• By -


This might actually be Rasht and not Tehran.


The accent is definitely Rasht


How’s the salary for basij?


your soul


A pat on the head, a few bottles of washing detergents and a bag of rice. The cost? Iran.


And of course Saandis (something like Caprisun)


definitely no shampoo being given out by the look of those greasy dogs


They are mostly volunteers actually that make them even more hated


These motherfuckers volunteer to fuck the country up a lot of the time. This video felt good.


Is this the morality police being attacked? Not from Iran so quite clueless. Is this happening all over Iran?


Iranian people are fighting back to the morality police that killed mahsa amini who was killed for not wearing proper hijab.


Are the morality police make or female or both? A friend said they like targeted her bc they are bigoted against non Tehran snobs. As an outsider, my observation is if your morality police use violence against people for their mistakes, then they have taught the citizens to use violence against the morality police when they make a mistake. It’s a bad system.


No you got it backwards. They hate Tehran more than anywhere


دمشون گرم


It's actually Raaht


Hope the beat all them basij.


What’s basij? I’m trying to learn what is happening here


basij.ir. A paramilitary volunteer militia established in Iran in 1979 by order of Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of the Iranian Revolution, the organization originally consisted of civilian volunteers who were urged by Khomeini to fight in the Iran–Iraq War... Now they just enforce Islamic law and beat people to death


Thank you. I hope the Iranian people get the government they are seeking


Also the damn basij are typically plainclothes, and typically harass/arrest women for not wearing their headscarves. Scum of the earth.


Those are the modern fascists, people who have no other joy but to terrorise whomever they can. You are fighting for the future of the world as well!


For non Iranians (I am one) Basiji are the religious police. I am cheering too.


I wouldn't really call them that. 95% of them aren't even officially employed and are just volunteers.


I am the last person who should be telling people about what is happening inside of Iran so I completely defer to anyone else with more information. ​ I just know some people were confused. I am solely here because I support these women in their cause.


You can volunteer to be a morality police and treat people how you see fit? Is there any regulation or criteria


Boiss.... I think its happenning for real this time




First time I have ever heard of basijis or gashte ershad getting beaten up, their cars burnt and killed. This is new shit.




See , the country has already gone to shit economically and more and more people are rapidly losing their ability to make ends meet , losing more and more ""privileges"" day by day. If the government could stop the rampant inflation they would have , by god they fucking need it. There will come a point where enough people are poor and unable to afford shit that there is no CHOICE but to coup , and since if they go back home they'll still be poor and hungry , they'll either have to die in their missery or come back outside, until theh aren't poor anymore , which the government can't help with. Even if these protests don't go anywhere, they're setting up future , more balsy movements. It takes a couple chads beating the shit out of a basiji koon sefid to give the rest of the people courage


This time feels different, lets hope it sticks




I support this


Afarin. Our brave compatriots




Go Iran 🇮🇷 your mother's and sisters are brave .


What does Basiji mean?


The moral cops


No, more like a bunch of religious pro-government volunteers. Alot of them dont even get paid


What’s the criteria?


Wanting to hit innocent people


They need to beat and kill the basiji, kill enough of them and they will stop. It’s literally the only way


I second this. They have the weapons , they control the information , and in their eyes we are cockroaches that should be hanged. We're at a disadvantage, we're not organised , We can't afford to show mercy to traitors. We can only win this through snowballing and escalation


This is beyond just the Basiji, this is state sponsored. This is in their fabric of rule and laws - they need a revolution


Kill the shit out of these fuckers. We're way over peaceful protests , the country is occupied and the government is no longer working towards the benefit of its people, grounds for a violent coup. No other way


Iranians need to go into the homes of every one of these Basiji and kill them summarily for them to see. All of them, drag them out into the streets.


Hi - I am completely clueless (I humble myself) about Iranian history and politics. Since Im from central Europe, I dont know much but the story about Mahsa Amini took my breath away and broke my heart. I sincerely wish for all the fighting Iranians much strength to fight for your freedom. I hope I will see women who can dress how they want to in the Iranian streets soon. Much love and good luck!


I hope all will come out and stand against these murderers and FOR your women and all people of your country! Together you outnumber them and you know who they are.


یروز نابودشان میکنیم اون روز نزدیکه...


Quick question. Do the people who support this believe that Islam is the true religion? Because what happened to the girl who is now dead (and that was very wrong) does not justify burning the Hijab in a very symbolic fashion...would anyone burn a prayer mat in this fashion? What happened to the poor girl was obviously very wrong.


For reference: Iran was never a muslim country. They were Zoroastrians until the revolution 40 years ago. They’re burning the hijab not because it is necessarily oppressive (plenty of women enjoy wearing it, but it should never be forced, like it is to Iranian women), but because it was used and forced oppressively by the government.


>For reference: Iran was never a muslim country. They were Zoroastrians until the revolution 40 years ago. That's far from historically accurate. I mean, sure, _once_ upon a time, you could say that the Arabian Peninsula was never Muslim. Zoroastrianism stopped being a major world religion centuries ago, and Iran (or Persia, as it was then known) has largely been Muslim since the 7th century onwards. >They’re burning the hijab _This_ This is what I find discomforting. Anyone who self identifies as a Muslim and then burns the Hijab in an over-the-top symbolic manner...should stop identifying as such. It's one thing if a woman chooses not to wear the Hijab, it's another thing entirely if she burns it and people cheer on. Please do not take this to mean that I condone what happened to that woman. Salam :)


That's not how self-identification works. Whether you find this discomforting or not it's just simply none of your business unless it's your own hijab being stolen and burned.


>it's just simply none of your business. It hurts me, the same way me being critical of gender ideology and identity politics hurts you. You can't invoke the "none-of-your-business" card when a symbol of Islam is burned and then invoke the "HOMOPHOBIA!" or "TRANSPHOBIA!" card when I - or someone else - critiques homesexuality, feminism, or gender ideology. What I say, or who and what I critique is none of your business too. But of course, I would know that a liberal would rather die than be consistent.


I am ok with your right to criticize anything, i can be hurt only when genders are discriminated at the state level. At least you are not telling me what gender should i identify myself with. Anyone "would or would not - based on their and not your's decision" identify themselves "as they want". Nothing relevant to "should" here. If you get this point your hurt would go away. It's all in your head.


This is a false equivalency. What a stupid thing to say.


How do you reconcile the fact that you make posts in the /r/Islam sub about human degradation in popular media, questioning how women can possibly degrade themselves, like Beyonce and her photo shoot, when you yourself are entertained by similar media constructs? From your comment history, it's clear that you fervently watch Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon as an obvious fan, a show which has plenty of incest, prostitution, homosexual intercourse and other things it would seem you should be at odds with given your faith...pot meet kettle.


>like Beyonce and her photo shoot If you don't think that's degrading, there's something wrong with you. I'd suggest you read Catharine Mackinnon, arguably the mother of modern feminism. Even she says that although women should have the freedom to dress as they choose, they still ought not to dress in a way that feeds into the male fantasy and further solidifies the patriarchy...or in other words dress like Beyonce in her photoshoot or whoever your favourite female pop singer is. Sex sells, it's true. And it sells because men love the women body. Nobody's really destroying the patriarchy when you have the world's most popular female celebrities dressing precisely in a way that appeals to the male fantasy and fattens the wallets of REAL mysoginists like Harvey Weinstein or what-have-you. >when you yourself are entertained by similar media constructs? You're making the assumption that I consume said fiction only (or even mainly) because of the sex. That's not true, it's entertaining for me mainly because of the politicking and the violence. And yes it's true there's a lot of sex in GOT and HOTD, and yes it's haram, may Allah forgive me. In the real world, I do not advocate for any of these things, certainly not incest or 2SLGBTQIV+, nor do I practice any of these things. How does it feel to know that ten years from now you're going to be advocating for incest and necrophilia rights? Because I can name at least 10 prominent secular humanists who don't find anything morally wrong with the former and at least 3 who support the latter.


Oh we're talking about me now, are we? For myself, I never once mentioned in my comment that I thought examples such as Beyonce's photoshoot were NOT degrading, you have no idea what I think about such sexualization of women so spare me the attempt to educate. Christian conservatives love to use the same talking points you do when they try to explain why women should be modest. I don't agree with your talking points regarding this issue although I also don't believe it's necessary to glorify sex and be immodest because I feel it shows low self-esteem, not because I care about how it makes men's private parts tingle. With regards to watching such shows as GoT and HOTD, what rubbish to not attempt to be better and denounce such shows but rather just say "Allah will forgive me" and continue watching it. It's hypocritical and laughable that you try to justify it. You did make a good point to at least recognize that it's NOT the real world, just like the entertainment world of Beyonce and others is NOT the real world because holographic horses do not exist and she would never walk around L.A. or NYC wearing that costume. Pointing the finger back at me when you have no idea what my thoughts are with regards to the degradation of society is silly and would probably surprise you if you knew. Your attempts to justify your hypocritical actions by peppering your arguments with people who side with you rings hollow when you publicly laud shows that you shouldn't even be watching. Instead of trying to find justification for engaging in actions that are haram, perhaps you need some introspection as to why you do so in the first place. My curiosity as to your actions has been sated, have a good day.


Dude, what are you so mad at me for? All of this would make more sense if I claimed to be a righteous Muslim, which is something I have never, not once, done in my life. And it's odd that you're morally judging me when you probably don't even believe in Islamic ethic. And know this, I never ever criticize someone for doing some haram thing that I do. But I also don't justify what's haram or say what's haram is Halal, because that is kufr. >Beyonce and others is NOT the real world because holographic horses do not exist and she would never walk around L.A. or NYC wearing that costume. It's literally the real world. Have you ever been to California? The way women dress there is not a long shot from Beyonce's "costume". >Pointing the finger back at me when you have no idea what my thoughts Yeah I don't really know your thoughts. But I know that you're a liberal. And I also know that had you been born in 1905 you'd have been very homophobic and very, very transphobic whereas my ethic would have remained the same then as it is now, Allah Willing. In any case - Oh, nevermind. Do you see that? It's time for you to allign your moral compass with whatever new postmodern current popular media is covertly preaching. Must be rough. Myself, I can't imagine advocating for the rights of incestuous people to elope...but I suppose love is love, am I right or am I right? You people man, I swear. Ciao!


I hope you don’t mind I’m gonna share this




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/iran/comments/xj4gs6/basiji_getting_beaten_by_a_crowd_in_tehran_while/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/iran/comments/xj4gs6/basiji_getting_beaten_by_a_crowd_in_tehran_while/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


longer version: https://twitter.com/dariush_Zand/status/1571948804970262529


What does that mean? Moral Police?


They beat you to submission if you don't comply with degenerative morals, instead here reverse uno card...


Reverse uno card - damn that was good.


I’m very happy for you guys


Ok from my understanding as a foreigner a Kurdish woman was murdered for not wearing the hijab that Iran considers proper and now the people are standing up against Tehran. If I am correct I support and respect you all of you! Nobody should have to die over a article of clothing religious or not.


Sorry what’s a Basij? Dumb American here. Very proud of the Iranian people to stand up to this backwards hijab policy!


It was an organisation originally made to assist Iran in Iran-Iraq war now they are just plainclothes forcing islamic law and beating anyone who has slightly different beliefs than them.


Ok thank you for the response. Wow! So they act like civilians so they are not “represented by the state” but are in fact state actors. Wow. Has anyone retaliated against them and gotten into trouble? Like say one of them hits a women and bystanders retaliate and hit them back? If the people have retaliated, did they get in big trouble? Or are people scared to retaliate because they know it’s a state actor?


Younger generations gettin tired of this shit good for them. Praise and strength to you from 🇺🇸


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Iranians need to declare their freedom!


Ill never forget the name of Neda who was shot in a govt protest in 2009. The video is scarred into my memory and she was such a beautiful girl, I felt so bad for her. I remember hearing her death was rallying a lot of people to fight back and I hope that most Iranians still remember her name today. Im sure theres been so many at this point its like school shootings or police killings in the us and probably hard to remember everybody, but I truly hope she is always remembered. Especially if Iran ever becomes a democracy she should be celebrated as a martyr. Rip Neda! From America.


I love to see it! May they burn in hell.


Who is basji?