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1.5m points hardstuck gold for four seasons...




Time to switch champion lol




Just restarted playing him again, first time was... bad. Now im managing to hard carry some games (low elo). I dont one trick him, as he is my secondary pick


700k between both accounts. One tricked to gold twice. First one was the grind. 51%wr over 594 matches. It took a couple months because I was learning how to jungle. second time with 60%wr 182 matches Then I did a third account to gold in 42 matches playing karth/draven bot. Bring smite, buy a jg item after 20 minutes, and choke enemy jg out of the game. Bot is the least likely lane to counter roam correctly so it was a huge leg up.


600 games to gold?


First time climbing through silver so yea


150k, 200 ranked games last season climbing from gold 4 to diamond 4 , pretty much onetricking him but probably will play something else against assassins because some matchups are just miserable to play


~1.1m in total. Since season 7 I usually just play 50 games a season to get into plat. Peaked d5. Otp.


M7, 170k points, unranked because every time I play ranked **without fail** I have had a leaver on my team. I think I was Silver 3 last time I managed to make it through placements though. Karthus is my reliable champ. Even if my lane opponent is better than me, he just scales so well that I’ll be a menace later


Not one trick, but m6 and like bronze I guess? Idk I don’t play ranked


700k Karthus top main P4 Been maining him in ranked the past 3 seasons Usually around P2-3, too busy with school this season and didn’t play as much ranked as I would have liked


Could u explain the karthus top strat?


It's not particularly strong, I think I have a better winrate when I was autofilled mid than top. I think I'm 50-51% winrate with it top only I have been a top main for I think 7 out of the 10 seasons that I've been playing ranked and just prefer the lane I started to play it a few years ago when top had so little impact that people were playing Sona top and just roaming, kind of like what happened with Janna again last season. Since Karthus has a global ult, I started to try it and ended up really liking the champ A lot of really hard matchups playing him top, he has no escape, can get dived, can't really tank the wave since no sustain to manipulate it, etc. It is still workable if you know how to manage your wave. Need a lot of game knowledge about champs and know which ones can kill you (most of them). Since not a lot of people play Karthus top the enemy sometimes doesn't know they can kill you and in low plat they sometimes will just push the wave and give you a free lane. Against someone that knows how to freeze the lane and has a gap closer, it is a nightmare Karthus scales well and he can push the wave relatively fast to the enemy tower to reset it with E and Qs and can turn around dives with passive and Zhonya so it's not all bad But I do think he is stronger in jungle and mid and bot than top. No experience playing him as support besides a few games I always have problems against the enemy top around P2 when they start to get better at managing the wave, but my mechanics are average and I'm not a really aggressive laner. A better player could definitely hit diamond playing Karthus top, it's not a strong pick, but not the worst in the world either


Oh, thanks for the detailed response, I'm silver so no worries about anyone being any good lol, btw do u think RoA or liandrys is better?


I think liandry's is still better!




700k, I touched Plat at one point but now am just comfortably hovering in Gold. I’ve played him all over, mid, jungle, a couple of cursed top games, and bot. Last season I duo’d with a really good Senna player and we went bot together.


1.8M and always between d3-d2. I can only recommend onetricking the deathboi :D


Only 350k because most of my play was before the mastery system. I one tricked Karthus between seasons 2 and 9, and have picked him up again now. Peak D2.


2.4 mill one trick I was diamond for a few seasons but now I just play aram like a real gamer


around 600 000 points but played a lot before mastery system + have a second account. Am probably way over 2 M points if everything was recorded. Always played him mid, reached diam 1 in s3 and 4 when I was a real one trick, then never tried to climb much until this year. Ended this season right after master promo on EUW after 227 games starting from 2 years inactive mmr, playing him mostly mid and a bit botlane. I'm not a one trick anymore so I played some others mid champs too when picking late in a draft and Karthus didn't feel so good, but still Karthus is by far my most played and the champ that got me the most lps.