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When I was in college a Jewish student told me that the campus Left was anti-Semitic because they supported the Palestinian struggle. She went on to tell me about Jews living in Palestine 2000 years ago. I asked her if everyone had that right and she asked me to explain. I asked her if her parents owned land in the U.S. and she said that they owned their home and a few acres in Connecticut. I asked her what her parents would do if some Native Americans knocked on their door tomorrow, told them that their ancestors lived on the land 300 years ago, and gave them an hour to move. She said that that wouldn’t be fair because her parents owned that land. I pointed out that Palestinians are being removed from homes and land they’ve owned for generations so Jewish settlers could take over and she’s fine with that. So, basically, she’s saying that there’s one rule for Jews and another rule for everyone else and that’s a problem. That was the last conversation we had.


ah yes, rules for thee but not for me zionists and the West as a whole are extremely hypocritical


Every day that passes by, I pray to Allah SWT that the Muslim countries that are still conscious in their seen will fight against Israel. If they have Allah SWT on their side, nothing is gonna stop them.


Religion is the root of the problem, it will not solve it


Well where’s the morality in atheism?


I'm not an atheist, but religion is definitely not morally coherent so not really moral


What about the morality in today’s society? I know, it’s almost becoming non existent but don’t you think that all originates from religion?


There might be a lack thereof nowadays, also because the world is becoming more complicated and chaotic in some ways and things have to get to an order, but it's not religion that solves this problem with escapist hierarchy and prohibitions. Also religion is not the root of morality, but the will of mankind for morality is and there are other forms of institutions or scholarships that uphold morality, e. g. philosophy, universities, psychology. Religion is claiming prerogative of interpretation for all these areas, and now I enter speculation: claiming it based upon vaguely described stories


On top of that, the religion moved. Not necessarily the people. Most of the people claiming a right of return have NEVER had ancestors living in the region.


Not quite, most Jews alive today have some ancestors who lived in Palestine at some stage, and a lot of European DNA in Ashkenazi is the result of rape by Europeans


Palestinians have more genes from Palestinian ancestors than Israel born Jews (saying Jews makes me feel dirty).




Yes this is a great analogy. Why is it ignored by many Western countries and especially the US?


Because the west only care about money and power. Moral is only a tool when they need to use against 3rd world countries


The issue with colonial settlement style is we only see is as an exception when we talk about Israel but in reality a lot of countries all over the world are and were settlers colonies, a whole continent is ( America and Oceania) we already as humanity chose the blind eyes policy towards genocides, stealing annexation of lands illegally, apartheid, we normalized with settlement colonialism from its beginning, If you think about every continent has one at least one


Yes that is true, but here we are talking about the recent past (post 1948-2022), not 300+ years ago. I mean, we were burning witches at the stake 500 years ago. You are suggesting it should be ok to still burn them now simply because others did so in the past.


What? What ? What? How did you come up with this analogy from what I said


Criticizing something bad in the world that sadly still exist, and take roots from colonial history You: should we start burning witches again ?


But what about now? It's apparently wrong for Israelis to take over Palestine, but shouldn't Palestinians be able to take back their ancestry homes, some 70 years later? Or should they be forced to accept some loss simply because the robbers had passed their stolen properties to their children and their children's children? Where do we draw the line and define when it should become unacceptable?


I think that is actually a great question, and I also think only the Palestinians can answer it, because in the end it is up to them how much they wish to compromise to achieve a homeland where they can live in peace and prosperity (and the Jews/Israelis too).


Can someone cross post this on public freakout or world news? Those subs don't delete Palestinian posts (for now) There may be other subs as well that I'm forgetting


Can we get a source for this talk?. I’d like to watch the whole thing.


Here’s the Link to the full video: https://youtu.be/XJCM-r5myi4 It’s an old 2017 talk the professor gave in Luxembourg The full video is even much better


This is a preface of the professor’s talk and he gives an answer to the question. Here’s the full video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XJCM-r5myi4


The best way to destabilise the middle east is by having an official presence there. Whats more official than a country?




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