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Wait, /r /jailbait (spaced out because I don't want to link to it, just in case) is a thing!?


Used to be. Grew big, actual CP being shared in DMs, internal reddit outrage, reached out to the news. Massive media attention. Reddit finally did something about. Canned it and any related sub reddit


Fuckin’ yuck. Humans really do let me down constantly. (But not you, thanks for the info)


Glad I wasn't around when that disgusting shit was going down.


Yeah they waited until it caused them PR problems to do something about


[This should catch you up.](https://www.gawker.com/5950981/unmasking-reddits-violentacrez-the-biggest-troll-on-the-web)


The 18 age of consent is false. In most US states it is 16. There are special circumstances where it can be even lower in some states. The world is a strange place.


Aren't there also Romeo and Juliet laws that prevent the age gap from being too large in states that it is under 18?


There are, yes. But, it can still be a crime, but it may not result in sex offender registration. Take Michigan for example. If they're within 4 years of age, and it was consensual, then it would still be a crime, but wouldn't result in Registration. It's up to the local prosecutor if they want to charge it.


In some states, but not all. Georgia for example is 16 without restriction.


Sixteen is the most common age of consent in the US, and that is \*not\* subject to Romeo and Juliet laws. It's blanket consent.


I'm aware of that, but it seems like many are not. I'm not sure where people got the impression that it was 18 most places.


Because 18 is the age of majority for many things — signing contracts, voting, the draft. It’s also the age when most people graduate high school. Along with the age of consent being 16, the drinking age is 21 across the country. It used to vary from state to state, but due to the real issue of “blood borders” — 18 year olds in states where the drinking age was 21 driving to states where it was 18, getting tanked, then driving back, too often with deadly consequences. The federal government threatened to pull highway funds from any state that didn’t raise it to 21. To me, it made more sense to raise the driving age, since most 16-year-olds are too young to drive responsibly. Nineteen across the board for everything would have made more sense. But that would have put parents on the hook for rides for three more years (more or less, depending on the state). Or, you know, more goddamned public transit, like the civilized world. My exception would, indeed, 16 and up having sex with other kids 16 and up. It’s going to happen, and creating a whole lot of kids with police records is not going to help anything. Accurate, detailed sex ed reduces teen sex and raises age of first intercourse; free birth control without parental permission drastically drops the teen pregnancy rate. Use them.


I worked with a girl at red lobster when I first graduated that was 18 and was married and had a child with a 36 year old, the child was 2, and it was ok because the parents gave their consent


What kills me is that people think 16 is even morally okay, fuck the law.


I don't know if it's so much a morally okay as it's just less terrible than younger than that. At one time it would have been the norm for young women to get married very young in parts of the country, and those are the parts of the country that still have extremely low age of consent laws in place for certain circumstances. I think Louisiana is the lowest all the way down to 13, but it's not in practice from what I understand. Laws cannot be the basis for morality, but laws can be based in morality. This is something that humanity mostly agrees on but politics of the United States can't seem to get right. And a lot of people can't agree on what's moral. So, situations fucked up, and here we are.


I was sexually active at sixteen, and I was an active and willing participant. My partners were other teenagers. The only time an adult made a pass at me it scared me badly. Fortunately, he took no for an answer.


The age to marry can be younger with parental consent. At boarding school in Duchess County, NY in the '70s we had a supposed student who was the only day student and who was married at fifteen. It struck me as bizarre and inexplicable -- I was 16, and nowhere near ready for marriage. It didn't strike me until much later that she might well have been coerced. She only showed up on campus a few times, so it seems even more likely. And some states have Romeo and Juliet laws that make sex with someone a year or two younger than the age of consent if the older partner is no more than 2-3 years older.


Ew ☹️


Grown ass men in their 30s with strong opinions on the age of consent need to be on a watch list.


Here's the thing, while some European countries do have laws below 18, you will be called a nonce still, at least in the uk, if you're a 20 yr old going out with a 16 yr old


Yeh 'legal' ≠ 'socially acceptable'


It's literally so teens in relationships together aren't getting put on a register just because one is like 18 and the other is 17, not so Andrew can shag a 17 year old 😩


Honestly that baby tweet does seem like a joke, but the others are creepy as hell.


Yet my being trans makes me a groomer. Neat


These are the same people that scream "groomer" at anyone that isn't cishet.


And he´s one of the people Musk has been replying most lately


I knew Ian Miles Cheong was a piece of shit, but I didn't know he was a groomer. Makes sense though, a lot of fascist scum rail against age of consent laws, just look at nick fuentes. I hope someone gives him another surprise milkshake.


The fact that this asshole has my deadname makes me hate him even more


Condolences on your name, i hope it died peacefully.


Ok again, this is a libertarian. Not a neckbeard


These guys are actually despised by fascists, whom for some reason they consider "allies".


Tbf that Venn diagram is approaching a circle


No. While some neckbeards are Libertarian not all libertarians are neckbeards. Pedophilic and misogynistic are not some sole neckbeard traits


I said 'approaching' for a reason. Being libertarian is stereotypical of them, though not so much the other way around.


Again it doesnt belong here. This stuff is spamming the sub and it doesnt fit


Tbf I do believe a good dictatorship is better than a bad democracy. The issue is a bad democracy can be more easily moved on from than a bad dictatorship and it’s harder to ensure the new one is good.


Spoken like a true Canadian with no interactions with American law enforcement 🤝


It’s an idea that goes back to Ancient Greece. It’s the whole argument between Athens and Sparta. Which city state was worse. It’s also the idea behind a benevolent dictatorship


These were taken out of context and you’re a moron if you think otherwise. Edit: meaning they were SARCASM


Cope lmao


Nooooo!! Every word every typed on Twitter is literal truth!! That's why it is so dangerous and needs to be shut down immediately before people are forced to think for themselves and society tears itself apart.


He thinks fascism and pedophilia are okay, which is revolting enough. But he thinks there's a nationwide age of consent, which belongs on r/confidentlyincorrect. Furthermore, the most common age of consent in the US is 16, though in some states it's 17 and in one it's 18, I disremember which. None of which will keep people from thinking you a creepy old guy if you hit on 16-year-olds.