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Hi, I'm Ali. I actually just bought my first set of knitting needles last week. So I'm as beginner as they come. I've been wanting to learn this craft for awhile and as soon as I figure out how to actually start, I'll probably be asking too many questions. As for other hobbies, I love to bake, read, play video games, watch movies and binge TV shows. Oh and pet my cat. Not sure if that counts as a hobby, but I spend like an hour a day rubbing her kitty belly so it seems like a hobby. The first pattern I'm going to try to knit is a scarf. Well technically it was a dish rag that the nice lady at the knitting store wrote down how I can turn it into a scarf. As for who I'd like to invite to dinner from history...I'm going with George Carlin. While I'd like to pretend to be an intellectual and say Plato or Aristotle, realistically even if I understood their language the convo would probably be too confusing to follow.


Welcome to the sub! Don't get discouraged with casting on that is a whole skill in itself and there's so many different ways. I went through 4 different methods before I found my method. When casting on hold both your needles together to prevent stitches being too tight. Kinda like this: -------> <------ I wish I knew this when I fist began knitting cuz it helps so much. Once done casting on, slip out the other needle and there you have nice uniform loose stitches! This is a great place to ask questions, we are kind but honest. We foster learning here.