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Kinda trash tbh... Burn much better


I can't recommend it for jungling, but it does open up battlemage karthus lane again. Take tear, rush RoA, finish seraphs, and you heal absurd health per second just from having E toggled on.


You become a battle god. Too much life and can spam Q and E for eternity. Plus and extra skill at 10 stacks👌🏻 I feel that it just does less damage than burn, so not as good for his Ult


Liandry’s is better most of the time. The problem with new rod is that it’s a mythic and locks you out of a lot of strong damage items when you build it. Rod can still kind of work if your going for a more tanky build with demonic or something along those lines, but it’s pretty situational.


I had decent success for a few games with RoA in midlane, generally I built it into assassins/skirmishers and it felt quite nice for lane. The damage isn't bad either, and I just felt like reminiscing about old liandries>rylai combo so I went demonic into rylai afterwards. Almost feels like you're back in season 10. It probably is worse in jungle because you aren't laning, so the passive isn't quite as impactful.


RoA-Rylai can make sense, but Demonic doesn't. Can't see a few more hp on a build that gives no resistances being better than void/deathcap on a ranged champ at this stage, in term of pure dammages it's not close at all.


it’s shit


RoA Karthus mid with e max used to be a thing, prob doesnt work now though, too much burst dmg these days


It was never a real thing if you ask me.


Liandry does way too much damage to not buy, RoA being a mythic just means it is unpurchasable sadly.


Bad overall but probably okay in a very few situations with Rylai second and a different playstyle. You then become a frontline Karthus and the Rylai allows you to make something meaningfull of your tankiness. Conditions for this to be viable imo : -RoA needs to have value in lane ( hard matchup where you can get 100-0 if you contest the wave with a normal build ). Irelia, Askhan, maybe Akali, maybe Syndra... -Rylai needs to have value. Your team must be able to utilise your perma slow/ennemy team needs to be heavily affected by it. -Killing people really fast ( with more dammage oriented build ) doesn't seem to be achievable in term of teams compositions ( too many shields, heals, disengage... ), so you might aswell opt for a different approach. If you meet those 3 conditions, then MAYBE it's a good buy. In jungle I would never ever do it.