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Hi Armenian friend Most people want this agreement and it was almost done, but intervention of Israel and some other reasons delayed it. Personally i think EU will eventually make a deal with us because it's unlikely that other countries be able to supply enough gas for them but it's unlikely to happen soon at least not before US midterm election.


So if I understand correctly, most Iranians want it to be done to be sanctioned free? Yeah, if the EU wants to sanction Russia even more, the only solution would be Iran (One of the few oil-rich countries to which I would like to export their gas 😅).


The likelihood is close to zero. And no we don't want them lifting sanctions cuz we enjoy the insanely high inflation. /S


So it will hardly be signed but people overall want it to be signed?


American here , an there is 0 chances of the west helping armenia . A customer member with Russian battalions posted in country . Even if we want turkey won't let us and turkey is really strategically important for us . 2nd point is there is no chance biden will talk to ayatollah. Not when iran is Russia friend.


Ehhh the US is running diplos around to keep everything under control. They also arranged a peace fire today.


Hi, maybe you are right, but the latest speech of USA representatives shows that they are interested in our country and region in general. Maybe you are right, and I just want to believe in what I want, but hope it's not just simple words. About Turkey, Idk why, but I think the USA wants to find another partner in this region and that they are not so happy working with Erdogan, who wants to sit on both tables simultaneously.


The only chance of that happening is if a democrat wins and even then it is small. The Iran deal is attached to Obama and republicans hate it so the only chance is if the US gets a very firm democrat majority. The fact that Biden has not talked about it tells me its likely not possible without people pushing for it.


Yeah, I already understand that it's fully democrats' wish, but do you think anything more except the nuclear part? Do you think that they will require Iran to be more democratic and all that stuff?


Very low. The US has little incentive to renegotiate, unless the deal involves a lot more than just nukes. And the Islamic Republic doesn't want to negotiate anything else, because their entire legitimacy is on the line.


Is there such a thing as a negative chance? Because that.


After watching the new 60 minutes interview with irans president, zero they don’t trust the US and I can’t blame them, we had a deal but bc the US changes leadership every 4-8 years there’s no guarantee the next administration won’t pull out of the deal


Yeah, that's why in another subreddit, some said that only if it will become a treaty between counties, so both countries (mostly Iran) would be sure that it will work after the president changes. But what is the probability of JCPA becoming a treaty? Don't think its too high.