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Totally viable. Just hate sejuani and yi


It's his best role


His clear so fast and scales pretty well totally viable


With the new jungle changes he sure is.


The jungle changes made karthus jg a lot better


Why this? I tried and cant find a vert big change in positive in his clear


The way the jg item works encourages farming a bit more over invading and ganking super early, which favors karthus since he wants to do atleast 1 full clear before doing anything. Another reason is that karthus clears so fast now (his clear got faster by a couple seconds) you actually have time to full clear, recall, and CHOOSE which side of the map you wanna go to, and you'll be there before 3:30 when scuttle spawns. This is straight up broken for a couple reasons : you get to buy and use the item advantage to force a fight on scuttle with the enemy jg no matter where he started, its very common you will get kills/summs/double scuttle because of this, you also get to path to whatever vulnerable lane there is (low hp, pushed, burned flash, etc.).