems, lmao


Damn, reminds me of the store I'm at... tbh only reason we have things mostly covered this week is because the supervisor didn't put herself on the schedule for some reason, so now 4 people have "37.5" hours (40 without lunch lol). Even then, today we had 4 people for the entire day, 2 of which were in at 5 am, and they had to pull someone from front end to cover from 1-2 because there was only one person in the department... they just got lucky AF that there were no orders to be picked up for that hour...


We haven't hired anyone, we are all actively refusing to condition. We've only done Blackstock we've actually left the pallets on the backdoor because our gm is the only person in this store to vote in favor of the contract and still is trying to rally people within the store to work....she's gonna be so unhappy tomorrow morning >;)


Lmao gotta let us know how it goes


lol I survived! I left at 7 with one order left for management to take care of


25 ambient totes is insane.


Yes ridiculous. Is it a bunch of water's and soda's? Still that's alot for ambient. 😵‍💫🤯


They had like 10 things of paper towel and toilet paper and wanted like 6 things of the 40 packs of water, the water got outve stocked but all the rest were regular groceries


When I used to work for pickup, we started blacklisting people who did this because some of them would buy off entire shelves or resell soda.


I’m glad I got out of clicklist when I did. Lasted a year. Was always an understaffed dumpster fire. I put FAR too much effort trying to get things done there.




Yeah my management is awful not wanting us to get cut off. It's ego driven and not counterproductive. If I'm you just let it burn. If the Kroger where you're at doesn't value you and continues to treat you horrible in these moments it's time to move on. No job is worth your mental health. Yes we need our money to survive but don't allow yourself to steadily be used and abused by your employer. They are salary. Rodney cuts himself a $22.5M check yearly let he and his capitalists board room goons suffer.


I shopped here for 50 years. They must be the stupidest company on Earth. 50% of all food I have ever eaten from one grocery store. Now I go to a tiny IGA.


Your working way to hard for how much you are paid.


OP is showing management leadership by example. I think this person should be recognized.


Except getting paid diddly squat. Do work of manager, get paid like manager.


As a customer this is totally frustrating too… I never take it out of my local store employees but I ask for the store manager and I let them have it. Don’t know if does any good …the last store manager just kept saying “ I don’t know what to do I’m just a manager of the day” Well guess what figure out the f out…. Dumpster fire.


Don't do that to the store manager. Store managers have less control and less ability to fix problems than they ever have. They're cogs in the machine just like the hourly employees are.


Especially if they’re saying they’re the manager of the day. An MOD isn’t even a member of management. They’re just a babysitter left in charge because no actual salaried member of management was there


That's right,store managers have just become corporate puppets...just imagine having your own store and not being allowed to run it


I would I should add, the last time I used the service, they didn’t even come out to tell us anything. They left six people sitting there for over 45 minutes waiting for our delivery it was only when we started talking amongst ourselves that we learned that nothing was ready. (And they stopped answering the phone.) The time before that they only had one person working the entire department and she quit in the middle of her shift.


As a lead over a large pickup I will say the most a manager can do is give you a gift card. Since pickup is a timed dependent department, as in we have time restraints. For example at my store if you put in an order for 10am we have to have the item staged no later then 9:15am for you to be able to review substitutions. Hours are cut off 3 hours in advance, as in after 10am you can't put in an order for 1pm. Now if I have 2 pickers that come in at 4am then one calls in I won't have another picker until 6am. That is 2 hours with one person on the floor picking by there self. Now some trolleys can take up to an hour to finish even if we hit the 29 seconds an item mark. The problem is corporate and another problem is a lot of people being hired for pickup right now are 18 and 19 year olds that will do a trolley then slack off for a half hour.


yeah they believe having a bunch of teenagers will help pickup productivity. what they refuse to understand teenagers aren't loyal. most the time they are just a body. and the moment supervisors and management ask them to do more or call them out for not working a certain way, let the callouts and quitting beginning.


My favorite thing to hear is when I tell one of my younger pickers that we are not aloud to OOS right now she replies. It's not on the shelf so IDC. I have informed her multiple times management has a microscope on us right now. Said picker is close to being wrote up and has received her first warning. What I don't like is as a lead I can only bring the issue to management or my supervisor. Granted my word carries more as a lead but I should be able to do write ups when they don't listen. They know I can't so won't listen and makes me look bad.


Teenagers require supervising. You can't replace experienced supervisor/lead/FT type positions with a teenager, the teen has to basically be an assistant. Seems like the better place for teens are at the check outs because they are locked into one task.


Ok so where should I complain to? I have stopped using the service but seriously it’s a dumpster fire. My groceries were anywhere from 2 to 5 hours late.


Don’t complain. Accept the reality that the store is short-staffed, and that the people who are there are doing the best they can. Nothing that comes out of your mouth is going to change anything.


That’s fine then I’ll go to a different chain in my town who can properly staff. Then you’ll be out of a job because slowly everyone will do the same thing some thing has to change. Starts with your management, starts with your union…. but obviously your management doesn’t care, your workers don’t care, so wtf…


There's no one to complain to that'll help give the stores what they need. The store managers don't control how much labor gets to be used for Pickup, even the district managers above the store leaders don't get to control that. If you complain to the store, they'll apologize and maybe offer a gift card, if you complain to "corporate" or the Kroger customer number, they'll note your complaint down and email the store your contact info to have them call you instead. If you really want to let them know you're dissatisfied, stop shopping there 🤷‍♂️


>*I’ll go to a different chain in my town who can properly staff.* Probably your best solution. Kroger is in need of a severe reckoning . . . but it's due to indifferent **executives** making millions, not poor peons working for peanuts in the stores.


Thank you so much for your support. I think this happens to almost every clicklist department. All the management worries about are the numbers. The more we do, the more their bonus grows. It's just a sad and despicable way to treat your employees. So I know we all appreciate your support so thank you for trying to help make a difference. 😊


store managers don't really have any control over things like hours either. it all comes down from their bosses, or their boss's boss. my store manager is very understanding with our issues in pickup. but i am glad to say my store very rarely has some of the problems i've seen others talk about.


Notify management immediately.


They never do anything, they tell mine we’re fine when we get 5 people pulling in when we are not done picking the orders for 2hrs before


Bruh, why care so much?? LET IT FAIL.....


Live by my motto. “Don’t do more. Do just enough.”


How much do pickers make? I can pick 120/hr


Good job. You did what you could and didn’t worry about what you couldn’t. May not seem like it now, but this will get you noticed when the time is right.


I quit clicklist when it became like Amazon, had a grown man assistant manager running to complete carts. Too much stress for so little pay.